Con Man

By tyr yut

Published on Apr 19, 2023


Disclaimer: Most events portrayed are fiction, while some are taken from the author's personal life. Please notify him in case you want to repost it/ publish it somewhere else. Any resemblance to any character living or dead is a matter of coincidence.

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One day I decided to talk with Thomas about it. He too was single, and while he was still not as old as me, he understood what I was going through and helped me as best as he could. I told him that I was done with one night stands, all that bullshit, I was through that. I wanted someone who I could see every morning and night, someone I could really confide in, someone I could share my goods and bads with. Not just someone I could get off with and possibly never meet again?

"I understand that feeling Max, you must be feeling lonely right?"

"I do, everyday... I think with the things going as they are, I might remain a bachelor forever"

"Being single is not bad.. And besides, look at you.. You are still good looking, I bet if you really tried, you could get the right girl or guy in a jiffy, what is the big deal?"

"I guess.. And yeah I also get being single is not that bad.. But I think it is time to end this"

"You mean..."

"Yeah!, I really need a life partner now... but most people I meet just aren't interested"

"Look, you really need to be patient with that stuff, most people would hesitate giving a commitment, and it is just not girls, even guys.. But I guess guys do prefer being single for longer"

"You say as if I don't know or haven't tried. I tried befriending a girl before, but she said that I was not her type. I get that rejections are a part of it. I tried befriending a guy too, but he didn't reply to my calls. After a few days, his number was gone.."

"That is too... unfortunate?"

"Mock me all you want, but I guess being married is not for me. I have tried and failed. Isn't it better to not have even tried at all?"

"Okay, tell me more about that guy you met. You know I have no interest in the girls?"

"He was one of the regulars on one of the web chat sites I frequented. I looked at his profile, and it seemed interesting. I won't go into details, but..."

"I want the story in full, I need you to trust me, can you do that?"

"Fine. I looked at what he was into, which included roleplaying- the obvious ones, dad and son, coach and the jock, student teacher, experienced in all sorts of sex play, dislikes bondage. Particularly interested in older men, but not too old. That is what his profile said, he was a good looking guy, perhaps 24-27. I didn't ask his age, by the way."

"I see, that is why.."

"That is why what?"

"He was still too young, I guess he mistook your offer of friendship as something else. If he was a prostitute, or escort , he would want a wall between his clients and friends. Another factor may be that he wrote interested in older men in his profile, just to make easy cash. I mean, in gay world, it is a known fact that it is always older guys who pay the most. Maybe he didn't want your companionship, and instead of rejecting it outright, he just blocked you? A completely different, yet viable option was that maybe he was straight? I have heard of straight guys, who are strictly tops only, offerings services to gay people. Maybe he didn't want to go too much into gay scene and avoided contacting you. Looking for reasons, there can be plenty of others. Why don't we start looking at guys, who are closer to you in age?"

"Yes, let us do that"

"Now that we are so into it.. Let us give this mission a name.."

"It isn't that big of a deal as for you to call it a mission"

"You need some humour my friend, but let us get you married first"

"Now we are talking, but by the way, I was wondering whether you also...?"

"I want to stay single for now, and besides.., I am already seeing someone.."

"What? And you didn;t even tell me? And here I am sharing one of my most intimate insecurity with you"

"Haha, It wasn't that long ago by the way, Let us discuss more during the drive"

"Where are we going?"

"You will see"

I didn't know where Thomas was taking me, I knew the city well enough, but the knowledge that I had absolutely no idea where I was going or what this night might bring added fear and excitement in me. Fear of the unknown, and excitement for the same. The bright road lights dazzling the streets and the party-colored shop signs whizzed past us, as we headed forward, to where, I didn't know. But I knew this much that this night would bring forth something good, people call it with different names, intuition, gut feeling, among others. My relationship with Thomas was strictly platonic if one was wondering about that, we had never engaged in any sexual act whatsoever. I was just as glad to have his companionship as he was with me.

We stopped outside a place I didn't recognize at first. I was confused and Thomas might have sensed it as he stepped out of the car and lit a Marlboro, offered me one, which I took. He knew that I needed to ease a bit. It helped, and I too stepped out of the car and we went inside.

