Completely Owned

By sub slut

Published on Nov 29, 2023


I hope you all enjoyed the first two parts! Sorry it's taken me so long to get to part 3, but I hope you all enjoy it! Also, if you enjoy checking out nifty as much as I do, I hope you'll consider donating to help keep it the amazing website it is!

Completely Owned Part 3

By calisubslut

The rest of the weekend was just a haze to me. I kept trying to think of a way out of the complete mess I had gotten myself into, but I couldn't figure a way out. I thought about emailing Adam, or I guess Master now, but I was afraid it would just piss him off more and he might do something with the videos. The best I could hope for was to talk to him in person on Monday morning and beg for him to understand and let it all go.

I was too nervous to eat as I made my way into the office early Monday morning. I was wearing a red thong under my jeans since that was the only type of underwear I had left now. I arrived a little early, but noticed that Adam's office light was on, so I went up anyways and knocked lightly on the door. He responded quickly saying to come in, so I eased the door open and stepped inside, closing it behind me.

"Wow, you're even early. You must be really eager to get started after all!"

I opened my mouth to start to say something when he cut me off.

"I can tell by the look on your face that you're about to do something stupid, so lets just head that off. There is no way for you to convince me to release you. You are mine to use however I want, and I intend to do just that. You don't get a choice. I don't care what you think. I'm going to do whatever I want. Is that clear?"

I nodded my head mutely, staring at the ground. My last hope was gone. I was well and truly fucked.

"When I ask you something you answer with Sir or Master. Now, is that clear slut??" My new Master responded louder than before.

"Yes Master I understand."

"Good, then strip."

My eyes shot up and locked on his. I thought for a brief second of begging not to, but his cold gaze made it clear I would have no mercy or choice. Instead of arguing, I just started to take off my clothes and shoes, until I was wearing nothing more than my thong stretched tight around my cock and riding up my ass.

"Good, slut. I'm glad to see you're learning. You'll still have to be punished for hesitating though. Now get on your knees with your forehead on the ground and your hands behind your back. I'm going to help you out by taking your clothes down to your office for youyou're your punishment though, the second you hear me open the door, you're going to say nice and loud- thank you so much for letting me serve you Master. Can I pretty pretty please suck your cock!! You are not to move or look at the door until I say so however. Is that clear?"

I knew better than to hesitate again, "Yes Master"

"Good, then get on your knees slut."

I knelt exactly as he told me with my forehead on the floor and my hands behind my back. I knew where I was I would be clearly visible from the hallway when he opened the door, but I also knew I didn't have a choice. Hopefully it was early enough that no one would be walking by at least.

Master picked up my clothes and shoes, including my wallet and keys that were in my pockets, and left the room. I couldn't actually see the door with my forehead on the ground, but I could tell from the sound he had opened it nice and wide. Even more worrying though, he hadn't closed it all the way! I could just see a sliver of light off to the side meaning anyone who knocked might accidentally push the door open. My heart was racing faster and faster as I knelt there waiting for Master to return. Unfortunately when he finally did, my situation was even worse. I could hear him talking with someone! He wouldn't actually bring them in, would he??

Instead of opening the door, Master stopped right outside and talked for a little while. From what little I could hear, it was the janitor he was talking too. Manuel was a large Mexican guy, about 10 years older than me, and normally really friendly. Not friendly enough that I'd be comfortable with him finding me like this though! I couldn't figure out what to do. When Master opened the door, I was supposed to beg him to use me, but then Manuel would hear even if he wasn't standing in front of the door. I didn't have long to decide though as I heard them saying bye to each other and Master's hand on the doorknob.

I knew it would get me punished, but I decided on what I had to do. I would just hesitate a few seconds, until Manuel was far enough down the hall that he wouldn't hear me. I just knelt there as Master opened the door, knowing I was completely exposed if anyone walked by, but counting off a few seconds in my head before following my orders.

"Thank you so much for letting me serve you Master. Can I pretty pretty please suck your cock!!"

I said it slightly louder than normal, but what I hoped was quiet enough to not carry down to Manuel.

"I guess you still need some more training. Did you really think I wouldn't realize you were stalling. I had planned on Manny just hearing my new slut begging and not seeing you, but I guess you need another lesson." He walked back to the door, "Hey Manny come back here a minute!"

I head Manuel yell back and start walking back down the hall to the office and I felt like crying! I had just made my situation even worse!

"Hey sorry to call you back, but I've got a surprise for you. Remember that little cocksucker I used to tell you about who didn't want to be shared with anyone else? Well, I have a new one, who would LOVE to suck your cock. In fact he was just begging me for some cock right now, weren't you slut? Why don't you sit up, turn around and tell us exactly what you were hoping for"

I knew what was expected of me. I couldn't believe I was going to do it, but what choice did I have. I slowly righted myself, not unclasping my hands from behind my back, and shuffled around on my knees until I was facing them both standing in the doorway. I can only imagine the sight I must make, kneeling there wearing nothing but a thong and a big "eager" smile.

