Company Retreat

By Boo Jum

Published on May 26, 2019


How do I get myself into these situations? I asked myself, not for the first time. I seem to recall an old saying along the lines of a wise man knowing how to avoid getting into a situation that a clever man knows how to get out of. Well,I guess that in my half a century of existence I've managed to accumulate neither wisdom nor cleverness.

OK, to be fair, some of it was unavoidable. The company retreat was mandatory, so I couldn't avoid that. Four nights and three days, complete with obligatory team building exercises. And of course attending the retreat meant having to share a room, a situation less than ideal for a closeted gay guy who lives alone. I'm too used to having my own space, not having to share a bathroom or toilet. And, although I do get on with the guys I work with, I've heard enough homophobic comments at this company to make me glad that I never told anyone I'm gay. So I figured that the less I get into a potentially compromising situation, the better.

But I had no choice, and ultimately I ended up having to share a room with Alex.

I've been at this company for a few years now, and I've always complained to my friends about the lack of eye candy here. There is not a single guy in a company of a couple of hundred employees that I find appealing. Oh, sure, there are a couple of really cute young guys who work part time in customer support, and I suppose that if I was in the right frame of mind and horny enough I might consider giving one of them a blow job, if only to be able to put a tick in the checkbox next to item #73 on my fantasy bucket list: have sex with a coworker. But I've never seen anybody at the company that I find appealing. Until now.

Alex. Early 30's, new at the company, he is about 1.80 metres tall and quite broad. Hair light brown almost blonde, and green eyes. He is not really handsome, but he has a rugged masculinity that I find very appealing. Definitely the kind of guy I would make a pass at if he weren't straight and married. And this is the guy that ended up sharing a room with me.

If we hadn't been sharing I would never have suggested that he join us on that first evening for a drink ("What you gonna do, spend the evening in the room? There's not much to see on television..."). And then he never would have gotten drunk. I guess that is partly my fault too. I should have warned him about these guys. The entire company is in awe at their ability to consume alcohol.

So, partly because we were roommates for the duration, and partly because I felt a bit responsible for him even being there, here I am half leading half carrying him back to the room, asking myself again how I managed to end up with the most attractive guy in the company hanging on to me, and me having to pretend that I wasn't enjoying it.

I manage to negotiate the door to our room while propping him up, and once the door is ope he stumbles the few steps into the room and falls onto the nearest bed. The one I was supposed to be sleeping in. I open my mouth to say something, but I can see he is too out of it to care. I swing his feet up onto the bed and then I undo his shoes and take them off along with his socks.

Now what? Should I lay him on his side so he doesn't drown in his own vomit? Or is that only for drug addicts? Should I leave him to sleep in his clothes? I decide to compromise by undoing his shirt buttons, and the top button of his trousers. He mumbles something, rolls onto his side, and tries to take his trousers off, but just succeeds in pulling them down to his knees. I give a mental shrug and complete the job. Then to my surprise he rolls onto his back and says "Suck it".

I look at him. The room is dark, only a bit of light coming in through the balcony door. His body is a dark shape sprawled on the bed. Was he talking to me, or was he talking in his sleep? I get a bit closer and look at his face. I can just make out his features, enough to see that his eyes are slits, barely open. My gaze travels down the length of his body, to his crotch, where his hands are in his underpants, cupping his cock and balls. I feel incredibly aroused, but I hesitate before dredging up the courage to pull down the front of his boxer briefs. Maybe I'm also drunker than I thought.

His cock flops out sideways. It is semi erect and bigger than I would have thought. Not huge but definitely on the large side. I lean down and take it in my mouth. My lips slide down the length of his cock. His body stiffens for a minute, and he draws in a deep breath. But other than that he doesn't react. My head bobs up and down on his cock, using some suction. I can feel it getting harder. It feels very big in my mouth and throat. and I also have a raging hard on. I pause a second and look up at him. He is sprawled on the bed, eyes closed. He isn't showing any awareness of what's going on. I resume sucking his cock, and with no warning he lets out a sigh and comes into my mouth. It kind of caught me by surprise but I swallow his load. His cock slides out of my mouth with a soft "plop" sound. I hear a snore. I look up. His face is slack, he is snoring ever so softly. I release the front of his briefs, and they slide up, covering his cock.

For the first time the full import of what I was doing hits me. Will he remember in the morning? Will he accuse me of seducing him? Or worse, raping him? I could lose my job. Or worse, end up in jail.

"Stupid stupid stupid idiot!" I mutter to myself. "What were you thinking?"

