Commander Dick

By Dick Love

Published on Dec 11, 2008


Commander Dick - Part Seven Getting to Know Pingo by Apussyboy

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(The standard disclaimers apply. This story is intended to be read only by adults and persons who are not offended by sexually explicit gay authoritarian stories. If you are over 21 or whatever the legal age is in your locale and do not find material of this nature offensive, you are welcome to continue reading. If not, do not read any further.)

"Let there be light", Commander Dick said, and there was light. In my windowless cell I had no way of telling what time it was. I didn't know where the voice of my god was coming from either, but there had to be loudspeakers installed in places around the room, especially since the words seemed to come from everywhere and from no particular place. "And there was light....Morning has broken....your very first morning as my Anus....Rise and shine!"

The light hurt my eyes, and I felt groggy. I really wasn't ready to get up, but I yawned and forced myself to sit up and put my legs over the edge of the bunk. I needed to pee something wicked and so I got up and walked across the room to the toilet. "Oh, Anus....Anus...What are you about to do? You must hold that piss until I tell you that you may go.....Go over and kneel in front of your god's picture and pray to me. Pray for my forgiveness. I love you as my Anus and am feeling lenient towards you this morning, so let your prayers be heard and receive forgiveness."

The pressure was great from the need to pee, but the pressure from Commander Dick to obey was greater. I knelt before my Master's picture, as I had done the night before. "Forgive me, my god, I am new to your rules, but I will learn to live by them. It is my heart's desire to serve and obey you, to be everything you want me to be. This is a new day, a new beginning, help me to do what you would have me do to please you all the time...for you are my Commander Dick, Lord of my Universe and I am Your Anus". I went on in that way for some time, until I heard "Go on and take your piss, bitch. then you need to get a move on. We have to be out of here in an hour".

I sat in the back seat of the Jeep. Commander Dick was behind the wheel, and Pingo was riding shotgun. Dick had introduced me to Pingo right after breakfast.

During breakfast Dick had me sit beneath him under the table messaging his feet. When he was halfway through his meal of scrambled eggs, bacon, and grits, Commander Dick dumped the rest of his breakfast into a large dog dish and put it down on the floor next to his chair. His breakfast must have been huge because there was lots of food there. "I mixed it up good for you, since you are going to have to eat it without utensils....just like a dog", Dick said. I was going to say something but had second thoughts and decided against it. "Yeah, I got myself a new pooch today. Go ahead and let me know you want to eat, Anus. Speak for your master like a good doggy. Come on, let's hear how you bark, bitch!"

"Woof", I answered, trying to make my voice sound as authentically canine as possible. Dick laughed, and made me repeat my 'woof'' several times. "What fun! I like spending time playing with my pet before school. I know how to make this even more fun...and add some flavor to your food at the same time". Dick stuck one of his bare feet into the dog dish and mashed the food around with his toes. "Lick the food off my foot. Clean it good, bitch! You won't need any extra seasoning. The sweat from my stinky foot and maybe just a little toe jam has got to make it extra yummy. Yeah, good boy, give that foot a few extra licks like a good doggy.....Now, stick your face in that bowl and chow down, Anus. Eat up! We got to get going."

As I sat in the back of Dick's Jeep, I kept thinking how difficult and humiliating it had been to have to eat breakfast that way, just like I was an animal. I had a hard on all the time I was thinking about it though. It seemed like I just never knew what Dick was going to do next, or who he expected me to be. Sometimes, I was his friend and adviser in the movement to make Commander Dick Emperor of the Universe; sometimes I was his girlfriend and his bitch. He had once told me he was going to make me his nigger, and then I had heard him refer to me as his servant and his slave too. But, this morning I had become his dog. I wondered what else Dick might expect me to become for him. I never seemed to know ahead of time which role I was going to be playing. It was all according to Commander Dick's mood at the moment, and I just had to play along.

Pingo had entered the kitchen just in time to see me on the floor licking the remaining food from the dog dish. "Oh, good morning, Pingo. This is my slave, Anus, who I told you about yesterday. We were just playing Doggy! I'm glad you came in before the game was completely over.....Since you are down on the floor, Anus, I don't think it would be appropriate to shake hands with Pingo, but you can kiss his hand. Give it a nice wet, slurpy lick like a good dog".

