Commander Dick

By Dick Love

Published on Nov 20, 2008


Commander Dick - Part Five Last Visit Home by Apussyboy

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(The standard disclaimers apply. This story is intended to be read only by adults and persons who are not offended by sexually explicit gay authoritarian stories. If you are over 21 or whatever the legal age is in your locale and do not find material of this nature offensive, you are welcome to continue reading. If not, do not read any further.)

I had been left locked in confinement by Commander Dick so that I could get acquainted with my 'new home' as he called it. My windowless cell that adjoined Dick's bedroom in the Stanton mansion looked to be about eight by ten feet. The overall surroundings and the gray walls in particular were depressing. Only the huge picture of Commander Dick that had been hung on the wall opposite the bunk where I was now lying added real interest to the room. That photo with its piercing gaze that seemed to follow me any time I moved around the room emphasized the central place of Commander Dick in my new life as Dick's servant. As I lay there looking around my cell, I began to understand how much Commander Dick meant to me. He had left me here for just a few minutes so far, and already I missed my Master.

I had heard that guys went insane if they were kept for long periods in solitary confinement, unless they found ways of keeping themselves mentally active, focusing on something that was significant for them, and something that gave their life meaning.

I felt sure that Commander Dick would not keep me isolated in this dismal place for long stretches of time the way some convicts were confined unless, perhaps, he were to become really angry with me. That is why I saw it as being so important to be properly submissive, respectful, and His Highness, my King and Master, Commander Dick.

As I was thinking along these lines, I reached inside my pants. I pulled out my little peter and began to play with it. It stiffened whenever I had such thoughts, but had become even more worked up because Dick had locked me in this cell. I was truly in Dick's power and at his mercy; and I was now focusing my thoughts intently on Commander Dick and his photo, which hung there as an icon to engage me in the worship of Dick.

It suddenly struck me like a lightening bolt that Dick had become my god, and that worship and praise and prayer to Commander Dick were just as important as obedience and service to my Master.

I couldn't help jerking off to such thoughts. I visualized myself writing long letters to my new god and poetry too which would be like David's psalms to Jehovah. I would sit at that desk in my cell and spend hour upon hour writing hymns of praise to Dick and sermons proclaiming his greatness...all of which would one day be compiled into a new holy book of the newest and greatest religion in human history...the religion of the believers in Dick. As I kept jacking my prick, I came to an awareness, that this would all come to pass with Commander Dick's conquest of the world and his coronation as Emperor of Earth, which I now understood would be not just a political event. It would be the long hoped for victory of light over darkness, truth over falsehood, good over evil, the rule of the greatest god of any that had ever been invented before by those whose need to serve and submit required a god to command them.

I was suddenly possessed by the knowledge that it is a wondrously beautiful thing when the god Dick takes possession and ownership of a faggot like me, and that it is a blessing to be kept in a state of servility and misery by this god, and that to be punished and degraded as the slave of Commander Dick is be truly saved and reborn.

I shot spurt after spurt of hot sticky cum all over myself as I reacted in a state of ecstasy to my new found certain knowledge that Dick was god. I looked into his exalted face and felt that as long as I could see even the picture of my King and remember to whom I was bound in humble servitude, I would never again feel alone even when locked in this cell. I would, I decided, always be thankful to my Lord for the time which in his wisdom he made me serve in detention, and this cell became in my mind a chapel dedicated to the worship of the one magnificent Commander Dick.

Dick shook me from a sound sleep filled with dreams of my Commander Dick. I thought it must be the next day, but Dick said I had only been confined for a couple of hours. He told me to go sit at the school desk which was on one wall of my cell and eat. He had brought a tin cup with Kool Ade, and a peanut butter and jelly sandwich wrapped in aluminum foil.

"You need to eat before we go visiting", Dick said.

"It must be getting late", I answered, "I thought I would be going home tonight".

"You are going to your parent's home for a final visit, but your new home is here. Go ahead and eat now, and then we'll talk some more".

I ate the sandwich and finished drinking the Kool Ade as quickly as I could because I was anxious to hear what Dick had to say.

"It's about eight o'clock now. Your parents must be wondering why you are not home by now. They are probably worried about you, maybe they are upset with you for not calling them to tell them where you are. I don't really care. All I know is that they are going to be a lot more upset when we get to your house and you tell them about how you stole my watch and what the consequences are.

"I have a document here for your parents to sign giving permission for you to quit school. Even though you are eighteen you need their permission because you are still living at home, or were until today, and because you have not petitioned through the courts to be considered emancipated. In this state until you graduate high school or obtain parental permission to leave school and obtain full time employment you are not considered an adult unless you first reach twenty-one. Once your parents sign the papers for you to leave school and my father, Harold Stanton, grants you full time employment as a servant you are considered free to make you own decisions as an adult. There is already a legal document dated today that you are my father's employee. So, before this night is over everything will be legal...and you will be my slave.

