Computer Te

By moc.loa@1kwahymmoT

Published on Sep 20, 2009




By Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM


Dave was riding a PPT on his way to work when the call came in. "Damn!" he said and lifted his left hand to his cheek. That's all he had to do, in this year 2045, the phone was built into his hand (micro-technology), the tip of his middle finger held his earpiece and the pad of his palm near his wrist was his speaker, so his entire hand made up the phone. "Dave here." he said.

"Got a bad situation over at Cal State University's Frat Row." came the response. "The Delta Iota Kappa house."

"Computer virus?"

"Yeah. Ray Per Gamma-3, near as we can tell."

"Shit!" Dave said softly. Hitting a fraternity with that virus was...was very bad. "I'm on my way."

"Priority being sent to your PPT."

Dave's PPT (Personal Public Transportation) resembled something like a small golf cart, it rode on a track inset into the road, many were trundling along empty, simply moving along until someone nearby summoned one, when the nearest empty PPT would pull in and let the person aboard. Once inside, the rider typed in his destination and the PPT would ferry him directly to his destination. Though impractical for long distances, the PPT network let city commuters travel nearly as well as their old gasoline-powered cars would have four decades earlier, the PPT's automatically distanced themselves out evenly so accidents were minimalized and on less-traveled areas, the PPT would reach speeds of 40 miles per hour.

But with PPT Priority, Dave's PPT started breaking all the rules. Other PPT's pulled over to let him pass and his PPT sped up to nearly 70 miles per hour. As in a golf cart, this speed had its frightening aspects, but it got him to the Greek house in less than five minutes after the Priority signal arrived.

Several frightened young men were standing outside their fraternity house, Dave went up to them first. "Anyone still inside?"

"Yeah, at least four." one of them replied. "May be some visitors as well."

"What system nanoservers does your house use?" Please be Version 6.0 or higher, please, please, please, he said softly to himself. If it was Version 5.2 or older....

"We have 5.1." one of them said. "We were raising funds to upgrade, hosting events and such. We had a party last night, we think that's when we picked up the virus; we had a lot of strangers inside, tried to keep them away from the input ports but you know how it is...."

"Yeah, yeah, I know." Dave said. "Where's the nearest input port from the front door?"

"All the way upstairs." the frat guy grimaced. "We didn't want visitors playing with our system."

"Upstairs." And them with the Ray Per Gamma-3 strain running the nanoservers crazy. Four hostages to the virus. Poor fellows. "How many nanoservers do you have operating?"

"I don't know. Lots. We were throwing a party, we borrowed nanoservers from the other frats." Nanoservers were small, simplistic machines, each only a couple of microns across. Their usefulness came from their operating in bulk, with a centralized computer operating them (the one now infected with the virus!), they could form upon request any item of furniture you happened to need. Needed a chair? The nanoservers would form into one, their small size and micro-sized adaptation to your body making them feel as soft or as firm as you preferred or needed. Wanted a stove? The same nanoservers would morph into one, and clean itself as quickly as you made a mess. Your only limit on the nanoservers was how many of them you owned (they wore out fairly quickly)...and the fraternity had "lots" of them, all now at the mercy of the virus!

"All right." Dave sighed. "You've cut the connections from outside?"

"Of course. They kicked in automatically." the guy seemed offended. "Should have kicked in before getting us, the software just didn't do it this time."

"Ray Per Gamma-3 defeats any anti-viral software with systems lower than 6.0." Dave supplied.

"We know that. We were trying to upgrade." the guy said. "Please, can you get our guys out, at least?"

"I'll do what I can." And Dave plowed into the house.

Stepping onto the nanoserver carpet was like trying to walk on water, the carpet was rippling and splashing over his feet. If he could get to the stairs, he could at least face only limited amounts of nanoservers.

"Hey! Hey! Over here!" came a shout.

Dave looked over. Yep, the Ray Per Gamma-3 beyond a doubt. This house had it, and had it bad.

The frat jock who had spoken up was about nineteen years old, a sturdy-looking stud with a tousle of blond hair, a lithely muscled body, with bulging biceps, broad shoulders and massive thighs...none of which were helping him right now. The nanoservers around him morphed into the Ray Per Gamma-3 form. Instead of being a couch or a refrigerator, the nanoservers had formed into a large, gruesome-looking demonic figure which had the hapless teen firmly by the waist, with a fiercely large dong driven into the jock's ass. Other claw-tipped hands held the human in place while the "nanodemon" fucked him hard and fast. The dick the nanodemon formed was able to stimulate the prostate gland in ways a human organ just couldn't, and the poor college jock had an enormous boner which one hand was pounding for him. The teen was being held in mid-air and viciously rammed as he moaned and groaned.

"Please, mister, get me out of here! Oh, God, not again, not again! Oh, oh, oh, OH!" and the jock's dick sprayed another load upon his already come-splattered stomach.

