Completely Owned

By sub slut

Published on Nov 10, 2023


Completely Owned part 2

By calisubslut

Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck FUCK!!!

What had I been thinking?! Here I was, hogtied in my own living room, ring gag holding my mouth open, giant plug stretching my ass, pink thong showing what a sissy I was, and a man had just walked in. The best I could hope for was that he would just use my mouth and leave. With the blindfold covering my eyes I'd have no idea who it was, but it could be worse. If he wanted more and opened the envelope, he'd own me. He could do whatever he wanted and there was nothing I could do about it.

I laid there silently hoping to hear him walking towards me sooner rather than later. Hoping I wouldn't hear an envelope opening. It only took a few seconds for that hope to disappear though as I heard paper being ripped open and someone laughing to themselves as they read what I had written. It felt like forever before I heard footsteps coming towards me. They didn't say a word though. I heard them circle around me and tried to talk through the gag, but all that came out was an unintelligible mumble that made them laugh. I couldn't believe the situation I had gotten myself into!

"I don't think you'll be needing either of these anymore"

I struggled to move or get loose. Anything to stop this, but all it earned me was another laugh as I heard him pick up the garbage bag and then the jingle of my keys being untied from the string.

"I'm going to go ahead and take this USB and letter with me too. Might as well put them somewhere safe so they don't get lost."

He walked back past me and then I heard the front door open and close again. I couldn't believe it. I was stripped down to a thong, gagged, plugged, bound, blindfolded, and left hanging in my own apartment by a man I didn't know, but who now had enough video and paperwork to ruin my life. How could I have been so stupid?!

It felt like hours before I heard the man come back inside, but it was probably only 15-20 minutes. He walked into the living room and sat down on the couch, but quickly muttered something about this not working. I wasn't sure what he meant but quickly figured it out when I felt him grab my head harness and roughly pull my body around until I guessed I was facing him. Then he removed my blindfold and I realized how well and truly screwed I was. His name was Adam and he was one of the senior faculty in my department!

Adam just sat there laughing to himself at the expression on my face. I had met and talked with him a couple times over the last couple months and he always seemed like such a nice guy. He was universally respected and liked in the department for being a smart researcher, good teacher, and amazing mentor. I hadn't heard a single bad word about him, and for a second it gave me a little hope that I might be able to talk my way out this. The look on his face was not one I'd seen on him before though. And he quickly told me just how wrong I was.

"Well, I didn't actually expect you to be here. I thought someone had to be playing a joke on you. And yet, here you are. Did you mean what you said in the letter? You don't want to actually act any of this out?"

I nodded my head yes as hard as I could!

"So despite that video, you don't actually want to be owned by someone? You don't want to be someone's cocksucker?"

Again, I nodded my head up and down fast. Maybe he'd let me go after all!

Then he just started laughing. Hard. He sat back on the couch and laughed loudly while I just looked on in confusion and growing fear.

"Wow, that really couldn't be more perfect. I wrote that little note on the bathroom stall but never expected something like this. I've been checking it for almost 6 months, ever since my last cocksucker moved away. Fortunately I won't have to worry about that with you! You see, it's not always easy being nice and good at work. There are times I just really need to tell someone to go fuck themselves, but I have to be the good professor. Having a cocksucker helped with relieving some of that stress, but I had to be careful not to go too hard. They had their limits and if I was too rough, they wouldn't want to play. You don't get that choice though. You don't get a safeword or an opinion. I'm going to use you in the roughest, hardest, most degrading ways I can imagine, and you're going to thank me and beg for more. Well, either that or I might "lose" your USB somewhere..."

He gave me a pointed look and I knew I was trapped. I'd do anything he said if it meant not having that USB seen by others.

"You agree to be my cockslut and do everything I tell you? I'll use you however, whenever, and wherever I want. I'll fuck, use, and degrade you in ways you've never even thought of, and you'll have to thank me for every bit of it and beg for more. This is your only chance out. I can leave the USB somewhere and you'll have to deal with the humiliation of that. Or do you agree to constant, ongoing humiliation until I get bored of using you?"