"But before we go to see you parents...i want to teach you a new ritual which you will be performing every day from now on. Its called the 'Twenty-One Dick Salute". Its a special way for you to show your respect for me. You do like to show your respect for your Commander Dick, don't you, faggot?"

"Oh, yes, Sir!"

"Good. Let's go back into my room, and I'll teach you the drill...because this will become routine....something to be done every day exactly the same way....and if you fuck up doing it, you will be punished. so, you need to pay attention and learn it right."

I followed Dick into his bedroom, where he ordered me to take off all my clothes and then to undress him completely.

"Will this take very long?", I asked "because my parents usually go to bed early. My father's shift starts at six in the morning at your father's factory, so they never stay up late".

"You know, bitch, it really doesn't matter how long they are kept waiting to find out they are losing their son. That's right, faggot. They are losing their son for good. You are my property now and those losers are never going to see you or hear from you again...and you should not give a damn because you've got me as your Master to serve from now on. Nothing in this world should mean anything to you anymore other than me, your Lord, Master, and King....your exalted and magnificent Commander Dick. Now, do you agree with what I've just said or not?"

"Oh, of course I agree, Sir", i responded.

"Then shut your fucking mouth, and do what you were told!"

You can believe I got all my clothes off real fast, and began undressing His Lordship, Commander Dick. When he was naked, he lay down on his back on the bed and began giving me instructions on how to perform the twenty-one dick salute.

"The first thing is I flip you a double bird, asshole, putting both my fuck fingers in front of your faggotty face.....Then, you lean over and take my left fuck finger in your mouth and suck it good for at least thirty seconds or so...Go ahead and do it, bitch!....Good job...Now go down and suck my left big toe...That's right, asshole, suck on it like it's a dick!...Now, do each of the other toes on my left foot the same way starting with the little toe and working your way up to the second toe. Not too fast! Give each toe at least thirty seconds of sucking....Yeah that's the way, cocksucker.....Now, back to my left hand, suck on my thumb....Right, just like you're a fucking little baby all over again. suck my thumb like it's a fucking pacifier.....Now suck the little finger...Good boy! Next the ring finger.....OK, skip the good old fuck finger and work on the index finger, cocksucker...That's the way, dude....You are a real Dick sucker...Your Commander Dick's dick sucker.

"Now, you go to the right...and suck on my other fuck finger....Good little bitch! Now it's time to suck the right big toe...." and so I went on sucking toes through the right foot as I had with the left foot and then the thumb and other fingers on the right hand as I had done with the left hand, until I finally got the order to "Suck my cock!" from Commander Dick.

Once he blew his load of cum in my mouth, Commander Dick said to me with a big smirk on his face "And that's the twenty one dick salute. You will do it the same way every fucking time. Always think of my fingers and toes as being dicks when you suck them, and remember the order to suck them in is that I just showed you. And remember too, that the twenty-one dick salute will always start and end like this"....and once again Dick held up his two fuck fingers in front to of my face..."by me giving you the double fuck you sign".

"Thank you, Commander Dick, I will remember, Sir. I love the twenty-one dick salute. It seems to me more like a way of worshiping my Master, rather than just a way of showing respect."

"Do you like the idea of worshiping me?"

"Yes, Sir. When you left me in my new quarters to think about things and I lay there on my bunk looking over at the picture of you on the wall, Sir, I thought to myself that life is all about Dick now, obeying and serving my Commander Dick. And then it came to me that Dick has become my god. You are so perfect, Sir. You are the only thing that counts. You really are my god. I praise you. I will pray to you. I will write poems and hymns and psalms to you. I will write more than ever to you, Sir. There will be letters and essays as well as confessions and apologies. Whenever you confine me to my cell I will use that time to meditate on your greatness, and to compose things in writing that glorify you and humble myself to you, in the same way that all the time I am outside my cell must be devoted to serving and obeying you, Sir."

"I like what I am hearing from you, faggot. I am your lord and master, your king, and god. The things you are saying show me you love me, so you will worship me with energy and enthusiasm, and with total dedication and devotion. Now dress me, slave, and then put your own clothes on. We still have a visit to make; and you have a final farewell to make. Once it is done, there will be no going back. I will own you in every fucking way conceivable. You will truly be my slave."

We talked very little on the ride to my parent's house. Commander Dick did make it clear that he would be coming in with me and that when I introduced him to my parents he wanted me to say "Father, this is Dick Stanton, the son of Harold Stanton, your employer, and a student in my class in school. It is important that we talk to both of you, Mom and Dad, and it is urgent that we do it right now".Dick also let me know that once I had made my confession, he would handle the conversation from there. There was to be no chance for emotional displays that could complicate things, Dick insisted. He was going to make sure the conversation went exactly the way he intended.

