Coming Out of My Shell

By David Achterhof

Published on Aug 1, 2016


Chapter 9

Well, valentine's day came and went, school is still school and I'm still maintaining my high GPA. I know some people might think I'm a nerd, but guess what I am? A computer nerd. I want to have the best GPA so I stand out to companies, I hope to eventually become a cyber detective and help the LGBT community and stop online bullying.

As the semester rolled into March, we've been planning our spring break. This year, we decided to forgo the college scene and go to Walt Disney World. I had never been there and always wanted to go, so I invited Tommy and Mario to go with us. I do wonder if Marcus is up to something, he has been acting really strange. Even before valentine's day, I would notice stuff like odd conversations with Carl that would stop the minute I would come into the room or him going home for the weekend for some sudden thing with his parents. I have also noticed Tommy acting strangely as well. Every time we talk or text, he is, I don't know, just kind-of off. I guess not wanting to talk to long about anything.

"I hope I can pull this off," Marcus thought to himself as he was driving home to not only talk to his parents but to talk to his papa Seth and ask for Davis hand in marriage. It's terribly old fashioned but Marcus is just that kind of man. He didn't know quite why, but he was so nervous to talk to papa Seth about this. He knew he needed to do this. He wanted to and after he asked Seth, he is going to be speaking with Tommy about it as well. Marcus arrived at his parents' house. They weren't home yet so he went to his room to shower and change clothes. As he was getting out of the shower he heard his dad, "Hey bud, where you at?". "I'm in my room dad," Marcus called back. He had just gotten shorts on when his dad knocked on his door, "Hey bud! Glad your home," Jacob said and hugged his son. "Dang boy! how much bigger are you going to get? I'm sure Davis likes how you are now," Jacob teased and Marcus blushed. "So what's up? Why the impromptu meeting this weekend? Don't get me wrong. Your mother and I are glad you came home for a visit. Just wondering why on such short notice?" Jacob asked.

"Can we talk about it over dinner when mom gets home?" asked Marcus

"Sure buddy, we are ordering out tonight from your favorite Chinese place"

"Yeah, although I will have to say they have some stiff competition with my baby. He can make a mean orange chicken and egg rolls" Marcus said with pride

"Well, I'm sure it will be just as good. I really am happy for you. I hope you know that Marcus. You are a great son following in your old dad's footsteps and you have a great smart young man who you love more that life itself. I'm sure he feels the same about you," Jacob said.

"Thanks dad. That means a lot to me, especially how you and mom see Davis"

While Marcus and his parents were eating dinner, Marcus just came out with it, "Mom, dad, I came home not just to see you." His parents looked a little worried. "I also came home this weekend to tell you that I have decided I want to ask Davis to marry me. I know we are young, but I really love him and have never felt like I do when I'm around him. He gives me butterflies still to this day and I don't want to let him go. I want him to be with me for the rest of our lives. We both want children and want to get married. I just decided that I want to be engaged to him and we will marry after we finish school here before I have to go to medical school." Marcus stopped and to take a big breath.

"Son, we are very happy for you and Davis. We love him a lot and would love for him to be our son. We both think it is smart to wait to marry until after you both graduate school," Jacob said.

"Of course, the only problem is that I'm two years ahead of Davis and I should be preparing for med school interviews this year," Marcus said looking down.

"Hey buddy, there is nothing wrong with waiting a couple of years before going to med school but I think you should have a talk with Davis about this," Jacob said with his mother nodding in agreement.

Marcus came home from Houston on Sunday. I was so happy to see him; I missed him so much. I love getting to spend time with my brother, cousin and Mario but I missed my man dearly. I never thought that I would fall in love with a guy this fast or at my age. With how I looked, I didn't think guys would want me. But then Marcus came into my life and I have never felt anything like he makes me feel. Yeah, I know I'm only 19 but I know I'm in love with Marcus and I want to be for the rest of my life.

We continued to plan our trip to Orlando for spring break. Tommy and Mario are both coming and I am really happy about that. Even though I had stopped worrying about my guys acting weird, which they still were. I just kept getting this feeling like I was in for something big I think it's a good big. But only time will tell.

So we got out of school for spring break! I was so excited to go to Orlando and spend a week with my guys in the happiest place on earth. Tommy and Mario arrived here around five and we left for our trip. We decided to drive at night so that it wouldn't be as boring and everybody could sleep and take shift driving. We arrived in Orlando around noon and checked into our hotel room.