"Holy crap is that Jason?! I never would have figured him for a cocksucker!"

"Well I've just started training him, but he just can't get enough, can you slut?"

"Yes Master! I was hoping for the pleasure of sucking your cock this morning, but I will happily suck any and every cock you wish me too! All I want is to be a good cockslut for you and serve you however you wish!"

I hoped it would be enough and thought it might be when Manuel started laughing. "Damn, you really do know how to find them! I could use a good blowjob right now if you're serious?"

The question wasn't even directed at me. He asked Adam. My Master.

"Of course! In fact, this cocksucker is going to be here early every morning from now on. I'll have him wait for you in his office at 7 sharp so you can get a blowjob before the day starts. Go ahead and have some fun though!"

"You're a good man Adam!"

Manuel stepped further inside, closing the door behind him. He wasted no time unzipping his jeans and pulling out his hardening cock. It wasn't huge by any means, but looked like it would be a little thicker than average when it was fully hard. Before it got there though, he walked up to me and pushed it into my open mouth.

"No hands slut, let's see how good of a cocksucker you are."

As I started bobbing my head and sucking on his cock, I heard my Master respond behind me.

"He's still learning, so don't expect too much. What he lacks in technique though, he makes up for in enthusiasm!"

I knew what he was trying to say so I started moaning and slobbering on his cock like it was the greatest thing in the world. Not being tied up, I had much more room to move than when I put on my first performance for my Master, and I tried to make full use of it. I swirled my tongue all around the head, licked up and down the shaft, at one point I even tried to take his cock all the way down, though I quickly gagged and pulled back, making both of them laugh. Now that Manuel was fully hard, I hoped it wouldn't be long and I bobbed, and sucked, and moaned for all I was worth. Finally I was rewarded by him grabbing both side of my head and speed fucking my mouth until He groaned out and I felt his cum start filling my mouth. I swallowed as fast as I could to keep from making a mess, and gently sucked his cock as it started to soften. With a soft moan, Manuel pulled his cock from my mouth and tucked it back into his jeans.

"Damn, that was good, thanks Adam. See you tomorrow morning Jason!"

As he walked out I heard Master say goodbye behind me, but all I could focus on was the shame. Now there were two people here who knew about me.

"Turn around and say thank you slut"

I slowly shuffled around on my knees to see Master sitting at his desk with his phone out filming me. I screwed my face back up into an eager smile,

"Thank you so much for letting me service your friend Sir! I'm excited to suck his cock every morning, and so grateful to have such a thoughtful Master!!"

He put his phone away laughing, and motioned me over. As I crawled around his desk, I saw his cock was already out and hard. It didn't take a genius to figure out what he wanted, so I quickly crawled up between his legs and started sucking.

"NEVER disobey me again. I don't care how clever you think you are, I will know, and you will regret it. You will suck Manny's cock every weekday morning from now on, and you will keep him convinced that there is nothing in the world you want more. He's used to hearing about my cocksuckers so he will be discrete. Next time you disobey me though, I will not be so careful with who I expose you too. Is that clear?"

Master held my head in place after he asked, so with no other option, I mumbled out "Yes Master" around his cock which made him laugh again.

"From now on, you will arrive at your office at 7 and be waiting in just a thong to service Manny, after which you will come up to my office. You may put your clothes and shoes back on for the walk up, but whether or not they stay up here depends entirely on my mood. I will use you as much as I want, and then I will allow you to return to your work. Some days that might be just a blowjob, other days, like today, I will keep you naked, bound, and sucking my cock the entire day. You will not go home until I give you permission and you will keep your phone close in case I want you to come up to my office. Some days, I might have you come back to my place to service me more, other days I might go to your place. I'm going to enjoy humiliating and degrading you in your own home! Whatever I want, whatever I tell you, you will do. If I told you to turn around and crawl down to your office right now, you will do it. Won't you?"

"Yes Master" I mumbled again.

I could feel Master getting harder in my mouth as I moaned and sucked like a good slut. Finally he pulled me off until just the head of his cock was in my mouth and groaned loudly as he jerked shot after shot of his cum into my mouth. Finally he finished and pushed his chair back a little.

"Under the desk. You're going to spend the rest of the day there practicing on my cock, and every day doing the same until you can fully deepthroat me. I have a feeling you're going to be spending a lot of time there slut!"

I didn't say a word. I just crawled under the desk and turned around as Master pushed his chair back under. As I knelt there wearing nothing but a thong, sucking my Master's cock under his desk, I couldn't believe what I had gotten myself into. And it was only the first day.

Thank you all for the amazing feedback after the last story! I especially like the ideas and cock pics! If you have any comments (or orders!) please email me at! Thank you!!

Next: Chapter 4

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