Pingo reached out his hand, and I gave it a lick, just like a dog would do. Pingo kind of chuckled, "Good thing I remembered to wash my hands. I just took a piss.",Pingo said as he looked down on me where I was kneeling on the floor. Commander Dick laughed, apparently thinking that Pingo's remark was quite funny. My little pecker got really stiff as I looked up into the face of this arrogant Latino guy who I guessed might be about thirty years old or so, and saw the smirk on his face.

"Pingo has been my personal valet for years, Anus. He has served me faithfully, and just because I have you for my servant now, it doesn't mean that there no longer is a place for Pingo.I have decided he would make a great overseer for my slave. Pingo is one of the family too. He was adopted by my parents as as an orphan boy many years ago. I gave him his name like I gave you yours. Formerly, Pingo was known as Luis, but because he has such a big 'pinga' swinging between his legs....I came up with his new name, Pingo...He is Pingo Stantons. He has that same 's' at the end of the name that you do, which means he has become one of our family by acquisition rather than birth"

"I am proud to be a member of the Stanton household and to have the name the young master has given me"

"Well, said, Pingo. Today you will come with us. I'll drive to school. My slave here has some papers to turn in at the school office. Then you will drive him back here. You can come back for me with the Jeep at the end of the school day, but in the meantime you can teach Anus his duties. Essentially, he will be taking over any of the jobs that have been your responsibility that you would rather not do. I don't care who does them, Pingo, but it will now simply be your job to see they get done. So, what I'm saying is all you really need to do to perform your job properly is to teach Anus what to do and supervise him. What do you think about that, Pingo?"

"I think I will like that job, Master Dick. I think I will do a good job training and supervising your boy. But how much authority are you giving me over your boy, Sir. Can I discipline him if he doesn't do as he's told?"

"Anus must obey you, Pingo, and if he does something wrong, you can take his pants down and take him across your knee and spank him with your bare hand. You may lecture him and chew him out and call him whatever names you want. You can make him stand in the corner like a naughty little boy for as long as you feel he needs to be there. You may confine him to his room and make him write as many punishment lines as you think he needs to write. The main thing of course is to teach him to do the chores and tasks that you have had to do until now, and see that they are done the way I want them done. Take charge of the boy, Pingo, and deal with him any way you think is best. Be strict, but not brutal. Be demanding, but don't expect the impossible. I trust you, Pingo....

I know you are listening to all this, Anus, and I realize that you didn't think that anyone else would be telling you what to do, but me. But I can't be here with you all day long, and you can't get by without having someone to tell you what to do. So you have to do what Pingo tells you to do, and show him respect...just like it was me telling you to do it. Do you understand me, bitch?"

"Yes, Sir, I think so, I must obey Pingo whatever he orders me to do just like it was you giving me orders....but I was just wondering, Sir, if that really means no matter what orders he gives me...after all, Sir...I am your bitch and nobody else's".

"You are my bitch to do as I tell you to do, Anus! I am going to tell Pingo privately things he can't do and things he can't order you to do, but that's none of your business. You are to do anything Pingo orders you to do, and as far as you are concerned he can do what he wants to do with you...and I don't want you whining to me that you think Pingo is going too far. I trust Pingo to treat my slave the way you need him to treat you. What that entails is between me and Pingo. Is that clear to you, bitch?

"Yes, Sir, crystal clear, Sir".

"Good. End of discussion!"

But that is what made saying goodbye to Commander Dick for the day, and going back to Stanton Hall with Pingo so scary...I didn't really know Pingo or what to expect from him. I had to admit to myself that Pingo was hot. He did turn me on, but my loyalty was to Commander Dick, and he was the only guy I had expected to have to serve and obey. And yet, my Master had apparently given what amounted to carte blanche to Pingo to boss me around and treat me however he wanted. I knew that Pingo had called Dick 'Master' several times, so did that make me the slave of Commander Dick's slave? I was really uncertain just what to expect, until Pingo began to enlighten me on the ride back to the mansion.

