Con Man

By tyr yut

Published on May 22, 2023


Disclaimer: Most events portrayed are fiction, while some are taken from the author's personal life. Please notify him in case you want to repost it/ publish it somewhere else. Any resemblance to any character living or dead is a matter of coincidence.

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"I guess I am still not as comfortable.. ", I said, closing the door.

"Oh? Says the guy who was about to commit some unspeakable acts huh?",

"Shut up!", I blushed and threw a pillow at him.

He came closer to me on the bed and looked at me.

"You still worried about mom... or maybe Trev has your attention?"

"Are they okay with me being here?"

"Of course they are! What makes you think otherwise?"

"I.. don't know"

"Hmmm.. I see... You have never been with someone.. a man specifically... In public right?"


"Then that solves that.."

"I guess... But hey! Don't blame me... It is just... It is my first time... With someone's family... And I am just confused... And.."

"Hey hey hey! just relax okay? No one comes into this room so we have all the privacy. Besides we can take it slow, no hurry on my part"


We held hands and laid on the bed, just listening to each other's breathing, under the pale moonlight from the window. Nothing was said between us and we came closer and snuggled together. It felt right, and somewhere I was forgetting that we were still at his house. My dick was stiffening and we made out... Gently this time. There was no hurry, no prying eyes, and no rush... We could just relax and be ourselves and indulge in one another.

"That was hot!", Ian said after some time.

"Very hot", I rubbed his hardness through his shorts and he moaned.

"Let us call it a night?"

"Without cumming?"

"You want to?"

"Nah!, let us just sleep"

We laid together in each other's arms, and it felt nice and warm. We pulled up covers and slept soundly, with him spooning me. It felt like a long time since I slept with someone. And I felt content and thankful for Ian. I lightly kissed his hand and muttered thanks and went to sleep again. It felt comforting to have someone by my side. It was morning before I knew and the unfamiliar surroundings caught me off guard, I then realized I was in Ian's room. I smiled a bit and looked outside. It still didn't feel that late, I looked at my phone and it was only half-past six. I wondered why I woke this early, perhaps I went to bed early, but I felt amazingly refreshed. I looked at Ian and he was hugging a pillow between his legs. I couldn't stop and found myself drawn towards his face, I caressed his hair and he looked beautiful. I knew I shouldn't let myself slip that readily, but I just couldn't help. I felt needy somewhere and last night... Well.. it made me feel complete in a way I was still coming to terms with. I didn't know what I was feeling with Ian now, but it was more intimate than normal friends. Did we start seeing each other to become... well. .. a couple? And I who was still not really completely gay... could I ever commit to being with a man? I found myself in a vortex of doubts, I withdrew from Ian and composed myself. I needed resolve to commit... And I really need to now... Or I doubt I will ever. And Ian... I didn't want to give him something that I might not completely give him... He had already had a rough past... Filled with nothing but agony and losses, and I swear I would never become a cause of it for him, even if I have to give away his friendship.

I looked outside and saw Ian's mom trimming the outgrown shrubs. I decided to meet her.

"Hey Max.. you up so early? Didn't get enough sleep?"

"No no... nothing of that sort... I usually do get up by 7 for work, more or less anyway hahaha"

"I see... So.. you came to talk about Ian?"

"How did.."

"I know? I knew from the moment you came here... Usually... When a man is distressed or finds himself unable to make decisions, do you know who is the first he goes to?"

"Who?" I asked

"He tries to search within him, first. Unable to do anything by himself he goes to his dearest friend. Unable to find anything there, he goes to more of his friends. When everything fails... He goes to his family, a sibling, maybe. And lastly, lastly does he go for his parents, as in the end, well, they are always a fallback for us all aren't they?"

I had nothing to say in response. She was correct through and through... But I managed a meek yes.

"And while I might not be your actual mom.. but I am still a mother of someone", she stopped trimming and looked at me. "I know you have a lot going on... You want to say and admit something, I don't know what that is... But just remember this... it is okay to be lost.. Take your time and work through it, Ian can wait. Afterall he has waited so long already... But this... This, You have to make through alone, for you yourself can."

I just stood in a mute stupor, how can she know what was in my mind?

"I am almost done here... Shall we go inside? I have to make breakfast too, and this time... I might do with some help", she looked at me and smiled. I bowed down and took her hands and thanked her profusely. We made a bunch of pancakes and french omelet, together with some fried bacon and fresh OJ. It was quite delightful to talk with someone as mature as her. I felt like a kid.. but in a good way. I reached Ian's room to call him for breakfast and saw that he was already up and in the shower. I peeked through the door and found him humming some song... Perhaps Irish? It certainly didn't seem English. I found myself lost in it somewhere as I sat on the bed, gazing at the window and the blue skies. It all sort of felt connected and when Ian came out with a towel around his waist, I just grabbed and hugged myself to him.

"Hey! Something wrong?"

"Shut up and let me hug you..", he tightened his arms around me and kissed my ears.

"And when do we kiss?"

I looked at his face, his hair drenched in water, still falling onto me, and we kissed. We kissed and kissed and kissed some more, I couldn't stop it. We eventually broke away with goofy grins plastering our faces.

"That was.. Quite a good morning stud!... And I can get used to it" he said before ensnaring me in his arms. I couldn't do anything so we just hugged and wrestled a bit on the bed, his towel came off midway and we snogged, as English people say that. His cock was poking mine as we were both hard and antsy from not having done anything sexual the night before.

"We don't have time for it now do we?" Ian asked

"Perhaps not?" Oh shit! I totally forgot why I came here... Your mom is waiting for us downstairs"

"Bummer..", he said and gave me a quick peck and I apparently blushed.

"You look good when all red, let us see if we can make it even redder", he said and gave me quick pecks on eyes and nose... And whatever else he could reach. I blushed even redder and he giggled. "Let us go babe!", he said as we made our way to the kitchen downstairs.

"Oh yeah.. and before I forget.. what were you singing there in the bathroom?"


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