Commander Dick

By Dick Love

Published on Dec 25, 2008


Commander Dick - Part Eight Double Trouble by Apussyboy

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(The standard disclaimers apply. This story is intended to be read only by adults and persons who are not offended by sexually explicit gay authoritarian stories. If you are over 21 or whatever the legal age is in your locale and do not find material of this nature offensive, you are welcome to continue reading. If not, do not read any further.)

Commander Dick really got a big kick out of the doggy routine he had come up with on my very first morning at Stanton Hall. Now I was eating breakfast every morning out of a dog dish and barking on demand for my meal. And, Dick just loved mixing and mashing up the remains of his own breakfast with his feet after he had dumped the food into my bowl, and making me clean his feet with my mouth before I ate the contents of the bowl doggy style. It was such a hoot, according to Dick, to put me through this doggy thing. For me it was just plain humiliating and degrading...but I'd be lying if I said it didn't also turn me on.

On school days I ate lunch with Pingo in his quarters. I enjoyed that a lot for the first couple of days especially because Pingo was a very good cook, and since I enjoyed looking at him so much, I liked sitting across the table from him while I ate liunch, and Pingo seemed to get a lot of pleasure watching me eat...or at least he seemed to pay more attention to my eating habits than I would have expected someone to do, and it seemed like he did a lot of grinning while he watched me eat. At times Pingo seemed to forget about his own lunch as he stared over at me..

The third time I had lunch with Pingo I found out why he paid such attention to me eating. Apparently, Pingo had been thinking of what he wanted to do the next time I ate lunch with him. This time, when Pingo put my lunch onto the table in front of was in a metal pie pan instead of on a plate and Pingo picked it right back up again before I could start to eat. "Sorry, amigo, but your food needs some extra flavoring to make it perfect for you", Pingo said as he put the pan of food on a chair in front of him. Then he pulled out his cock and started pissing all over my food. "This is the way I will serve your food to you from now on...but that is enough extra seasoning to make your lunch real tasty". Pingo held up the flow of his piss and grabbed one of the two clear plastic cups that he had put on the table earlier. He had used the same kind of cups the last two days for soda. But now, he brought one of the cups up to the tip of his prick and began to fill up the cup with hot amber piss, the color of beer. He pissed forcefully into the cup, so it even had a head on it the way a glass of real beer would. "And this is the beverage that you get to drink with your lunch from now on. I hope you enjoy both your food and your drink....Pingo has made them just for you."

As I sat there with that pie plate of piss soaked food and and the the cup of piss to the side of it in front of me, I must have looked like a statue. I was frozen in my place unable to decide what to do. How could I possibly eat that food after Pingo had pissed all over it. And drink that glass of piss besides? Pingo stood looking at me until our eyes finally met again. The stern expression on his face as he stared at me changed into a sneer. "Eat and drink, like a good little muchacho, or Pingo will have to punish you, and you will still eat and drink everything in front of you....And when you finish I want to hear how much you liked your lunch, and how much you thank Pingo for making it for you"

I lifted my fork and took up some potato onto it. Just knowing that it was saturated with Pingo's piss made my stomach do a flip...but at that very same time my dick jumped inside my pants. So, I raised it to my lips and pushed the potato into my mouth. I expected it to taste horrible,, but it really wasn't that bad. One thing I didn't need to do was salt my food. The piss took care of that. I had already had a good sized gulp of Pingo's piss the other day, and had managed to swallow it and keep it down, so now I got a little more bold. I picked up the plastic cup and took a gulp of Pingo's piss and quickly swallowed.

"I just knew you could do this for Pingo. You are a natural piss drinker, maricon. Take a big bite of your meatloaf, and some beans too. Very good, asshole. Now drink some more of my piss while its still nice and warm."

For some reason I had a raging hard on listening to Pingo tell me to eat and drink, and I found it an incredible turn on to have him force me to go on eating and drinking my pissy lunch. I was actually even starting to enjoy it. And it's a good thing too, because having Pingo piss on my lunch and watch me eat it became as much of a daily ritual as the doggy style breakfasts I got from Commander Dick.

