Coming Out of My Shell

By David Achterhof

Published on Jul 14, 2016


Spring semester was under way and I was still maintaining a good GPA, even with all the distractions I have had. By distraction, I mean my sexy beast of a boyfriend who likes to nibble on my ear when I'm studying. Of course, it is hard to resist him, especially when he is pouting. He's so unbelievably adorable when he pouts, and he knows it works every time! I can't resist when he pouts. So I play along until I get him all worked up and frisky, and then I pull away and go back to studying, telling him that he can wait until after I am done. Needless to say, he's slowed down the frequency of feedings while I am studying after a few times of having to wait for me.

Valentine's day was coming up and I had no idea what to do for Marcus. I mean, this is our first Valentine's day together. I wanted it to be something that isn't too special, as this is only the first of many and I don't want to go overboard. I decided to talk to Carl about it. The next day when I arrived home from school, Carl was at home and I knew Marcus was already at work.

"Hey Carl can I talk to you for a second?" I asked. "Yeah, sure, what's up?"

"Okay, so Valentine's day is coming up and I have no idea of what to get Marcus. I don't want it to be too big but not too small either"

"Well, cuz, you know Marcus is a simple man and wouldn't fuss over what you give him. He will love whatever it is." Carl said

"I know that! I'm just stumped on ideas. I love him and I want to get something that is symbolic for our first Valentine's day."

"Well don't over think it buddy, just go with what you think is best."

"Yeah, you're right as usual. So what are you going to do?" I asked

"Oh nothing much. William and I are having a single party," Carl said smiling.

"Ohhh! So you are having a date with William. That's adorable, y'all make a cute couple," I said with a sly glance.

"Shut up, doofus! You just want to see me kiss a guy to get you hot," Carl shot back.

"Now why would you kissing a guy get me hot? All I have to do is touch Marcus and I'm horny," I said. We just laughed the rest of the time, joking and needling each other.

I decided to write Marcus a poem of how much he means to me. I picked out a nice frame for the parchment along with all the trimmings. It took quite a while for me to do calligraphic printing as my hand was shaking. He loved it. He took my breath away when he smiled and read the poem I penned, slowly mouthing the words. I also read along in my mind, wondering if I said the right things.

My hands trembled as he handed me a small box, neatly wrapped with a deep red velvet ribbon. "Oh, My!" I exclaimed as I opened the gift. I could not help but love what he gave me. It was a silver chain and both our birthstones handsomely set in the center. "This is beautiful babe, but you didn't have to buy me anything. I feel bad that I didn't buy you something," I said as a tear rolled down my cheek. "Hey, you are my boyfriend and I want to give you things. It doesn't matter that you didn't buy me anything. What you wrote is beyond priceless and fantastic, and it means the world to me because it is you! You gave me your heart."

I leaned forward and kissed him as hard as I could, pushing my tongue in as far as it would go. I wanted him to feel everything I was feeling. I wanted us to be connected to each other that very moment.

Marcus was lying in bed, thinking about Davis and how much he loved him. He had never felt this way for anyone the way he did for Davis. The first time Carl showed Marcus Davis' picture, his heart skipped a beat as he gazed upon the man of his dreams. The man he wanted to share the rest of his life with. In Marcus' eyes, Davis was perfect. He was tall with blonde hair and beautiful blue eyes dancing over the best smile in the world. Yeah, he had a few extra pounds, but in Marcus' inmost self that didn't matter. He could tell that Davis had a good heart, even though he had never met him.

The weekend Davis was coming; Marcus became so excited. He was also nervous because he wanted to make a good impression on him. It had been a long time since he had dated anyone. He always had a lot of offers, but they all were scrawny, nagging queens. They never interested Marcus. He didn't much care for very effeminate guys. He wanted more rugged, masculine and handsome gents.

"So Carl, when is Davis getting here anyway?" Marcus asked anxiously.

"He just texted me and said he is on his way. And that he should be here by the time we get done with class"

"Cool, I can't wait to meet him. I hope he has fun this weekend." Marcus said

"I'm sure he will, bro." Carl said, giving Marcus a cheesy smile but on the inside he was thinking to himself how amiable his friend was acting. Marcus doesn't realize I know he has the hots for my cousin. Hell, I'm the one who is playing matchmaker. I want them to get together.

