Company Whore

By dlacourse

Published on Feb 25, 2011


Company Whore Chapter 2

Martin Belger, CEO. That's what it said on the door. I sat down behind my large desk and looked out over my large office. Complete with a cocktail bar. I spun around gazing out the window at my panoramic view of the city. Six windows from floor to ceiling. There we power operated drapes , of course if and when I needed privacy.

The buzzer rang. "Sir, I'm here with some of my things."

Mr. Dillard walked in the room carrying his brief case under one arm and balancing a large box of papers and files.

"Where should I put these, sir?"

"On the floor for now," I ordered.

"There are two more men bringing the file cabinets, sir."

"They can put in there," I pointed to the door on the West wall. Mr. Dillard opened it and walked in. A few minutes later he walked out.


I spoke to him sharply. "What the HELL is it, Mr. Dillard?"

"The room is only a bathroom. Toilet, shower and a couple sinks. There doesn't seem to be room for a desk or computer, sir."

I handed him my laptop from my desk. "Here! You've been promoted to a laptop!"

"I, I, have no desk, sir."

I walked over to him, grabbed his neck tie and led him into the room.

I pointed to the toilet. "You can sit there. Put the laptop on your lap and you are fine. Put the file cabinets next to the toilet and sink. I don't see a problem. You're going to be naked all the time anyway. Now get your crap organized and report to me after lunch. 1:00 P.M. Sharp!"

"Yes, sir."

I came back to my office and found Mr. Dillard in his position next to my desk. Knees spread wide apart and hands behind his head. I tossed my paper down and slid into my big new leather chair.

"Nice new shiny cock rings. You look very sexy there, Mr. Dillard."

"Thank you, sir."

"I think think when you own something you should display it. Don't you, Mr. Dillard?"

"Yes, sir."

"Good! I want you to stand up and walk over to the window. Keep your legs spread and your hands behind your head. You stand naked in the window until I say you can return to your position."

"Yes, sir."

"Before you do, go the the bar and make me a martini. Everything you need is there."

"Yes, sir." He walked to the bar and made the drink and brought it back to me at my desk. He walked to the window, spread his legs wide open and locked his hands behind his head.

He made excellent martini's. I took a sip. "You may attract more viewers if you get an erection, Mr. Dillard. I know I would watch if I saw a naked man with a hard-on in the window."

"Thank you, sir."

I chuckled to myself, because I think he was being sarcastic with the thank you

Forty minutes had passed. "You can return to my desk, Mr. Dillard."

He knelt down in his position. "Thank you, sir."

"We need to talk about your body hair, Mr. Dillard. In regards to you shaving it off."


"You heard me! I want your body void of all hair. Except for that on you head and your face."

"He glanced at me for a second. "Yes, sir."

"I don't mind body hair, Mr. Dillard. But we have clients that do not like it. So therefore, we need to correct it. I don't expect you to do yourself. You would probably cut yourself a hundred time and bleed to death. I have made an appointment for you. You'll go there tomorrow and they will do it for you."

"Sir, clients?"

"Yes. Mr. Tanaka. He is a very big client from Japan. He is having a meeting slash party this Saturday evening. I'll fill you in tomorrow."

"Yes, sir."

The next morning, my coffee was steaming on my desk right next to my paper. Mr. Dillard was naked in his position by my desk.

"Now, Mr. Dillard. The company limousine will take you to your appointment. The limousine will call for you in two hours. It will take that long to remove all your hair. You should be back here in my office by 1:00 P.M. Clear?

"Yes, sir."

I was very eager to see what Mr. Dillard would look like completely shaved of all his hair. I walked in my office and Mr. Dillard was kneeling beside the desk.

"Stand UP!' I ordered. "Let's have a look at you. Turn around, slowly. Did the shave the crack of your ass? Bend over, let me see."

He bent over, spreading his cheeks with his hands. It was smooth all the way to his tight pucker.

I walked over to him for a closer look. I rubbed my hands over his cock and around his balls. Smooth as could be. I slid my hand across his pectoral muscles and flicked his nice hard nipples. I slid my hand down to his abdominals which were very nice I thought. My hand slid around his waist, across the small of his back and over his muscular ass cheeks. All smooth a silk.

"Well worth the money, " I said, slapping his ass with my hand. "How does that feel?"

"Very cold, sir."

I laughed. "That would explain your very hard nipples. Go get me the clamps for them."

He went to the bathroom slash his new office and returned with the adjustable clamps.

I fastened one on each nipple and tightened the small wheel with my thumb and forefinger. He flinched, I noticed it mashed out the sides of the clamp. "There. You'll wear them the rest of the day."

"Yes, sir."

