Company Whore

By dlacourse

Published on Feb 18, 2011


I was 22, fresh out of collage and a business major when I went to work for my father. My father owned several companies. I say companies because they were not big enough to call corporations. Never the less there were four of them all owned by my father, Cort Belger self made multi millionaire.

One of my father's companies, Rayton needed a head of operations, so I acquired the job. After all I was as power hungry as my father and I intended to control this company in the future.

As for my sexual orientation, I'm gay. I keep that under wraps however, for company reasons. As for my preference, I tend to lean toward BDS&M. I can't explain why, call it a kinky fetish, but I've always been attracted to older, mature men. Maybe it was a father fetish or something to do with the older professors at collage. I had a brief affair with the history professor. He was submissive and loved domination. It was one of my first experiences in BDS&M.

Distinguished gentlemen dressed in suits and white shirts. Masculine upper body with a full chest and shoulders. I was fond of men that had a fair amount of body hair. Across the chest and the nice swirls of hair down the abs and to the crotch. I'm five foot ten inches all, but I like to dominate men who are much bigger. I call it a power thing. My history professor at collage was six foot two. I loved ordering him on his knees sucking my cock. Which brings me to Mr. Dillard.

I had gone through the budget proposal with the finance director and our payroll. I had the human resources department checking our over staff. I was waking through the second floor when a man caught my attention. He sat in a cubicle on the end. He was neatly dressed and well groomed. He appeared to be around his late forties or early fifties and was wearing a pair of black horn-rimmed glasses.

"Who is that in the last cubicle?" I asked Ms. Holt.

"That's Frank Dillard. He's an accountant. He does bid proposals, costing and things like that."

"Send his file to my office. Along with the other members in accounting."

"Yes, sir."

That evening I took Mr. Dillard's file home with me.

He appeared to be a perfect candidate. He was 50, divorced seven years ago. Lived in an apartment because he lost most all his possessions to his wife in the divorce. He had been offered several promotions over the years, but turned them down. He seemed to be content in his cubicle by himself. Probably had low self esteem, shy, didn't want to rock the boat as my father always said. I decided to find out the next morning.

The pager went off. "Mr. Dillard is here, sir."

I observed him closely as he walked in my office. He had no confidence in his stride. He was neat and clean looking, I guessed at his height, about six one and somewhere around 190 pounds. Salt and pepper hair with a bit more salt and a neatly trimmed mustache and goatee.

"Sit down Mr. Dillard." I said as I sat down in my chair. "I'm the new operations manager. My father also owns this company along with three others. Not hard to see why I got the job. However, son or no son. I need to be in the green on the P&L sheet. My father will fire me as quick as anyone. Probably quicker," I joked as I shot him a smile.

"So I need to cut departments and consolidate. Nothing new to corporate America. I am reviewing files and trimming what and where I can."

I watched his reactions as I talked. The sun through my window was making his skin shiny. I could see the beads of sweat forming on his forehead. I wanted him to think he was one of people that was going to be cut. The longer I waited the more uneasy he felt.

"So, Mr. Dillard. In the world of young and coming up collage graduates hungry for jobs. How easy would it be for you to find a job at your age?"

I watched him swallow before he spoke.

"I, I, I don't know. Probably very hard, sir."

"Exactly! You need to make the most of what you have." I leaned back in my chair, locking my fingers together.

"Mr. Dillard. I want you to stand up and strip your clothes off."

He stared at me for a few seconds. "Sir? I not sure what you asked."

"Yes your, Mr. Dillard. I made myself clear. I said strip down naked!"

"But, sir I don't understand."

I leaned forward in my chair.

"I'll put it to you as simple as I can. There is only one opening in my department for an accountant. For a man that follows instructions and carries them out properly. If that's all you have to say. I'll have your final check made out for you by the close of the day."

I watched him swallow hard again, before he stood up, unfastened his suit coat, shirt and tie.