I nodded my head, fighting back tears as I thought about what I'd gotten myself into. Adam just smiled ear to ear.

"Good choice. Here's what's going to happen. I'm going to remove your gag and you're going to beg for my cock. You're going to beg me to make you my cocksucker and to own you. You're going to promise to do every dirty, degrading, humiliating thing you can think of. You're going to beg me to use you as hard and long and rough as I want, and you're going to say you don't want a safeword in any way. You're going to ask me to take pictures and video and do what I want with it, to expose you to my friends or anyone else I want, and to treat you like the cocksucking whore you deserve to be. Then, I'm going to fuck your throat until I cum all over your face and you're going to moan like a good whore through the whole thing and thank me after. IF you do all that and completely convince me that you want it, I won't leave your USB lying around somewhere for other people to find. If you do always do everything I say, I won't expose you to anyone. This will stay between us. If you ever disobey me, hesitate to do what I say, or, god help you, say no, I promise I will make you regret it. Is that clear?"

I nodded my head slowly. What choice did I have.

"Good slut. From now on, you will always refer to me as Sir or Master. You are nothing more than my fucktoy from now on and you had better remember it. Let's get started!"

Adam, or now I guess I should say Master, stood up and pulled out his phone. He turned it around so I could clearly see him opening up the video and starting to record. Then he slowly walked around, filming every inch of the situation I put myself in. After walking all the way around me, he sat down and propped the phone up a little to the side so it would have a clear view of my face and my entire bound body. Then he reached up and unlocked and unbuckled my gag harness. It took a little work to get it out, and when it finally popped out I quickly stretched my jaw to work out the pain of having it stretched for so long. It only took one look up at my new Master to know I had better get started though. Screwing my face up into the biggest smile I could manage, I begged in the most desperate, horny, degrading way I could think of in the hopes he wouldn't expose me.

"Thank you so much for considering me as your cocksucker Sir! I so want to be your toy and cockslut and will do whatever it takes to earn that privilege. I know I might not be the most experienced, but I promise what I lack I will more than make up for in eagerness to do anything and everything you order. I will worship your cock every second you allow me, until I am the best cockslut you've ever had! I want to be completely and utterly owned by you in every way. My mouth, my pussy, everything I am and have, is yours to use and abuse in any way you desire. I'll kneel under your desk for hours worshiping your cock while you work or ignore me, or bend over it and beg for you to use my pussy as hard and rough as you want. I'll worship your cock in your car, in restaurants, movie theatres, parks, bathrooms, anywhere you want. I'd happily kneel and suck your cock in the middle of the DMV if it helped you pass the time! I want nothing more than for you to dominate, degrade, and humiliate me in any way you can imagine. I have no limits and no safeword. You don't need to worry about my privacy or reputation. All I need is to be used and owned by you and I hope the entire world knows it! You can even film each and every thing you do to me and post it online for everyone to see that I am your property and your personal fucktoy. I am yours to do with as you wish, whether that's using me in front of others, or ordering me to service others however you want. I will never say no, never ask for a break, and never want anything other than to submit to you in any and every way that you desire for as long as you desire. I..."

My new Master held up his hand and I stopped immediately. I'm sure I had a confused look on my face, but I quickly tried to look as if I was eagerly hanging on his every desire.

"You don't want a safeword? Are you sure? I will take ownership if that's what you desire, but sometimes fantasy can be different from reality. Are you SURE you don't want a safeword and are you SURE you actually want me to take complete ownership of you?

I knew the question was for the camera's benefit and not mine, so I continued to play my part.

"I am positive Sir. I have been thinking about this for years, and I know without a doubt in my mind that I want to be completely and utterly owned with no choice in what happens to me. I want you to use me in the roughest, hardest, most degrading ways you can imagine, and I will get nothing but joy knowing that all choice has been taken out of the equation for me. I truly deeply want you to own me Sir!"

