Computer Guys

Published on Aug 3, 1996


Organization: Internet Africa

Disclaimer: The following story is of a sexual nature, and is not suitable for persons under 18 years of age. The author encourages all said individuals to terminate this post. Should said individuals not heed this request then the author cannot be held liable for the free action of individuals who make use of the Net. Furthermore, the story involves sexual material relating to adult males, and if you do not feel comfortable with this then you should leave this post.

The story below and any subsequent parts are the sole property of the author, and may not be changed in any form. Any and all correspondence can be directed to the author at: . ======

Computer Guys

I had been interested in computers all my youth, so it was not surprising that when I finished my schooling I decided to work for a computer company. The pace at which technology advances meant that I was constantly having to learn new programs and hardware specifications. Our company was not big, but very prosperous and busy. Because we were so busy - during the local school holidays we would recruit one or two youngsters to help out. They were basically employed to fetch and carry. Some had the delusion that working for a computer company would mean hours of computer games. My boss did all the recruiting, so I was never sure who I was going to be working with during school break. I had already experienced numerous computer junkies, who were adamant to show me up. Understandably, I made their life a living hell. I would have them do meaningless tasks over and over.

One school break Donavon was hired. He was seventeen years old, and had the sexiest backside I had ever seen. Donavon knew nothing about computers, or so he told me, which surprised me. He was apparently the son of one of my bosses friends, and my boss felt that he could handle anything. I soon developed a good rapport with Donavon. He was very much into his music, and we would talk about bands and singers. He even had his own band in which he played guitar. On one or two occasions he brought some recordings that the band had made, and we listened to them while working in the workshop.

Donavon used to drive me wild with the tight denims that he wore. They really showed off his full basket nicely. I had to restrain myself daily from ripping the denims from his body. His upper body was well-defined from swimming practice at school. The hourly long swimming practices had also ensured that he had a bronze tan, and sun-bleached hair. Two crystal blue eyes sparkled at you whenever he spoke through his crimson lips. I would find any excuse to bump up against him, or play fight with him. I dearly longed to see him outside of working hours, but at five sharp every night he would climb on his bicycle and head for home. Donavon was driving me wild with lust, and I spent many nights masturbating while thinking about him.

I found out early on that he was not interested in men, but women. A straight guy that I wanted so badly, but could never have. I therefore resigned myself to catching a feel here and there in passing. Luckily, I had more than enough work to keep me occupied, so it was only when Donavon came up to me and spoke to me that I had butterflies in my stomach. Many a time I would sit at my workbench, and not turn around as he spoke, or else he would see that I was sporting a huge hard-on. The moment he moved away I would quickly reposition my cock.

One day Ross, a fellow worker, asked me if I would like to come to his birthday party that Saturday night. Naturally I said yes. Who was I to turn down free booze and food. I was working at my workbench as usual that afternoon when Donavon came up behind me. "Kyle, can you give me a lift to Ross's party on Saturday," Donavon asked me. What was I expected to say - No? Not a chance was I going to let this opportunity slip by. "Sure I'll give you a lift. Just give me the directions to your house." "Great, thanks I really appreciate it." Donavon jotted down the address for his home, and drew me a little map, "Just in case you can't find it", he said. I folded the little piece of paper like a treasure map and tucked it into my back pocket of my denims. The next three days until Ross's party were an absolute hell. All I could think about was that I would be driving Donavon to and from Ross's party, and could have a good hard stare at his basket.

It was lucky that Donavon had drawn a map for me, because many of the street names no longer existed - stolen or vandalized perhaps. I pulled up to a set of wrought iron gates, and pressed the intercom button. "Who is there?" asked a voice in broken English. Before I could answer I heard Donavon telling the woman to open up the gates. In front of me the two huge iron gates swung inward. I put my foot on the accelerator and headed up the paved driveway. The house was huge - a mansion by any standards. It could easily have been visited by Robin Leach at some point or another. I was just about to go to the front door and call Donavon, but he came bounding out the front door, and down the steps. He was wearing his characteristic tight denims, a pair of Caterpillars, and a button up Hawaiian type shirt. The shirt was very bright, but against his bronze skin it looked great. Donavon opened the door to my red BMW convertible and hopped in next to me. "Hi, are you ready to party?" he asked giving me a light punch on the arm. "Yes, I sure am - let's get moving."

On the way to the party we talked about all sorts of topics, and I asked Donavon what his father did. He told me that his dad was a Computer Specialist, who often did freelancing for all the big names in the electronics industry. I asked Donavon how he could possible know nothing about computers if his father was so knowledgeable. "Oh, I know the basics, which is a lot less than most - actually I'm more into outdoors activities than sitting in my room," Donavon explained.

I also commented on the house, and Donavon told me that that was one of his father's houses. They also had a flat in London, a house in Interlaken (Switzerland), and another in Munich (Germany). Donavon was very modest when he told me about the houses and did not brag about his families wealth.

I had honestly never expected that he would be wealthy, because he did not have a car of his own. He told me that he had decided that he did not want a car just yet, and besides the bicycle kept him in shape for swimming. The drive from Donavon's house to Ross's was over half an hour. There was no mistaking the location of the party when we arrived as there outside Ross's home stood a fleet of red BMW convertibles. All the employees had a red BMW convertible as a company car. My boss liked the look of all the cars lined up outside the company. He was definitely a touch eccentric, but I thought it best not to argue with him when he gave me the keys to my BMW. We parked the car and headed to the house. Ross met us at the door, and introduced us to those people whom we did not know. All the people at the party were young, with no one being older than 25. Ross was turning 22, and was just two years older than me. Donavon and I were soon socializing with the rest of the party-goers. The party continued until early in the morning, and it was around four when the party finally wound to a close. Donavon and I had been separated during the night, so I went in search of him to offer him a ride home. I found Ross passed out in a chair by the pool with a beer bottle tightly hugged to his body. I gave him a "Happy Birthday" kiss on the lips. Ross did not know that I was gay, as a matter of fact nobody at work did, and I preferred it that way. The house was a mess, and I systematically went through the different room looking for Donavon. I eventually found him passed out on a bed.

"Geez, am I the only one who has survived this party," I thought. Donavon looked so cute lying on the bed. I was buzzing a little from the evenings drinking, so I had the confidence to move forward to the bed. When I reached the bed I sat down on it, and removed Donavon's Cats. My heart was beating so fast. My mouth was dry. My cock was beginning to strain against my denims. I moved my hand up to just above Donavon's crotch.

"Touch it - you won't get a chance like this again," I thought. Hesitantly I lowered my hand down onto his crotch. His balls felt so big and powerful, and his cock felt gorgeously large. But that was not enough for me - I had to see his cock, taste it. With shaking hands I unbuttoned the one button and unzipped his fly. There before me was a pair of white briefs. The only thing separating me from a dream come true. I lifted up Donavon's body slightly, and pulled his denims down. I made sure that he was still asleep. Wringing my hands I licked my lips, and pulled down his briefs.

God, his cock was a beautiful bronze color. Obviously Donavon had been sunbathing in the nude. I pulled his denims and briefs right off, so that I could see his balls clearly. His cock was cut, and the head was a deep purple color. The entire 7" of cock meat lay asleep on Donavon's left thigh muscle. I gripped his cock in my right hand, and cupped his balls with my left. They were so warm. I felt his cock jerk in my hand. Nervously I glanced up towards Donavon's face. He was still asleep. I stroked my hand over his cock. His cock jerked again, and then began to expand. I wanted to feel his cock grow in my mouth, so I lowered my mouth down onto his cock-head.