I leaned back in my chair with a wicked smile on my face. I had him, he was submitting to my demands. He was mine!

He remained silent as he removed all his clothes. He neatly placed each item on the chair. His eyes avoided contact with mine as he stood naked in front of my desk. I looked him over. Good blend of chest and arm hair, on his stomach and crotch.

His cock was circumcised, it bent downward over his balls. His balls filled out the hairy sac just fine.

"Turn around, Mr. Dillard. Slowly."

He turned slowly, giving me a nice view of his back and both muscular ass cheeks. His legs were hairy also but not a lot.

"How big is you cock, Mr. Dillard?"

He paused for a moment. "I'm not sure, sir."

"An accountant that's not good with numeric figures, is not much use to me."

"Seven inches, sir."

I smiled at him as I watched his flaccid cock begin to swell up. I was not sure what was arousing him, but it would be interesting to watch.

"I see you cock is getting bigger, Mr. Dillard."

"Unlike numeric figures," he said flatly. "It's not that easy to control."

"Play with it. Let me see how big it gets."

Reluctantly, he took hold of his cock, rubbing it and pulling on the head. Within a minute it was completely stiff, standing like a flag pole from his crotch.

"I'm prepared to let you keep your job, Mr. Dillard. Working directly for me. I'm prepared to give you a pay raise also. If everything works out. But it's going to require commitment from you."

This time I saw his cock twitch. "What type of commitment, sir?"

"What you're doing right now. I told you to strip. You did. I told you to play with your cock. And you did."

I walked out from behind my desk. "Now I'm going to tell you to get on your knees. Open your mouth wide and wait for my cock to fill it up."

I was more than pleased when he knelt down on the carpet and opened his mouth.

"Excellent, Mr. Dillard!" I smiled. "I requested that last part just to see if you were really committed. I don't intend to put my cock in your mouth. Not at this time that is. You can get dressed now."

I returned to my chair and leaned back. "You see that door over there. Next to the book case?"

"Yes, sir."

"That's a private office of mine. Complete with bathroom, shower and two closets. It has a desk with computer, phone, printer and file cabinets. That will be your office from now on. There's a door in the hallway you can enter through."

"Yes, sir."

"It also has a counter with a microwave and a coffee maker. I come in at ten every morning. I expect you to have the coffee ready, hot and on my desk. Along with the morning paper when I come in."

"Yes, sir." He said, turning to leave.

I interrupted his departure. "One more thing, Mr. Dillard."

"Yes, sir."

"You'll hang your clothes in the closet every morning. You'll go about your duties in the nude. Understand?"

He paused for a moment before answering. "Yes, sir."

I smiled to myself as he left the room. I was going to be happy with my new employee.

The next morning I came in at ten. My coffee was on the desk along with the paper. Mr. Dillard was coming from his office, completely nude.

"Is everything alright, sir?" He asked.

"It appears to be, Mr. Dillard. Get down on your knees. At the right side of my desk." I took a sip of my coffee as he got down.

"Spread your knees wide apart and place your hands behind your head. Remember this position, Mr. Dillard. This is how I want you every morning when I come in. You will also take this position when I call you in."

"Yes, sir."

I sat down in my chair, opened the paper to the financial section and took another sip of coffee. Occasionally I would glance over at to him. I saw his cock was semi-hard.

"How old are you, Mr. Dillard?"

"Fifty, sir."

"I'm twenty two. How many years is that your junior?"

"Twenty eight, sir."

"How do you feel about a 22 year old man ordering you around? Making you strip down and humiliate yourself?"

"I don't think about in those terms, sir."

"How then?"

"I had to have a job. At least until I can retire."

I swung around in my chair. I placed my shoe between his legs, gently tapping his large dangling balls.

I smiled, "I see your cock is erect again. Something stimulate you? Turn you on?"

"No, sir. I can't explain why my penis is erect."

"Just for the record. If you're thinking about masturbating. Don't!"

