Con Man

By tyr yut

Published on Apr 19, 2023


Disclaimer: Most events portrayed are fiction, while some are taken from the author's personal life. Please notify him in case you want to repost it/ publish it somewhere else. Any resemblance to any character living or dead is a matter of coincidence.

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No, things didn't go further with Steve. I remembered he told me that he came out to his family shortly after. I knew he would have to and was glad that he was finally free to be himself. He and Sofie broke up amicably. I don't know much about her, but given what Steve had told me, I knew she would do good. Last I heard from him a couple months ago, he told me that he was dating a guy named Brian. He told me much about him, most of the content being irrelevant to the story here. However, one thing that stood out was that they both loved each other. I looked at his facebook post and I was surprised. Brian was a total hunk, and I was surprised that Steve actually preferred his type, because I remember distinctly how he once told me that he likes guys with smooth and toned bodies, not beefy. I guess preferences do change after some time. Also it may be that the guy absolutely adored him, maybe he was hot in bed? Anyway, I digress.

It had been two years now that I was sleeping on and off with random guys and chics. The internet porn was my main go to when I was horny, in extreme cases I would hit gay or straight clubs depending on whom I wanted to spend the night with. My buddy Tom was straight, and although not homophobic, I was discreet to avoid my interest in guys. Tom was not in my hot' list, so it worked fine. We would go together in straight clubs and were instantly hit by girls, some pretty young. I once asked the age of a girl I presumed to be under 20. I was shocked slightly, to learn that she was 16 and working as a regular prostitute. I asked her why she was working there when in fact she should probably be going to school, "Sometimes, you gotta do what you gotta do" she said and laughed and then downed a glass full of cheap alcohol. I had seen plenty of underage girls selling their bodies for the pleasure of men, some even as young as fourteen, and they all had their own reasons, but this girl seemed to be doing it of her own free will.., or was she?. It was not in my principles to spend night with people who were under legal age, driven by reason, or choice or whatever, to work in these night clubs, so I decided to not go for her and politely declined, but she was indeed pretty. Tom was not that hesitant and instantly jumped up and took her to bed. I wasn't surprised, he preferred younger girls anyway. My only friend, who knew that I shared some interest in the same sex was Javier. He was married and had a kid. We worked in the same company, and he had once told me that he enjoyed sex with men as much as he did with women. "If I had found a guy, I really loved, I would have married him instead, but I am pretty happy with Janice", he said once while we were cruising the gay club. I was then compelled to ask, "Would that have bothered your parents?", He laughed and shrugged, and said, "Maybe, or maybe not. My dad doesn't outwardly show he is homophobic, but I know he is. My mother, though, has a few gay friends, women of course, and she occasionally hangs out with the lot of them. She says that it is nice for a change of air, once in a while. I don't know how my life would be if I chose a guy as my life partner. It could be worse, but if I really liked the guy, I would put aside everything for him. But these are just assumptions aren't they?, what ifs.. Truth is, no one knows what would happen if we chose to take a path different from the one we are walking. They are all what ifs, and we can make them take whatever shape we want, afterall, it is human nature to condemn what they have and think in retrospect, what if we did that' and not `this'. What ifs are all they are...", I pondered over this, for a while. It was different from the casual conversations I used to have with Javier, the deep implications seemed to suggest something, which would have been almost imperceptible, were it not for the fact that I saw Javier brooding over the beer glass set on the table. Did something happen in his past? Or did he have a male lover he abandoned? Or did he regret getting married before exploring everything? Maybe I was overthinking.

Javier still looked a bit lost. He then got up and said that he could no longer be there. I asked him what was wrong, but he just got up and left. It would be another year before Javier told me about the `incident'. I didn't pry further, because whatever it was had to come out on its own and at the right time.

One night stands were fine, I casually slept with anyone who seemed `nice'.. Who am I kidding? I slept with anyone that was available. It caused me a problem twice, though. Both times it was with a guy. One time, a guy broke his rubber while he was still in me. I panicked and quickly lost my mood and temper. I nearly threw the guy out, but managed to maintain a veil of decency. He quickly exited the house. Had it been someone stubborn, or dangerous, I could have been raped. I was lucky, and now that I think back in retrospect, I could have handled things a bit better, it wasn't the guy's fault that the rubber broke, and he was decent enough to even tell me. I didn't meet him again, but vouched mentally to apologise if I saw him again.

One reason I got paranoid was because I had heard a story of a few guys who were positive, and intentionally broke the condom during intercourse, with the obvious intention of making the other guy positive too. They were all rumours though, but one can never be too cautious, I thought. The story legitimately instilled a fear in me from sleeping with random guys. The story was posted as a subthread in one of the main threads in reddit, I remember. The guy would then laugh when the other guy would call him and told him that he had become positive. It was scary, and more inhuman than scary. Of course, as a consequence I got tested. Fortunately I was safe this time. I insisted on more protection from that point on.

The other incident though, was a different story. It was again with a guy. I was visiting the gay club as usual with Thomas, one of my openly gay friends. He is very outgoing, not one of those flamboyant types of guys, but a bit on a talkative side. He is also very generous and good natured. How I met him, would take this story on a different trajectory, I would leave that for later. There I met Lee, he was very beefy and obviously worked out. I had a rule to not go with people who are stronger than me. I work out myself, but I couldn't say that I could win one on one with this guy, if something worse happens, just in case. That night, call it booze, or his persuasion, I decided to forego the rule and went with him to his apartment. First mistake. During the car trip he perfectly hid his intentions, just like he had at the club, either that or I was really drunk to not notice his advances. Either way, we had arrived at his apartment, and being the gentleman he was, he opened the gate to let me enter first, and then he entered. He bolted the door from inside and quickly started to fondle my cock and ass. I was able to normally contain my liquor, but I was getting too tipsy suddenly. It was later that I realized that he had mixed some drug in my drink.