My head was spinning. His musky smell met my nose as lowered my mouth over his cock. It felt wonderful. So soft at first, but as I took more and more of it into my mouth it grew. I darted constant glances up towards Donavon's face. A small grin had formed on his lips. What was he dreaming about? Some beautiful girl giving him a blow job. If only he knew. I went all the way down on his cock until his pubic hairs tickled my nose. It felt wonderful. My cock was straining in my denims, so I undid my pants and slid them down to my knees. Freeing my cock I began to stroke it as I pumped up and down on Donavon's now rigid cock. It had grown to 9". I left his cock for a moment, and sucked each of his heavy balls. Planting small kisses all along his inner thighs I moved back to his cock. I darted my tongue along his cock head, and was rewarded with a drop of salty precum. I savored the taste. Wanting more I began to suck on his cock again. After a little whiles sucking Donavon's hips began to make small thrusting motions up into my mouth. I tasted more precum, and knew that I would get a load from this young stud pretty soon. The hand on my cock was moving up and down with quite a frenzy, and I didn't want to end the fantasy. I wanted to feel the rest of his hard muscled body, so I opened up his shirt, and ran my hands over his erect nipples and exposed pecs. His smooth skin felt so good. My hands ran over his washboard stomach, and moved back down to his balls and cock. I wanted to make him cum in my mouth before he woke up.

My lips encircled his throbbing erection, and I began to run my tongue up and down the lower side of his erection. I sucked on the mushroomed head. Tongued the small opening at the tip of his cock I moved my hand down onto my cock and began to frantically stroke it. The feelings that I was experiencing coupled with Donavon's lovely musky smell sent me over the edge, and I spewed cum all over his body. Globs of cum fell on his chest and arms. I increased my sucking on Donavon's cock and was rewarded with spasm after spasm of cum jetting into my mouth. Try as I might I could not swallow every drop, and some of Donavon's cum dribbled down my chin. Not wanting to leave a single drop of cum escape I began lapping up every last drop. After I had cleaned his pubes of cum I moved to his chest and arm, and licked all the cum from his body. I was on cloud nine. Lifting my lips to Donavon's I kissed him lightly.

"Thank-you Donavon - I'll never forget this," I whispered. I stroked back a lock of hair on his forehead. He was so beautiful. I carefully pulled Donavon's briefs, and denims back on. By the time I came to closing the zip on his denims he had a raging hard-on again. I was tempted, but decided not to try my luck. Rising from the bed I turned to leave the room, and there in the doorway stood Ross jerking on his cock.

** Computer Guys, pt2 **

I had been so excited to see Donavon in such a vulnerable position, that I had omitted to lock the door behind me. Now I stood facing Ross. He still wore his jeans, but no shirt, and I could see every inch of his upper body. I had never fantasized about Ross before, partially because he was always wearing baggy clothes that hid his body. But this was not a body to hide. Two very pink nipples screamed out suck me from a nicely formed chest, and a treasure trail snaked down from his navel to his pleasure zone. Ross had not let up stroking his cock when I turned around. The cock held captive by his hand was short and thick, and had a foreskin which he was stroking back and forth over the deep pink head.

"Kyle, that was the best birthday present that I ever received, and you can make it even better," Ross said while grinning, and letting up on his stroking, but holding onto his cock like a prized possession. My first thought was that he wanted me to suck him off right away, but he walked towards me and took my hand. What was going on - I had never expected in my wildest dreams, that Ross liked other guys. Maybe he didn't, but the show with Donavon has him thinking that I'll do anything for him. Well damn right I would as long as he did not tell anybody at work, and especially not Donavon. Ross had me figuratively by the balls. Ross's grip on my hand was firm, as he led me through the house. He stopped in front of a bookcase in a blind corridor.

"Pull on the hardback copy of War & Peace," Ross said, whilst not relinquishing my hand or his cock. An audible click sounded after I pulled the book part of the way out, and the bookcase began to sink into the floor. Soon the entire bookcase had sunk beneath the floor. There before me was a steel door. I was intrigued - what was the story with secret doorways. Maybe he was into S&M or something. God I hoped not. I was a real weakling when it came to pain. Ross released his cock and took a plastic card - the size of a credit card - from his back pocket. He moved forward and inserted it into the door. An electronic voice announced that entrance was authorized. "What is all this Ross," I asked experiencing both excitement and anxiety. "This is my own little playground - the place that I can relax and cut loose," Ross said as he moved through the door that had just opened. No sooner were we in the room, and the steel door swung shut behind us.

Taking in the room at a glance I saw that it had an assortment of computer equipment in it, and this stuff was by no means cheap. Ross instructed me to sit down on a nearby chair, and then he sat down next to me. Freeing both his hands, his fingers moved across a keyboard in front of him with a blur. It was not long, and the four color monitors in front of me began to show the room that Donavon was sleeping in. He was still asleep, but now his hand rested on his covered balls and cock. Snow filled the monitors, and was then replaced by a repeat of the scene that I had just experienced with Donavon. My cock began to grow in my denims again. Ross lowered his left hand to my crotch, and squeezed me through me denims.

"Here is the deal," Ross said turning around to me, "I have this tape as evidence that you have sucked Donavon off, and I am not afraid to use it. Besides I have nothing to lose." "What do you have in mind," I asked a little intrigued. Was Ross going to want me to suck him off, or did he want to stuff his cock meat up my arse? I was not sure what to expect from him. "I want you to suck me off for starters, and I'll think of something later," Ross smugly said. Damn, it looked like I was going to be Ross's cock slave, and that was definitely not my intention. I had to think of something to get out of this situation in the future. Ross stood up removed his pants and then sat back down. His cock was not the longest that I had ever seen, but was definitely the thickest. The thick veins circled its girth in an intriguing pattern.

"Get on the floor in front of me, and suck my cock like you just did for Donavon," Ross ordered. I went down onto the floor in front of him, and took hold of his cock. My hand just circled it. I looked up at Ross, and saw that he had closed his eyes in anticipation of my cock sucking. I licked the tip of his cock in the opening that his foreskin allowed. Rolling my tongue around in my mouth I could taste traces of precum. Using my lips and tongue I rolled back his foreskin, and exposed his highly sensitive cockhead. Opening my mouth as wide as I could I took his cockhead in my mouth. Ross let out a little moan, and grabbed the back of my head with his hands. He tried to push further into my mouth, but I used my hands and restricted the amount of cock that I was forced to swallow. My jaws had to get used to the stretching that was coming. Slowly I guided his cock bit by bit into my mouth. I managed to get it all the way into my mouth, but there was little that I could do, because it was so thick. Deciding that I could give Ross more pleasure by concentrating on his cockhead - I released his cock from my mouth. He sighed audibly, but soon I had him moaning with pleasure as I began to lick, and suck on his cock.

My hands moved down to his balls, and I squeezed and kneaded them. Taking one and then the other big fleshy ball into my mouth. His moans grew louder. I brought my one index finger up to my mouth and covered it with a liberal amount of saliva. Using the same finger I found his puckered arse and began to stroke it. He began making little gyrating motions, and I decided that I had better take this further. Pushing hard with my hand I inserted my index finger into his arse. It felt so warm inside, and I wondered what it would feel like for my cock. I had so wanted to fuck Donavon, or be fucked by him, but I was too scared to risk the chance of discovery by him, and face total rejection. I stroked Ross's prostrate with my finger, and withdrawing my single finger I added a second and plunged the two into his tight arse. Ross moaned, and pushed down on my fingers. I pulled my fingers all the way out of his arse, and plunged them back in again. and again. The attention that I was giving Ross's arse and cock meant that I soon had him ready to cum. I felt his balls tighten, and knowing that he was going to come soon I took his entire head into my mouth. I sucked once, twice, and then jets of cum shot into the back of my mouth. Ross had a hell of a lot of cum, and I had to swallow quickly to get it all down. When his cock stopped its spasms I licked every last drop of cum from his cockhead, and pulled the foreskin back into place with my teeth.

"That was fucking unbelievable - Donavon doesn't know what he missed - you are great," Ross said ruffling my hair. Looking up at his chest I could see that it was covered by a sheen of sweat. I thought that he would ask for something else, but he just rose from his chair, and pulled his denims back on. "Is that it?" I asked questionably from the floor. "Yes, that will do for the meantime, but I'll be sure to get you to do other tasks for me." Ross smilingly said, and then promptly headed for the steel door. My cock was rock solid after sucking off Ross, so I had to readjust it in my denims as I rose from the floor. Ross flipped a switch on the wall, and the steel door opened. There before us was the back of the bookcase, and he pushed a small red button on the back and the bookcase began to lower down into the floor again. Obviously the system had been set up that the bookcase would return to normal when the steel door closed.