"Why not, sir."

"Because I told you so. That's all you need to know. If and when I want you to discharge your semen. I'll tell you when and how. Is that clear?"

"Yes, sir. Does that mean away from work also?"

"As long as you are in my employee. You don't touch your cock except to wash it. Clear?"

"Yes, sir."

"Get back to your office. I want a list on those bids. I want to know the names of all the principals involved. Also when you have to take a piss. I want you to come and get me. Is that clear?"

"Yes, sir." He jumped to his feet and quickly went into in his office. It was almost an hour later he returned.

"Sir, I need to urinate."

I got up and followed him into the bathroom. "Straddle the bowl," I ordered, reaching over and grabbing his cock. "Now piss! I'll watch."

I knew this was humiliating for him. It was for my history professor. To take him to the bathroom and hold his cock while he pissed. When he finished, I sent him back to work. I called him back to office several hours later.

Mr. Dillard walked over to the right side of my desk, knelt down, spread his legs and clasped his hands behind his head.

"Nice to see you listen. Now, look at this sheet. The writing and the figures."

He took the sheet in his right hand and studied it for a few moments.

"I'm not sure what I should be looking for. Are the figures wrong, sir?"

"NO! But the spelling is. Second paragraph. The word "what" is misspelled."

"Yes, sir. I see that now. I'm really not a typist."

I reached down with my open hand and sharply swatted his balls. He gave out with a yelp! Then quickly snapped his legs together as he doubled over.

"I didn't ask for excuses! I asked for the job to be done right! Do you understand, Mr. Dillard?"

"Yes, sir! I do, sir."

I pulled a wooden ruler from my desk drawer. "Stand up, Mr. Dillard. Bend over the desk."

I starred down as his perfect muscular ass cheeks. I came down hard across them with the ruler. His muscles tightened and I heard a small yelp escape from his lips. I smacked his ass again and again, until it was a nice shade of red. I finished my giving him a hard slap with my hand.

"Get back in your position!" I snapped, tossing the ruler back in my drawer.

I tore up the papers in front of him and tossed them in the trash. "I want them done again and on my desk before you leave tonight. Is that clear?"

"Yes, sir. Very."

"Get your red ass in that office and get to work!"

By five that night, Mr. Dillard ad the papers back on my desk without any errors.

I noticed out of the corner of my eye as I glanced through the papers. His cock was becoming stiff again. I could no longer resist the temptation.

"Stand up, Mr. Dillard. Keep your legs spread."

I reached over and held his warm hard cock in my hand. "You certainly get aroused a lot."

He just stood there, never said a word. "Yes, you have a good hard seven inches there." I slid my other hand under his balls and griped them in my fist. "Big heavy balls," I said. "I'll bet you can shoot a big load. Can't you?"

"I don't know, sir. I never had anything to compare it too.

"When was the last time you jerked off?"

"Three or four weeks ago."


"In the shower at home, sir."

"You like jerking off?"

"I think it's natural, sir."

"Let's see you jerk off now."

"Right here, sir?"

"That's what I said. Beat your cock off. Right here!"

I put on my wicked smile and watched as he stroked his seven inch hard cock. I loved watching his balls jump up and down as he yanked on his cock. Suddenly, he groaned, then a huge stream of semen leaped onto the desk. Then another and another until there was a nice big puddle.

"Very good, Mr. Dillard. I'm pleased. You did well."

"Thank you, sir."

"Now, Get down and lick it off my desk. I want my desk clean as glass."

He swallowed hard, then bent over and cautiously touched his tongue to the sperm.

"It's not poison, Mr. Dillard! It's not going to kill you. Lick it up. NOW!"

His tongue slid across my desk, lapping up his semen until it was all gone and my desk was clean again.

"You can get dressed and go home now, Mr. Dillard."

I wanted to jerk off so bad, but I was going to hold on until tomorrow. I would break Mr. Dillard in on my sperm.