All through class, Marcus was becoming more nervous. He had never felt like this before and wanted to make the best impression he could on Davis. Finally, class was over! Carl and Marcus started walking back to the apartments they lived in. As they came around the corner, there stood Davis looking gorgeous. Marcus became a little tongue tied. He knew he had to say something quickly since he didn't want to sound like an idiot around Davis. He mentally slapped himself to snap out of it.

Carl introduced us, and Marcus was so handsome. I could tell he was staring at me just as I was staring at him. We were relaxing in Carl's apartment chatting away. I noticed that he was still looking at me. Every time I caught him, he would blush, which made him all the more adorable.

Marcus left to change his clothes. He tried to pick out an outfit that was hot and would get Davis' attention. Marcus went through every outfit in his closet. He just couldn't decide what to wear. "Damn, Marcus, get it together! It's just dinner with friends," he muttered to himself, "But then there's the guy that makes my heart skip a beat." He finally settled on a white button down shirt that was a little tight on him and a pair of nice blue boot-cut jeans. He liked the jeans because they accented his ass nicely, then added his black boots and leather jacket. He looked at himself in the mirror. "Geez, if this doesn't do it, I don't know what will." He splashed a little cologne on and was out the door. He was waiting outside the restaurant with some of the friends that had arrived. Checking phone messages, Marcus looked up and saw Carl and Davis walking towards them. He could tell Davis was checking him out.

All through dinner, Marcus saw Davis glancing at him and was glad he was getting the attention. Afterwards, Marcus went home and smiled while enjoying a long shower, playing back the images freshly stored in his mind. He was about to climb into bed when he answered a call from Carl, asking about hanging out tomorrow. Marcus was excited to spend even more time with Davis. As he was lying in bed, he gave himself some affirmations, "Tomorrow: I will tell Davis I like him. No more stealing glances, I will tell him. I might even kiss him."

Marcus awoke with a purpose the next morning and hurried through his shower and dressing routine. He left a little early because he wanted arrive with time enough to talk to Carl alone. Marcus knocked on Carl's door.

"Hey Marcus, you want some coffee?" he asked inviting him in "Yeah, thanks man."

"So is Davis excited for this today" Marcus asked.

"Yeah, he couldn't wait. He's really looking forward to coming here in the fall." Carl said looking at Marcus who for some reason was blushing. "Marcus are we blushing?" Carl asked with a smirk on his face, which caused Marcus to turn a deeper shade of red. "So I take it you really like Davis. Don't you?" Carl smiled. Marcus shook his head yes. "I do Carl; I really like him. I mean, I know we have only known each other a day, but it is so endearing to me when he tries to sneak looks at me and is really shy."

During this confession, Carl thought to himself that he has never seen Marcus act like this about any guy. "Well, you definitely got his attention last night!" Carl beamed, "he will probably kill me for telling you this, but he said and I quote, that you looked so hot last night and smelled so good that he wanted to jump your bones." Marcus eyes shot open wide at that last comment. "I also told him that if you two started dating, that you are a really good guy who would take real good care of him." Marcus couldn't believe how sincere Carl sounded. I mean he knew they were like brothers but Marcus didn't know how Carl would feel about him dating his cousin. "Marcus you know I have always seen you as a brother to me, I don't know why me saying that would shock you?"

Marcus thought for a second, "Carl, you know I have always been shy, never one to really put myself out there. Yes, I know I'm good looking and could get any man I wanted but I'm not like that. I hate guys who think that, and you know I hate feeling like a piece of meat, which is how most guys see me." Carl smiled, "Yeah man, I know that and it is why I admire you and would have no problem with you dating my cousin."

Davis returned, all excited about the school and attending this next fall. Carl came up with a plan to go to Dallas for the night and have some fun. Davis and Marcus were all for it. Marcus went back to his place, nervous about the night. He knew he needed to talk to Davis and get to know him better. He wanted to dance, have fun and hopefully kiss the guy he was falling for. Yeah, he knew that it's really soon but the heart wants what the heart wants. Marcus packed a bag and went back to Carl's. We piled into his car and headed out for Dallas. Getting there, we checked into a hotel we picked to drop off our things. Then it was off to the mall. After walking around for a little, we went into 'The Haberdashery' store. Davis went off to find a shirt for that night. "So, Marcus, is everything okay with you man? You don't seem like your normal self?" Carl asked

"Yes and no! I'm trying to get up the nerve to tell Davis how I feel I just can't get it out for some reason"

"Dude, you have it bad, man," Carl said with a Cheshire cat grin.