As soon we were out of the room and across the bookcase Ross turned to me and handed me a tape. "A little keepsake of my birthday party." I took the tape and went to look in on Donavon. He was still asleep. I shook him to wake him, but he was dead to the world. Wanting to get out of Ross's house before he thought of something else for me to do, and not daring to leave my fantasy in his care, I walked to the adjoining bathroom and poured some water into a glass. Returning to the room I threw the water in Donavon's face.

He startled awake. "What the fuck," he shouted.

"You passed out, and I tried to shake you awake, but you wouldn't budge. Come I'm going. It is almost six in the morning," I said walking out of the door. Naturally, I waited for him to emerge from the room, and he soon followed. We left the house and headed for my parked car. Looking back at the house I saw Ross looking out of a window like some sinister murder mystery character. He stuck his finger in his mouth and sucked it in and out. I ignored him, jumped into the seat of the BMW and kicked the engine into life.

It took me fifteen minutes to drive Donavon back home. I dropped him off at the main gates, and headed for my home. I was frustrated and mad when I arrived at my house. Frustrated, because I so much wanted to take Donavon home with me, and cuddle up in bed with him. Mad, because I was so upset that Ross had such a hold on me, and that it probably meant that I would never have a chance with Donavon. I headed for my room, and inserted the tape in the VCR. Watching the video made me so horny, that I jerked off as I watched myself suck off Donavon.

I must have fallen asleep, because it was around two that afternoon when the phone woke me up. Not even bothering to answer the phone, in case it was Ross, I let the answering machine pick it up.

"Hello, Kyle? God, I hate these machines," said Donavon's voice. I grabbed the phone.

"Hi, Donavon, I'm here - I must have fallen asleep."

"Kyle, I now that we haven't known each other for a long time, but I need to ask you something." Donavon was making me as nervous as hell - did he have an idea of what transpired that morning. Clearing my throat, I said, "Sure, anything." Not really meaning it.

"I need a place to stay for awhile, and I was wondering if I could stay over at your place." A lump formed in my throat. When I didn't answer immediately Donavon continued speaking. "This may sound stupid, but my mother thinks, that she saw a rat in one of the rooms at home, and now she is having the whole place fumigated, " Donavon said laughing. I laughed with him.

"So when do you want to come over," I asked unconsciously stroking my crotch.

"Tonight if possible - shall we say around eight," Donavon asked.

"Yep, that's fine, I'll see you then, " I said hanging up the phone. It was then that I realized that I was stroking my crotch.

The closer it got to eight the more I thought that I was making one hell of a mistake. I was going to go crazy with lust having Donavon around me at home and work. He had phoned again around six and told me that he was staying with me for a week, and if I still did not mind. I reassured him that it would be fine and that he was most welcome. By eight I had showered, and rearranged the pillows on my living room chairs about six times. I was really nervous. Worse than I had felt the night before my first-time with my best friend Sean when I was 14 years old.. I heard a taxi pull up outside my house, and Donavon stepped out of it. He paid the cab fare, and carrying a suitcase he headed towards my front door. I wanted to rush and open the door for him, and shower him with kisses, but I restrained myself until the doorbell chimed.

"Welcome to my humble abode," I said opening the door for Donavon, and showing him into my house. My house was rather sparsely furnished, as I was not one for spending large sums on unnecessary objects. The living room had a lounge-suite, coffee table and throw rug. In the one corner mounted on the wall away from the fireplace was a CD player, with my large collection of CD's.

"This is a great place," Donavon said scanning the room. His gaze stopping on the CD's in the corner.

"Thanks, let me show you to your room, and then we can have a bite to eat," I said walking towards my guest room. The room had been empty up until a month ago when my parents came to visit for a week. I had rushed around like a mad man buying furniture for the room. It therefore now had a double bed, matching bedside tables, and a chest of draws - plus an assortment of other odds and ends. Donavon dumped his suitcase on the bed and then we went to the kitchen. I offered him a beer, and checked on my cooking.

During dinner a little later, Donavon complimented me on my cooking, although I kept telling him that anybody could cook spaghetti. After supper we loaded the dishwasher, and headed for the sitting-room. Donavon moved over to my CD player, and looked through my collection. My collection comprises anything imaginable. From Classical to Pop to Rock 'n Roll, etc. He chose three CDs that he liked and loaded them in the CD shuttle, and then he sat down on one of the lounge chairs. I watched his every move. A pillow lay on my lap covering my raging hard-on. Every time I looked at Donavon, I imagined his naked body. This was going to be one hell of a week. We sat up chatting and listening to the three CDs until around ten, when Donavon said that he was exhausted. He had not slept the whole day, and now he was exhausted. We retired to our separate rooms. In my room I pulled off all my clothes and jumped onto my bed.

I stroked my cut 8" cock, and tweaked my nipples. I ran my hand over my body, and fantasized that it was Donavon's hand running over my body. While stroking my cock with my left hand I began to play with my arse. I licked my finger, and pushed it into my arse. The feeling was great. While pulling on the cock I began to finger fuck my butt. The feeling was great. Soon I increased my penetration to two fingers. "Hey, Kyle can I..," Donavon said stopping short in his request when he entered my room and saw me naked on my bed.

** Computer Guys, pt3 **

I was caught red handed. Holding my cock and having my fingers imbedded in my arse. On seeing Donavon I quickly removed my hands, but it was not quick enough.

"What the fuck," he said, and left the room.

My mind raced as I thought of whether I should follow him to his room, and explain. But then what was I going to say anyway - "Donavon, I couldn't stop thinking about your cock, and decided to get myself off". Well that would surely go down well. Eventually, I decided that the best course of action was no action. Besides I had probably frightened Donavon, and I did not want to chase him away.

Rising from my bed I headed for the bathroom. I did not bother to put anything on, as I reckoned that Donavon had already seen me completely naked, and stimulating myself. On my way to the shower I walked past his closed bedroom door. I put my ear to the door, but could not hear anything, and so I carried on to the shower.

It was not long and I had managed to create a great deal of steam in the bathroom. Standing in the shower I soaped my body - moving my hands tenderly over my nipples, and gently stroking the sensitive flesh of my sides. My hands journeyed down to my cock and balls, and I soaped them up. I closed my eyes and imagined Donavon's mouth over my cock. Aahh, the feeling was really intense. I came quickly. After I had jetted come all over the shower wall, I washed myself clean, and after drying myself I headed for my room. As I walked down the hall I heard a soft moaning sound coming from the room that Donavon was using. I put my ear to the door. The urge to open the door was great, but I decided that I would not confront him with my lust just yet. When I arrived at my room I had a raging hard-on, but decided not to attend to it. It was difficult falling asleep with a hard-on, but I managed.

Sunday mornings I always sleep late, and this morning was no exception. It was almost like my body had a built in alarm clock that told it that it could rest on Sundays. So it was around ten that I woke up to the aroma of something cooking. For a moment or two I was disorientated, and thought that my mother was still here, but remembered that she had left a week before. That could only mean that Donavon was cooking up some food. I was rather confused as to why though. My guess would have been that he would have been out of the house the first thing in the morning. What was going on? Was he interested in me? God I hoped so!! I was just about to get up, and head for the kitchen to see what was up when there was a soft knocking on the door.

"Can I come in?" came the request from the other side of the door.

"Sure, you can," I said, not really knowing what to expect at this point.

Donavon entered the room with a robe on, and carrying a tray filled with what appeared to be a scrumptious breakfast. He moved over to the bed, and laid the tray down next to me. Then looking into my eyes, he said, "I am sorry about walking in on you last night, I had no idea..."

"..It is all right Donavon - don't worry about it," I said, trying to lessen his feelings of guilt.

"You really caught me off guard, I um..," Donavon stammered. I took his hand that was near to me, and pulled him towards the bed.

"Sit down, and lets have some of this wonderful breakfast before it gets cold."

Donavon sat on the other side of the tray, but when he sat down I had a perfect view of his cock as the opening for his gown fell to the one side. He didn't seem to notice. However, my cock was beginning to swell, and I decided to put the breakfast tray on my lap to stem off any embarrassment that I might cause. The breakfast was lovely - crisp bacon, scrambled eggs, mushrooms, sliced tomato, and some toasted bread. There was also freshly squeezed orange juice, and glided like velvet down my throat. We also made small talk, which helped to ease any possible tension.

