Coming Out of My Shell

By David Achterhof

Published on Apr 30, 2016


Chapter 4

Carl and I packed a bag, but I didn't know what to wear for tonight. I wanted something that would get Marcus' attention but I didn't have anything. Carl told me to bring my black jeans and boots and we would get me a hot looking shirt and jacket at the mall. Marcus came back to the apartment about twenty minutes later and we loaded up Carl's SUV and left for Dallas. We joked and talked the whole way there until we got to the hotel. After we checked in and we freshened up, we left for the galleria.

We walked around the mall just looking until we came to a store called Buckle. I was immediately drawn to this black button down shirt with fake leather sleeves. I knew I would look hot in it and hopefully get Marcus' attention. I found one in my size and went to try it on. I looked at myself in the mirror and I did look hot! I sent a picture to Carl and told him not to show Marcus. I put my phone down and took off the shirt, put my other one on, and heard my phone buzz. It was a message from Carl: "Damn cuz, looking hot!" I just rolled my eyes and laughed. I went back out and found a matching leather jacket. I hurried to the register to pay so Marcus wouldn't see what I purchased yet. I went to find them after I was done and told them I was going to the bookstore next door. They said okay and would come and get me when they were done, I went next door and I was in heaven. Losing myself in a good book on a comfy couch is a great afternoon to me. I was browsing and had a few books in my hand, so I decided to buy a tote in which I could carry them all. I ended up with six books and two erotic books. I proceeded to sit on a bench outside the store and waited for my cousin and Marcus to finish.

I was reading one of my books when two guys came up to me and started harassing me, calling me a fag and other awful things. The things they were saying stung but I wasn't going to let them see me cry. I wasn't going to give them that satisfaction. I tried to get up and leave but they just pushed me down and continued in on me. I had my hand inside my pocket, clutching my baton. I may not be the best fighter but I can hold my own. Just as I pulled my hand out of my pocket, I heard Marcus say, "Get the hell away from him." They both turned in time to see Marcus coming at them, grabbing them and slamming them hard against the wall. Carl was right there with him. Then I heard in the most threatening tone: "If you ever touch him again you both will regret the day you were born." Was this really happening? Was Marcus defending me like a boyfriend?

"What? The fag can't take care of himself?" one said being very cocky.

"You ever talk about him like that and so help me I will snap your neck." Marcus growled at them. I knew this had to end this fast or Marcus would be going to jail.

"Aww! you're the little fag's boyfriend".

Marcus punched him so hard in the gut the guy almost vomited.

"Maybe I am. So what? Either way, I won't let you touch him."

I swear if words could kill, those guys would be dead. I couldn't believe Marcus was defending me like this. I never knew he cared this much about me. I mean, I just met the man yesterday. Security arrived and we told them what happened and the guys were escorted away. The guys walked over to me and Marcus pulled me into a hug. I felt so safe and protected in his arms.

"Are you okay?" he asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Thanks for the help," I said, gazing into his beautiful eyes.

"Hey, I helped too!" I heard Carl say.

I chuckled and went over to hug him and said in a really bad Scarlett O'Hara impression, "Why thank you, mah brave warriuh, for coming to mah Aide."

Marcus burst out laughing. Carl smacked me upside the head and said, "Alright smartass! See if I come to your rescue again!" with a smile on his face.

We walked around the mall some more, not really buying anything else. I did notice as we were walking that Marcus was really close to me like he was ready to protect me at a moment's notice. We purchased a few more things then headed back to the hotel. On our way, we stopped at a Chinese take-out and bought a load of take-out since we all loved Chinese food.

We returned to our room, chowed down and we opted to enjoy a nap for a couple of hours before we went to the club. It had been a long day and we did not want to be too tired for the evening and some dancing.

Marcus and I crashed on the same bed. I loved feeling him next to me. Just having him there was relaxing and I felt safe. I woke up about two hours later with my head on Marcus' chest and his arm wrapped around me. God, it felt so good to be in his arms. I closed my eyes again and just lay there listening to his steady heartbeat until I heard the alarm on Carl's phone. He turned it off and looked over at Marcus and me.

"Well, don't you two look comfy?"

I looked up at Marcus and he just smiled at me. Carl went to the bathroom first and showered. Then Marcus went in and did his thing, except he came out in nothing but his extremely tight boxer briefs. I couldn't take my eyes off of him. He was so hot and his bulge was huge.

"See something you like?" I heard from behind me.

I turned and glared at Carl who was grinning like the Cheshire cat. I flipped him off and grabbed my clothes and went into the bathroom, showered, shaved, then started getting dressed. I had to admit I looked really good. I hoped it would get Marcus' attention tonight.