It takes me a long time to fall asleep, tired as I am. I'm too concerned about what Alex's reaction will be, and what the repercussions could lead to.

I wake up the next morning with a bit of a headache, but then I remember last night and the full weight of what might happen slams down on me. Alex is still asleep, and I shower and dress as quietly as I can, then head down for breakfast. After a good breakfast I go back to the room, where Alex is still a heap under the sheets. I take the few things I am going to need for the day, and head out.

The day goes by in a whirl of action. I can't get last night out of my head and I'm too distracted to focus on any of the "team building" exercises we are doing. I catch a glimpse of Alex at lunch, I'm with my department he is with his. He sees me looking at him, and I give him a nod, but he turns away with no reaction. OK, so that is how he wants to play it...

That evening we're finished for the day and I head back to my room. Alex is sitting on the bed. He avoids looking directly at me. Everything comes crashing back and I can feel trepidation building inside me. My mouth is suddenly dry, my heart hammering.

"Good morning " I say, trying for a bit of levity to ease what suddenly feels like a very tense atmosphere. "How do you feel?" He looks over at me "We seem to have switched beds." he says sheepishly. "You want to switch back?" I ask. "I don't mind..." "Nah" he says.

There is an awkward silence. He is not making eye contact. A bad sign, I think. I'm considering my options on how to act when he say "Er... listen, about last night..." "Oh don't feel bad" I say. "I should have warned you about these guys. Their capacity for alcohol is legendary. I've given up trying to match them" "Yeah..." he says "but that's not what I meant." "What do you mean? Nothing happened last night." I reply. He flushed slightly. "You know what I mean. I remember what we did."

The elephant in the room. I have been dreading this ever since I woke up this morning, but now that the moment is here I feel almost relieved to get it out in the open. At least then I'll know where I stand.

"Look" I say. "I didn't mean to-" but he cuts me off. "Is that what you do, faggot?" he asks with contempt. "Get guys drunk and then take advantage of them?" "I didn't-" but he cuts me off again. "What were you planning on doing tonight, raping me? I'm not a queer like you!" he says hotly. "I'm sorry. I -" I begin. "Oh, I'll make sure that you're sorry. Sorry enough to not try that with anyone else, you pervert!." He stands up looming over me with a look of fury in his eyes.

He steps closer, now he is directly in my face. I take a step back, and he matches me. "I'll make sure that you never come close to another guy again." He looks very menacing, and suddenly I am uncomfortably aware how much larger than me he really is, and that we are alone in a locked room, just the two of us. He raises his arm and instinctively I flinch.

"Are you afraid, faggot?" he sneers. For a split second I consider saying nothing. But the opt for the truth. "Yes," I tell him. "I am." "Well you should be!" he steps nearer to me and I flinch away, raising my arms. He is bigger than me, and stronger, and if it comes to a fight I know he will beat the shit out of me. But I will make an attempt to defend myself.

We stand there for a few seconds, he with a look of pure fury on his face. Then, to my surprise, he gives me a sad, sweet smile and says "Don't be afraid, I won't hurt you"

Huh? The sudden change takes me by surprise.

"Oh? OK." I say kind of shakily. But I am still wary of him. "I just thought you might enjoy that kind of thing" he says. "Don't be afraid." I lower my arms, still feeling a bit shaky. "I- I don't understand." "Look, I'm not angry with you he says. "In fact, quite the opposite. I was hoping that you would suck my cock again." "You were-?" "I'm not gay." he tells me. "But I do enjoy having a submissive cocksucker working on my cock. And I don't very much care if it's a guy. Just as long as we're on the same page." "Meaning...?" I feel a bit confused. This conversation is really not going the way I thought it would. "I enjoy getting my cock sucked. And a bit more maybe if we get to it. And I am looking for a submissive guy for something more than just a once off" he tells me. "But just so you understand, I don't suck cocks and I most definitely don't get fucked. Oh, and it doesn't mean that you have any claim to me, or that we're in loooove. You're secondary to my family life. And don't expect me to suddenly start getting all touchy feelie with you. I don't kiss or any of that crap. Not with guys." I look him in the eye. "So that's what you want?" I ask. "A bit of rough trade? Get my rocks off and then go to hell?" "Call it what you will." He shrugs. "If you're interested let me know."

He turns his back and goes into the bathroom. I hear the water running, and I sit down on my bed. My hears is still hammering and I feel a mixture of excitement and fear. I think about what he has just proposed. I have often fantasized about a situation like this. But now that it has arrived, do I have the courage to actually do it?

About 20 minutes have gone by, while I consider what he just told me, when the bathroom door opens and he comes out wearing nothing but a towel wrapped around his waist. He crosses to the cupboard, and opens the door, taking out a few items.

