Coming Out of My Shell

By David Achterhof

Published on Apr 24, 2016


Finally it was the weekend I am going to nac to hang with my cousin and tour sfa, I am really looking forward to it. I left from school so I wouldn't have to go all the way home and then start heading there. I called carl and told him "I was leaving" , he said "cool I have my last class and should be done by the time I get there". The drive was uneventful when you live in east Texas there isn't a lot to see around here.

I pulled into my cousin apartment complex and park, just as I was getting out he was walking up the side walk. He pulled me into a hug and said "good timing" I was looking behind carl and there was the most gorgeous man standing behind him. I pulled away from carl and he saw I was looking at his friend " oh I'm sorry Davis this is my best friend Marcus" I extend my hand " Marcus this is my cousin Davis" he shock my hand. This guy was super hot he was like 6'4 Italian muscle god "nice to meet you" he said in a deep sexy voice that almost made go weak in the knees. I just smiled at him cause I couldn't speak, he gave me a smile back which made him even hotter if that is possible. He then spoke " carl has been really excited for this weekend, he's been telling everyone about awesome smart cousin" I instantly blushed "Marcus stop embarrassing Davis he's so red I can feel heat coming from him lets get his stuff inside" carl said, Marcus grabbed my bag and I had my computer bag and we went inside I looked around and this was a really great place " nice apartment carl " I said " thanks, you can put your stuff down in my room were going to share this weekend" carl said. I put my things in his room and came back out to the living room I sat on the other end of the couch trying to not look at Marcus. But I could not help myself but look at him, I thought I might have caught him looking at me. Maybe I was reading to much into it I guess, but I couldn't stop looking at him he was the most beautiful man I have ever seen. He had the blackest hair and eyes I have ever seen on a man or woman.

Marcus left I looked over at carl and he was smiling at me with an evil smirk. I blushed instantly because I knew he saw me starting at Marcus " so did you like what you saw?" he asked "was I that obvious?" "dude I thought you were going to flood the place with your drool" carl said smiling at me " did Marcus notice me?" I asked a little worried " yeah he noticed I mean how could he not". ?immediately I started to panic and carl saw this he just smiled at me, okay now I was confused. " don't worry Davis he thought it was cute the way you were trying to be sneaky in looking at him" cute did carl really just ay that to me. Do I have a chance with this guy "stop what you are thinking right now mister" I heard carl say snapping me out of my thought, " I have know Marcus for a very long time he is one of my best friends and one of the nicest guys I know" he said taking a breathe and gathering his thoughts, "listen Marcus is gay he came out to me when we were juniors in high school. I told him about you and showed him your picture he thought you were cute". Did carl just tell me that hunk of a man thought I was cute " you see Marcus is a very good looking guy, but he hates guys who are only after him for his looks so he doesn't date a lot, he likes to look past looks and looks at your heart and you sir have a good heart" a tear slide down my cheek hearing carl say this to me, was something I have never heard from anyone before. "carl I have never had anyone say that to me before" I said, "okay enough of the mushy stuff we need to get ready" carl said. "ready for what ?" I asked "we are going out to dinner with some friends including Marcus" he said with an evil smirk. "your trying to play matchmaker aren't you?" I asked. Carl put on his most innocent face "now would I do that?", "I don't know would you?" I said with a smile creeping on my face. "okay I will be honest I may have fanned the flames a little", I was shocked "what do you mean exactly" I asked. "well when I got back from my time with you, Marcus came over to study for a test we had on Monday". He toke a breathe and continued "so we got to talking and he asked how my weekend was, I told him I had a great time getting to see you perform on the field. Then I told him about are conversation back in your room". As carl was telling me all of this I was a little hurt that carl would do this with out asking me first. Then I thought of Marcus and how he seemed like a really nice, very attractive guy. while I was thinking all of this I heard " Davis you there?" "oh yeah sorry just thinking you were saying". "well when I told Marcus you were coming down for the weekend, he got really excited because he really wanted to meet you" carl toke another breathe "but at the same time he is also very shy, Marcus maybe be a big strong guy but he's also a big teddy bear". I laughed at the thought that this big strong hunk of man was shy "so are you okay with this?" he asked sounding a little concerned "yea its cool although I was a little mad at you for telling Marcus about me, but you are a good guy and I know you would never hurt me, and Marcus seems like a really great guy and I would love to get to know him better".