I walked back into the room and said, "So, how do I look?"

Both guys turned. Carl let out a wolf whistle. Marcus, on the other hand, was speechless. He was trying to pick his jaw up off the floor.

"Damn, Davis, you look hot!!" Marcus said, causing me to blush.

We left the hotel and headed for a club called Station 4. When we arrived there Marcus surprised me by grabbing my hand and held it as we walked to the door. It was nice I loved the feeling of his hand in mine, I looked over at him and he had a big smile on his face, which in turn made me smile.

We went inside and the music was jumping. Carl went to get us some drinks and Marcus and I went to find a table. We found one, started talking and he was flirting with me big time. I was a little nervous because I didn't really know what to do. Then, I also noticed that there were some people who were looking at me as though I didn't belong with him. I started to feel self-conscious feeling like I wasn't good enough for Marcus.

Carl came back with waters. "Well, don't you two look cozy," he said with a big smile.

"What can I say Carl? Your cousin looks hot tonight." I blushed instantly and I kind of looked down a little. Carl didn't notice it but Marcus definitely did. He lifted my chin looked straight into my eyes and said, "What's wrong babe?"

I had a warm fuzzy feeling when he called me babe. I tried to look down again but Marcus wouldn't let me. "I am just thinking too much. I see people looking at us and I feel like I can read their thoughts and it is just making me upset is all". I looked down feeling like a big baby. I felt Marcus grab my hand.

"I will show them how hot I think you are" in the lowest, most sexy voice I have ever heard him talk. I almost creamed my pants listening to that. He pulled me on to the dance floor when a slow song started. He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me in close to him. I laid my head on his shoulder and we danced. I loved every minute of it. Before long, I felt like we were the only ones on the floor. At that moment, I looked into Marcus' eyes as he leaned forward and kissed me. At first gentle, I then felt his tongue licking my lips, so I opened my mouth and drew his tongue into my mouth. It was the best kiss I ever had in my life. There was so much passion in this kiss that I realized right then and there how much I wanted this man in my life. We broke apart and he said, "Do you feel better now?"

I smiled. "Yeah, I was just being stupid".

"Babe, don't talk about yourself like that. When I look at you I see a smart, handsome guy with a heart the size of Texas,"

"Thank you, Marcus. That is a very sweet thing to say. Nobody has ever said anything like that to me before since I look like this."

Marcus smiled that sexy million-dollar smile of his. "Babe, you look so fucking hot tonight, okay?" He took a breath. "And yeah, you have a little extra weight on you but you know what that says to me? There is more of you to love".

I giggled at the last part. "You realize that was cheesy don't you".

He had a mock pout on his face. "I am not cheesy, babe. I take offense to that". He was so adorable like this.

"I'm sorry. What is my punishment for being naughty?" I said smiling. He pulled me into a big wet kiss. "Wow! If that's punishment, I need to be bad more often!" He just shook his head and smacked my ass.

The rest of the night was great. I danced with Marcus several times and I danced with Carl many times as well, although every time I was dancing with Carl, some skinny bitch would go over and flirt with Marcus and I would get jealous. However, I was really proud of how Marcus just ignored them or told them to get lost and continued to stare at me. There was one guy who just wasn't getting the hint that Marcus wasn't interested. I knew his type: he thought he was hot shit, had never been turned down before, and couldn't keep his legs closed to any man.

I started toward Marcus, Carl right behind me. I straddled Marcus' lap and stuck my tongue down his throat. "Hey baby, miss me?" I asked. The guy was still there glaring at me. "Do we have a problem because I should be the one who is pissed at you for being all over my boyfriend?" He just glared at me and left. We left the club about an hour later.

As we were walking to our car, I noticed that guy was following us with some friends in tow. I leaned into Marcus and told him we were being followed. We stopped and kissed and he looked out the side of his eye at them. I said to Marcus, "If anything happens, don't worry about me. I can hold my own in a fight."

He nodded his head and we faced them. "What the fuck do you want?" I asked harshly. "You don't deserve him. He is too hot for an ugly fat slob like you." I saw Marcus and Carl tense immediately. "Well, I do have him and you don't, so just leave us the fuck alone, bitch". He sneered at me for some reason and I felt a presence behind me. I whipped around fast and with all my body weight put into it I punched the dude in the face, sending him flying into the wall and going down on the ground face-first. Marcus jumped two of the guys. The other one went after Carl and the bitchy leader came after me. He tried to get me on the ground by spearing me, but I firmly planted my feet, picked him up and slammed him into the ground. I backed up from him. Marcus had already knocked out one of the guys he was fighting. Carl was holding his own as well. I heard the bitchy one say, "Is that all you got, you fat fuck?"