I noticed his cock would become fully erect for awhile, then shrink down to normal. Then swell up and shrink down. This went on for the rest of the day.

I don't know weather it was the constant dull pain of the nipple clamps that made him react or some thought that might have been passing through his head. Whatever it was, I enjoyed watching his cock rise up and down fifteen to twenty minutes.

"I'm leaving early," I said to him. "Tomorrow is Friday and we have things to go over. Oh, you can take those nipple clamps off now."

"Thank you, sir."

I leaned back in my chair. "7:00 P.M. this evening we'll pick up Mr. Tanaka at the airport and take him to his hotel. He may have Mr. Oshiro with him. However, that's not important. What is important is we make a great first impression."

I starred down at his hairless scrotum and the two big bulges inside. I took a sip of my coffee.

"Didn't I give you a leather collar?"

"No, sir. Just a butt plug, triple cock ring and nipple clamps."

"Are you wearing your butt plug?"

"Yes, sir. I only took it out yesterday when I was shaved."

I fumbled through my desk and there in the bottom drawer, was a black leather collar with silver diamonds studded on it. "Bend over here!"

I buckled the collar around his neck. I stuck my finger between the collar and his neck for clearance. "You'll wear that tonight and the triple cock ring. No butt plug. No clamps."

"Yes, sir."

Mr. Dillard showed up in the company parking garage, wearing his usual suit, white shirt and tie. We got in the company limousine I picked up the black phone and hit the bred button.

The driver answered. "Where to, sir?"

"The airport. North side. Where the private jets land. Just off the freeway." I hung up the phone as the limousine made its way out of the garage.

I sat in the read lounge seat Mr. Dillard sat in the one of the seats next to the bar and television.

"Did you wear your collar?"

"Yes, sir. It's under my shirt and tie."

"Good. Strip off all your clothes."

"Yes, sir." It only took him two minutes to strip down. I guess he had a lot of practice. "Now, get on your hands and knees. And put your glasses back on. Mr. Tanaka wears black horn-rimmed glasses like yours."

Mr. Dillard quickly put his glasses back on.

"Make me a drink. You know what I like."

"Yes, sir."

We turned past the gate and into the parking lot at the private boarding lounge.

"I want you in position in front of that chair next to the bar. I also want you open your mouth and keep it open!"

"Yes, sir."

The driver opened the door as Mr. Tanaka and Mr. Oshiro climbed inside. The driver began loading the luggage.

Mr. Tanaka looked Mr. Dillard over and smiled at me. "You have a very unique style, Mr. Belger. "A style I like."

"Would you care for a drink. The driver is not finished loading your bags yet.

He bowed his head slightly. "Yes, please."

"What would you and Mr. Oshiro like to drink."

"I like to have American Martini. With green olive in it."

I smiled and pointed to Mr. Dillard. "He makes some of the best Manhattan Martini's you ever tasted."

I snapped my fingers at Mr. Dillard. "Fix some Martini's."

The limousine slowly pulled out of the airport, Mr. Dillard crawled over on his knees and handed the drinks to Mr. Tanaka and Mr. Oshiro. He crawled back and brought my over.

Mr. Tanaka took a drink of his martini. "Who is this man?"

"My personal assistant. However, he's at your disposal during your stay in town."

Mr. Tanaka smiled at Mr. Oshiro and then at me.

"I like his cleaned shaved body. Very smooth." Mr. Tanaka said with a smile.

"He is for your service." I snapped my fingers at Mr. Dillard. "Service Mt. Tanaka's cock. He likes to be licked."

Mr. Dillard crawled over to Mr. Tanaka, gently unfastened the front of his pants. Mr. Tanaka was already hard from starring at this naked man in front of him.

Mr. Dillard slowly bend down and gently licked the cock and balls of Mr. Tanaka. Paying close attention to the big mushroom head. His tongue slid back and forth and between the slit of his cock. Mr. Tanaka closed his eyes and leaned back in the seat. The rest of the world went by as he completed his orgasm. Mr. Oshiro wanted to have his cock serviced also but we were already at the hotel.

Mr. Tanaka turned to me as he went to leave the limousine. "You will be at the meeting tomorrow night?"

I shook his hand. "I most assuredly will."

"You will bring you personal assistant also?"

"He has begged me for the chance."

"Excellent. We will see you then."

The limousine pulled away. I snapped my fingers at Mr. Dillard. "Fix me another drink."

I leaned back in the seat sipping my drink. "It was a successful first meeting." I said to Mr. Dillard. "I think they they were very impressed with you, Mr. Dillard."

I tossed him the handkerchief from my pocket. "Wipe you dripping cock off. Maybe you'll get lucky at the party and someone will suck you off."