When the weekend came and Dick didn't have to go to school there was a new surprise in store for me. I was with Commander Dick all Saturday morning. He had me shining all the leather shoes and boots he had in his closet while he watched, seeming to enjoy himself immensely as he did so. This project took up most of the morning. It was almost noon when there was a knock on the door. Dick said to come in, and the door opened. It was Pingo.

"I asked Pingo to come up to my room this morning, Anus, because I very much enjoyed the account he gave me of the time you and he have spent together, and I thought it would be fun for all three of us to spend some time together."

"Can we start the way we talked about, Master Dick? I think that will be very wonderful and will give your Anus, the asshole, a nice thrill'.

"Of course, Pingo. I've been holding it so long this morning that we better do it right now before I fucking bust".

"That's funny, Master Dick, because Pingo has been saving his piss for hours too. Let's go give Anus a nice hot shower before I piss my pants".

Commander Dick had made me stay naked that morning while I sat n the floor with rags, a brush, and three shades of shoe polish performing my bootblack duties for Commander Dick. Once he remarked what a great nigger I would make if only I were covered from head to toe with black shoe polish. When Dick talked like that to me, it gave me a wicked hard on. I liked thinking of myself as Commander Dick's nigger, even though I didn't feel that Black people should be looked down on, especially by a faggot bitch like me. I could visualize myself serving as nigger slave to a Black master, just as easily as a White one....but I was ready to become whatever Commander Dick wanted me to be at any time.

What was new in my thinking since I had come to Stanton Hall where I now had to serve not only Commander Dick, but also his servant Pingo was that I now saw myself as being inferior to every other man, and was happy for the chance to show Pingo or any other guy that I had become a real pussyboy. So when Commander Dick ordered me to climb into the sunken tub in his bathroom, I did so willingly. The thought of what was coming had my prick stiff as a board and all wet with pre-cum.

Commander Dick stood above me on the edge of the tub and Pingo stood next to him. I watched as my Commander unzipped his fly and pulled out his semi-hard cock. My overseer followed suit, and I watched spellbound as he handled his long fat Latino dong that hung limp in front of his jeans. My eyes went from one cock to the other fascinated by how they handled their dicks, playing with them and shaking them around as they got ready to piss. Commander Dick's stream started first and hit me in the chest. Then he directed it in my face and hair. I can't begin to describe the feelings I had as I was showered with hot piss.

"Open your fucking mouth, Anus, I don't want to waste all this nice piss on your body. Pingo tells me how much you enjoy the taste of drink mine, bitch!"

I opened wide and Commander Dick directed the stream right into my mouth. In the meantime, Pingo started pissing on me too. My Master kept filling my mouth with hot salty piss, which even though I gulped it down as fast as I could, kept flowing out the corners of my mouth, while Pingo kept hosing me, splashing my entire body with piss from his huge pinga, and when Dick's flow stopped Pingo kept going strong, now aiming his stream of piss at my open mouth and ordering me to swallow it. Pingo's piss was definitely stronger and more yellow, but it was less salty and more bitter than Commander Dick's.

When Pingo was done pissing, he stood over me shaking the last few drops of piss from his dick onto my chest. "I told you your bitch likes the taste of piss, Master Dick. Did you see how he gulped down as much as he could get? Your Anus is a real little pig. Didn't Pingo tell you so?"

"Yeah, you did, and you weren't exaggerating, Pingo. I think Anus makes a real good urinal. How do you like being used as a fucking toilet, bitch?....You don't need to answer, faggot. From now on you are going to get lots of piss....from me, from Pingo, and from anybody I say. But right now I am going to leave you in Pingo's hands. He will see to it that you are cleaned up properly so that you're ready for the session I've got planned for you".

After Commander Dick left the bathroom, Pingo spit in my face. "You are such a disgusting pig. You stink, bitch. So you will have to get thouroughly cleaned up the very special way that suits a maricon bitch like you after being used as a urinal. Pingo is going to give you a very special treatment, maybe not too pleasant for you, asshole, but just what you deserve. Get up you stinking whore, and get in the shower stall!"