I was unable to resist him, and he kept saying that he had landed upon a prized `virgin pussy, he would love to ram his cock in'. I was not only shocked, but also aroused at his talk. His ass grabbing increased in fervour and he started to lick my neck and my ear saying that he would keep my ass stuffed all night, and that he was sure that my ass would love his cock as much as it did my ass. He unbuttoned me, and in a flash, I was naked with this hunk of man towering over me, like a prey on a predator. His cock was larger than the largest that I had seen, both in girth and length and his balls were just as magnificent. Two perfect fuzzy sets, nestled in a patch of neatly trimmed blonde fuzz. He looked menacingly at me before jumping in bed and kissing me wildly while his other hand found my ass as he kept pushing his thick fingers inside, until my hole finally gave way and he entered. He moaned, "So tight.. Gonna snap my digits in half", he said, before resuming to push his finger in and out. I was set alight with lust and needed to get off and grabbed his cock which he pushed away from me with a jerk. "I am so hot that I might just cream without touching, but not before I fuck that hole. Fuck.. look at that pussy sucking my digits, so pretty", he said as a matter of fact and then I felt his beard at my back. He sniffed a bit and moaned. "Just how I like it.. Mm..", he said before licking twice, then thrice and before long he was rimming me like a starved person. His tongue probing to enter, my ass resisting every attempt at intrusion. I should mention that I had been a top for most of my one night stands so I was really tight back there.

I moaned involuntarily and that is when he turned into a real animal. He pushed two digits in, I tried to scream, but he put his hands over my mouth. I was not able to do much. He pushed a third finger in, added some lube to my hole and started to lube himself. I was sure that I wouldn't be able to walk straight after having his dick in me. But he was unstoppable. I tried to resist, but that only excited him more. "Stop your whining bitch.. That pussy needs filling, and I am gonna do just that", and just like that, he was pushing his thick head in me. My ass resisted a bit but gave in eventually eliciting a loud moan from my tormentor, as if claiming a victory over an almost lost battle.

"Fuck.. this is the tightest ass I have had in months.... gonna ram this hole so good.. So hot girl...", he said as he pushed deeper, A muffled scream escaped my mouth, which just made him tighten his grip, ordering me not to make too much noise. He kept pushing and pushing until I felt his pubic hair brush against my ass. He let out a sigh. He was so big that I could feel him inside me, and every movement he made was perceptible. He must not have jerked off for a few days because only after one or two thrusts, he was releasing a torrent of jizz in me. His bulbous head kept hitting my prostate and pushing his semen still deeper. He gradually relaxed, "That was sweet.. Fucking hell, the best orgasm I had in a long time.. ", he kissed me passionately from behind while grinding his still hard weapon inside me. "Won't be long before your second breeding baby! Fuck you got daddy so hot.. And this pussy feels too good wrapped around my cock.. Look at those puffy pussy lips baby... they are sucking my cock so good" He said before he began grinding and rotating his dick inside me again. He began fucking again and lasted for a good time. His hand was still over my mouth even though I had long lost the urge to scream.

He finally creamed inside me again and exhausted from successive sex, fell asleep. I passed out shortly after, my ass leaking cum. I woke in the middle of night as I felt something, and realized that he had put his dick in my ass again. "You awoke baby?.. I am sorry but daddy's dick needed some relief.. and your pussy looked tempting enough" he said as he thrust deeper, his balls resting on my ass. This time, I let him fuck me clenching my ass on his hard cock, milking him to get this over with quickly. "Fuck girl, you sure have a prime pussy... I can't get enough of it.. Gonna nut soon if you continue doing that" It wasn't long that he had released a good load in me again.

I was rudely woken up with a cock in me. I was tired, exhausted and even more frustrated, but felt helpless against this guy who had been practically raping me since last night. I didn't get off except for the first time he fucked me. I was hard and started stroking myself, thinking that it would at least provide some distraction from the destruction of my ass. He pulled my hands away, saying that his bitches always come after him. I was really angry and wanted to go home. I felt abused, and realized that while I initially did like the idea of subjugation to this hunk, it was not something I would try for a very long time. He fucked me for a long time. "Daddy's cock is where it belongs now... deep in that sweet cunt of you girl... Best pussy ever.. Fuck!.. " he said as he had his orgasm, his huge monster still embedded deep in me, gyrating the cum, pushing it deeper. He laid exhausted on the bed, my ass leaking his cum. "Thanks man.. I really needed that. I hope you know your way out.?. I have to go to office" he said as he looked at me. I was not even angry now, I just picked up my clothes, got dressed and left. Eventually though,I did reach home, though I had to take a day off from work as I was really not able to walk properly. I looked at my ass in the mirror in the bathroom, and it was slightly bruised. There was no bleeding, but I felt sharp pain while dumping. This continued for several days. I didn't meet the man again, as I didn't go to the club I first met him, and I didn't meet him in any club where I usually went. His pretense that I was a girl suggested that he might be straight and looking for a quick release? I don't know how many other victims he claimed after that, but I was a bit disturbed by this incident. I admit that the idea excited me initially, but I felt very used afterwards and concluded that I would not try S and M for a long time.


Next: Chapter 4

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