Poor guy. But his best bet was getting upstairs and shutting the entire system down. Dave kept moving toward the stairs, but the "water" he was wading through was turning into mud, slowing him down. Slowing him down.

He just reached the stairs when the nanoservers figured out who he was. Shit! The mud turned into tentacles that wrapped around his ankles and threw him down. His hands were on the lowest riser on the stairs, no further. This wasn't going to be pleasant!

The tentacles wrapped higher and higher around his body. As they did, they formed fingers that began to probe at his clothes. Searching for how to open them. His position wasn't the standard "dress me" mode, so it took them a moment, during which he got half his body up the stairs, his waist and above on the stairs, his hands on the third riser (barely), his lower body still on the floor.

Behind him was forming the nanodemon. His clothes were beginning to fall away as the nanotentacles undressed him.

His pants were now down to his knees; they weren't being ripped from him, just removed. A faint dust surrounded Dave, the mist of broken-down nanoservers, this rough treatment used them up fast. But there were "lots" of them in the frathouse, and they now had a nanodemon formed up just for him!

Dave felt the hard nanodong probing at his ass and he grunted. A special micro-installation in his anus kicked in, spurting in lubrication for him. After all, he'd had to go through this before!

A thick, hard, wide, long cock slid into him, thanks to the lubrication, it was as smooth as butter. "Ah, ah, yeah, you damned virus!" Dave grunted. "Come on, give me that hard rod of yours, drive in deep and drive it in hard!"

The nanodemon was still operating partly on the computer program that responded to the owners' very request. The nanodemon began to fuck him just as fast and hard as only a machine running a crazy programmer's virus program could do it!

"Oh, oh, yeah, harder, harder!" Dave moaned. "Damn it, I need more than that. Give me something to suck on!"

The nanoservers were less on the stairs, who needs a stove on the staircase, they usually formed nothing more than an anti-slip carpet. But they obliged, a cock-shaped shaft began to slide upwards from the risers toward him.

"Yeah, yeah, come on, bigger, longer, I need to deep-throat you, come on, come on!" Dave grunted. "And give me a couple more to play with as I suck and am fucked!" He was rocking from the hard fucking he was getting, but his specially-adapted body was up to the task. He felt only a pleasure that most humans couldn't match from this rough nanofucking. His cock was pulsing. "And give me a blow-job while you're at it!" he grunted as he reached his mouth for the nanoprod in front of him.

As he sunk down on the magnificently formed (in every detail human-shaped) dong, he felt the lips of the nanoservers reach up and begin to service him. As they did, even the nanodemon fucking him seemed to shift into gentler gear. The dust of expired nanoservers continued, wafted away by the air vents but still present. He was using them hard.

And he kept on doing it. That nanodemon dong in his butt made him come and come hard! He grunted, rammed himself back against, it, more, more, more! As he did, the nanodemon paused, the grip on him shifted, briefly left him.

Good. Dave took the opportunity to scramble up the stairs. His cock touched the nanodong he had been sucking on and it tried to grab him by that, shit, he was getting hard again already! The nanoservers were as scarce on the stairs as he expected, but they stroked at his body as he climbed, the nanoservers had drained one load from him, they would toy with him for a few seconds, seeing how he was crawling deeper into the fold instead of fleeing from it.

He made it up the stairs and almost to the door of the room with the "Nanoservice" mark emblazoned on it. The programming room. He needed to get in there. But the nanoservers were renewing their attack.

Just shy of the door, he was taken down again, and a new nanodemon formed behind him.

He used his hand to push the door open. Inside were the controls for the house computer.

And the three other missing frat boys. The nanoservers were thick inside, there were like six or seven of them ravishing the studs. One guy, black-haired and more lean than muscled, had two nano-demons ramming him from both ends, another couple were double-donging a black jock as they held him upright between them. The third guy, a shorter, but heavily muscled brown-haired powerhouse, sucked one nanodemon while he was milked steadily by a second one beneath him who was finger-fucking him.

The nanodemon behind Dave shoved it in and Dave sighed, moaned, and grunted. "Yeah, damn it, fuck me, fuck me, hard!" Dave urged the nanodemon. "Shit, I need another cock to suck on! A real cock! I want a real cock, give me one of them!"

He got the hoped-for result, the nanodemon lifted him up, Dave's lower body was still at the nanodemon's waist, and he made it into the room in a "wheelbarrow" position, walking on his hands.

The jocks being gang-fucked saw him and moaned. "Oh, God, you're the tech they sent us?"

"Yeah, that's me." Dave said.

"You got to help me, man!" the black guy wheezed. "Aw, shit, I'm coming again! AH-AH-AH-HAH-HUH, GUH-HUNNNH!" And he splattered the nanodemon in front of him with hot pearly jizz.

