Con Man

By tyr yut

Published on Apr 19, 2023


Disclaimer: Most events portrayed are fiction, while some are taken from the author's personal life. Please notify him in case you want to repost it/ publish it somewhere else. Any resemblance to any character living or dead is a matter of coincidence.

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I didn't believe in love at first sight, not for me anyways, as for the most part they ended up as strong urges to be with the person but urges were all that they were, for there was nothing permanent to be found there.

I had been living a pretty solitary life for the most part since my 30s. I never considered myself gay or straight, I think bi would be nearest in describing me best. I liked to suck and lick pussy as much I liked giving or taking a rimjob, I liked to fuck an ass as much as I liked to fuck a cunt. I guess I was still waiting for that `someone', with whom I could spend my life with.

I guess, I had my first major crush on Tina. A girl that I thought I could get to know better. We both were in the same club in college, and it started from there. I gave many hints to show my interest, but fearing outright rejection, I tried to be as discreet as possible. Either it became too much for her, or she simply got bored because; eventually, she did reach out to me, and politely turned me down. "You are a good guy Max, but.. I am already seeing someone else. I should have told you sooner", she said something along those lines. I replied something along the lines of "It is okay, I understand, and I didnt mean to press myself so much on you", I don't remember the rest, my mind was in too much turmoil to think coherently. As a matter of fact, I later found out that she was indeed dating a certain someone from her school. A real tragedy for me, I thought.

Now, don't get me wrong, I did date a few girls in college, but they were not Tina, and however much I tried to find someone, it all failed. I graduated college, my parents were happy, so was I as I got a good job. But my sex life was nothing to write home about. A dull and bleak poem of pathos, heartbreak and death.

During some time later, we had a school reunion party. I met many of my old friends who I had partly forgotten about, some of whom I didn't even remember names, it was pretty embarrassing to be honest. I had ventured into gay sex pretty early in my life, but since last five years I had been completely devoid of that. I was completely engrossed in either studies or dating girls or both, but I had zero mm encounters, not even a simple blowjob trade.

Coming back, so I was at this reunion party where I met Steve. I knew him from middle school and I used to have many sleepovers at his house, just a boisterous pair of boys seeking excitement in the humdrum of life. Nothing sexual happened between us, that is until we were in the last year of our middle school. During sleepovers, I usually slept on the floor on the spare mattress that his parents had put in the room specifically for that, but I remember distinctly that night he was kind of fidgety, as if he wanted to get something out, but was extremely nervous. I understood because by that time I had found myself in the same situation many times over. I asked him what was the matter and that I knew something was bothering him. He just shrugged it off and told him that he was nervous about something else, and that it shouldn't bother me.

It was getting late so after drinking milk and eating cookies, we went for bed. His mom made fabulous cookies by the way, I was definitely a fan of her cooking and told her so on many occasions. When we returned, Steve was still uneasy. I asked him if anything was wrong and put my arms across his shoulder. He finally told me that he thinks he might be gay. Now that I think about this encounter, it was quite funny actually. He told me that he was gay, as if he had killed someone, or was having some dreadful disease. But that time, we were quite serious. I didn't really know how to react so I casually said that it was okay with me and as long as he wants to keep it under wraps, I would help him. He asked if he had done anything with another boy. I replied that I hadn't. "You should try it sometime, it is not much different from a girl" I wasn't sure, but my excitement and dick made the choices easier. We slowly brought our lips together, and honestly, it was the hottest and sweetest kiss I had had so far. His tongue slowly parted my lips and it was sweet with cookie sugar, I hungrily swallowed it and kissed him with passion I didn't know I had in me.

His hand found my throbbing member and gently stroked it. I moaned in his mouth and looked in his eyes which were closed. I was so horned up that I flipped him on his bed and smothered him with kisses, on his face, neck and stomach, my dick was hardest it had ever been and oozing precum like never before. I involuntarily reached his dick and squeezed it through his shorts, the feeling was amazing. It was so much like when I touch my own, but yet it was different. We ended up jerking each other off and 69ing, I won't go into many details as this is not the main plot. Suffice to say, that we had plenty experience pleasuring each other. I was taken aback to see him at the reunion, but then was I seriously not expecting him?

I went up to take some food and meet some of my rugby teammates, hoping to catch his attention. But there was NONE, none at all. I was disappointed. What I thought would be a very hot night, was now beset with nothing but cold winds and rains. The rest of the night was pretty uneventful, partly because of my spoilt mood, and partly because I saw that Steve was actually introducing a very hot babe as his fiance, I don't know who I was more jealous of, Steve or that girl?

I drank myself senseless and boarded a cab to my hotel. Whatever is there that a good amount of booze can't subdue? I thought that I would sleep as soon as I hit the sack, but there was no sleep for me. I was angry, confused and irritated by Steve and I couldn't sleep. The ultimate remedy which I thought alcohol would be, had given up on me. It might be five minutes when I hit bed that I heard a knock on my door. Bewildered, as to who it might be at this odd hour, I woke up abruptly and walked to the door. It was Steve. My rage flared once again. I opened the door, my disappointment must have been palpable because as soon as he entered he began muttering apologies which all fell on deaf ears. He took hold of my hand and looked in my eyes, a look that I remembered all too well, that said that he was uneasy.

"Max, I really didn't mean to do what I did, but I have a lot of things going on in my life" I eased a bit because this was not all about me. I must hear what he has to say. And he looked really pale. I came and sat near him.

"I can tell that.. So, what are you so upset about?" "Look.. you know how I am more on the.. Gayer side than straight?" "Yeah.. and I also know that you are going to marry?" "I umm.. Yeah... I mean.. I don't know man, to be honest it went pretty fast, we were dating first, and then it suddenly went deep.. But now.. I don't know. I wanted to accept that I was normal, so I started seeing girls, having sex with them, dating them. Then I met Sofie, and I thought that she might be one. We met through a mutual friend and really liked each other from the start. She is a really beautiful person, I could see it in her. She stays positive even in the most challenging times, she is strong minded, and really outgoing, makes friends easily... But I don't know whether I can really give all of myself to her. I can try, but that would not be what comes naturally to me. I mean.. I"

"It is okay Stevo, I understand", I said putting my arms across his shoulder. "Maybe you need some space for the time being to really know whether you want to go through with it to the end? I am no expert in counseling, mind you, but I think it would be best if you two go forward only after you are fully committed. Maybe try talking to her, maybe she will understand, maybe she won't, but it would clear things"

"I knew I could count on you Max, and I am sorry for avoiding you, but I wanted to stay away from that part of me and I thought avoiding you would be best. But when you stormed out of the party I knew I could lose you, so I followed you.."

"Was it that obvious that I was angry?"

"I knew you were... "


"You start tapping your legs when you are"

"You've been noticing me?"

"Of course!, I mean..."

I was suddenly overcome with emotions and hugged Steve tightly and he kept pressing me equally tight. I realized at that point that Steve was really my only friend from school that I would always stay in touch with, or want to stay in touch with. I felt dampness at my shoulder and realized he was crying. I let him and just held him, kissing his neck and tousling his hair. He smelled of alcohol, cologne and detergent. His body was warm, and it being November, it was quite chilly. I wiped away his tears and spooned him as we both went to sleep from sheer exhaustion. It was nice and comfy, and somehow even nostalgic.


P.S. I am really sorry for not updating my previous story, "the one correct choice". I have been extremely busy this month and for the past month too. Presumably the next month too. Thanks to Dave who reminded me I still have things I need to finish. I still have that story line laid out in my mind, will possibly try completing it by eoy.

Next: Chapter 2

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