"This is really great - almost as good as my mother's cooking," I said taking the last morsel of food from my plate into my mouth.

"Well, I don't want to cook better than your mother," Donavon laughed.

I was naked under the covers, and was bursting to go to the john. My bladder felt like it was going to explode at any moment. Not sure of what to do I decided to just go about it as if it was an everyday occurrence. Damn, my going for a piss was an everyday occurrence. I placed the tray on the bed beside Donavon, and proceeded to remove my sheets. This action caused me to expose a raging hard-on. Donavon's eyes moved down to my cock on reflex. And then he looked away. Out of shame? I was not sure. Not waiting to find out, I slipped off the bed and moved down the hall to the john. I needed to piss badly, but my hard-on would not let up, so I decided that the only way to alleviate the problem was to come. My hand gripped my cock, and began to masturbate. I shot jism all over the john. A little while after coming my cock surrendered to nature, and I was able to piss. It felt great.

When I arrived back in my room Donavon was gone, and so was the tray of food. I decided to get dressed, and pulled on a pair of jeans. While I was busy dressing - the phone rang.

"Kyle - be at my house at twelve", was all that the voice said, but I knew that it had to be Ross. I was so horny from being around Donavon, that I actually didn't mind the idea of getting off with Ross. He was simply a means to an end. At this point in my life I was immensely sexually frustrated. I finished dressing, and went in search of Donavon. He was still in the kitchen and had just finished packing the dishwasher.

"Donavon I need to go out for a little while - will you be all right here by yourself?" I asked questionably.

"Sure, no problem," his cute grin had returned, and I guessed correctly that the previous nights episode was ancient history.

"Well be sure to make yourself at home - consider everything in this house yours," I told him, and actually dared to pat him on his cute arse. He just grinned at me, and headed for the bathroom. It was already twelve, and I decided to head for Ross's house. I shouted good-bye to Donavon, and left.

The drive to Ross's house was quick. I pulled up his driveway, and headed for the front door. Before I could even ring the doorbell Ross pulled the door open. He did not say anything, but motioned for me to follow him. He was wearing a tight pair of black denims, and a burgundy golf shirt.

His feet were bare as he climbed the stairs to the first floor. I followed, not really knowing what else to do. We passed the room, which had housed my fantasy experience on Friday night, and headed further down the corridor. Ross stopped outside the door to a room, and gestured for me to enter the room. Obediently, I followed. My gaze was still on Ross, as I entered the room, and I failed to notice that there was somebody behind the door. The door slammed shut. I turned around from fright. There before me stood a strapping young man. His muscles bulged all over his body, which showed hours of weekly workouts. The outline of his cock appeared very promising as well. Unconsciously, my mouth drooled.

"Kyle, meet Cameron, who you are going to get to know very well."

"Please to make your acquaintance, Kyle, I have seen that you are an expert cock-sucker, and I am in need of your services," said the young man. The glare that I gave Ross could have melted steel.

I just stood in the center of the room, and did not move. Cameron took the initiative, and moved towards me. He placed his strong muscled hands on my arse cheeks and squeezed. I yelped noticeably. As my mouth opened he placed his mouth over mine, and I could feel his tongue thrash into my mouth. He pulled me towards him, and I could feel the heat from his loins. Our cocks were mashed together as his powerful muscles pulled me forward. His tongue explored my mouth, and soon I responded - my pent up feelings of lust taking over. My tongue met his, and I tasted the sweetness of his mouth. He felt so strong. He kissed me along the neck, and nibbled my one ear. This drove me insane with desire. I have always loved it when guys nibble on my neck, and ears. His hands moved from my arse up to my shirt, and he ripped off the buttons on my shirt exposing my chest. He pulled my shirt from me, and I stood before him bare from the waist up. Slowly he lowered his mouth to my nipples, and took each in turn in his mouth. He sucked on my nipples, and his teeth teased the tips of my nipples. A moan escaped from my mouth. He took this as his cue to explore my body further, and sucked and kissed his way down towards my navel. Where his tongue circled the outer ring, and darted into the center. God this guy was driving me wild.

I was tempted to grab his head in my hands, but he was running short of my exposed flesh, and I did not want to stop his exploration of my body. However, he gave me a love bite just above my jeans, and rose to kiss me on my lips again.

"Remove, my clothes," he breathed in between a passionate kiss. He took a step back. It was the first time that I had actually taken notice of his body, and I was struck by the apparent perfection. He had curly brown hair that was cut short on the sides, and eyebrows that arched upward on his brow. His brown eyes seemed to glisten like dew fresh soil. The lips that had just favored my lips were full yet strong in appearance. My hands moved to his neck, and I stroked the developed muscles. With shaking hands I unbuttoned his shirt, because I did not have the strength to rip free his shirt. Each opened button exposed more, and more of his huge chest, which seemed to be as hard as steel to the touch. I stroked his chest, and tweaked his nipples. His stomach muscles formed a beautiful rippled quad. With the ridges of each of his stomach muscles being rather distinct.

I pulled free his shirt, and slid it past his burly biceps. He did not have a stitch of hair on his body, not even under his arms. I brought my mouth down to his chest, and sucked on his nipple, and kissed the length of each of his lats. Going against my nature I also licked the smooth flesh of his armpits. My hands grabbed for his belt, and I unbuckled his jeans. The button on his jeans was tight, and I was battling to get it open, when Cameron brushed my hands aside. He knowingly opened the button. I lowered the zip. His cock sprung forth. Even constrained by his briefs it was huge. I pulled his pants down and off, and for the first time noticed that he did not have any shoes on either. "One less thing to worry about," I thought. All that stood between me and this studs complete nakedness was his briefs. His cock head was peeping over the elastic of the top.

I moved forward, and darted a quick lick on the tip of his cock. Cameron sighed. He wanted to pull off his briefs, but I brushed his hands aside. Instead I kissed him along the boundary of his underwear, and cupped his huge balls in my hands. Eventually, the desire to nibble on his cock was so overwhelming, that I pulled free his cock. It slapped my cheek, as I pulled down the briefs. I wasted no time to take the head of his cock in my mouth. It had the lovely salty taste of precum on it, and I sucked the mushroomed head - my teeth scrapping the ridge of his cut cock. Using my tongue I traced the vein, which ran along the lower side of his cock. His cock was not overly thick, but it was a full 10" long. I licked the length of his cock, and smelt the musky smell from behind his balls. I lowered my mouth further, and captured each of his balls in my mouth. Each ball was exposed to a good sucking.

"Wait, you are still dressed," Cameron said, pulling my head up. His breathing was rather deep, and I knew that he was getting rather hot from our foreplay. He lowered his hands to my jeans, and freed them from my body. My cock sprung free.

"No, underwear?" Cameron visibly grinned. He grabbed my cock in his hand and I felt him grip it tightly. The feeling was totally awesome. He began to stroke my cock back and forth. Squeezing on each down stroke. His one hand kneaded my balls, and he brought his one finger to my mouth.

"Suck my finger," he instructed stroking his finger across my lips. I took his finger in my mouth, and sucked it. He pulled it from my mouth after awhile, and lowered his saliva covered hand to my arse. Not worrying about teasing my arse hole loose - he plunged his finger into my arse. I gasped. He began to finger fuck me. While his one hand massaged my cock, and the other my arse - he kissed my shoulders, and neck. Cameron heard my breath stop suddenly, and in one deft move he dropped to his knees. He took my cock in his mouth, as I released an enormous load. I collapsed to the floor. Visibly exhausted. Cameron swallowed the come that filled his mouth, and licked my cock clean. Only after he had finished licking me clean did he pull his finger free from my arse. My eyes were closed from the intensity of my orgasm, and I felt Cameron's lips on mine again. I could taste my own come.

"Thank you, I needed that," I said stroking Cameron's cheek.

"Do you think that you could finish what you started awhile ago," Cameron asked.

** Computer Guys, pt4 **

Donavon heard Kyle from the shower as he left the house. He wondered where he could be going to, but decided that it was not really his concern. He adjusted the taps in the shower until the water was a nice luke-warm. Shedding his robe he stood, and looked at himself in a full length mirror.