Davis went over to the guys and told them he was done and was headed over to the bookstore next door.

"Marcus just tell him man; he has the same feelings for you trust me," Carl said.

"I'm trying dude, but I just can't get it out. It's weird, like I know what I want to say but I can't say it!"

"Dude, just relax man, I know you have feelings for him and, by the way, you better be glad I'm your best friend and love you a lot, or I would be riding your ass for the rest of your life with this one. Look, we are going to get our stuff from here and you are going to march outside to tell Davis or I will kick your butt and do it for you!" Carl said firmly.

"Okay! Okay, no need for violence. Besides, I'm a lover not a fighter," Marcus shot back. The guys went to the register and paid for their purchase. Marcus bought more that he thought he would but he liked clothes and to dress well especially if he has a boyfriend to dress for. As we were walking out of the store Marcus saw Davis being picked on and instantly wanted to beat the living shit out of the fuckers. Dropping his bags, "Get the hell away from him!" he shouted as he ran over, grabbed them both and slammed them against the wall. Marcus pondered as he never felt this way before. He cared about Davis and was going to protect him "If you EVER touch him again, you both will regret the day you were born!!"

"What? The fag can't take care of himself?" the guy Marcus was holding shot back with a stupid grin on his face.

"If you talk about him like that, so help me, I will snap your neck!" Marcus really wanted to hurt this guy. How dare he talk about Davis like that. What did he do? Sit there and read a book?

"Aww! You're the little fag's boyfriend," the assailant taunted.

Marcus lost it, hauled off and punched the son of a bitch as hard as he could in the gut. "Maybe I am! So what? Either way, I won't let you touch him again."

Marcus had to calm down or this was going to get worse. Security showed up and toke those assholes away. He went over to Davis and pulled him into a hug. He was still shaking with rage at first, but he calmed down. "Davis, are you okay?"

"Yep, I'm fine, thanks for the help." Those haunting blue eyes were gazing directly into Marcus' golden browns.

Then we hear from behind us "Hey, I helped too!" carl whined.

Davis went over and gave his cousin a hug and in a really bad southern Georgian accent "Whah thank yeew, my brave warriah, for coming to mah aide." Scarlett O'Hara, eat your heart out.

Marcus busted out laughing. Carl smacked Davis upside the head, "Alright smartass, see if I come to your rescue again!" with a big smile on his face. For the rest of the time, we walked around the mall having fun we bought a few more things and decided to head back to the hotel. Wanting to save some change, we bought some food on the way back. After eating, we decided to have a snooze before heading to the club. Marcus laid down on a bed thinking Davis would sleep with his cousin but to his surprise, Davis laid in the same bed as him. "Just chill Marcus, be cool" he said to himself. Waking up once he saw Davis was all snuggled up to him. It felt so good and natural. Marcus didn't want it to end so he just wrapped an arm around him and went back to sleep.

We were awakened by the alarm on Carl's phone. He got up and looked at us and made a smart ass remark, as usual for Carl. We all dressed to impress. Marcus did not want to share Davis with anyone, he looked so exceptionally hot in his outfit. Marcus definitely started getting hard but managed to suppress his desires.

We arrived at a club called 'Station 4'. As we stepped out of the car, Marcus decided he was going to make a move. So as we were walking up, he slipped my hand into his he looked at me and smiled. Marcus loved seeing Davis' smile, it is one of his favorite things about him. Going inside, we were seated at table while Carl brought us drinks. Marcus decided to flirt more and Davis was so cute he didn't know what to do, being this was his first time in the gay world and all. Carl came back with three bottles of water. "Well, don't you two look cozy" he said with big smile.

"What can I say Carl? Your cousin looks hot tonight." Davis blushed at the comment but also looked down sadly. Carl didn't seem to notice but Marcus did and lifted his chin looking at him straight in the eyes and asked "What's wrong babe?".

