Coming Out of My Shell

By David Achterhof

Published on Jun 30, 2016


I awoke the next morning snuggled up against Marcus, which I did most mornings whether it was at his place or mine. As I was lying there, I was nervous about the next day. I would be meeting his parents on Christmas Day. His dad is a famous surgeon in Houston and his mother is a tenured professor of English at the University of Houston. They sound like very nice people but I'm a bit intimidated? I guess it's because they are both very successful people in their fields and that leaves me daunted. The M.D. and her PhD letters have me in overdrive. I hope they like me and think I'm good enough for their son.

I felt Marcus stir. "Good morning my love. How did you sleep?" Marcus asked kissing the back of my neck. "Great, since I'm waking up next to you," I said. After the morning ablutions and dressing, we then followed our noses to the kitchen for coffee.

"Well, well, well? look who's finally up this morning," Carl smirked. I blushed instantly. I knew he heard us last night. Marcus came to my rescue. He cuffed Carl on the back of the head, "Hey, stop teasing my baby!"

"Aww, but why? He is my cousin and I get to tease a little," Carl whined, faking a pout but still grinning. I stuck my tongue out at him.

Time was flying so we quickly loaded the car and headed to Houston. When we were about halfway to Houston, I was still thinking of how to impress Marcus' parents. I really wanted them to like me so badly and I didn't want to embarrass myself in front of them. I felt Marcus squeeze my hand. I looked over at him. "Stop what you are thinking in that head of yours," he said as he smiled. "I'm sorry, I'm just nervous meeting your parents." Marcus kissed my hand, "Baby, they are going to love you just like I do." I felt a warmth shoot through me as he said that.

"Davis, Mr. and Mrs. Pedallow are like a second set of parents to me," Carl said from the back.

"Have I told you guys how much I love both of you."

Marcus dropped us off at Carl's home. I kissed Marcus goodbye. We waved as he drove off before going inside. "We're here!" Carl shouted from the front door. "In the kitchen boys," I heard my uncle Seth answer. My mouth was watering as we walked through the house which was filled with the most amazing aromas. My aunt Marie is an awesome cook.

My uncle Seth is a very handsome man and Carl looks exactly like his dad. My uncle is a doctor too, works with Marcus' father at the same hospital, and my aunt Marie is the Assistant District Attorney of Harris County. Carl went and shared hugs with both of his parents. I instantly became downhearted, thinking of how my parents will never do that with me anymore. My emotions got the better of me and my tears started falling. So I made a hasty retreat out the back door.

"What's wrong with Davis?" Marie asked.

Carl sighed, "He is still having trouble getting over his parents' reaction to him coming out. He has been trying to deal with it but it's been so hard on him, especially now with the holidays. Do you remember when I left early to go back to school during the Thanksgiving weekend? Well, it was because I got a call from Tommy saying that Davis was having a hard time." Carl stopped a moment, "Dad, do you think you could talk to him?" he asked.

Seth was a little shocked "Me, Why me? I will help Davis all I can but wouldn't your mother be better in this situation?"

"Normally, yes, but I think Davis needs to hear acceptance from a male relative. He needs to hear it from someone who is acting like a dad to him." Seth nodded in agreement and went to find Davis.

"I'm so pissed at my brother for doing this to his son. I have argued with him several times since you told me what happened. He is being so close minded and stubborn, a whole lot like our father was." Marie said with controlled anger in her voice.

"Yeah, I know mom. Tommy is the only one in that family who still loves Davis. It was so captivating when he came to our condo and met Marcus for the first time. He acted like he was the older brother and grilled Marcus on his intentions for him and Davis," Carl said with a big smile.

"How are Davis and Marcus getting along?" Marie asked. "Oh, they are just great? Marcus treats Davis like a prince! They fit so well with each other and are so beautiful when they are together".

"Marcus is a sweetheart. I'm glad he and Davis are doing well."

Meanwhile, outside in the garden, Seth walked up to Davis who was sobbing at a table. Seth's heart was breaking for his nephew, and just like his wife, he was also very annoyed at his brother-in-law. Seth put his hand on Davis' shoulder causing him to jump.

"Davis, can I talk to you for a second?"

"Sure uncle Seth", I said sniffling.

"Davis, I want you to know that your aunt Marie, Carl, and I love you very much no matter what. You are as God made you. I know that it's been hard on you with your parents but know this, you are always welcome here in our home."

He pulled me into a hug that was warm and strong. I felt safe and loved, like I was his own son. That's when my flood gates opened. Uncle Seth held me as I cried, wetting his shoulder. I finally regained my composure after a few minutes.

"Thanks uncle Seth, your saying that to me means a lot. I love you." And gave him another hug.