The piss was beginning to dry on my skin and there was pulling sensation like it was shrinking the skin all over my body. When Commander Dick and Pingo had first pissed on me it had felt so hot, but now it was cold and made me feel all clammy. I even had goose bumps. I struggled to my feet and crawled out of the sunken tub and made my way to the shower. Pingo stripped and got in with me. He soaped up a wash cloth and washed me everywhere as I stood under the warm water. It made me feel all fuzzy and warm inside. I remembered how my Daddy used to bathe me in the shower when I was a little boy, but these thoughts didn't last long and neither did my relaxed mood. Pingo took hold of the shower brush and gave me an unexpected smack across the ass that shocked me back to the reality of where I was and what I was. Then Pingo began scrubbing me roughly with the shower brush so that it hurt all over and my body turned red almost like a I was sun

burned. I could see bristle marks on my arms and legs where Pingo had scrubbed me. I was so glad when he stopped, but then he turned the hot water off and got out of the shower leaving me to be blasted by prickly drops of ice cold water.

"Don't you dare turn off the water or touch the controls. You take that fucking cold shower for as long as I say so, faggot". It didn't take long to get really chilled. I hated the intensity of the cold water, and yet as I started to adjust to it I got one hell of a woody. I felt like an icicle when Pingo finally told me to shut off the water, and threw me a towel to dry off with.

I stepped from the shower grateful that my ordeal was now over, but it wasn't. Pingo grabbed me roughly and pulled me over to the sink. "We still have to get the smell of piss off your breathe, asshole",' he said, as he shoved a bar of Irish Spring into my mouth and proceeded to give one hell of a mouth washing. The awful taste of soap made me retch, but Pingo didn't stop. He made sure that my tongue got well coated with soap and that I swallowed a lot of the bitter soapy lather he had worked up inside my mouth. "I usually save this treatment for bad little muchachos who lie or swear or talk back to Pingo, but Master Dick agreed that you should get the full treatment after your first good piss shower, and so I am prepared to do just that. While you were taking your nice cold shower, I got something else ready for you, bitch.....Look up there! Do you know what that is hanging from that hook?"

Sure, I knew. There were a few times when I was a child that a bag with a hose attached to it like the one Pingo pointed to now had been used on me, and I remembered how I had dreaded it. "Yes, I see in your eyes that you know what an enema is. It's all ready for you, maricon. The water is nice and warm and soapy, and all I need to do is push the tube into your butt hole and and let it fill you up. You are going to be so nice and clean inside....perfectly prepared for a good fucking. Now, bend over bitch!"

I felt the lubricated tip on the enema tube enter my hole and moments later I began to be filled with the water, that was hot enough to feel uncomfortable but not so hot that it would really burn me inside. "You need to take the whole bag full, muchacho...Soon it will begin to hurt a lot as you fill up and the pressure of it pushing on your insides starts to make you feel bad, like you got the shits. But, dont worry, bitch, it gets worse. You will start to get wicked cramps, but you will sit on the toilet after you have the whole bag of water inside you and I take out the tube....and you will hold it without letting any of it go for ten full minutes. I will set the timer, and watch you until it goes off. I know you can hold it...I know you will do it...because if you don't I will tell Master Dick and he will give you a spanking you will never forget.Do you understand?"

I assured Pingo that I did understand. By that time The cramping was already beginning to get bad. Somehow I did hold it until the timer went off, but those ten minutes felt like an hour at least, and by the time I was allowed to let it go the water rushed out like a dam had burst. Pingo told me to stay right where he was for another ten minutes, and reset the timer. And he was right to do that because there were a couple more times where a strong urge hit me and I let go of more water.

"I am sure your boy pussy is cleaned out good now, and you are as ready to be fucked as any woman who has given herself a good douche. And that is so nice because Master Dick has promised Pingo that he will be the very first man to fuck his bitch beside himself...and it will be the first time Pingo has used a maricon like a girl. But you are such a pig that it will be my great pleasure to treat you like a slut and shove my big stiff pinga up your ass"

The way it worked, I got it in stereo. I was sucking Commander Dick's cock when Pingo pushed the head of his humungous prick against my hole. It took forever for him to get that billy club of a cock up inside me. He gave me a pounding that left me sore for a week. At the same time, Commander Dick gave me an incredible face fucking that left me with a sore throat and an aching jaw.

When Commander Dick and Pingo were finished using me, I was locked in my cell with an order From my master to write letters to both he and Pingo thanking them for giving me such a good time.

(End of Part 8)

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