Before we unpacked, Marcus and I went out on the balcony overlooking a lake next to the park. I was in Marcus arms, leaning against him. "Baby this is going to be a fantastic trip. We are going to have so much fun here," he whispered into my ear. Turning around and kissing him I hear "Aww, isn't that cute? Been here five minutes and they are already swapping spit!" I looked and my brother had a smirk on his face. "Jealous bro?" I shoot back. "Of you? Never! I don't need to make out every five minutes." "Oh please Tommy, it was just last month you were telling me how jealous you were of your brother and his relationship," Mario shot back. Tommy immediately started to chase Mario around the room. He tackled him and straddled his waste, "Well at least I didn't read someone's dirty thoughts journal from when Davis was in high school!" Mario's eyes shot open. "Please Tommy, don't say another word. I promise to leave you alone, please" Mario plead in absolute horror. "Hey, I wouldn't do that to you just a little teasing, that's all. I'm sorry, although I must say you have quite the dirty mind my friend"

Tommy leaned forward and gave Mario a kiss on the lips which surprised me. Marcus, Carl and I were all a little stunned by this. "Ummm???. bro is there something you want to tell us?" I asked. He looked at me comically, "What? I just gave my brother a kiss, that's all," he said with a slight smile on his face. I don't think he was telling me everything but I will let him tell me in his own time. Anyway, we finished settling in our room and slept the rest of the afternoon. We were all tired from not getting much sleep the night before.


The first day, we went to the animal kingdom. I was really excited to go since I'm such an animal lover and most of these I wouldn't be able to see unless I was in Africa. But, I also am really excited to see what was called the tree of life. I have been dreaming of seeing it. It always looks so beautiful and magical and I was totally looking forward to seeing it in person. So we started walking around, I thought it was so cool at how the animal kingdom looked like an actual jungle; it is really beautiful.

"So guys, what do we want to do first?"

"Let's do the safari ride as it will probably take the longest to get on" Marcus said. We all agreed and headed for the ride. Standing in line and were surprised that we didn't have to wait too long. I really enjoyed the ride, getting to see all these awesome animals roaming around so peaceful a majestic. Seeing the giraffes and elephants up close is so amazing, I know that this isn't their natural habitat but it is close enough. I also enjoyed being with Marcus and our friends, plus the whole time he held my hand. We got off the ride Marcus still holding my hand, I was a little nervous at first but then I said to myself, "You know what? I have the right to hold the hand of the man I love and I'm going to do it. I don't care who see us or what they think." We walked over to Expedition Everest which was awesome; I had a blast of course.

Marcus teased me for screaming too loud. We just had the best day. We laughed, took lots of photos, shopped and rode more rides. When we finally got to the tree it was so beautiful. Seeing all the animals carved into this huge gigantic tree was just breath taking. I don't know what came over me but I was swept up in passion and I just had to kiss Marcus right there in front of this beautiful creation. I didn't care who saw us, I just did it. "Damn baby, where did that come from?" Marcus asked

"I have no idea, hon, I was just looking at this beautiful tree and all these feelings just came up and I had to kiss you" I replied. The rest of the time we were in the park, Marcus walked around but now he strutted like a prize peacock with the biggest grin on his face. I did have to admit, he did look cute acting like this and I had some pride knowing that I did this to him.

By the time we returned to the hotel, we were exhausted. We didn't feel like going anywhere else tonight, so we just ordered pizza and spent the rest of the night just chilling.


The second day was spent in the Magic Kingdom. We were all looking forward to riding Space Mountain. As usual, Marcus sat next to me and teased me for screaming. I told him "pay-back is a bitch" and I will get him one day. Of course, this being our first time to Disney World, we had to get our 'Mickey Ears Hat' and ride Dumbo. We did look like idiots on Dumbo. Five adult males riding a kiddy ride while taking a gazillion pics but what are you going to do? Disney World brings out everybody's inner child. I think I bought too much today, I had about six bags full but I couldn't help it. How often am I going to be here? I wanted to get everything I wanted and had more than enough money since I have been saving for this trip all year.

The best part of the day was Marcus always wanting to hold my hand. He is so much more of a braver man than me. I loved feeling his strong hand holding mine, but I did notice stares at us and there was still a part of me that wanted to pull away. But I didn't want to hurt Marcus. We never showed a lot of affection in public, but holding hands was something we did often. I know I kissed him yesterday, but for some reason when I woke up this morning, I thought it might have been a mistake. I did not want to lose control of myself today. I know I'm taking a step backwards in being comfortable with my PDA sexuality but I feel I cannot help it. I did notice that throughout the day, Marcus didn't have the same pep in his step the same pride he had yesterday. I started to feel bad for being this insecure. Don't misunderstand me, who would want to show affection when your guy looks like Marcus? Even at home, I'm nervous doing it because I still have that wanting to hide my sexuality fear from the world. I love Marcus more than anything in the world. I just live in fear so much with being gay in Texas even though I know Marcus would do anything to protect me. Yet, I'm still scared sometimes of living openly as a gay.

