Common Misconceptions

By James Knight

Published on Aug 31, 2008


Author's Note: This story is a work of fiction. Any similarities to anyone are merely a coincidence. This is a story involving sexual activates between males. If that offends you or you are under the age of 18 please leave now. Please enjoy the story. This is my first try at writing so all comments and criticisms are welcome, just email me at

Common Misconceptions

Chapter 3

Driving along the boring stretches of highway, Ryan could not shake off the events of the night before. Not only was most of his extended family at his parent's home, but also a great majority of his friends from high school, if he really could count them as friends.

His football teammates along with several members of the varsity cheerleading squad all mixing in with other rich kids and adults that were mingling about the house. Ryan was incredibly surprised to see them there. He had thought that it was just going to be his family, not a bunch of stuck up people all going on about what they were going to do, all trying to prove that they were better than one another. After graduation, Ryan was relieved with the thought that he would never have to see most of them again. Sure some of them he was bound to run into again through his parents, but that would only be for some kind of social obligation. For him, graduation meant that he was going to be free from his old restrictive high school days and finally be able to live life the way he wanted to. But it seemed like life was not about to give Ryan what he so badly wanted.

Ryan did not do much over the summer months. Much to his parent's dismay, he mainly stayed to himself, after always being very social and outgoing. But nothing seemed to be able to lift Ryan out of the funk that he got himself into. Nobody besides Ryan knew why he was acting the way he was, most of them just thought it was the anxiety of going away to college, no one would have actually been able to guess the real reason. No one was able to pick up on the massive battle that was occurring deep within Ryan's soul.

Ryan spent months debating with himself over the very possibility of being gay. No, he couldn't possibly be like that. Sure the sex felt great, fantastic in fact, but did that really make gay. Did it? After all he had only done it once, it wasn't like he was going out every night to get a piece of a boy's ass or anything. It was just a one night stand. It didn't mean anything.

Or did it?

The debate had raged on inside Ryan's head since that first night back in the beginning of May. He didn't mean for it to happen, but with the end of senior year so close, and with getting accepted into college, he went to a party that he probably shouldn't have gone to. After arriving, he drank beer after beer with some of the guys that he knew from the baseball team. It was about an hour and a half later, and quite a few beers, that Ryan noticed this really cute guy leaning against a back staircase.

Ryan stared at the guy, and he stared right back into Ryan's steel blue eyes. Inside his khaki shorts, Ryan felt his cock give a little jump. It was hardening, and just by looking at this guy! The guy leaning against the staircase gave Ryan a knowing smile, perhaps, Ryan thought, this guy knew! What if tis guy knew something he didn't? Something hidden deep within his soul, even from himself?

Ryan moved quickly to an adjoining room, trying to get out of the tense situation. As he walked though a large spacious room, he noticed that unlike some of the other rooms in the house, this one was almost completely empty except for a few people hanging out in the corners and by the door on the other side, it was almost completely empty. Ryan sat down on one of the fluffy couches, and was staring into the dancing flames of the fireplace when he felt somebody sit beside him.

Ryan instantly tensed up. He wanted nothing more than to be left alone with his thoughts. What did this person want? Why would he bother finding him here in this dark room? Ryan didn't know if it was the stranger sitting down by him, or the alcohol affecting him more than he thought it would, but he felt himself begin to sweat.

Ryan slowly turned his head to face the stranger, who was staring intently at Ryan's chest, but snatched his eyes quickly up to Ryan's, and once again Ryan noticed the same smile plastered over the guys face. Ryan could not stop himself from checking the guy out. He had on a green polo shirt with dark, tight jeans. Ryan could make out a little definition in his chest and his arms. Ryan could tell that the guy probably spent a fair amount of time in the gym. He noticed the man's blond hair, much lighter than Ryan's and his gray eyes. He had a strong jaw line that was covered in minute stubble, which Ryan found to be kind of sexy. He truthfully had no idea why he was taking in as much detail as he was. He never did that with any of his past girlfriends. He could not believe that he actually wanted this man! His mind was in a desperate state as it battled between what he was always told, and how badly his body began to ache for it.