He admired his well defined body. Hours of swimming had ensured that he had a washboard stomach, and nicely chiseled pecs. He ran his hand over his stomach. Often he wondered if he didn't push himself at swimming, because he loved the feeling of strength that it gave his body. His hand wondered further down to his bronze cock. Donavon had received many comments in the showers about his cock. All his friends wanted to know how he managed to get it quite so nice and bronze. Donavon loved this attention that his cock was afforded in the showers, and he amusingly told everyone that

he had Indian ancestry. This seemed to suffice. The truth was that no one wanted to show to much attention in Donavon's cock lest they be branded a fag. In reality Donavon's cock was bronze from hours spent on the family sunbed.

His hand gripped his cock, and he felt the 7" member begin to grow to life. He had been so horny last night after he had seen Kyle stimulating himself that he had gone back to his room and jacked off. Donavon had actually wanted to stay and watch Kyle. He didn't think that this meant that he was gay or anything. At least he didn't think so. He had had his share of girls. His good looks and money had ensured the girls kept lining up. Donavon began to run his fingers over the head of his cock. One of his hands took his full ball sac in-hand, and began to squeeze its contents. He closed his eyes, and he saw Kyle lying on the bed. Kyle's one hand on his cock and the other thrusting fingers in his arse crack. Donavon had tri ed the previous evening to stimulate his arse, but had chickened out. He squeezed his arse cheeks, and began to get a steady rhythm going on his cock. His one hand explored his body while the other stroked his cock. He tweaked his nipples and ran his fingers over his mouth. Come burst from his cock and splattered on the mirror in front of him. Donavon continued stroking himself until his cock began to feel very tender. He reached forward to the mirror, and salvaged a portion of his come, which he brought to his mouth. The taste of his come had always intrigued him. The taste was difficult to place - neither distasteful or nice. Donavon entered the shower, and washed his body clean. The water felt so refreshing and caressing. He took his time in the shower. When he was done he stepped from the shower, and dried his body. Glancing at the mirror he saw that there was a trail of come down its surface. Using the towel he wiped the mirror clean.

Donavon decided that he would not get dressed immediately, but rather pulled on his robe, and went to the living room to look at Kyle's many CDs. He was really amazed by the collection, but he soon grew tired of looking at the CDs, and decided to watch some TV. The only TV in the home was in Kyle's room, so Donavon headed for Kyle's room. He salvaged the remote from the bedside table and lay stomach down on the bed looking at the TV. He pressed one of the many channels available on satellite, and began to watch the program being presented. After a while the program lost interest, so he began flicking through the many different channels. Nothing seemed to catch his fancy on any of the channels. Donavon decided that he would watch the video in the VCR. He pressed the button on the remote that activated the VCR, and was met with a message that said the tape in the VCR was busy rewinding. So Donavon waited for the tape to complete its task of rewinding. On completion of its task the VCR automatically engaged the play button. Donavon's head was resting on his hands looking at the TV expectantly, but what he saw was not quite what he had expected. There before

him on the screen, was himself lying apparently asleep on a bed. Then while he watched Kyle came into the room. Kyle's body blocked what he was doing, but he gasped aloud when he saw Kyle pull down his pants. The next thing Kyle was giving him a blow job. Donavon's cock began to bore into Kyle's bed. He moved slightly to reposition himself. Donavon could not believe what he was seeing. Mixed emotions surfaced. He longed to know what it felt like to have another man touch him like Kyle was doing on the screen. No Kyle had already touched him like that but he could not remember

Was that good or bad? His raging hard-on did not convince him of what he should really be feeling. Donavon turned off the tape after the static began to signal the end of the taping. He rolled over onto his back exposing his raging hard-on. What do I do know he thought...

Meanwhile, at Ross's house...

Although, I felt quite spent after being sucked off by Cameron, I could not deny him his request to finish what I had started. He lay down on the carpeted floor, and I slowly traced my finger down his chest and towards his waiting cock. His cock looked so proud, that I decided to give it a sma ll slap. Cameron's eyes had been closed as he was savoring the pleasure of my caress, and he looked up when I slapped his cock. My fingers ran between his balls, and I traced the outline of his balls in each of his ball sacs. My fingers explored further, and traced the path from the base of h is balls to the waiting arse. I sucked on one of my fingers, and gently circled the edge of his puckered arse. Continuing to do this I leaned over and darted my tongue over his right nipple, and then proceeded to do the same to his left nipple. A slight moan escaped his lips. I returned to t he right nipple, and took it in my mouth. I began to nibble on his nipple. It grew erect with goose-bumps surfacing all around the edges. My mouth moved to the left nipple, and once I had elicited the same response I ran my one finger over the overexposed vein that trailed down his left arm.

I traced the vein all the way to his hand, and then I took his hand in mine. My mouth sucked each finger in turn, just to make him aware of the softness and warmth that his cock would soon experience. After I had finished with his hand I placed it on his stomach, and lowered my mouth to his tight belly-buttoned, which I fleeting visited on my journey to his twitching cock. My mouth passed his sparse curly pubic hair, and using my tongue I climbed his cock from the base to the waiting dome.

On the pinnacle of the dome rested a drop of precum. I circled it with my tongue, and then I descended down the opposite side of his cock. My descent took me to the balls that I had sucked earlier, and I took each one of them in my mouth in turn. I rolled the covered ball in my mouth, and th e smell of musky manliness filled my nose. Cameron's smell was intoxicating. "Stop your cock teasing," Cameron moaned. I finished paying attention to his balls, and then I traced the thick vein that ran up the underside of his cock. My tongue circled the ridge of his cut cock. The come at the opening to his cock was visibly increased, and I lowered my mouth over his whole head. My lips wrapped around the base of the cock head, and my tongue darted across the cock tip to salvage all of the precum. I began to lower my mouth further over his cock - paying attention to the more sensitive underside of his cock. While I was busy seeing to Cameron's cock I felt a soft warmth by my arse cheeks, and taking a moment to glance around I saw that Ross was busy tonguing my crack. In all honesty I had forgotten about him. The attention that Ross was giving my arse meant that my cock was soon rigid.

I moaned a round Cameron's cock in my mouth when I felt Ross's tongue dart into my arse. My arse was still relaxed from Cameron's finger fucking, and Ross picking up on this removed his tongue from my arse. Next I felt Ross's weight on my back, and his hot breathe against my shoulder. His cock rested against my loosened opening for awhile, and then Ross pushed forward with his hips. I felt his cock head resting against my arse, and then a excruciating pain as his cock head pushed passed my arse muscles. A normal sized cock could easily have entered my arse, but Ross's was thick, and I sucked

down harder on Cameron's cock to stifle a scream. A sweat broke out on my body as Ross drove his cock into my arse. He had the consideration to pause for a moment to let me get used the feeling of having a "baseball bat" up my arse, before he began to fuck me. I had gone limp from the initial pain of his penetration, but Ross began to kiss my shoulder as he gently pulled part way out, and then impaled me again. This in turn began to arouse me again. He moved his body so that he had access to Cameron's balls, and he began to lick on them as he slowly pumped my arse. A fire raged in my arse. Ross's strokes grew in speed, until he was fucking me mercilessly. I felt his body tense-up, and at the same time Cameron drove his cock to the back of my throat. At the same time I was filled with come in both my arse and mouth the feeling was so intense, that I felt myself orgasm again. The tightening of my arse muscles as I orgasmed milked every last drop of come from Ross's cock. I felt him grow soft in my arse. The relief was great. Cameron pulled his cock from my mouth after which I turned my head, and shared Cameron's come with Ross as he kissed me passionately. Ross pulled his cock from my arse with a pop, and helped me clean the remaining come from Cameron's cock. Then Ross lowered his mouth to my cock, and licked the come from my cock. Our three mouth met when Cameron, Ross and myself shared a kiss together. Ross's come was the only one missing, but that did not matter, because the taste of come lingered in all of our mouths. "That was totally great," said Cameron, "I have never experienced something so sexy in all my life." "I didn't think that you would take part Ross?" I said. Ross just smiled at me, and gave me a peck on the cheek. "I have fantasized about you for a long time, but I was not sure if you were interested in other guys - hell, until the incident with Donavon I thought that you were as straight as an arrow - and even then I thought that I had to black mail you into sex, because you were straight, but just curious." I felt differently about Ross now somehow knowing that he had longed for me as much as I had for Donavon, and I could understand his emotions. Cameron smiled at the both of us. A nice warm smile. Ross and I kissed each of his cheeks, and he hugged us in his strong arms to his body. We fell asleep like that lying on his broad chest.