"It is a restaurant in the day, and a bar at night. What do you say? Awesome isn't it?"

I just nodded. The concept was nothing new, but what caught my attention was how open everyone was. There were some straight people engaged in a passionate liplock, some gay guys and girls involved in an extremely erotic make out session. I was both aroused and excited. I asked Thomas why he hadn't told me about the place before.

"Duh.. you never asked"

"How many times you been here?"

"This is my second time.. You know how I don't like straight men? Part of reason I don't come here often..I would make a trade off today if it makes you happy, but a word of caution.., if you are looking for a long term partner, don't approach straight guys. They are off the list. You get it?", I nodded.

"Good, now let us enjoy the night..and beer.. And some good company"

The ambience was relaxing and soothing, and I soon I found myself becoming a part of it. I met with a guy, he looked about the same age as me, and we chatted a bit, just some trivial details about this and that. He was good looking, and there was a certain manner in which he ended his sentences, which reminded me of some Irish movies I had seen. I can't explain it, much less imitate it, but it was quite cute to hear. He asked me if I was gay. I said no, and that I was bi. I asked whether he was gay. He said that he was, and that he had tried sex with women, but realized that wasn't for him. I nodded and we talked a bit more before he asked whether I would like to dance with him. The music area was not that crowded, and being a bit on the shyer side as far as dance was concerned, I hesitated a bit, but quickly overcame that and nodded a yes. He took my hand, which I liked. I realized I liked being led a bit more than taking the lead myself. The music was slow and sensuous, the tempo was neither fast nor slow. We were slightly buzzed, but not too much, as we moved in rhythm to the music and each other. He was a good dancer, and hell, anyone was a better dancer than me. I was a bit clumsy, I admit, but he either didn't care, or didn't show. We were there to just enjoy each other and that is what we did, knowing how to dance good was immaterial. I soon found a bit of confidence as I grabbed his waist and moved closer, he put his hands on my shoulders.

His breath was hot, and minty, and then suddenly, before I realized it, we were kissing each other in a frenzy. I was hard as our crotches rubbed against each other and I could feel his growing erection, as I am sure he felt mine. I opened my eyes and glanced around a bit and saw a guy who was looking at us, while he was still making out with his girlfriend perhaps?, I was buzzed and didn't care much and resumed kissing Ian. I forgot to mention his name before, for which I should apologise. Ian Hart, his full name was. But even as I was kissing Ian, the man from before continued to look at us. No.. he was specifically looking at me as I was the one facing him. But why? Was this act making him hot too? I wouldn't doubt that, but as our glances met, there was something I knew, but it was not anything that I could explain in words. If Ian was handsome, this guy looking at me was almost as good looking as him, even slightly better maybe. He looked at me and then turned his head away.

I was confused, but was too lost in the moment to give any conscious heed to the unknown man, who had piqued my interest in a nearly tangible way. We continued to dance for several more minutes, there was no haste, we had all night to ourselves, tomorrow was a weekend anyway. For the first time in a long time, I felt relaxed and at ease. As we sat back, Ian told me how good a dancer I was, and bold, he added with a grin. I just blushed and he laughed away. I knew I am not a good dancer, but appreciated that he had realized my efforts. Perchance, I glanced around and found the same man talking with the girl beside her, who stood and left. He muttered something and sat back and glanced around till our gazes met. He quickly turned away and after looking at something in his phone he left.

Ian and I talked a bit more, neither of us was in any hurry to initiate anything sexual, and nor did any of us want it, not for now at least. He told me where he was living, and in a city which is as small as where we lived, it was no problem meeting each other frequently. We exchanged our contacts and emails, hoping to see each other the next day too.

"Well, that was something now, wasn't it?", it was Thomas.

"I hope so.. How were you by the way? I didn't see you anywhere around"

"Maybe you could see me if your eyes left him", for the second time, I was speechless around him.

"Erhhmm.. It is getting late, should we head back?"

"Let us do that"

I was optimistic about tonight's venture, but I couldn't get the image of that unknown man out of my mind.

P.S.: Suggestions/ Constructive criticism is appreciated by the author. Lastly, please stay safe and avoid gathering in crowded areas. Maintain hygiene and together we can beat Covid-19.

Next: Chapter 5

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