Con Man

By tyr yut

Published on May 5, 2023


Disclaimer: Most events portrayed are fiction, while some are taken from the author's personal life. Please notify him in case you want to repost it/ publish it somewhere else. Any resemblance to any character living or dead is a matter of coincidence.

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Needless to say, the next day was pure chaos. I woke up late at 12, as I had not slept the entire night. After the daily chores were done, I checked my phone. It was already 3. There were also a few messages from Thomas and Ian. I was surprised that Ian would actually send me one, but it would have been more surprising if he didn't send any. I opened the message in a frenzy, all these tingly feelings of anticipation that kept me restless the night before, broke loose again as I clicked open. The message was short, but to me, it spoke volumes. "Can't wait to introduce you ;D". I am sure my mind was in a whirlwind, the implications could be anything starting from more benign, as in introduction as a friend, to being introduced as a `boyfriend'. I was still struggling to accept the fact that I would even want a boyfriend, but in my heart, I knew if there was ever going to be one, Ian would fit the description very well. I was still not as comfortable to have a boyfriend around me, or be one, but being friends was something I could easily deal with.

On any other occasion, I would have just put on my casuals and gone out. But the chance of meeting his family added a certain gravity which I hadn't considered before, and I found myself dressing up in a nice fitting shirt and a pair of newly bought jeans and shoes. Accepting that I looked okay, more to myself than to anyone else, I checked the phone again. There were no messages. I sighed, locked the room, and went to my car in the parking. The ride to his house was straightforward. I kept glancing at my phone. Finally, there was a message from him. "You coming?" I realized that I hadn't responded to his previous one, which would throw doubts over whether I would actually come or not. `Fuck me', I thought. I immediately typed "On the way", and almost immediately got a reply, "Waiting...". With all the doubts now cleared, and every fear vanquished, I finally reached his home after a seemingly long journey.

It was nothing spectacular if you were thinking that. In fact, it appeared quite old on the outside. There was a large garden in the front and the house itself was small. But not to be shaken by appearances, I leaped out of my seat towards the main gate. I suddenly realized I was nervous. Nervous about the self-image I will be creating, and what will they think of me, questions like this or that kept coming up. They say the first impression is most effective. What if I failed somewhere? What if they think negatively of me after seeing me? And more importantly, did I wanna back out at this point? Certainly not, I thought. I was hesitant to step forward and equally hesitant to step back, for I knew once I stepped back, I would keep going back. Why was I getting so nervous? And when was the last time I felt like this? I stood there, at the same place, and to some random passerby, I would have appeared a complete idiot.

Ian somehow saw me and opened the gate. Bearing an amazing grin, he stepped towards me and hugged me and whispered: "I am glad you came". Once again, I was at a loss of words. And somehow, Ian appeared more handsome today than he did yesterday, I wondered how? He seemed more confident and less shy. I suppose it was because he was at his home. He was followed by, what I assumed to be, his brother. And damn! what an eye-catcher they both were. My attention remained arrested on him until Ian broke me out of it. His brother just grinned and Ian made way for me. Was I already losing my hold?, I wondered. But I admit that Ian's brother was hot. He was still not as tall as him, but he was sturdier of the two, a result, which can be either attributed to gym or sports. I was worried about making my best first impression, and I thought I was already losing the battle.

The front garden was immaculately maintained, perhaps by a gardener. The outgrowing shrubberies near the wall and a sweet pond at the side was a sight to behold. Ian was the first to speak. "Welcome home Max!, I hope you like it?", the statement, of course, caught me off guard, perhaps due to the double implication of the word home.

"Yeah, it is sweet!"

"I suppose introductions are on their way... My brother Trevor", he motioned at his brother.

We shook hands, and Trevor passed me a warm smile. He looked almost like his brother, as I said.

"And you must be Max?", Trev said to which I nodded.

"Ian has told me many things about you, one of which is that you were quite good looking, and seeing you myself, I can attest to that". Now, I hadn't thought about Trevor being gay or bi, but the implications of his last statement were rather far-reaching. But again, good-looking is a normal compliment, I guess I was really losing track here. And more to the real question, what other things had Ian told him about me?

"You aren't too bad looking yourself, Trev. Must be in the family I guess", I motioned at Ian who passed me a big smile.

"Maybe.. Or maybe you have an eye for beauty", I actually blushed at that.

Just then, a woman came out through the front door. "I see that our guest for the evening is here", she said. Must be Ian's mother, I presumed. She was maybe in her mid-50s if I were to guess, but had definitely maintained herself. She made her presence felt, as Ian and Trev immediately stopped. "And she is Michelle, my mom"

"Good to see you, ma'am"

"Call me Michelle, no ma'am or miss, those are for strangers, and this evening today, by its end will see you as our new family member I hope"

"Exactly my intention", Ian chimed in.

"Let us get inside, it is quite chilly today", said Trev

"And I might just have a remedy for that", Michelle said proudly.

"Yeah yeah! Now let us get inside", Trev said, pushing Michelle and Ian inside and then looked at me and asked, "You coming?"

"Of course, wouldn't want to freeze outside now," I said rubbing my hands, "By the way what is this remedy your mom was talking about?"