We pulled back into the company parking garage. "I'll pick you up at your apartment at 6:00 P.M. Saturday. You'll attend the meeting with me. Dress in full black suit and tie. Wear your butt plug and triple cock ring. Bring your collar and nipple clamps."

We stepped into the meeting room and were met by Mr. Tanaka. "Welcome to the meeting." He starred at Mr. Dillard who was about six inches taller than him. "Your personal assistant looks very striking this evening."

He leaned over to Mr. Dillard and smiled. "You have more on than the last time we met."

"Yes, sir. I do for now."

The meeting lasted for a boring hour. I nudged Mr. Dillard every time I wanted him to make a note of something I thought important. The meeting broke up and everyone shook hands and lied about the great time they had. I took Mr. Dillard with me to a back elevator. We got on and went to the 18th floor. At the end of the hall, I knocked on a door. A young Asian man let us in.

We were in the serving area of the suite. "Strip your clothes off, Mr. Dillard!"

"Yes, sir."

In seconds, he was naked. "Give me the collar and nipple clamps."

I fastened the collar, placing the silver ring toward the back. I attached the clamps to his nipples, just enough to hold them firmly. I knew it would be a long evening. The clamps were attached with a silver chain and a ring.

I put the ring in Mr. Dillard's mouth. "Keep this ring in your mouth. You don't take it out. Unless you have to suck someone."

"Yes, sir."

The young Asian man was smiling while he glared at Mr. Dillard's cock protruding through the cock rings. One around the base of his cock and balls. One at the base of his cock and one around his ball sac. The young man was obviously impressed.

I looked at the young Asian man. "He has a butt plug. In case you want to fuck him. Take it out and stick you cock in there. He also goes wild when his cock is sucked."

The young Asian man smile and nodded his head up and down. "Thank you."

The party was small just like Mr. Tanaka had said. There was him, Mr. Oshiro, Mr. Narita, Mr. Yamada and of course, myself. One Asian gentleman was the caterer and cook for the snacks. The other one was the bartender and of course, Mr. Dillard.

I thought it was a very entertaining evening, but I don't think Mr. Dillard did.

For some strange reason, the Japanese men got a thrill out of fondling his cock and balls sticking through those cock rings. They liked the nipple clamps. Mr. Tanaka had fun tugging at them. Occasionally he would pull one off and we had to reattach it to the nipple. They also liked rubbing their hands over his smooth body. Especially his muscular ass.

All the guests took their turn at having their stiff cocks sucked by Mr. Dillard. The Japanese are more private than we are. They took Mr. Dillard to one of the back room and had him suck their in private. One by one, guest took him back to the room and he would emerge several minutes later with sperm all over his mustache and goatee.

The young Asian man took him to the room and did what I suggested. Fucked him in the ass nice and hard. Mr. Tanaka come over to me. "This is an excellent assistant you have. This party will be remembered as one the very best Tanaka ever gave. Thanks to you, Mr. Belger."

"My pleasure. Did you notice how Mr. Dillard's cock is wet from all the juice oozing out."

Mr. Tanaka smiled at me, "yes I have noticed it. I have been waiting for him to ejaculate all evening."

I leaned over to Mr. Tanaka. "You know what he likes? He likes to be hog tied on the bed. He likes someone to yanks his cock until it explodes! That's all the thanks he needs."

Mr. Tanaka laughed. "I think we can arrange for something like that to happen."

Mr. Tanaka spoke to a couple of his friends. MR. Narita and Mr. Oshiro. A few minutes lated I saw them leading Mr. Dillard away. They were gone for about twenty minutes. Mr. Dillard walked very stiffly into the room. I noticed his cock and balls were very red and so was his ass cheeks. I think they introduced him to a little Japanese bondage.

It was after 2:00 A.M. When I dropped him off at his apartment. I made him leave his clothes in the back of limousine. I told him to go to his apartment with all his gear on and naked. He darted out the door of the limousine, up the stairs, unlocked the door and disappeared up the stairs. The driver and I sat there for several minutes just laughing at him.

Monday was a new day and time for business. I didn't waste any time playing with Mr. Dillard. There was work to be done. I handed him the job papers. "Get to work on these for cost analysis. I need to know if there could be overruns. Take all that in you tiny office and get your naked ass to work!"

"Yes, sir."

The first drafts look promising but his spelling was not good. I think he was typing too fast.

"You know what I see Mr. Dillard?"

"No, sir?"

"Misspelled words!"

"I sorry, sir. I'll correct them."

"I know you will! Right after you bend your ass over that desk!"

"Yes, sir." He placed his hands on the desk and bent over spreading his legs.

I grabbed a leather paddle I had put in my desk after the move. "I counted eight misspelled words. That is eight whacks. You count them!"