"You are welcome son." He paused and smiled at me. "So, Carl tells me you and Marcus are getting along great." I instantly broke out into a huge smile, "Oh yeah, uncle Seth, we are! And I love him so much! He and Carl have been my rock through this whole thing!" The rest of the day passed beautifully. I felt so much better and was surprisingly looking forward to tomorrow.

I woke up Christmas morning snuggled up to Carl. It felt nice being next to someone who loved me. "Morning, cuz, you feeling better today?" Carl asked.

"Yeah, uncle Seth made me feel a lot better about the whole situation. He made me feel loved by family." Carl gave me a sad look. "Carl, I didn't mean it like that. Uncle Seth changed into 'dad mode' and comforted me the way a father should, that's something you and Marcus can't do." Carl had a tear in his eye and pulled me into a hug.

We washed up, dressed and once again it was time to follow our noses to the coffee. Aunt Marie made her famous chocolate chip waffles, which Carl and I polished off like pigs. I think we were stuffed for the day. After we were done with breakfast, it was time for presents. I loved everything my aunt and uncle gave me, especially the tickets to a couple of Texans' games next season.

Afterwards, we all cleaned up the living room and then made ready to go to Marcus' for Christmas dinner. As we were driving over to his house, I was surprised at how calm I still was. For some reason, all the concerns I had about meeting his family were completely gone. We pulled into the driveway of a most beautiful home. I knew Marcus' dad is a surgeon and his mom is a professor so I figured they would have a really nice house. We walked up the path and uncle Seth rang the doorbell.

Marcus answered the door. He was extremely handsome today, wearing black slacks, styling black boots and a red button-down shirt. He greeted my aunt and uncle and Carl. Then he pulled me into an embrace and kissed me.

"Merry Christmas baby," he said. "Merry Christmas to you as well," I was able to get out.

Marcus took my hand and lead us into the kitchen. I saw his father first and Marcus looked very much like his dad. His father is remarkably handsome and his mother is quite a beautiful woman. Marcus had a huge smile on his face as he was about to introduce me.

"Mom, dad, I have someone I would like you to meet," he began. "This is my boyfriend Davis Allen. Davis, these are my parents, Jacob and Pam Pedallow." His mother came over and gave me a big hug and his father shook my hand. "It's nice to meet you Mr. and Mrs. Pedallow."

"It is nice to meet you as well Davis, but please, call me Jacob. Calling me Mr. makes me feel old," he said with a warm smile on his face.

"Davis", Mrs. Pedallow began, "please call me Pam or mom." For some reason I lost control of my emotions and the tears were falling again. Marcus wrapped me in a hug and ushered me out of the room.

Marcus parents were looking very confused. "I guess Marcus didn't tell you much about Davis' situation," Carl determined. Both of Marcus parents shook their heads no.

"Well, Davis came out to his parents the night he was graduated from high school. It didn't go well at all. My uncle was furious. At one point, I thought Marcus was going to hit my uncle. But since that night, Davis hasn't heard from his parents. His brother Tommy still talks to him all the time but he is the only one in the family." Carl stopped to take a breath and collect his thoughts. "Over Thanksgiving break Tommy called me and said that Davis wasn't doing so good. That's when Marcus and I went back to be with him. He broke down again yesterday with my parents. I had my dad go out and talk to him. He treated Davis like a son and Davis felt safe and loved and felt a lot better after their talk".

In the living room Marcus was still holding Davis. "I'm sorry, I'm acting like a big baby," I said still crying. "Hey! Don't you dare call my boyfriend a cry-baby or I will spank you!" Marcus said with his million-dollar smile. "I'm sorry, I just really wanted to make a good impression on your parents"

"Baby, you can't help but have a lot of emotions today. Don't feel bad, my parents will understand. I love you, Davis, with all my heart, and I'm always going to be there when you need me." He leaned in and kissed me. I instantly melted into his body and felt relief, love, passion and protection.

"I love you too, Marcus. I don't know how I would have managed to get through this without you, Carl and Tommy." I kissed him on the cheek and snuggled into his muscular body.

Standing in the doorway was Jacob, listening to his son soothing the man he loves more than anything. His father instinct wanted to go and hug Davis make him feel loved like a father should for his children, but he just stood there and listened. Then, after a few minutes, when Davis had calmed down, he went in and sat on the other side of Davis.

"How are you doing, son?"

"I'm okay now, I guess."

"Marcus, could I talk to Davis alone for a few minutes?"

"Sure dad, I'll be in the kitchen, baby." Marcus leaned over and kissed me whispering "I love you".

Mr. Pedallow and I sat on the couch for what seemed like an eternity until he finally spoke. "Davis, I know I don't know you that well yet, just what Marcus has told us about you. You sound like a very smart young man who has a bright future ahead of him. I can also tell how much my son loves you because I have never seen him be so attentive to anyone. I know you were dealt a bad hand son. Just know, since you and Marcus are going to be together for a very long time, that if you ever want to talk, I will be here for you whenever you need to speak with someone." He pulled me into a strong hug and just like his son, again I felt warm, protected and loved. Now I see where Marcus gets it from.