The next day, Mr. Dillard was kneeling to the right of my desk in his position. His cock was quite flaccid this morning. "Looks like you cock lost all its fire. Didn't it?"

"Yes, sir."

I took a sip of my coffee and slid back in my chair. I unfastened my pants and pulled my hard cock out in the open for him to see.

"Mine is still hard from yesterday. Crawl over here between my legs and start sucking."

He sat there for a moment, starring at my cock.

"You're too far along to back out now, Mr. Dillard. Remember when I told you to open your mouth for my cock. Well, this is that time!"

He crawled over on his knees, stuck his mouth over my cock and began sucking and licking. I felt his hands fondling my balls as he sucked on my cock. I had a feeling he had been there before. His tongue slid over and over my glans until I couldn't hold on any longer. I thrust my hips forward, jamming my cock into his throat. My cock pumped and pumped until it was dry.

I pulled his head up and saw my sperm all over his lips and in his goatee.

"I'm impressed, Mr. Dillard. You did quite well."

"Thank you, sir."

"Go into the bathroom and clean yourself off. You got work to do. I don't want sperm all over the papers."

"Yes, sir." He said as I watched his naked ass go through the door.

The next day Mr. Dillard was at work in his office. I called him in.

"Yes, sir? You wanted me?"

"Bend over my desk. Hold your ass up."

"Did I do something wrong, sir?"

I took the ruler from my desk and stepped up behind him.

"Nothing at all, Mr. Dillard. You have such a nice ass. I just felt like giving it a spanking."

His big hairy ball sac dangling between his legs. I tapped them gently with the ruler. "Don't make a sudden moves, Mr. Dillard. I might smack your balls by mistake."

I slapped the ruler five times across his tight ass, watching him clench his cheeks together every time. I smacked him six more times and they were a nice shade of red. I playfully tapped his balls back and forth with my hand before letting him get up.

"Get your red ass back to work!" I snapped.

Each day I introduced him to another item. First was the butt plug which I required him to wear all day. "You put this in your ass and leave it there. You understand?"

"Yes, sir."

"Do you know why I gave you this plug?"

"No, sir."

"To keep your ass ready in the event I decide to fuck you!"

I slowly walked around him. "Have you ever been fucked in the ass?"

"No, sir."

"That's nice. A 50 year old virgin ass. I'll be the first to break you in. Do you accept that?"

He replied flatly again, "yes. Sir."

Again, I couldn't resist the temptation. Just knowing my cock would be the first up his ass made me stiff like a board. Later that day I broke his ass in. The sensation was one of the best I ever had. When I finished I noticed his cock was bulging through the cock rings. I suspect he enjoyed it also.

Next was the triple cock ring. Which I required him to wear all the time. His big hairy balls looked so great in that. Next was a set of adjustable nipple clamps, so I could easily tighten the pressure on his thick male nipples.

Each morning he would be in his kneeling position next to my desk with his butt plug in and his cock ring on. I only used the nipple clamps when I wanted. I still derived a lot of pleasure from pinching and twisting them with my fingers. It only took a couple minutes to make him rock hard by pinching and pulling.

I sat at my desk sipping my coffee and reading the paper. Mr. Dillard was in his usual position. "You do realize, Mr. Dillard you have committed yourself to being my whore. There's no turning back now. I own your ass."

"Yes, sir."

"Say it! Tell me!"

"I am your whore, sir!"

"How do you feel about being the whore of a young arrogant bastard like myself?"

"At first I was hesitant. Because I needed the job. I actually like it now, sir."

The calculations Mr. Dillard had done on the bids were impressive. Three of the bids we received and we stood to make a lot of money. Two more bids were on the table but it looked like we would get those also. I would have to get operations going efficiently if we were to stay competitive.

"That's good to hear. On your next check, you'll find a healthy raise that I promised you. Along with that will come a lot more sexual favors."

I thought I almost saw him smile then. "Yes, sir. I expected that."