"How can they keep us coming like this?" moaned the guy on his knees, as he fought briefly free of the nanodemon's dong in his mouth and throat. The nanodemon grabbed him and shoved it back down his gullet.

"Special chemical generated by the virus." panted Dave. "Enhances your desire."

"Sure does." the black guy panted. "What can we do about it? We can't get next to the computer to shut it down."

"I know how to handle it." Dave grunted. "Ah, shit, I'm going to cream again!" Still in his "wheelbarrow" position, Dave moaned and splattered the nanoservers on the floor. A flurry of dust spewed up as the nanoservers ingested the sperm, and self-destructed, so much dust to be sucked into the vents.

"So tell us before I get split in two!"

"You can't beg them to stop!" Dave panted, his head swirling from his second climax. "You have to wear them down." And to the nanoservers, he said, "Come on, give me another dick to suck on! I need cocks, more cocks! Give me cocks!"

And as he had hoped, the nanodemons broke off their assault on the three jocks. And began to ferry the four men together.

"What are they doing?" the brown-haired short stud moaned.

"Guiding us into an orgy." Dave said. "We have to make them think we love it, that we can't get enough of each other or of them."

Dave ended up in the middle of this pile. Now he had the black guy's cock up his butt, while the black-haired guy was kneeling in front of his face, and the brown-haired guy was under him, sucking on Dave's prick while Dave slid this second dong in next to the black haired guy.

The nanodemons hadn't stopped, one began to fuck the black stud ramming him, a second crept up behind the black-haired guy. The brown-haired guy moaned as the floor itself shifted to shove a dong up his butt.

Good, good. Ramp it up even more. "Give me some to pump on." he ordered. Two nanodemons generated themselves to comply. "And some for my friends. I see some empty mouths here!" he said.

More nanodemons rose up to supply the need. The black guy said as the dong slapped his cheek, "You'd better know what you're doing."

"Shut up and suck. And hard as you can. Wear them out." Dave said and he dove back onto his double-dong helping of college jock puds.

The nanodemons did most of the thrusting, all the three frat studs had to do was ride them to shove their own puds into Dave. Dave suckled them happily. Nanodemon cock was part of his job, but this...he could really love sucking hard teenaged dong!

The three teenagers with him had youth and virile vitality on their side. Dave had his enhanced body to deal with the increasingly sophisticated viruses that preyed on the nanoserver-driven society that Mankind had built.

The black guy had summoned up two more nanodemons to flog their cocks. The nanoserver dust flew all about them. These four were using them hard!

Dave squirted jizz into the mouth on his cock, and more squirted into his mouth from the two he had there. The black guy grunted as he pumped another load into Dave's ass.

Dave gulped down the spunk, looked about briefly, and then scarfed the puds down his mouth yet again. That's it, guys, he thought to them, keep on fucking, sucking, jerking those cocks. If we can do it long enough....

He came again, and again over the next hour. But he was seeing the results! A nanodemon being jerked by the black guy crumpled and fell to the floor. The black guy grinned and sped up sucking the nanodemon he had in front of him, and it quivered, holes appeared in its form.

Dave risked letting go. "Come on, guys, we're nearly there now. Keep going, keep going."

On and on, it took another load from Dave's prong but that was enough. Only two nanodemons were left, the black guy and the brown-haired guy took them on, let them fuck their asses while Dave and the black-haired guy got to the console for the nanoserver control. The blond guy from downstairs came limping up while Dave was typing in the commands. You had to do this manually, it was part of the virus' weakness. Immune to voice controls, its programmer had overlooked the simplicity of the console input!

When he was done, the nanodemons disintegrated into the floor, leaving two studs on their hands-and-knees and two more slapping Dave's back. "That was fabulous, man!" the blond-haired guy said. "You saved us, fucking saved us."

"Yeah." Dave laughed with the others at the inadvertent joke. "I fucking saved you all."

"Man, what can we do to repay you?"

Dave looked at the four naked and thoroughly fucked studs, and his own cock rose up. "Well, I still have some of that chemical running my cock up to high velocity. You guys feel the same way?"

Four hard dongs said all it all, with four grins above them. Dave smiled and said to the house nanoserver computer. "We're going to need a bed here. Better make it ten foot across and round."

And the nanoservers, now completely subservient, moved to comply.

An hour later, Dave was back in a PPT, headed in for the office. His phone rang. "Yes?" he said to his left hand/phone.

"Got the virus again." came the answer. "Hit Police Precinct 18 a half-hour ago. Got a dozen policemen in there and two dozen or more convicts in their holding cells."

And Dave sighed. "I'm on my way. Hit Priority PPT for me, will you?" His cock stiffened a bit. Policemen a-plenty, and a muscle-bound drug-runner or two thrown in for variety.

The life of a computer tech wasn't for everyone. But Dave wouldn't have it any other way.


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E-mail the Author at Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM


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