As Ryan's eyes traveled up the body of the man sitting next to him, his cock began to harden. The guy slowly began to move towards Ryan until he was no more than a couple of inches away from him. Ryan swallowed nervously before beginning, "ummm . . . hi, I'm Ryan. I haven't really seen you around here before."

Ryan could not remember ever being so nervous in his life. He didn't know what he was doing, a part of him keep saying that this whole situation could turn so wrong. What if someone saw him, sure he was just talking to this guy, but what if something should happen. He could not deny that he wanted to be alone somewhere with this guy. And those were the thoughts that were scaring him the most.

"Nah, I suppose you wouldn't have seen me around much. I live downtown but every once in a while I come up to visit my grandparents here in Highland Park. I'm Kyle by the way." The guy said, letting his eyes wonder up and down Ryan's tense body. "But I have to say that when I first got here I kept hearing about you and the other football players, of course you are by far the hottest one of the bunch." And with that the guy scooted all the way against Ryan so that their legs were pressed up against each other.

Ryan could barely breath, he was so incredibly nervous. Sweat was forming huge droplets on the top of his forehead, his hands were moist with sweat, and he was in shock that they were so close together. He didn't want to be there, he had to find a way out. But right when Ryan was about to get up and offer Kyle some lame ass excuse about having to leave, Kyle put his hand right on his upper thigh, only a couple inches away from Ryan's now rock hard cock.

Ryan harshly swatted Kyle's hand away from his body, and got up from the couch. "Whoa, dude! What are you doing?!" For a second Ryan thought that they had gathered some kind of attention from other people around the room, but when he looked around he saw that they were the only two left. Ryan looked down on Kyle, who just gave back a blank stare, and he walked out of room.

Once out of sight from Kyle, Ryan went straight for the bathroom. He needed to cool off, never before had he even imagined something like that happening, especially in a place where he could have been seen by one of his classmates. Just thinking about the possibility made his face glow red with embarrassment. After washing his face and making sure that his cock was once again soft and back in place, Ryan left the bathroom and started talking to some of friends. Hopefully hanging out with them for a little while would take his mind off his worries, about what he still wanted to do with Kyle.

Ryan couldn't concentrate on the Ôconversation' with some of his teammates, and still being paranoid about the idea that someone in the house saw Kyle's hand almost on his crotch, Ryan began to wonder around the large house. Finding himself at the base of the staircase, Ryan unconsciously began to climb the stairs to the second floor.

But even if someone or even all the people in the house saw them, it didn't matter because it was Kyle with his hand on Ryan's cock, not the other way around. Kyle was the fag, not Ryan. They would of all had seen how Ryan jumped up and swatted Kyle's hand away from himself. That would prove that Ryan was not gay, wouldn't it? It had to. If Ryan was really gay, wouldn't he have let Kyle keep his hand there, wouldn't he have tried to go further with the guy? But he didn't, he stopped it. But did he really want to?

Before he knew it he was at the top of the stairs looking over the balcony at the people below him. He knew some of the people here, but not many. He glanced over at an open living room/lounge that had many kids dance with the loud beat of the dance music. The lights were turned down low, with many different types of laser beams being projected through the house, changing every couple of minutes by drunken jocks. Ryan began moving down one of the hallways of the second floor, staring blankly at the closed doors to his sides.

Ryan didn't know what to do. He had never been this confused in his whole life. The world had shown him time and time again that it did not accept those kinds of actions, not even the types of thoughts running though his mind. Yet he could not force them out of his mind, they kept appearing there, and every time he tried to push them out the thoughts came back faster and stronger than ever. Ryan really did want Kyle. He felt blood rush back into his cock as he imaged Kyle standing before him, Kyle rubbing his hand up and down Ryan's cock, their lips pressed together in a passionate kiss.