"So, muchacho, I am to be your teacher and trainer, your supervisor and your overseer. That is a very sweet job for me. I am going to like making you do all the shitty work that I have been forced to do for years. Now I get to force you to clean Master Dick's bathroom and scrub his toilet, to do his laundry and make his bed. and all the other menial tasks that he requires done. Don't get me wrong Master Dick has been good to me, and it is much more of a pleasure to be his servant than to work for Senor Stanton, or Master Brian, at least from the stories I've heard from those who have served them. No, I am very lucky, and you are lucky too because you not only get to serve Master Dick, but you also get to have Pingo boss your ass around. I am such a nice guy, Anus. You just wait and see how well we get along. If you so much enjoy being with Master Dick, you will love your time with Pingo. If you like having the attention of a bully, someone who makes you

feel about two feet tall when you stand before him....then I know you will like me very much. You do have a thing for bullies, do you not?"

I didn't quite know how to answer him, so I didn't reply at all.

"One thing you must learn right away, Asshole, is that when Pingo asks you a question, Pingo expects a fucking answer. When a tough boy tells you what to do and calls you nasty names, it gets your little pinga all worked up. Your pecker is pushing out inside your pants right now trying to bust out as you look at Pingo and listen to him talk. Isn't that so?"

"Yes, you're right about all that, Pingo", I answered.

"Then we will get along together just fine, muchacho. But the first thing you need to remember is that when you speak to me, you must say 'Senor', or 'Senor Pingo'. You must show some good respect. You understand?"

"Yes, Senor Pingo"

"That is very, very good, for you to understand and know how to be respectful. The next thing is your name. Master Dick, he has named you Anus, but I will call you Asshole because it has such a nice ring to it. Don't you think so....Asshole?"

"Yes, Senor".

"Is there anything you want to ask your Senor Pingo right now, Asshole?"

"Yes, Senor, there is. You refer to Commander Dick as Master Dick. Is he your Master, meaning are you his slave like I am his slave, Senor?"

"Do you know how fucking stupid it is to ask me a question like that, Asshole? Do you know how much you are under my thumb and the pwer i have over your sorry ass? You piss me off assuming things like that ...but since you must know, when I came to live at Stanton Hall, Master Dick and Master Brian were very young boys. Male children are always known as Masters among the upper class, especially by the hired help, and although the family adopted me, they did so to raise me to be part of their domestic staff, but nothing like a slave. I call Master Dick and his brother Master because I have always called them Masters, even when they were so young thst they had to do what I told them. Do you understand, now, Asshole?"

"Yes, Senor, I'm sorry I jumped to a wrong conclusion".

"It's okay. You will be more sorry yet.

When we got back to Stanton Hall, Pingo asked me if I would like to see his place. Of course I was curious, so I told him I would. He had what I guess you would call a loft or studio apartment over the six bay garage that was attached to the main house. It was essentially one big room that combined living room, bedroom, kitchen and dining area all in one. There was a pantry off the kitchen area, and also a small closet for cleaning supplies. In the area of the room where the queen size bed and bureau was; there was a large walk-in closet. Finally, on the other side of the room was a good sized bathroom. There were two dormers that broke up the slanting roof line each with a window looking out over the driveway and park-like front yard of Stanton Hall.

Pingo told me to take a seat at the kitchen table and got me a soda from the fridge. Then with out saying anything more he walked to the bathroom, and without closing the door, whipped out his cock and started pissing. From where I sat I could see right into the bathroom and watch Pingo pissing. His cock was really huge...soft, it was probably eight or nine inches.

He looked in my direction as his piss began to flow and make a loud sound as it hit the water in the toilet bowl. "What are you staring at, maricon? Do you like what you see? Come here and hold my pinga for me while I piss. You better hurry because if I stop pissing before you get over here, I will punish you severely. I expect you to obey any order I give you without hesitation."

I remembered Commander Dick's orders for me to do whatever Pingo told me to do, so I moved quickly to Pingo's side, right next to the toilet. I don't know how much pee Pingo made, but he was still sending a big stream of piss into the toilet. The flow did not seem to have decreased any since he began pissing. I reached out and grabbed hold of Pingo's huge uncut cock. I was amazed and couldn't stop staring down at it as well as at all the piss he was making. He must have peed half a gallon or more before he stopped, or so it seemed. I remember thinking that he could put out a fire with a hose like that.