"You have two more bids to calculate. Get you ass to work."

I called Mr. Dillard into my office. He was quick to assume the position by my desk.

"I have a client. He has a cock fetish. He likes to play with and suck cocks. You will see to it that he has a good time when he comes here."

"Yes, sir."

"He'll be in the office this afternoon. I'll call you when you are needed."

"Yes, sir."

Mr. Hamilton sat down and crossed his legs. I leaned back in my chair.

"Good to see you again Mr. Hamilton. How do we look on the bids?"

"Not bad," he smiled. "Have you any arrangements for me?"

"Yes I do." I rang Mr. Dillard office.

I wanted to see the expression on Mr. Hamilton's when he saw Mr. Dillard walk in stark naked.

"My, My. I wish I had an assistant like him."

"For now, you do. Feel free to take advantage of Mr. Dillard. He has a nice seven inch cock. I'm sure you'll like it."

I left the two of them alone in my office and told my sectary not to disturb them. I gave them about an hour or so before I returned.

Mr. Hamilton was straighting his clothes as I came in. Mr. Dillard was on his knees in front of my desk with his hands behind his back. It appeared Mr. Hamilton had ejaculated in his face because it was covered with semen. There were big white gobs in his mustache and goatee.

"I trust you enjoyed yourself."

"Yes. I did, Mr. Belger. I look forward to another visit."

I smiled at him and led him to the door. "I think we can arrange that."

I walked back to where Mr. Dillard was kneeling. "Get your ass in the shower and clean up."

"Yes, sir."

He finished the bid reports and placed them on my desk before getting into position.

I glanced them over. Mr. Dillard was extremely efficient. I really didn't need to check his work.

"I have to fly to New York on Monday for business. We should be gone for two days."

"I'm sorry, sir. Did you say we?"

"Yes. You are going with me. I assume that's not a problem?"

"No, sir. None."

"And don't wear your cock ring. It'll set off the scanners."

We checked into the hotel around 4 that evening. Mr. Dillard unpacked our suit cases, hanging our clothes in the closet.

"I noticed there is only one bed, sir."

I starred at him. "What's your point?"

"Will I be sleeping on the floor, sir?"

"You'll sleep naked in the bed with me. Any more questions?"

"No, sir."

"Good. Now get dressed for our evening cocktail party in the hotel meeting room."

Mr. Dillard began assembling his clothes.

"Oh, don't put on any underwear. Just your suit pants."

We arrived at the part, Mr. Dillard brought me a drink and remained close by the whole evening. I had a few drinks and was feeling pretty good. We were out on the balcony, when I grabbed Mr. Dillard's crotch. I could feel his big balls and cock under the pants.

"How's you big cock doing down there?"

"Fine, sir. Are you afraid someone will see us?"

I laughed and slowly looked around. There was nobody. "Show me your cock."

"Right here, sir?"

"Unzip your pants and pull it out!"

He glanced around before unzipping his pants and exposing his cock.

"You know if I wanted. I could make you walk around all night like that."

He swallowed hard. "Yes, sir. Please don't."

I laughed again. "Put you cock away. Get me another drink."

"Yes, sir."

A very distinguished gentleman approached Us. I was Mr. William Hainsley. Very well connected in many financial circles.

"I don't believe I have met your friend, Mr. Belger."

"This is Mr. Dillard." I said smiling at him.

"He is my personal assistant. Also My chief accountant."

Mr. Hainsley extended his hand. "Pleased to meet you."

"Likewise , sir."

"So, what's it like working for the young Mr. Belger?"

"A very enlightening experience, sir."

Mr. Hainsley laughed. "His old man is a real bastard."

With the help of Mr. Dillard, I made it back to our room. I plopped on the bed and Mr. Dillard undressed me. When he pulled my pants off, he saw I was not wearing underwear either. My semi hard cock flopped out in the open. Mr. Dillard got down on his knees and gobbled it up in his mouth. I felt his hot mouth wrap around my cock. Almost immediately it snapped to attention. I felt a tingling sensation as his fingers played with my balls.