I turned to him and he was up on his knees with blood on his face from a cut on his lip. He pulled a knife. I tensed up. I couldn't believe this guy was this serious. I pulled my baton from my pocket and flicked my wrist and extended it. This guy was an idiot and did not know how to hold a knife. He came at me, swung and missed. I back-handed him across the face. Of course, this just made him angrier, which was a good thing: the angrier, the more mistakes. He came at me again and I thought he was going to punch but he swung up with his hand slicing up my arm. Good thing I took off my jacket and rolled my sleeves up, but my arm was in a lot of pain. I had to end this quickly.

He got a cocky smirk on his face. "Aww? Does your arm hurt? I'm soo sorry."

I just glared at him. I wasn't going to let him win. He came at me again. I grabbed his knife hand and swung my baton, catching him across the stomach. Still holding his hand, I swung again, getting him across the face causing him go down. He tried to swing again, but, as he was on the ground, I stepped back and kicked him in the elbow hard. He dropped the knife and was rolling around on the ground screaming in agony. By this time the cops had arrived.

After the paramedics looked at my arm and said I would need stitches, I was freaking because I my parents were going to be so pissed about this. I don't know how I was going to keep this from them. I went to the hospital and got the stitches. A police officer came to get my statement. I told him exactly what happened. Marcus and Carl gave the same statement. He left and we were still waiting for the doctor to come and look at my arm. Carl and Marcus both were looking really down blaming themselves for what happened to me.

"Guys, look at me." They both looked up and I saw tears in their eyes. "Don't blame yourselves for what happened to me, okay? I had a great time tonight, honest. I have never felt more alive than tonight."

Marcus still looked down. "Davis, I'm sorry you are in here. This was all my fault," he said crying as he walked away.

"Marcus, get back here right now!" I said with a little anger in my voice.

He stopped immediately and turned around looking at me and walked back over like a scolded child I took his hand. "Listen to me and listen well. I don't regret anything that happened tonight. Yes, I would have preferred this evening to end without the fight, but it was the best night of my entire life. Marcus, you made me feel hot and desirable - something I thought I would never be to any man."

He looked at me. "I'm sorry Davis I just really like you and I wanted this night to be perfect for us."

I smiled at him. "It was great, Marcus. I know it's going to be a little rough, but I really want to go out with you".

Marcus started to tear up. "Davis, I would love to go out with you. When Carl first showed me your picture, I was instantly attracted to you and I couldn't wait to meet you. I want to be your boyfriend, really."

"Marcus, I want the same thing. Yeah, I know I'm still in high school, but I will do anything to make this work, and it won't be long either. I do only have three months until being graduated."

He leaned in and kissed me. I saw out of the corner of my eye Carl beaming like a proud cousin. The doctor came in and stitched me up.

We went back to the hotel, Marcus holding my hand all the way to our room. "So, Davis, what are you doing over spring break?" Marcus asked me.

"Ummm? I don't know. Why do you ask?"

Marcus smiled at me. "Well, Carl, I and our friends are going to Florida and I was wondering if I could convince my boyfriend to go with me?" he said with a big smile.

"Gee! I don't know. I heard he can be kind of stubborn, but I hear begging works wonders on him." We all laughed.

Marcus played along. He got down on his knees, grabbed my hand and said, "Will you do me the honor of joining me and my friends in Florida for a week of fun in the sun? I will even wear a speedo so you'll have a little eye candy when I come out of the water."

Oh, the thoughts that went through my head. "Well, I guess I could go if it means that much to you," I said smiling at him. He jumped up and grabbed me and kissed me.

Carl was laughing at our antics. "You guys are something else," he said and went to get ready for bed. After he was done, I went in and got ready and I took a picture of me in my underwear, sent it to Marcus and left the bathroom. I saw him and grinned at him. He went in and I felt my phone vibrate and I knew it was from him. I opened the message ad my eyes almost popped out of my head. It was a picture of him in nothing but his underwear. His dick was semi-hard and looked so fucking hot. He came out a few minutes later looking at me with an evil smirk.

Carl noticed our antics. "Okay, what are you two up to?" he asked.

"Nothing, dude. Just teasing my baby, a little," Marcus said as he crawled into bed behind me. I snuggled into his body; he was so warm and his hard muscles felt great against my back. He kissed me good night as we fell asleep with me in his great muscled arms.

Hey guys I hope you are enjoying my story as always you can reach me at my email

I want to thank my new found editor, Tony. I really appreciate you doing this for me. I looking forward to learning from you.

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Next: Chapter 5

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