"Thank you, Mr. Pedallow? ahh?? I mean Jacob."

He chuckled, "If you want, you can call me dad." I started to get misty again but I felt so much better. He took me to the bathroom to get cleaned up. After I was done, as we left, Marcus was in the hallway. Jacob kissed the top of my head and left me and Marcus in the hall. "Are you okay baby?" Marcus asked.

"Yeah, I'm good, let's get back to everyone," I said. "Okay baby. Plus a few more of my relatives have arrived. Is that all right with you?"

We went into the living room and Marcus started introducing me to his family. Everyone was being very nice except one, his cousin Shawn. I felt like I was being a burden when I was around him. After dinner he walked past me and mumbled "fag". By this point I was pissed. I followed him outside.

"What the hell is your problem?" I asked harshly, "Did I do something to offend you in some way?"

"Yeah you are a disgusting fag!" he shot back with a grimace.

"Then why are you here? Your cousin is gay."

"Yeah I hate him too, but I wanted to see the latest scum he was dating," he said. That last remark pissed me off to no end. I was livid and about to start for him to knock the fucker in his face?

"Don't you dare talk to him like that!!" a voice rang out. We both turned our heads in the direction of the voice, and it was Marcus with a look of rage on his face. I had not seen him this upset since the mall back in February. He walked over to us with his fist clinched so hard his knuckles were white. Shawn just had a smirk on his face the whole time. Shawn was a big guy about the same size as Marcus. I knew this was not going to end well for either one of them.

"Aww, did you come to protect your sissy fag of a boyfriend?" he sneered.

That was all it took and Marcus snapped, lunging at Shawn, knocking him down to the ground, getting on top of him and beating the hell out of him. Then, Shawn had somehow flipped him over and got back to his feet they were throwing punches at each other. I knew I could not separate these two so I ran back inside.

"Help! Somebody help!" People came running. My uncle Seth got to me first, "What's wrong son?" he asked. "Marcus and Shawn are killing each other." Jacob and uncle Seth ran past me. I was right behind them along with Carl. It took a couple minutes for uncle Seth and Jacob to get them apart. But Marcus still had that fury in his eyes. I had to calm him down now, "Marcus, hon, please calm down?" I said stroking his face. I saw the rage start to leave his eyes.

"I'm sorry baby, I just love you so much that I'm very protective of you, especially from jerks like him!" Marcus said looking all beat up and bloody. Shawn was in the same boat.

"That's right! Listen to your faggot bitch!" Marcus began to struggle against uncle Seth so Carl came over to help restrain him.

I turned and looked at this son-of-a-bitch who still had that smug look on his face even though he had a black eye forming, a bad busted lip, busted eye brow and several bruises on his cheeks.

"Thanks a lot for ruining today. I was really looking forward to meeting Marcus' family, and for the most part they have been great. Except for you! You only came to start trouble and you did great job on being an asshole. For your information, I don't need Marcus to protect me. I can take care of myself. He protects me because he loves me. But you will never know love, only hate, and for that I feel sorry for you because you let hate rule your life. But I'm done with you! Now get the fuck out of here or I will show you how much I don't need Marcus to protect me."

He glared at me and I figured this might not be the last time I see him. After he left, the rest of the day was enjoyably calm. I was able to know Marcus' family better, and they all thought it was very impressive my wanting to get a double master's degree. By the end of the night I was exhausted and crashed almost immediately when I was back to Carl's house.

Carl, Marcus and I went returned to our apartment the day before New Years' Eve. We are having a party this year and I'm really looking forward to it. I invited my brother to come, and told him to see if Mario wants to come. They could stay the night and everything. Tommy was really excited to be going to Nac' tomorrow to hang with his brother and cousin. But he was also excited to be around Marcus. He loves him a lot, especially how he treats his brother very well.

Tommy went over to Mario's house to ask him if he wanted to go with him tomorrow. "Hey buddy, how would you like to go with me to NAC tomorrow night for a party that my brother and cousin are throwing?" Tommy asked.

"Sure dude, that sounds great! I miss hanging out with your brother." Mario said with an interesting smirk, "So how's he doing down there anyway?"

"He's doing great, made the dean's list with a 3.9 GPA and has a really great boyfriend named Marcus, who is very attentive to my brother." But as Tommy is talking, he notices that Mario has a sad expression on his face. "Mario can I ask you something?" He shook his head yes. "Are you gay?" Mario had a look of shock and fear on his face. "The reason I am asking is because when I told you about Davis and his boyfriend you looked really sad, and I also saw through your accidentally letting him see you naked, or in your underwear. You were flirting with him weren't you?" Tommy asked. Mario looked down and started to tear up. "Hey? hey buddy, it's okay man. You don't need to cry. You're still a brother to me and I love you." Tommy said this while giving his best friend a warm hug.