"Well, ok. If you're positive that's what you want, then we will start off small. The next month will be a trial period. I will subject you to degradations you've never imagined. You will have no say in any of it, but at the end of the month I will give you the option to quit. If you wish to at that time, then I will release you of your obligation. If, however, you have pleased me and you wish to continue, then I will take full ownership of you. You will be mine to use, degrade, humiliate, and expose in any and every way that I can imagine, and you will have no say in the matter for as long as I want. If you agree to that, then all you need to say right now is yes Master, and we will seal this deal appropriately."

Everything about this situation ran through my head. Here I was in my own living room, naked except for a thong, hogtied tightly, plugged, and on camera begging a senior faculty member from my department to be his sex slave for as long as he desired. I had no illusions about the one month trial. It was again just for the camera. I was his to do with as he wished. And in the seconds it took for it all to run through my head, I also realized something else. I had no choice in the matter.

"Yes Master."

Master stood up and began taking off his pants. I could tell by the bulge in the front that he was turned on, but I was still surprised when he slipped off his boxer briefs and got my first look at his hardening cock. It wasn't fully stiff yet, but had to be 8 inches long already. I can just close my hand around my own cock when it's hard, and I knew just from looking that his was wider. He stepped up to my head which was at almost the perfect level for his cock to go straight in.

"Show me how much you want me to be your Master."

I prepared myself for the performance of a lifetime, knowing there was no way I could allow the USB or this video to ever be seen by others. I opened my mouth "eagerly" and stared adoringly at his cock. He just smirked down at me and slowly pushed the tip of his cock in past my lips. I moaned loudly as if I was tasting the greatest thing in the world, closing my eyes as though I was savoring every bit of it. Master pushed in just to the tip and left it there for a second and I took over as I knew he wanted. I bobbed my head as much as my bondage would allow, moaning and slobbering like a complete whore. I sucked his cock for all I was worth, doing everything I could think of. I forced my head as far as I could though he was still to far away to even touch my throat. I stared up at him with an eager, desperate look as I slurped loudly on his cock, making eye contact as he smirked down at me.

Finally he must have been getting close as he stepped closer and grabbed both sides of my head. He started thrusting in and out hard, gagging me each time he hit the back of my throat. Master didn't seem interested in pushing it down my throat which was good as I was less than half way down each time thrust all the way in. Mostly it just seemed like he was enjoying hearing me gag and choke on his cock, feeling me gag up more and more slobber each time. He was picking up speed, hitting my throat hard each time, until finally Master pulled out, took his cock in his hand and started shooting his load all over my face as I kept my mouth wide open, as though wanting nothing more than to taste his cum. I just laid there, bound tight, moaning like a whore, as Master painted my face with rope after rope of cum. I couldn't believe how much it felt like he came, but I'm guessing it felt like more than it really was. All I could think about was how I must look having my face painted with his cum while I moaned like a cheap whore. When he was finally spent, Master stepped back up and put the head of his cock back in my mouth for me to clean. I immediately went back into cocksucker mode, licking and sucking and moaning like a good slut.

Once Master was finally satisfied, he stepped back a little and reached for his phone, turning it off. He put his cock away and zipped himself up.

"Not bad, but you'll need more work. Be at my office 7:00 Monday morning. Only thongs from now on, and you had better remember your place. If I tell you to do something, you do it. You get no say, no choice, no opinion. You're mine now. I suggest you take the rest of the weekend to come to terms with that, because this is your life now."

He pulled my keys out of his pocket and tied them back to the end of the string that had already fallen from the ice, tossing it off to the side.

"See you Monday slut."

With that, Master left.

Hope you enjoy the second part! Please reach out to me at if you have any comments, ideas, or orders for me!!

Next: Chapter 3

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