When I awoke it was after six. I had enjoyed my afternoon's activities, but remembered that I had a house guest, and that I had better return home. I untangled myself from Cameron's arm, and went in search of a bathroom. My arse was a little tender, as I walked down the passage opening doors, and looking for the bathroom. Eventually, I found the bathroom. I headed straight for the shower and turned on the water. Toggling the taps I finally established a descent temperature, and began to wash my body. My fingers gently rinsed my tender arse crack, and I rinsed and then dried my body with a nearby towel. Toweling my body dry I returned to the room that I had shared with Cameron and Ross, and salvaged my clothes. I deposited a kiss on each of Ross's arse cheeks before leaving the room, and the house. Gently seating myself in my BMW I headed for home. Wondering the whole journey home how Donavon had amused himself during the day.

** Computer Guys, pt5 **

Donavon had spent the afternoon roaming around the house. He was not sure how he was going to handle this situation. The video that he had seen had made him so horny. He had tried jacking off, but for some reason he had lost interest while in the act. Deciding that his mind was just a little

to unsettled by what he had witnessed on the TV screen - he had gone to his room and dressed instead. Donavon wanted to confront Kyle about the video, but he was not sure how he was going to do it. He had fallen asleep on the sofa, and was awoken by the sound of a car pulling up the drive-way

He jumped up to see who it was - peeping out of the window he saw that it was Kyle. Hurriedly he moved back to the sofa, and settled down on it with a magazine in hand. Donavon heard the rustle of the keys outside the front door, and then I entered. In one glance I took in the room, and greeted Donavon.

"Did you manage to keep yourself occupied this afternoon?" I asked , throwing my keys in a large brass bowl located close to the front door.

"Well, I made myself at home as you suggested," Donavon said, simultaneously shifting his leg to hide his growing hard-on. Seeing Kyle in the flesh was making him, so horny again. Every time he looked at him he wondered what those lips would feel like around his cock. "By the way how was your

afternoon?" A small grin sneaked across my face before I answered, "it was most enjoyable. Do you want to do anything?"

"Yes, I want your mouth on my cock," Donavon thought, but instead he said aloud, "I don't know".

"Well, what do you say about a swim - my muscles are a little tender," was the best suggestion that I could make to get Donavon to strip down and display his body to me. I might have spent the afternoon in passionate sex with two guys, but I really wanted to make wild passionate love to Donavon

"I'd love to, but I don't have a Speedo," Donavon said, dropping the magazine that he was reading into his crotch.

"I could lend you one, but why don't we just swim in the nude. You aren't embarrassed to swim naked are you," I asked hoping that he would answer correctly.

"No, you go ahead and get in the pool, I'll be there in a moment - I just want to finish reading this interesting article," said Donavon as he patted the magazine.

I walked passed him, and headed towards the pool. As I walked I removed my clothing, so that by the time that I reached the pool I was naked. The pool cover was off the pool, but that did not matter as it had been warm the last couple of days, and the water did not need heating. I stood on th e edge of the pool, and then lunged forward into a dive. My body sliced through the water like a hot knife through butter. The initial contact with the water was chilling, but by the time my head emerged from beneath the water my body was beginning to adjust. I looked towards the house, but D onavon was not coming. It was a good thing that I was walking away from Donavon as I undressed, because by the time I had reached the pool I had a raging hard-on.

Donavon had hoped that he could try and quell his erection if he read an article, but he could not help sneak peeks at Kyle as he undressed. He wanted to see Kyle's cock up close. He wanted to touch it. Yes, he wanted to touch it - stroke its full length. He lifted the magazine, and began re ading any of the articles that he could find. This was an erstwhile attempt to lessen his erection so that he could join Kyle.

I realized that I had forgotten to turn on the pool lights, so I quickly swam over to one of the override switches located around the pool area. This switch was located uniquely as a penis of a small gnome in a wooded scenario on the one side of the pool. An erection (up switch) signaled that the lights would be on, so I toggled the switch in the appropriate direction. The pool area flooded with light. There was not an inch of darkness around the pool. Just after I had turned on the lights, Donavon emerged. My God, he was gorgeous. His body was so nicely sculpted, his nipples br own and full. As he walked naked towards the pool, his bronze cock bounced from thigh to thigh. The 7" of man-meat was nicely off-set by a pair of low hung balls, and a washboard stomach. My cock twitched under the water. It would be clearly visible when Donavon drew closer.

Donavon was reciting anything and everything that he could think of to keep his mind off the fact that Kyle was naked beneath the water. As he drew closer he could see Kyle's cock beneath the water. It looked so large, but that was probably the distortion from the water. He lost control of mi nd over body at that time, as his cock rose to full attention. Donavon blushed.

I almost leapt for joy when I saw Donavon sport a boner - he had obviously caught sight of my cock. Was he fantasizing about me? The thought intrigued me. I pretended not to notice, but I was watching his cock closely as it stretch and grew to its erect 9".

Donavon stood at the edge of the pool. My heart was beating in my throat, and I had butterflies fluttering in my stomach. My cock was aching as it tried to swell past its maximum size. There was no doubt in my mind that Donavon could see my throbbing member beneath the water. I could not tak e my eyes off of his body - it was as though the sight of him totally naked had hypnotized me. It was part of my dream becoming a reality.

Slowly Donavon lowered himself into the water. I ran my tongue over my lips, as I watched every muscle ripple with movement. His body sank beneath the surface of the water, and he emerged not far from me.

Donavon's cock was fully erect and he had seen beneath the water, that so was Kyle's. He wanted to swim over to Kyle, and touch his cock - feel his body. Yet at the moment he floated out of reach of Kyle.

"The water is very mice," I said clearing my throat.

The intensity of lust between the two was electric. (And we all know how dangerous electricity is around a pool:)). Donavon supplied the spark by deciding to take the initiative. He slowly swam up to Kyle, and held onto the pool's edge. His leg brushed against Kyle's.

I felt Donavon's leg brush against mine. The feeling was incredible. A slight touch, but so satisfying. My eyes locked onto his. An unspoken understanding passed between us, as Donavon moved closer to me. His hand stroked my side, and then his lips met mine. My body and soul were transport ed to a higher plain of ecstasy at that moment. I didn't hesitate for a moment to return his passionate kiss. My arms encircled his body, and I felt the hardness of him. Our erections pressed against each other. Donavon let go of the side of the pool, and embraced me also. We sank beneath t he surface to a world devoid of sound, and became one unit of existence - each part sustaining the other. When the air began to scream for release from our lungs we rose to the surface. Together we moved to the shallow end of the pool. We stood facing each other. Donavon spoke first.

"Kyle, I want your mouth around my cock,": Donavon said without any form of ceremony. His fingers traced my lips, and circled each of my nipples. Exploring fingers migrated down to my cock, until Donavon took my cock in his hand. He held my throbbing cock for awhile and then let go. I did not respond to his request, but took his hand in mine. I led him out of the pool water, and to the pool furniture - specifically one of the pool chairs. Donavon took a seat on one of the chairs. He spread his legs open. The lovely bronze cock still wet from the pool looked so smooth, and shiny. I went down on my knees between his legs. One last time I looked into his eyes before I lowered my mouth onto his cock. His whole cock-head disappea red into my mouth. The unique taste of his cock was replaced by a straying odor of chlorine, but that did not matter. My tongue stroked the ridge of his cock-head, and the sensitive underside of his cock. Further and further my mouth descended until his damp pubes tickled my upper lip. His 9 " cock felt so nice buried deep in my throat, that I didn't want to release it. I didn't want the moment to end. At this point I existed in a world of complete ecstasy.