"Yeah, Tommy, I am gay. And, I have a major crush on your brother, but I guess I lost my chance with him now." Mario said sadly. Tommy just smiled at Mario. "Why didn't you ask him out when you had the chance? He would have said yes. He even told me that he thought you were hot"

"I don't know. Really, I was so nervous about somebody finding out my secret, and now I don't have a chance in hell at getting the guy I fell for." Mario said. He was downcast.

"Hey dude, you will find your Mr. Right and you know Davis will do all he can to help you. Hell, you are practically family!" Tommy paused. "Besides, we are going there next fall and who knows? Maybe Carl and Marcus will have a cute guy for you to go out with." Mario broke out into a smile and said, "Yeah, maybe so."

Carl and I were preparing a bunch of snacks for tonight's party. I love cooking, especially for a party with all my friends. Marcus came in carrying some cases of soda. I loved watching my man carry a bunch of things! Damn, it looks so hot to me!! Like when I was moving in, it was so hard for me to keep focus when he was lifting the heavy things and his guns were bulging, showing off his great sculpted arms. Good lord! My man is HOT!

I heard the doorbell ring and went to answer it. I opened the door and there was my brother and adopted brother Mario. I pulled them both into a hug, "Guys, I'm so glad that you are here! Come on in, Carl and Marcus are in the kitchen." Tommy was so excited to see Carl and Marcus again. "Guys, I would like you to meet my brother's best friend Mario," I said. They both greeted him warmly. I then took the guys to my room so they could put their bags down, I noticed that Mario wasn't being his normal self around me. "Hey, Tommy, could you go and help the guys while I talk to Mario for a minute?"

"Yeah bro', sure, no problem." Tommy said, then left.

"Okay Mario, what's up dude? You are acting really weird."

Mario just looked down like he couldn't look me in the eye. He tried to walk past me out of the room but I grabbed his arm and pulled him into a hug. He fought a little but finally calmed down. "I'm in love with you Davis," I hear him say. I was shocked that he said that and I didn't know if I heard him right.

"What do you mean you are in love with me?" I asked. He turned around and before I knew what was happening, he kissed me. It was so different from Marcus. And yes, I felt love in it but it wasn't boyfriend love, it was brotherly love, which I always knew I had for Mario. I broke the kiss and we backed up from each other.

"I have always loved you but I was too scared to make the jump and ask you out, but I guess I lost my chance with you," Mario said to me.

"Mario, you know you could have told me how you felt. Hell, you are like a brother to me, man. There is no way in creation I would have ever teased you, even if I was straight. Before I met Marcus, nobody turned me on like you did." I pulled him into a hug and he let his tears fall.

I switched into 'big brother' mode trying to calm him down. I kissed him again and told him that he would find his Romeo and if he ever wanted to talk I was here for him.

Meanwhile in the kitchen Tommy comes walking back in. "Hey Tommy, where are Davis and Mario?" Carl asked.

"Oh, they needed to talk about something, so I left them alone"

"I hope everything is alright. I'll go check on them"

"Marcus, you might not want to go back there?" Tommy said.

"Why?" Marcus asked, sounding concerned.

"Okay, yesterday Mario came out to me and told me he is in love with Davis." As Tommy said that Marcus instantly became upset. "Now Marcus, calm down. I told him how deeply in love Davis is with you, so nothing bad will happen, I promise."

Mario and I came out of my room and went into the kitchen where we were met with instant tension. "Is everything okay in here?" I asked. I could see that Marcus was really tense and had a look of wanting to hit someone. "I told them what you guys were talking about," Tommy said a little nervously.

"Marcus, chill, okay? Nothing happened between myself and Mario except a kiss, and nothing will happen unless we all want it to," I said trying to calm my 'beast' down.

"Marcus I'm sorry, I shouldn't have come here. I was worried how I would feel. I'll just leave and take the bus home." Mario said sounding very upset. He started to walk away?

"Wait!" Marcus began, "I'm sorry, Mario. I knew how Davis felt about you, so I was jealous and I didn't mean to be, but you are a very attractive man and I felt you were going to steal Davis away from me." I could not believe that this big, strong man thought I would leave him. I went over to him and hugged, "Baby, you have nothing to worry about. Yes, I do love Mario but I love him like I love my brother. If he would have told me how he felt before I met you, I would be dating him. I will always love him. That will never change but I am with you, and I love you," I said to him giving him a kiss on the cheek.

The party that night went over great! Everyone had a fantastic time. I was sad, however, to see my two brothers leave the next day. During the rest of the vacation, we just worked and hung out with friends. We weren't looking forward to going back to school but we are college kids, and that's life!

Next: Chapter 8

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