Ryan leaned against a closed door, breathing quickly. He thought that he had better get a hold on himself before someone came up there and found him in that situation. But before Ryan could move away from the door, it opened and the surprise caused Ryan to let out a loud gasp while falling back onto the floor.

It took Ryan a second to realize what had happened. His head landed on the floor making him look up on the ceiling. After Ryan got his senses back he looked back up towards the door which he fell though only to see that it was closed. He gently shook his head back and forth, trying to remember what had just happened. Out of the corner of his eye, Ryan noticed a figure standing in the shadow. As Ryan looked up he noticed that it was a man's shape, probably some football buddy or someone trying to play a trick on him.

But then the guy gave out a light laugh and Ryan knew instantly that it was a laugh that he had never heard before. So it was someone that he didn't know. But if that was the case wouldn't the person have left the door open? Questions about who this guy was swirled in Ryan's min until he saw Kyle step out of the shadow and into the light that was shining from a bedside lamp.

"You didn't think that I would let you get away from me so easily did you?" Kyle asked, looking down at Ryan who was staring blankly back up to him.

"I . . . wha . . . what do mean?" Ryan asked nervously, still on the ground.

"It means big boy, that I've had the hots for since I first saw you, and from what I felt on the couch earlier I think that someone feels the same way."

"I . . . I . . . don't know what you are talking about." Ryan stammered, getting off the floor and trying to head for the door, but Kyle was faster and blocked it before Ryan could get there.

"Dude get outta the way!" Ryan practically screamed. It seemed like his head was ready to burst. He was in this bedroom with this really hot guy, all alone and free to do whatever they wanted, but for some reason Ryan was petrified of what would happen if someone found out. His reputation around school would be destroyed, he knew that for sure. But he didn't know what his parents would do if they knew. He knew that they didn't hate gay people, not by a long shot, but would that change if they knew that one of their own children was gay?

"I know you know what I'm talking about." Kyle said softly, walking right over to Ryan. Kyle was maybe only an inch or two shorter than Ryan who stood at six foot two. "I couldn't believe how hard you were from just sitting next to me!"

Ryan blushed a deep red, and dropped his eyes to the floor while Kyle continued talking to him.

"Man that was so fucking hot! I've never had one as big as yours man, I so gotta get it." Kyle walked over to a very nervous Ryan and waited a moment for Ryan to say something, but after a moment of nothing but silence Kyle moved his hand to rub against Ryan's very defined chest.

Ryan drew in a sharp breath as Kyle hands roamed up and down his chest and abs. Ryan's mind was still dueling with whether to stay or flee, but when Kyle's hands touched his chest, Ryan knew that he couldn't pull himself away again. He wanted this, he needed this!

Kyle pulled completely against Ryan and brought his eyes to meet those of Ryan's, and when they met he gave Ryan a huge grin which Ryan replied with another blush. Slowly Kyle brought his lips up to Ryan's and pressed them together. For a moment they stood lip locked, eyes staring back and forth, until Kyle saw Ryan close his eyes and part his lips ever so slightly. Kyle wasted no time in getting his tongue into Ryan's mouth, and soon Ryan began to kiss Kyle back, pushing his own tongue deep into Kyle's willing mouth. Both boys stood there for five minutes kissing passionately, until Kyle, breathing heavily, pulled away from the kiss and pushed Ryan back onto the bed. Ryan let out a gasp of surprise, and landed on the bed with a dull Ôthump'.

Kyle jumped on top of Ryan as soon as Ryan hit the bed, and he climbed up so that they were once again facing, and Kyle again pushed his lips on those of Ryan's. Ryan could not believe that he was in this situation, but he was enjoying it way to much too ever let it stop. This time Ryan pulled off of the kiss and looked into Kyle's grey eyes. He saw nothing there but lust, and he was sure that his eyes where telling the same thing. Finally it was going to happen, he had longed for it for so long. He took in a deep breath before he initiated the next round of kissing.