Donavon's hands clenched at the sides of the pool chair as I began to thrust up and down on his cock with my mouth. After a few strokes a small morsel of precum presented itself to me. My tongue darted across the surface of his cock-head and captured the escaping come. Donavon pushed my head down on his cock - at the same time thrusting up. I felt his cock swell a little more, and his balls tightened in my manipulating hand. Not wanting Donavon to come yet I removed my mouth from his cock, and squeezed the base of his cock tightly.

"I was going to come - what have you done?" Donavon asked pulling hard on my hair.

"I want us to come together, and at the moment you seem to be getting all the attention - I think that it is time that you see to my needs," I said stroking Donavon's stomach, and running my thumbs over his nipples.

"But I have never sucked cock before," Donavon said looking down at my face, and stroking my cheeks.

"Just do to me what you would like me to do to you, and the rest will follow naturally," I said, and stood up. I lowered the back end of the pool chair, so Donavon was lying at a lower angle, and then I straddled his chest. His body beneath mine felt so nice. I moved forward on his chest unti l my cock was at his lips. He parted his lips, and I gently guided my purple head into his mouth. Donavon licked at my cock, and began to suck on my cock in small slurping sounds. The feeling was totally awesome. Here was the guy of my dreams sucking on my cock. His teeth scraped against my

cock as I pushed it deeper into his mouth. I told him to use his lips, and beware of the teeth. After a while I could not penetrate him further. The position was all wrong, and I wanted my whole cock in his mouth.

"Turn around, so that your head is hanging over the end of the chair," I said pulling my cock from his mouth, and moving off of his chest. Donavon turned around so that his head was now in the same position that his feet had occupied. His head hung over the edge of the chair. I took up a posi tion in front of his mouth, and pushed my cock into his dribbling mouth. It was not long before I felt my cock push against the back of his throat. I felt him gag, as I tried to push my last inch into him. In panic he was trying to push my cock from his mouth.

"Relax, and this will feel great," I said pulling back on my cock a little. Looking in front of me I saw that his cock had gone limp. Probably a result of being frightened of gagging. I leaned forward, and took hold of his cock with my one hand. It twitched at my touch, and then I lowered my

mouth onto his cock. I began to suck on his cock again. It began to grow in my mouth. The feeling of it swelling inside my mouth was great. I pushed forward with my hips, and cock entered Donavon's mouth to the hilt. It appeared that my attention to his cock had relaxed him a little, becau se he did not gag on my cock. I began to thrust in and out of his mouth. The sweat warmth of his tight mouth over my cock meant that I was soon ready to come. Deciding not to warn Donavon I sucked harder on his cock, and played with his balls. My orgasm was nearing. I was fighting for contr ol. I lost the battle, as I thrust down deep into Donavon's mouth and loosened a gigantic load. This pushed him over the edge as I felt and then tasted his come in my mouth. I sucked every last morsel from his cock, and then I released it. Donavon had not let up sucking on my cock, and as I pulled it from his mouth he moved upward to keep possession of my cock.

"Wow, there cowboy, you can have my cock back any time - just give me a chance to reload," I said in exhausted breathes. Donavon released my cock, and then I lay on top of him kissing him passionately on the lips. The taste of our man juices mixed. I nibbled on Donavon's bottom lip, and he lo oked into my eyes. His tongue snaked into my mouth again, and explored it for more come. He seemed insatiable. Had I awoken a monster - I really hoped so. We made ourselves more comfortable on the pool chair, and fell asleep in each others arms. My fantasy was now a reality.

The chill of late evening awoke me. I sucked on the nipple right by my mouth. This was how I wanted to wake up - with a gorgeous stud lying next to me. I didn't need to take advantage of Donavon while he slept, so I kissed him awake. He embraced me warmly, and smiled into my face.

"That was great earlier - I have never felt anything so satisfying," Donavon said running his hands down my back, and squeezing my arse cheeks.

"Let's get inside - it is getting rather cool out here," I said. Donavon released me, and we walked hand in hand into the house. With one flick of a switch I turned the pool area into darkness, but I knew that it would always be a bright spot in my heart and soul.

I was rather hungry, after not eating since breakfast, and suggested to Donavon that we get a bite to eat. We headed for the kitchen and I opened cupboards, and the fridge in search of something to eat. Finally, we settled on phoning for Pizza. I phoned the Pizzeria, that I usually use, and ordered a large pizza for supper. While I was ordering the food Donavon had moved into the lounge and started a fire going in the fire-place. A warmth soon enveloped the room. Donavon lay on a blanket on the floor when I entered the room. The fire bathed his bodies in hues of orange. His bro nze complexion was accentuated by the rustling fire. He heard me entering the room, and held out his hand. I moved over to him, and took it as he pulled me down onto the floor.

** Computer Guys, pt6 **

The warmth of the fire was infectious, and soon it had made me rather lazy. I fell asleep again in Donavon's arms.

Not before I noticed a soft snore coming from him. The doorbell awoke me, but Donavon did not budge. I removed his arm from my chest and moved towards the door. Only when I was

almost by the door did I realize that I did not have anything on. I moved over to the window by the door to see who was standing outside. It was Austin the pizza delivery boy. He was a cute 17 year old, who did deliveries to supplement his studies. We had met about two months previously - a t the time he had been delivering something other than pizza. Austin had given me a good fuck one night when I was out cruising. The memory of that night was causing my cock to become a little erect. We had never repeated that one night, but I always made use of his Pizzeria even if it was fr om the other end of town. Unfortunately, this had been the first time, that he had delivered in person. Often the delivery guy on the other end of the door was someone else. Deciding that it did not matter if he saw me naked I opened the door. Austin was a little startled to see me standing in front of him buck naked, but he regained his composure quickly.

"Hmm, look who is a little horny tonight," Austin said leaning forward and tapping my rump.

"Come in," I said, and he entered the house. I closed the door behind him. "Austin just wait here while I go and get some money for the pizza," I said heading towards my room to retrieve my wallet. I returned a while later to find Austin staring at Donavon's naked form on the floor. He heard

me coming and looked in my direction.

"My, God, this guy is hot..." Austin said, and I noticed a growing bulge in his jeans.

"Hands-off, he is all mine," I said handing him the money for the pizza, and including a generous tip. Austin took the money from me, and with side long glances at Donavon he headed towards the door.

"Well, all I can say is that you are one lucky dude," he said leaving the house. I closed the door behind him, and went to the kitchen = divided up the pizza - opened a bottle of red wine, and headed back to the fireplace.

"Hey, you wake up. I could use a little help here," I said nudging Donavon's side with my foot. He sleepily opened his eyes and saw that I was balancing two plates, glasses, and a bottle of wine.

Donavon sprung to his feet. "Here let me help," he said taking the plates from me. He then proceeded to sit cross-legged on the floor. I mimicked his action, and soon we were sitting facing each other on the floor. Our hunger was soon apparent from the manner in which we devoured the pizza.

The red wine helped the pizza go down. We settled down on the floor after eating and talked as we sipped our wine. The atmosphere in the room was almost on the verge of Parisian Romanticism. I took Donavon's glass from him, and placed it out of harms way. Moving so that our bodies touched I began to feverously kiss his wine staine d lips. My tongue probed and was aloud entry into his mouth. We French kissed. I ran my hand through his hair. My other ran down his back. Placing my hand on Donavon's arse cheek, I pulled him into me. Our cocks met with familiarity and raised their weary heads in recognition of future dut ies. I rolled Donavon onto his back, and then proceeded to work my way down his body to his cock. Teasingly, I skirted his cock and sank my mouth around each of Donavon's balls in turn. Donavon groaned. My tongue explored further - tracing the seam that joins balls to arse crack. I hoisted up Donavon's hips a little and plunged my tongue into the area surrounding his arse crack. My tongue darted in and out of his arse crack - lubing up his love canal nicely for what I had planned next. Donavon was thrashing his head from side to side, and was moaning as I tongue fucked him. His

hand had gripped his cock and he was stroking himself.