"Get down on your knees, Asshole", Pingo commanded, as the stream of light yellow piss slowed to a few last drips from the head of his cock. Pingo turned toward me, "Put my cock in your queer mouth, and taste what's left of my nice hot piss, maricon. You know that maricon means the same as faggot, don't you, muchacho? No, don't answer now. You need to keep my cock in your mouth so you don't miss the flavor of my piss....That is so good, Asshole, I know you got a good size mouthful, so let me see you swallow."

I never tasted piss before, but there was at least a couple of tablespoons of Pingo's pee that I was holding in my mouth, hoping that soon i would be allowed to spit it out before I started to gag on it. It was salty, bitter, and nasty tasting....but I looked at Pingo and when he ordered me to I gulped down all that was in my mouth. "Get used to my nice hot piss. I will be making a lot for you. I love the idea of making a gringo pussy boy drink my piss. Sometimes, I will give you showers of piss and make you work all day with it dried on your skin, with you smelling of my piss. I see your little dicklet is pointing when I talk like that. Master Dick told me how queer you were, but I thought maybe he was exaggerating. I see now you are a real faggot. That's good, Asshole. Pingo will love getting you all worked up. I want to see if I can keep that little thing of yours hard all the time".

When there was no more of Pingo's piss left to swallow Pingo ordered me to lick the sweat off his balls. They were really something big as jumbo eggs, and real low hangers. Although I still felt a little guilty licking another guy's balls other than my Commander Dick, I have to admit I loved Pingo's balls and I was getting really horny as I licked them and then sucked them. But, Dick had told me to obey Pingo's orders, so this was not wrong. I made myself stop questioning everything...and just started getting into doing what Pingo ordered. Ans so, when he ordered me to pull back his foreskin and clean the head of his prick with my tongue I did what he said right away, but I was surprised because, unlike Dick's cock, Pingo's was not well washed.

"How nice that I have you to clean my dirty cock for me, Asshole. Look at all that nice ripe dick cheese built up around the head of my prick, muchacho. That is for you to lick away and eat. It smells strong? I know, but you will get past the stink of it. You will love how it tastes. Before long you will be begging Pingo not to wash, but to build up as much dick cheese for my little faggot underneath my foreskin as possible. Go ahead and clean Pingo's cock. I will enjoy watching you do that, Asshole."

It really was hard to make myself lick around Pingo's cock head and eat all that smelly dick cheese. At first I found it so revolting that I nearly retched, but I not only kept my erection, but my own little pecker got even more stiff than before as I worked on Pingo's prick. I found out that if I avoided breathing though my nose, it really didn't taste so bad. I couldn't help wondering if Pingo might not be right. Maybe I would get so I looked forward to going down on Pingo's dirty dick. After all, I had done things for Commander Dick during the past few weeks that I never thought I'd do for another guy, and now I dreamt of doing those things again and again.

When i had finished washing Pingo's prick with my mouth, he made me blow him. His cock was so big and fat that I had trouble gettting very much of it in my mouth, but Pingo didn't seem concerned. He just concentrated on having me lick up and down his shaft and having me suck on his balls, Then, finally he began jacking his dick while I sucked on just the head of his cock. Pingo's fist kept pounding against my face as he jerked it, and then his load erupted from his massive prick in rope after rope of thick cum. It filled my mouth and I swallowed Pingo's cream,and then he filled my mouth again and I swallowed some more. If Pingo had shot his jizz into a glass, I bet it would have looked like a tall glass of milk, there was that much of it, but I swallowed every drop that he shot into my mouth.

Afterward, Pingo oredered me to follow him to the main house where he put me to work cleaning Commander Dicks room; making his bed, dusting and polishing the furniture, and vacuuming the rug. After that I had to scrub the bathroom from top to bottom. Pingo inspected my work, and made me re-do anything that was not done perfectly. Then I had to help Pingo with some outdoor work around the grounds of the mansion. Only when it was time to return for Commander Dick at the end of the school day did I get to rest. Pingo locked me in my quarters, and lay down on my bunk. I was so tired out that I fell off to sleep. I dreamed of Commander Dick, but I also dreamed about Pingo.

So much had changed in my life in recent days that I couldn't help wondering what would happen next.

(End of Part Seven. I hope you wonder too about what will happen next. Maybe you have some comments or suggestions. Please write to the author at

Next: Chapter 8

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