I cast a surreptitious glance his way, and I can feel myself getting turned on. He is either very tanned or has naturally dark skin, and quite a bit of hair on his chest and stomach. In the mirror I can see him from the side. He has an almost perfect body. Muscular but not overly so. Clean limbed, fairly lithe and not at all flabby as I had half expected. With his back to me he quite casually removes the towel, using it to dry his face and hair. I can't help noticing that he has a very nicely formed arse and no tan lines.

It takes me a moment to realize that he has stopped drying his hair. I drag my eyes up and see that he is watching me in the mirror as I admire his body. Our eyes meet and I blush. I can feel my face getting hot, and my heart speeding up. I'm not sure how he will react. "See anything you like?" His tone is light almost teasing. "Turn-" I have stop because my voice is hoarse. I clear my throat and try again. "Drop the towel and turn around, and I'll let you know."

Slowly he lowers the towel and turns to face me. His cock is semi erect. It is longer and thicker than average, I would say about 18cm length, quite thick, and very well proportioned. It is straight with a very nicely defined glans. His scrotum is quite big, and is quite close to his body. It looks like he takes his personal hygiene seriously , as his pubic hair is neatly trimmed, but not totally shaved. I stare at his beautiful cock, and he slides his hand down over his stomach, and cups his balls.

"So, what do you say?"

My heart is hammering, I am almost panting with a mixture of fear and arousal. It feels as if I there is not enough air in the room. I don't know what to say or think, I'm still not sure that he is really serious. "Yes. Very impressive" I manage to force out. "Fancy another round?" He sits on the edge of the bed, facing me.

It's too good an opportunity to pass up. I get out of bed and kneel in front of him. He leans back on his elbows, his semi erect cock bobbing gently up and down in my face. I take the tip of it into my mouth and apply some pressure with my lips. He gasps and leans back even more. I engulf his cock in my mouth, feeling it in the back of my throat as I tighten my lips around the base. My mouth slides up and down the length of his erection and he makes a little noise in the back of his throat. I pull back until only the glans is in my mouth, and then go forward taking it to the hilt. My nose is buried in his pubic hair and his balls are pressed up against my chin. He moans a little louder, and says "Oh yes. That's what I meant."

I keep it up until I am on the verge of gagging and then I pull his cock out of my mouth. It is very wet with thick saliva from my throat and it glistens in the lamplight. He is lying on his back now and he reaches down and grabs my head, encouraging me to take it into my mouth again. I put my tongue out as I go down on his cock, and lick his balls before releasing his cock. Before he can react I go down on him again to the hilt and then release his cock. A couple more times and he grabs my head and pulls it off his cock. "Not so fast." He says. "I don't want it to end too soon."

I smile up at him and begin nuzzling his balls and licking them. My tongue slides underneath his balls and he parts his legs slightly. My tongue probes deeper, into his arse crack, but he stops me and pulls my head up onto his cock. I resume sucking his cock slowly. Taking it all the way into my throat as far as I can.

"Oh! That feels so good" he says. "Don't stop."

I'm enjoying this way too much to stop. My own cock feels rock hard, and I'm playing with it as I take his cock as deep as I can. Every now and then when I feel I am on the verge of gagging I devote some attention to his balls. I'd really love to rim his sexy arse but he won't let me. He drags my head up and pushes it onto his cock, so I keep sucking it. After some time he grabs my head and pulls it off his cock. "You're mine now. My slave. You're forbidden from doing anything unless I allow it. Understand?" I nod, too aroused to talk properly.

He pushes my head down onto his cock. I am caught off guard and as his cock goes into my throat I can feel myself gagging. I start to resist but he says "Oh god I'm coming!" in a strangled voice. I do my best despite the lack of oxygen and then he arches his back and shoves my head down, and I feel his cock pulsing as he comes into my throat. I almost choke, but manage to swallow it all.

Finally he release my head and I draw in a grateful breath. My eyes are swimming with tears and my throat feels tender from being fucked. He is lying on the bed, eyes closed. I stand up and look down at him. He opens his eyes to look up at me.

"That was really great" he says. He looks and sounds absolutely drained, and on the verge of sleep. I smile, happy with the compliment.

He rolls over onto his side, facing away from me. "Good night. Turn the light off when you're finished. He says.

Within seconds I can tell by his breathing that he is asleep. His dismissive attitude is kind of insulting . Bu then again, I didn't really know what to expect.

"Well, good night." I say to his sleeping form, and climb back into my bed.

Next: Chapter 2

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