The house was in darkness when we pulled up in front of it in Dick's Jeep Wrangler. Mom and Dad must have already gone to bed. We walked up to the house and Dick rang the door bell. I saw a light go on toward the back of the house, and then a moment later another in the front hallway. "Who's there?" I heard my Dad say from the other side of the front door. "It's me, Raymond" I answered.

The door was then flung wide open. "What the hell are you doing home so late?" my father said. He was clearly very angry.

"Something has happened" I answered ,and then introduced Dick the way he had told me to do. My father's tone changed. "Do I need to wake up your mother? She just got to sleep?"

"No, its better if you don't wake her", Dick said, interrupting my conversation with my father.

"I'm sorry, where are my manners? You and your friend come in and we'll go into the dining room and talk. You can tell me what happened. Can I get you something to drink? Coke or something?"

"Thank you. Of course we'll come in and talk. Raymond and I go to the same school. I would say that we are acquainted rather than friends. You don't need to bother with the coke or whatever. This is really not a social visit, but it is about a very important matter that you need to be fully informed of"

I could see that Dick really was not going to let the situation go in any other direction but the one where he intended it go,

We sat down at the dining room table. My father was on one side and Dick and I sat on the other. "Let's not waste time, Raymond. Tell your father why you were late getting here tonight and why I'm here with you."

"Dad, I'm sorry but I have something awful to tell you. It's hard to even get it out, but I have no choice about this. I have to tell you. We have just come from the Dick's home where I made a confession to Harold Stanton, Dick's father. I now have to make that same confession to you. I need to let you know that I have committed a criminal act which if it were not for the Christian mercy of Mr.Stanton and his son Dick, would have landed me in jail and probably would have lost you your job as well....."

"What the hell are you talking losing my job. this is crazy!"

"Don't interrupt your son. This is difficult enough without that", Dick intervened.

"OK, Raymond, go on with what you have to say".

"Today after gym class, Dick and a couple of his buddies caught me stealing Dick's watch out of his locker...No, please don't say anything now, father....It's true. Your son's a thief. It's not the first time I've stolen stuff. I've done it loads of times, It's not even the first time I got caught, but it is the first time that there are serious repercussions. I have to be punished for my crime, father. I'm avoiding jail by agreeing to the terms Mr. Stanton laid down in his study a few hours ago, and if you also cooperate your job is secure, but things must be the way Mr. Stanton and his son want them to be. Dick will explain those terms".

"I'm shocked. You've never been in trouble all the time you were growing up. My son...a thief....It's so hard to believe."

"You'll have lots of time later to think about how you raised your son, where you failed, and why he became a thief. But right now, I need to explain what is going to happen and get your signature on an important legal document that will make it possible for your son to be properly punished for his crime, which I must emphasize was a personal offense against me, but because I am a Stanton, was also an offense against my family. It is for that reason that Raymond has agreed to enter the service of the Stanton family as a servant, and in particular as my personal servant. To do this it is essential that his education be interrupted, and that he enter the Stanton family service immediately, but for this to happen you must sign these papers. they are School Leaving papers, allowing Raymond to quit school as of tomorrow, and to be honest I do not expect he will ever have the chance to finish high school, which is too bad because he is a very smart boy in some ways, but it was very foolish of him to steal, and incredibly stupid for him to steal from a Stanton. I have the papers here. Will you sign them now?"

"I don't know"

"You better do it right now, or your son goes to the police station and you go to the unemployment line. You will never get another job in this town again if the Stantons don't want you to. You know we practically own this town".

"I have to think".

Okay, you think while i count to ten. If you sign after that, my father will see to it that you have a new job cleaning the toilets in his factory. If you don't sign there is no job at all in your future. Don't be as stupid as your son was. Do what I say, and sign"

My Dad took the papers and signed his name. "It's not my fault that my son's dishonest. You're right, Why should I pay for his thievery? I'm ashamed of my son. You let Mr. Stanton know that, and let him know too that as soon as you leave tonight I'm going to take out the old razor strap out and give him an asswhuppin' like he never got before."

Dick grabbed the papers back and put them in the inside pocket of his jacket.

"That's another thing. I realize it would give you some satisfaction to beat his ass, and if you really want to I will allow you to do that now. It will be very entertaining for me to watch. But if you want to do it let's proceed with it, because I have to get going, and when I leave your boy goes with me. As of midnight tonight, Raymond, is officially employed 24/7 by the Stanton Family Interests. He doesn't live here any more. He already has his new accommodations."