That night we decide to go out explore the city a little bit. So I did a little research and found a place called Hank's. It sounded like a fun place to spend a couple of hours just to goof off. We arrived at the bar. It was pretty cool; there are pool tables and you know I love to play pool. Marcus went to get us some waters as we grabbed a table, sat down and enjoyed the music. Just a happy conversation about the day and having a good time.

Marcus came back with the waters. He leaned over and gave me a kiss, "Did you miss me much?" he asked. "Every second, baby"

"Oh god, I think I'm going to be sick" we heard from across the table

I look over and there is my brother looking all smug while Carl and Mario were both laughing. I just flipped him off and laughed. We had been talking for about an hour, when I noticed a group of guys starting to come toward us. "Guys, don't look but group of barracudas at ten o'clock." They all just played along. The group sauntered over, "Well, what do we have here? Some young fresh meat?" the tallest one said. He leaned over and put his arm around my brother. I instantly put up a guard. The rest of his group just stood there and stared at us like we were their next fuck. Tommy pushed the guys arm off of his shoulder but he put it back. "Get your arm off my brother please," I said calmly. He looked towards me but ignored me. "I said take your damn arm off my little brother or I will break it off! You got me? He's straight, not gay and doesn't want anything to do with you. So back off now or you will regret it! Trust me!"

The guy's friends started to surround us, and that asshole put his arm back on my brother. "Well, maybe he just needs a little push. I'd love to fuck that sweet tight ass he's got"

"You ain't fucking nothing of mine, you old slut! And even if I was gay, I would not sleep with you! I don't have daddy issues" Tommy shot back while pushing his arm off again. "Oh come on," the man drooled, "I can make it worth your while. I will have you begging me to fuck you like a bitch in heat."

At that moment, Marcus stood up and he is way bigger than this other guy. "I believe my boyfriend told you to get your arm off of his brother" Marcus said in a very angry tone.

"Look, I don't want any trouble. We're here on vacation. But if you don't get your damn arm off my brother and back away, that face of yours will become very aquatinted with my fist. I know your type. You are the hot guy. Except, you are the hot guy who doesn't realize he is too damn old to play that game. So take your slutty arm off my brother and get the fuck away!" I said getting angry while I stood up. His friends started to gather around me. "If any one of you touches me, you will end up on the floor." They backed up a little. "Come on guys, let's go" I said, grabbing Marcus hand while starting to leave. The rest of our group poured out. We got outside and I grabbed Tommy, "I'm so sorry Tommy. I didn't think anything like this was going to happen" I said crying into his neck. "Hey it's okay big bro. That guy was a slut and I was about to knock that son of a bitch out for touching me like that. Only y'all get to do that!" Tommy said. I just hugged him, finally letting him go. We went back to the hotel. On our way back I felt badly about it. Why is it every time I go out, trouble finds us? The weekend I met Marcus, we got into that big fight in Dallas and now some perv was trying to hit on my brother and it would have gotten ugly if I hadn't left. I just feel bad. It's as if I'm cursed or something; never to be able to have a good time hanging with friends or maybe I shouldn't go to gay clubs anymore. We made it back to our room and went to bed. I still felt bad but I wasn't going to let this ruin my vacation.


I woke up the next morning cuddled up to Marcus, his big strong arms draped over me and his hard cock pressed into my ass. I loved feeling him spooned up tightly against me. Lately, I have been thinking of giving myself to Marcus. I know I love him and I will never love anyone else like I love him. I want him to take my virginity, I know that some people think that I am crazy for making him wait this long but he showed that he loved me, waiting for me to be ready and now I think I am ready to have sex with Marcus. I want to fully share my body with him to bring our relationship to a whole new level. I drifted back to sleep for a little bit longer.


Here I am lying in bed, holding the man I love more that life itself, listening to him breathe, feeling his warmth in my arms, feeling his tight ass cheeks nestled around my cock. I want him so badly but I have to have patience. I love Davis so much and I know he is not ready for it yet. I love him too much to force sex on him when he is not ready. It wouldn't be enjoyable for either one of us. I want to make love to him not just fuck him. He deserves more than that and I want to give him more than that.

Tommy woke up the next morning and was still feeling weird after last night. He had never gotten hit on like that before and he didn't like it at all. He loves his brother Davis and friends Marcus and Mario. He loved them all, but that guy really put him off. Lately he had been wondering what it would be like to be with a guy. He thought Mario was a good looking guy and had wondered what it would be like to have a closer relationship with Mario. But he was really frightened to talk about it with his brother. He wanted to tell him about it but was really nervous. "I need to talk to Marcus and Davis; I desperately need my big brothers," he thought deeply. "I am so confused!"

Guys thanks for staying with me and my story i really appricate all of those who have read my story and have loved it

i wnt to thank my friend paul who has stuck with me to help me with this story to make it better and to push me to make this story everything it can be .

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Next: Chapter 10

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