Kyle moved his mouth down to Ryan's neck and began slowly switching from kissing to softly biting the skin. Kyle moved his hands down Ryan's body and found the bottom of Ryan's shirt, allowing his hands to explore Ryan's rippling muscles. Ryan let out a soft moan as Kyle's hands began feeling around his abs. As Kyle once again moved his head up in order to allow their lips to meet, Ryan arched his back, moaning deeply into Kyle's mouth. Kyle grabbed the bottom of Ryan's shirt and took it off of the muscle god that was lying beneath him.

Kyle just stared at Ryan's body. He knew from earlier that Ryan had a fantastic body, but he could not imagine this! Ryan's body looked like it must have been sculpted by the Greek gods. Kyle looked over his six pack, more like an eight pack, and saw a perfect Ôv' formation of the muscles going right down into his pubic area. His stomach and chest were completely hairless, which helped show off the power of his rippling muscles. Kyle moved his hand up from Ryan's abs and onto his pecks. Kyle thought that they were the hottest ones that he had ever seen on any man. They were well defined but not too bulky. They fit perfectly with the rest of Ryan's body.

Kyle slowly moved down from Ryan's neck, biting and sucking his way down Ryan's body. Finally coming to a stop at Ryan's left nipple, Kyle mumbled, "God! Playing football really did pay off for you."

Ryan let out a small chuckle but ended it quickly when Kyle took his nipple into his mouth and began to suck and bite on it. Ryan began to moan loudly at the pleasure radiating from his body. "Oh god Kyle! That feels sooo good!" Ryan softly said.

Kyle switched off between the right and left nipple, leaving Ryan speechless, before Kyle began his descent down Ryan's hard body. He slowly dragged his tongue across Ryan's abs, going around every groove that the incredible muscles contained, until finally he reached that perfect Ôv' at the bottom of Ryan's torso.

Ryan was breathing heavily and moaning quietly as Kyle was moving down his chest and stomach. By this time Ryan's cock was straining to be released from its restraint. Ryan could not believe that his cock had gotten that hard so fast, and without anyone even touching it.

Kyle sat up, still staring at the bulge inside Ryan's shorts. He quickly took off his shirt and threw it on the ground, and moving his body down the bed so that his head was now even with the massive bulge trying desperately to escape. Kyle ran his tongue around the outline of Ryan's dick. He simple could not believe the size. Kyle brought his hand over to the zipper to Ryan's shorts. Kyle slowly slid down the zipper and looked right up into Ryan's eyes. Ryan gave him a small smile when the opening was completely undone.

Kyle moved his hands over to the belt loops of Ryan's shorts and slid them down over Ryan's toned legs. Once down to his ankles, Ryan kicked them off and onto the floor. Kyle took his time on the way back, rubbing every part of Ryan's long, toned legs. Kyle laid down between Ryan's spread legs, bringing his face level with the monster demanding attention. Kyle brought his hand up to Ryan's black briefs, slowly rubbing his hand against Ryan's pulsating cock.

Ryan could not think of anything that had ever felt so good. None of the times he had been with his girlfriends could even begin to compare to what he was feeling now. It was incredible. He began to rub his hand through Kyle's hair, silently begging him to go to the next step. Kyle removed his hand briefly from Ryan's cock as his hand traveled to the top band of his underwear. Kyle looped two fingers into the band and began slowly lowering them down below Ryan's cock. Kyle let out a very noticeable gasp of surprise and shock at Ryan's dick. "Oh my god, it's fucking huge!"

"Holy Shit!" Ryan said, slamming on the brakes. Ryan was suddenly wrestled out of his mind and memories and forced back into the present. Cars were at a stand still on the highway before him, dark storm clouds hanging over the area. Ryan sat back on the dark leather seat and took a drink of water before running his hands through his hair.

Next: Chapter 4

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