"Oh, that? You will know soon. Now hurry up and get in man, I am freezing here"

The house was small but had more than enough room for 3 with a guest. It was quite warm inside, and I saw some old photos of Trev and Ian wrestling and then a photo of Ian and his dad, I suppose, with fishing rods in hands bearing big goofy grins. Then there were photos of the same man and Michelle on a beach, and a family photo with Ian holding Michelle's hand, while his dad held Trev in his arms. How tough it must have been since his dad left? I felt a hand on my shoulder and saw Ian looking at me and then the wall. "Let us go", he whispered. I followed him silently to the living hall where we all settled down and Michelle went into the kitchen. It smelled terrific and I wondered what might be cooking tonight.

We talked about my profession, Ian told me about his childhood and Trev, while Trev responded occasionally when asked, but otherwise remained engrossed in his phone.

"I hope you will like dinner", Michelle said smiling from across us, in the kitchen.

"If smell is anything to go by, I would say you were making a stew?"

"Yes of course! Oh dear me!, Do you cook often Max?"

"Mostly, I prefer to have a homemade meal. Nothing as good as that"

"Can't disagree", Ian replied

Michelle came out of the kitchen and sat beside us.

"So Max, what do you do for work?"

"Currently I work in IT sector, under a prestigious firm"

"That is good!, And... you are still single?"

"Well, as single as singles go", all of us broke into laughter.

"Good one mate, but mom, I would rather you not make him any more uncomfortable.. Please?"

"Am I making you uncomfortable dear?"

"Nothing like that, on the contrary, I am quite enjoying myself"

"I am pleased. So, do your parents live nearby?"

"No, they live in Germany, my dad wanted to go there and so his company sent him off"

"In Germany? That is quite a way away"

"It has been three years, but I have gotten used to it mostly"

"I see, and.. You have any siblings"

I smiled and said, "No, I am the only one".

"I see"

"But let me ask you one thing, what is the secret behind that fantastic garden I saw outside. Believe me, I have never seen such a beauty in a long time"

"You certainly have an eye for beauty gentleman. The garden you see is a result of my hard work. I look after it ever since we moved here"

"You mean.. everything?"

"Everything.. hard to believe right? That is our mom for you." Trev said triumphantly.

"Enough...", Michelle said and blushed. After a while she said,

"Ian told me he told you about his father right?"

"Yes, we were talking the other day and he did tell me about him"

"Now, please don't think badly of him... He was and still is a wonderful man. But I am sure Ian didn't tell you he had an illness did he?"


"He was ill, in the brain. He said that he didn't remember us... Now you tell me how is that possible if he was all perfectly well?"

"Mom..", Ian interrupted.

"You tell me Max, is it possible for a man to forget his own family? I am sure he has.. What you call it.. Amnesia yes!"

"Mom.. enough about that.", Trev said

"Max? Tell me?"

"I .. that is a possibility"

"See?, Didn't I tell you Ian, Trev?", Ian mumbled sorry and took his mom to the kitchen.

"I am sorry Max.. she gets like this sometimes. Must be because you mentioned your dad"

"Did your dad really lost his memories?"

"That is just something mom made up to console herself", "Ian once went to him and he beat him away.. And mom saw that.. Ever since that day she keeps telling herself the same thing that he has lost his mind and he is sick"

"You mean he is not?"

"Does it look like that? How can a sick person immediately start dating some woman and have a new family?? TELL ME!... Sorry, I didn't mean to.."

"It is okay Trev... I .. just don't know what to say", just then Ian came out and apologized.

"Hey.. don't blame yourself.. It is okay really", I came over and hugged him. "Thank you", he whispered.

"It is almost dinner time, guys, go wash your hands. Trevor, I need some help here!"

Dinner was one spectacular affair. I actually took the stew a third time, it was just that tasty, along with lamb chops and arugula salad, it was terrific.

"Dinner is really very good, thank you, Michelle"

"What else can you expect from my' mom huh?" Ian said with a smirk. I just laughed and finished my plate. Dessert was a very well made carrot cake and it complimented the dinner fabulously. I kept praising the cook', and decided to help clean up in the kitchen.

"You go and spend the night with Ian, Trevor can help me here", and almost immediately Trevor came with a bunch of plates. He motioned to Ian who was standing outside.

"What's with the long face?"


"There is something in this nothing today. And before you ask, yes! I loved everything tonight. And no need to apologize or anything ok?.. Come, let us sit out for a while"

It was quite cold outside, but not unbearably so. The occasional sounds of crickets filled with some small tinkling of utensils from the kitchen and cool breeze relaxed me after a sumptuous dinner. Ian too looked drowsy and leaned onto my shoulder. I grabbed his waist and pushed myself closer for warmth.

"It feels good", he said.

"You bet it does. I can't remember the last time I had dinner with my family, but tonight once again reminded me how good it is to have that, and I have to thank you for that"

"Glad you enjoyed it", he said and gave me a quick peck.

"What will your mom say if she saw that?"

"Nothing.. She knows I am gay, remember?"

"And what about Trev?"

"What about him?", he looked at me with a smile on his face, and in the pale moonlight outside, he looked so stunning that I couldn't resist and kissed him full on lips. The kiss lingered for, I don't know how long until we were interrupted by Trev. "Geez! Get a room guys! Seriously in the front yard?". I blushed a deep red and Ian was just... Ian. He ruffled Trev's hair and we went to his room.

Next: Chapter 7

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