Suddenly a movement caught my eye from the area of the patio doors. Had I seen somebody peeping by the window? I was not sure. I decided to go and investigate. "Donavon, I'm going to get something to make this more enjoyable," I said and headed for my room. Donavon looked after me questioningly, and I am sure a little excitedly. However, my motives for leaving were different. I entered my room - grabbed a few condoms and a tube a KY from a draw - ju st in case I was wrong. Another entrance to the patio was from my room, and I grabbed my robe and put it on. At the same time stuffing the condoms and lube in one of the pockets. Deciding that I needed some form of protection I grabbed a small electric stun gun (guaranteed to immobilize a hum an for approx. 5 minutes by applying a small shock). Armed and dangerous - okay not really dangerous - I slipped through the patio door and headed towards the other set of patio doors. I saw a figure crouched, by the potted palm on my patio, staring into the lounge. Slowly I crept forward. W hen I was almost upon him. The intruder turned around and suddenly bolted. Like a frightened animal he tried to flee, but I lunged after him. Stretching to my maximum I managed to extend the stun gun, so that it came in contact with his body. I pressed the trigger, and a blue spark of curren t leapt from the device and immobilized the intruder's central nervous system. He was too close to the edge of the pool, and toppled into the water. I quickly threw off my robe and dived into the water. When I emerged with my unconscious captive in tow Donavon was standing at the edge of the pool.

"What the hell is going on", Donavon asked. He helped me pull the intruder out of the pool. I told Donavon to go inside and fetch some towels. He obeyed and went in search of the requested items. We had turned the intruder face down, in case any water had entered his lungs, and now I turned him over. I walked over to one of the override switches for the pool lights, and flooded the area with light. Returning to my captive I saw that it was no other than Austin. Donavon joined me, and I told him who our captive was - supplying him at the same time with some background information

of past activities with the delivery guy. We decided to undress Austin, as his clothes were soaked right through (a legitimate excuse?), and then we toweled him dry. After which we carried him inside to the warm fire. While lying Austin down on the blanket, I noticed that Donavon was inspecting Austin's body, so I decided to give him a guided tour.

Skipping the obviously noticeable attributes that Austin had I decided to point out the unique, which is in characteristic with most tour guides. "If you look down at his cock," I said in a tour guide type voice, "you will notice that he has a very distinct birthmark running down the underside." Donavon peered closer. "Now if we explore his body further you will notice a small tattoo of an eagle with it's claws imbedded in the Earth," I

said pointing to the tattoo located on his inner left thigh, close to his balls.

"Why does he have that?" Donavon asked running a finger over the tattoo.

"Well, his parent's belonged to a cult when he was born, and it was common practice, that all the babies of the cult members would be tattooed for easier identification. At least that is what he told me."

Austin's hand twitched. The paralysis was beginning to wear off. Soon he regained full consciousness and stared at the pair of us.

"We'd like an explanation, " I said in the sternest voice that I could muster, and poked the tender flesh around his ribs.

"I couldn't help myself. After I caught a look at this guy," he said pointing to Donavon, "lying on your floor, and you naked Kyle, I had to see what you guys were up to." Austin stroked back his sandy hair from in front of his brown eyes. Either he had noticed that he was naked and didn't ca re or he was afraid to broach the subject.

Donavon and I exchanged one of those communicative looks that says a hundred words.

"Well, seen as you are here - you might as well help me introduce Donavon to the pleasurable experience of male on male sex," I suggested. A huge grin spread across Austin's face. No doubt this is what he had hoped the outcome would be all along. I moved forward to kiss Austin's lips, and so did Donavon. Donavon and I kissed Austin in turn, and then each other, then somehow we all seemed to be kissing each other at the same time. The heat and wetness of their mouths was sending me to a point of erection, and it was having a similar effect on those in my company. Donavon began to kiss and nibble his way downward to Austin's waiting erection. Not wanting to be deprived of the sensual feeling of his Austin's cock sliding in and out of my mouth - I followed suit. Donavon explored the left side of Austin's body, and I the right. Our timing was good, as we both crossed the

checkered flag, and wanted to claim our prize. Arriving at the winning post at the same time meant that we had to share our trophy, but that did not matter. Selfishly, I moved to take Austin's cock in my mouth, and Donavon proceeded to suck on Austin's balls.

"Yes guys, work on my cock, oh yes, suck that baby," Austin moaned, like the little slut that I remembered him to be. He took pleasure in vocalizing during sex. Well, I planned on making him hoarse. My mouth was pumping up and down Austin's cock - my tongue tracing the distinctive birthmark.

Austin's hips were thrusting up to meet my face each time I swallowed him to the hilt. After a while deciding that I better give Donavon a chance on the 8" cock before it lost its hardness, I searched for Donavon's mouth, and whispered for him to take over the stimulation of Austin's cock. Gr eedily, he began sucking on Austin's cock.

Austin was in heaven. He had two gorgeous guys working on his cock and balls. The feeling of their bodies close to his was electric. Austin was no newcomer to sex with others, but this experience was somehow different. He felt his legs being lifted up slightly, and then the warmth of a tongu e caressed the edges of the entrance to his love canal. The feeling was intense. A warm, wet feeling. The tongue began to dart in and out of his arse, while a mouth sucked on his cock. He wanted cock to - specifically he wanted that bronze beauty. Reaching his hand down to Donavon's head he

pulled it from his cock. "Give me your cock," he said to Donavon. Donavon turned around so that they were in a 69 position, and continued to work on Austin's cock. Austin licked his lips, as the bronze cock lay in front of him. He rapidly moved forward and took the cock in his mouth. The sucking on his cock stopped for just a moment and then continued. Now he was truly in heaven. The cock in Austin's mouth tasted so nice, and a generous helping of precum added to the taste. He sucked on the cock - using his tongue to explore every part. His hands caressed the arse cheeks in front of him, and his finger s probed Donavon's arse crack. He was surprised when he was able to push his finger easily into Donavon's arse. Donavon did not stop his manipulation on Austin's cock this time. Austin began to finger fuck Donavon's arse, while he sucked rhythmically on the cock in his mouth.

Donavon was in ecstasy the feeling of a cock in his mouth, and his cock in his mouth was great. It reminded him of earlier on the patio, but although the act was the same - the emotions that he had felt at that moment could never be repeated. He felt something exploring around his arse, and th en sink into him. Kyle's tongue fuck from earlier had loosened him up nicely. He had so much wanted to feel Kyle's cock imbedded in him, but now it looked like he would have to wait a little longer. Donavon was disturbed in his sucking when Kyle moved away from Austin's arse, but he returned quickly to the task at hand.

I was so horny from having these two guys on my lounge floor, that I knew that although I had not touched my cock once - it would not take much to make me come. Deciding that Austin's arse was ready for my cock to penetrate it, I retrieved the condoms and KY from my discarded robe. I slid a co ndom onto my cock, and applied a little KY. Moving into a position that placed my cock at the entrance to Austin's arse I slowly eased into him. My cock met little resistance. Donavon was watching my cock push into Austin's arse, and he sucked harder on Austin's cock.

Releasing Donavon's cock, Austin said, "stop teasing me and fuck me - its in already now start putting it to work". He then resumed his sucking on Donavon's cock, and increased his fingers in Donavon's arse to two. Deciding that Austin knows best what he wants I began to pump in and out of him

mercilessly. I felt my cock brush against his prostrate. Donavon removed his mouth from Austin's cock, and showed me the precum that was oozing forth. Austin climaxed first - shooting a huge load into Donavon's mouth. Donavon expertly swallowed everything. Austin deciding that Donavon shou ld come also finger fucked his arse faster, and sucked harder. Donavon's eyes misted over as he orgasmed, and I was on my way to orgasm from Austin's arse muscles clamping down on my cock when he orgasmed. Seeing Donavon orgasm pushed me to the point of no return. I shot my load.

We all lay for a moment exhausted. Sweat beading our taut young bodies. However, we knew that the cleanup operation would be as exciting as the sex, and we hesitated no longer than necessary. I pulled my softening cock from Austin's body with a audible pop, and discarded the spent condom. Do navon's mouth soon found my cock and he cleaned the remaining come from it. Once all the cocks were presentable - our tongues met for a sensual embrace as before, and our sweat soaked bodies slid up against each other.

"Thank you guys - that was great," Austin said. He gave us each a passionate kiss. The taste of come lingered in all our mouths.


Next: Chapter 2

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