It was not long before an orgasm shot through my body and Mr. Dillard was cleaning my cock with his warm mouth. I rolled over in bed, waking as I glanced at the clock. It was 6:30 in the morning. Mr. Dillard's warm naked body was lying next to me sound asleep. I knew we had a meeting at 9:30 that morning. I threw the covers back, got out of bed and went to the bathroom.

When I came back, Mr. Dillard had rolled over on his stomach. All I could see was that inviting round ass of his. I decided to have some fun. I took two of his neck ties and hog tied him in the bed. He woke up struggling and shocked to find he was hog tied hands and feet.

"Sir? Sir why did you tie me?"

"Because I felt like it!" I laughed.

"You look so helpless all tied up and naked."

"We have a meeting this morning, sir."

"I know. At 9:30. That's three hours from now. Meanwhile, I want to see you struggle and try to get free."

Mr, Dillard twisted his body back and forth, pulling at he restraints. He rolled over on his side, then back on his stomach.

I stood at the foot of the bed where I had a perfect view of his ass. I could see his balls roll around as he struggled back and forth. I slapped his ass several times. "Com'on. Put your cock into it!"

He struggled again, rolling over on his side. I saw his cock was rock hard.

"Stay on your side," I said, grabbing his cock in my hand. "How does that feel all tied up up?"

"Very uncomfortable, sir."

"I can do what ever I want now. Jerk you off. Slap your balls around There's nothing you can do. Is there?"

I watched him swallow. "No, sir."

I lightly slapped his balls back and forth with my hand.

I climbed in bed beside him. Reaching over, I pinched his hard nipples between my fingers. Pulling them out to their limits. His body bucked several times, I could feel his hard cock rubbing against my leg. I stroked it and I felt him shiver. I decided to do what I had wanted from the first time I saw him. I slid down on the bed nest to his hard cock.

I clamped my lips over the swollen head. I took his balls in my right hand, pulling them tightly in the sac. I slid my tongue back and forth over the tip of his cock and I felt him shiver again. I stroked his cock with my left hand while sucking on his glans. It seemed like only a few seconds before he moaned and groaned His hot sperm gushed in my mouth. I think it was well worth the wait. I enjoyed making him buck and jerk with just my tongue. His glans were alive and excitable.

I untied his arms and feet and my cock was ready to erupt. "Get your ass in the shower and soap it up. I'm gonna fuck you good!"

He bent forward in the shower, I slid my hard cock deep inside him and hammered his ass cheeks with my thighs. I wanted him to feel my power over him.

The meeting ended just before lunch. I handed Mr. Dillard a gold key.

"What is this for, sir?"

"Executive restroom." I smiled. Mr. Hainsley is waiting for you. He need some service done on his cock."

"Yes, sir." Mr. Dillard made his way down the hall to the restroom. He met up with me in the restaurant about ten minutes later.

"I trust you made Mr. Hainsley happy?"

"Yes, sir. Very."

I handed him a menu. "Now that you had your desert, you can order your lunch."

We finished packing and got to the airport an hour before the flight.

"How did you like the sucking you got this morning?"

"It was a wonderful experience," he replied.

"How did my tongue feel on you glans?"

"They were very sensitive. You could have stopped after the ejaculation."

I laughed. "Good! Now I know what to do in the future. I'm going to tie you up. Then continue rubbing the head of your cock for five or ten minutes after you shoot your load. How does that sound?"

"It sounds horrible for me, sir."

Things worked out perfectly. I was promoted to CEO of Rayton at the ripe age of 23. Mr. Dillard was happy to remained as my whore. I prostituted him quite frequently to clients and associates. Not because I wanted to but because he enjoyed it. One of the perks of the job, I guess.


Next: Chapter 2

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