"Then let's get on with it. We'll go out to the shed in back. It's a large shed where I have my workshop. That's where I have always meted out discipline when it was called for, and I don't want to disturb my wife. It will be bad enough when I have to tell her tomorrow that her boy is a no good thief"

Dad got the old leather razor strap off the hook on the back of the basement door and we all proceeded to the shed where I would get my whuppin'. Once inside the shed Dad made me drop my pants and my undershorts and lean over a wooden horse. He took some leather ties and secured my hands and ankles to the sawhorse and said those famous words he always said before he strapped my ass. "This is going to hurt me more than it hurts you, son".

"Dick laughed, "And it will hurt me most of all. I'm going to laugh so hard it hurts".

"Are you ready, Raymond?", my father asked. Was I ever ready to get my ass torn up? But I felt my Dad had a perfect right to do this...before losing all his other parental rights. Of course, he didn't fully understand that he had given up his rights when he signed those papers for Dick. He thought it was only about quitting school. How was he to know the ramifications? He didn't know the fine points of the law.

Dad felt, I'm sure, that this was just one more time he was punishing his son for doing something wrong. Of course, I had never done anything as bad as stealing Dick's watch before, so Dad was angry. He had always said he would never punish me while he was still angry with me, but Dick was not giving him a choice. If he was going to whip my butt, he had to do it right away, rather than sending me to my room for an hour or two first to give himself a chance to cool down. I think Dick was a little concerned.because he spoke up.

"Raymond has to be in shape tomorrow for his new job, so I have to put some limitations on how many times you can strap him. When I tell you to stop, you get to give him three more more. Then I get to give him five more, because I've got to have my fun too.Do you agree?"

"It's not right for you to tell me how to discipline my own son"

"It is perfectly reasonable for me to look out for Stanton interests. If you don't agree, there will be no whipping".

I couldn't see my father's face but I'm sure his face was very red and his lip was quivering the way it often did when he was really miffed.

"Agreed", Dad mumbled.

"Then give that bad boy what he has coming"

The strap whizzed thought the air and struck my ass with good deal of force. I wanted to cry out, but somehow managed to hold it back.

"Keep count, boy, the way I taught you to do?", Dad ordered.

"One, Sir"

The second one landed on the same side of my ass almost where the first stripe had.

"I see a nice welt coming up, really big and red, and wonderful" Dick observed.

If I hadn't been tied down I would have jumped away from the wooden horse. Instead, I bit my lip and said "Two, Sir".

The next time the strap connected with my ass it was on the opposite ass cheek, but Dad had used more power than he did with the first two cracks, and it brought tears to my eyes as I groaned out "Three, Sir".

"I think that one might leave a nice bruise", Dick commented just before the strap smashed into my butt just above my legs. This time I cried out in pain and whimpered, but still managed to say, "Four, Sir".

Number five made me scream, and number six had me sobbing, but somehow I kept up the count. After number seven, my ass felt like it was on fire, and that was when I heard Dick yell "Stop".

"I don't want to stop" my Dad said.

"You still get three more" Dick reiterated.

"I know. That is the I will make the most out of these three. And Dad did just that. He put at least fifty per cent more force into each of the last three swats as he had in any one of the ones he gave me before.

Afterward, Dick came up behind me and gently rubbed my beaten ass. "Now that's what I call a hot ass. It's really holding the heat from that beating. My gosh, look at you, boy. You are shaking like you are shivering with cold. Its a shame I've got to give you five more, but it is my turn, and you know you earned them. What was it again you did?"

I answered in a weak voice, almost a whisper. "I stole your watch, Sir" "And what does that make you, boy?" "It makes me a thief, Sir". Yes, and in some countries you would get your right hand chopped off for being a thief, but you are so lucky that you don't live in one of those places. It's only five more swats and its over, Then I'll take you back home with me and you can sleep. You don't even have to keep count. Ready?"

"Yes, Sir".

The strap hit me so hard it knocked the wind out of me, and I cried out in horrible pain. Pain like a toothache or stepping on barbed wire. I didn't know how I could take any more. And then the razor strap ripped into my ass again and I thought I felt blood trickling down the back of my legs. I just knew my ass had to be like rare meat. I didn't think I could take more, but somehow I did, and it was finally over, I think maybe I lost consciousness towards the end because I don't even remember that last three swats.

I knew Dick had hit me much harder than my father had, and yet my father didn't hold back at all, but I really don't know if Dick took pity on me and stopped after number twelve, or if I was just out of it. Anyway, it was over.

And so was my life with my father and mother. Dad gave me a hug before I left. but I never even got to say goodbye to my Mom, and Dick wouldn't let me take anything with me but the clothes I was wearing, No photos, no anything to remind me of the past. And yet, I had no real regrets, It was worth giving up everything to be with Commander Dick.

(End of Part Five. If you would like the story to continue, or have comments you would like to make, please email the author at ).

Next: Chapter 6

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