"I'm just thinking too much. I see people looking at us and I feel like I can read their thoughts and it's making me feel self-conscious."

Marcus grabbed his hand, "I will show you how hot I think you are" he said to him and pulled him on the dance floor for a slow song. This was the best feeling, holding Davis in his arms and dancing. He didn't want this to end and decided to go for it and kiss him. Marcus leaned in and kissed him tickling the soft lips with his tongue. Parting his mouth, Marcus slipped his tongue in. It felt so great to kiss Davis. His lips are so soft for a guy. And for one that has never dated before he is a hell of a kisser, Marcus thought to himself. The rest of the night Marcus and Carl danced with Davis. Every time I was taking a break, he couldn't take his eyes off of Davis.

Marcus did have his issues that night. He had to deal with the sluts of the club who would not leave him alone, thinking they could win him me over with their looks. There was one guy who just would not leave him alone. With intention, Davis came over and straddled his boyfriend's lap and aggressively kissed Marcus, jamming his tongue into his throat. "That was so hot! Hey baby, Miss me?" Davis asked. He then looked up at that intruder. "Do we have a problem? Because I should be the one pissed at you for being all over my boyfriend." The guy just walked off, we left the club about an hour later. As we were walking to our car, Davis leans in and tells Marcus, "We are being followed."

Marcus POV

We stopped to kiss and I looked out the side of my eye. An argument started and all of a sudden, Davis turned around really fast and knocked the dude out that had snuck up behind him. Then all hell broke loose! I jumped onto one guy while Carl took the other one and the bitch one went after Davis. I don't really know what all happened in his fight since I was busy but I know that the guy pulled a knife when Davis body slammed him into the ground. This guy was nuts, I had to hurry and help Davis but this dude was determined to keep fighting me. I did see out of the corner of my eye Davis did have his baton out so I wasn't as worried about him. I swung on my guy and connected with his jaw. I used the momentum of my body to swing around and back hand him sending him spinning to the ground. I looked up and Davis was holding his arm. He had been cut badly. I started for him when that bitch attacked. I don't know how, but Davis grabbed his knife hand, swung his baton, hitting him across the stomach then turning and hitting him across the face making him go down. I did not know my baby had such moves. The guy still tried to swing from the ground. Davis just kick him as hard as he could and I could hear the elbow crack. I think he broke it. The cops got there and took our statements. They called an ambulance and Davis had to get stitches. I felt so bad that he was hurt, and here I wanted tonight to be perfect and it end in disaster. I could tell Carl felt the same way then we both heard "Guys look at me, don't blame yourselves for what happened to me okay? I had a great time tonight honest I have never felt more alive than tonight".

At the hospital, I felt horrible and looked downwards, "Davis, I'm so sorry you are in here. This is all my fault." I started to cry and walked away. I got him hurt! I don't deserve him if I cannot protect him. My heart was breaking. "Marcus get back here right now!" I heard Davis say to me with upset in his voice. I turned around and walked back over to him and he said, "Listen to me and listen well, I don't regret anything that happened tonight. Yes, would I have preferred this evening to end without the fight, but it was the best night, Marcus. You made me feel hot and desirable - something I thought I would never be to another man".

It took me a minute to come up with the words to say to him "I'm sorry Davis. I just really like you and I wanted tonight to be perfect for us." He told me it was perfect and said he wanted to be my boyfriend, I was so happy.

Now, as I lie in bed next to the man I love, I know that he is right for me. I don't want anyone else! Davis is it for me and I will marry him someday.

i hope you all enjoy this chapter i know it was a little wierd but i wanted to write a point of view of Davis and marcus first meeting from Marcus side. thank you to those who have kept reading my story i am working on the next chapter now so i hope to have it up in the next week or so.

as always you can email me at love hearing from people.

also thank you again to my good friend paul who has been with me on this chapter as well you are a great person and i thank you for all of your help and look forward to many more chapters together. you drove me to finish this chapter and it is just what i need to keep on track i dont want to let tht much time go by between chapters again.

one last thing pleae donate to nifty to keep this site and all of these wonderful stories free.

Next: Chapter 9

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