SMACK! "One." SMACK! "Two." SMACK! "Three."

When he counted eight, his ass was a nice shade of red.

"Get you red ass back in there and finish!"

"Yes, sir!"

Mr. Dillard finished by 5:00 P.M that evening. "I want you to go stand naked in front of the window. Legs spread wide. Hands behind your head while I look over these papers you did.

"Yes, sir."

"How did you like the party?"

"It was fine, sir."

"I noticed two Japanese men took you away for some time. What happened there?"

"No much, sir. They wanted to masturbate is all."

"That sounds interesting. Tell me about it."

"I was hog tied, then roughly masturbated. That's all, sir."

"I talked to Mr. Tanaka. He said when we come to Japan. He has a private bath house he wants you to visit."

"Japan, sir?"

"Not right now, but some time in the future. I accepted the invitation for you."

"Thank you, sir."

"Now, get your ass over to that bar and make me a drink."

He quickly backed away from the window. "Yes, sir."

"And serve it to me on your knees."

"Yes, sir."

I took a sip of my martini, it was very good. "By the way. The company chauffeur would like to see you in the parking garage. He either wants to fuck your ass or have you suck his cock. I'm not sure. Maybe both."

"Yes, sir."

I picked up the phone and rang him.

"He's still in the garage. Put your clothes on and go meet him."

"Yes, sir."

The next morning Mr. Dillard knelt by my desk as I drank my coffee. "We had a call from another office building. They say there's a man exposing himself at the window. I told them I'd find the responsible party and see that they were punished. What do you think, Mr. Dillard?"

"A spanking, sir?"

"No. That's too easy. I think you stand in the window and masturbate yourself. Shoot your juice on the window and then lick it off."

He hesitated for a moment. "Yes. Sir." He stood up, went to the window and did what he was ordered to do. I was pleased at how obedient he had become. I loved the complete power I held over him. Watching him at the window humiliating himself. Down on his knees licking his sperm off the glass.

"You look good like that, Mr. Dillard. On all fours. I think I'll have you remain on you hands and knees for the rest of the day."

"Yes, sir."

"Occasionally I would like to spank your ass. Keep this paddle in your mouth so I can use it when I want."

"Yes, sir." He took the paddle between his teeth.

"Crawl back in your bathroom and get some work done."

I think he said yes sir but it was hard to understand with the paddle in his mouth.

It made me very hard watching his cock and balls swinging back and forth as he crawled around. I stood up and unzipped my pants. "Crawl over here under my desk. I'll take the paddle for now."

I sat back down in my chair with my hard cock sticking out. "Suck my cock! Take your time. Do it slow. I want to go over these papers."

"Yes, sir."

His warm mouth slid down my cock shaft, licking it up and down while his fingers gently fondled my balls. His tongue licked up the front of my cock on the frenulum. He certainly knew how to edge me. I began to breathe heavy and close my eyes. I knew in a few minutes my cock would erupt like a volcano. Mr. Dillard sucked every last drop from my balls.

Suddenly, my private phone rang. I answered it.

"That was a young Japanese man. A fiend of Mr. Tanaka."

I rolled back, allowing him to crawl out from under my desk. This is his hotel and room number. He has a fondness for older American business men. Dress in your pinstripe suit, white shirt and tie. The limousine will take you."

"Yes, sir."

"I have a good feeling about this business deal with Mr. Tanaka. Make sure you do everything to please this young man. He's Mr. Tanaka's son."

"Yes, sir."

The next morning Mr. Dillard was kneeling at my desk.

I took a drink of my coffee. "Tell me how it went last night."

"It was an experience, sir. It seems the young Mr. Tanaka is a fan of Shibari. I was told it is an ancient form of rope tying. The binding are tied very artfully. The ropes also immobilized me. The binding were tight and squeeze my genitals."

I smiled at him. "I am pleased to hear things went well. Young Mr. Tanaka was happy?"

"Yes, sir."

"Did he enjoy using you as his whore?"

"Yes, sir."

I smiled at him again. "Did you enjoy being his whore?"

"Yes, sir. The masturbation part was stimulating."

I leaned back in my chair. "Really. Tell me about it."

"As I said, I was completely immobile. The binding were tight around my genitals and my cock was completely erect. The young Mr. Tanaka dipped his forefinger into some hot oil. Then lightly rubbed it just under the front of my glans. Occasionally around and over the glans, but always using a circular motion. When I did orgasm, it was very intense."

I rolled back in my chair. "Now, crawl under my desk and service my hard cock. I want to read the paper so take your time."

Mr. Dillard quickly got on all fours. "Yes, sir."

Nothing better than having a warm mouth on my cock while I have coffee and read the paper.


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