So me and carl got dressed and left I asked " where are we going anyway?" "oh this great Tex Mex place here in town" we arrived at the restaurant there were people out front. Including Marcus god did he look hot, he had on tight blue boot cut jeans, a white button down shirt, black boots, and a leather jacket. Carl noticed me staring "so do you see something you like?" he asked with a evil smirk. I just glared at him and we got out of the car he introduced me to his friends. They were all very nice and very good looking group of people, I chance I sat down next to Marcus although I was thinking this might be part of Carl's plan. God did he smell good his cologne was getting me so horny I wanted to jump his bones right there in that restaurant. I felt a kick to my shin I looked and Carl was starring at me grinning like a super villain. I made it through dinner with out making a total fool of myself we said good bye to everyone and left.

Carl and I got back to his apartment, carl pounced on me like a lioness on a zebra " so take it Marcus got your attention tonight?". I blushed and shook my head yes "hey don't be embarrassed Marcus is a really good guy, if yall do start dating he will take really good care of you I promise" carl said to me and I believed him, but I was nervous I have never been in a relationship before and I really didn't want to screw this up. "yeah he got my attention BIG time he smelled so good Carl, the whole time during dinner I just wanted to jump his bones right there" carl just looked at me ad giggled "believe me bro I could tell what you wanted to do with him" I instantly felt the heat coming off of my cheeks. I was probably as red as an apple. "now I don't know to act around him I really like him carl he is a really cool guy" I said a little nervous carl put his hand on my knee "just calm down dude he likes you Marcus doesn't dress to impress for just anyone. What if I call him and see if he wants to hang with us tomorrow when you are done at the school?". "I would love that carl I would really like the chance to talk to him, instead of staring at him like I'm a stalker" carl giggled and said "okay cool you need to get to sleep dude you have to get up early tomorrow" I just smiled and went to get ready for bed. Carl grabbed his phone to call Marcus "hey dude how's it going?" carl asked. "hey carl I'm good man what's up?" Marcus asked "well I was wondering if you would like to hang with Davis and I tomorrow?" "I'd love to man thanks for the invite". The guys talked for a few more minutes the hung up and carl went to bed.

I woke up the next morning smelling the delicious aroma of coffee. I got up and got myself ready for the day, then followed my nose to the coffee "good morning Davis you sleep okay?". Carl asked handing me a cup of coffee "yea I slept great thanks" I toke a big swig then carl said " so are you excited for your tour today?" carl asked me "yes I am I have wanted to go here since I was a freshman in high school I'm really looking forward to meeting a couple of my professors" I said with a big smile on my face. "well you better get going bud you still have to check in" carl said I finished my cup and grabbed an apple and left.

Carl was sitting on the couch reading a book and drinking coffee, Marcus came over about an hour after Davis left "hey dude you want some coffee" I asked him " yeah man thanks" Marcus said with his signature million dollar smile. "so was Davis excited for today?" Marcus asked as I handed him a cup. "yeah he couldn't wait, he is really looking forward to coming here in the fall" I said looking at Marcus who kind of turn a little pink. "are you starting to blush Marcus?" I said to him with a smirk, he turned even redder "so I take it you really like Davis don't you?". He shook his head yes " I do carl I really like him I mean I know we only have know each other for a day, but it is so cute at how shy he is around me and when he tries to look at me with out me noticing" Marcus said smiling the whole time he is talking about my cousin, I have never seen this side of Marcus before. " well dude you defiantly got his attention last night" carl said with a smile " I hope so carl" Marcus said. "well he will probably kill me for telling you this but he said and I quote "that you looked so hot last night and smelled so good that he wanted to jump your bones" Marcus eyes shoot open wide at that last comment and a grin broke out on his face, but his face also tur a shade of pink as well. "I also told him that if you to started dating that you are a really good guy who would take really good care of him". Marcus couldn't believe at how sincerer carl sounded it brought a tear to his eyes, carl saw this and said "Marcus you know I have always seen you as a brother to me, I don't know why me saying that would shock you". Marcus thought for a second "carl you know I have always been shy, never one to really put myself out there. Yes I know im good looking but you know I don't like feeling like a piece of meat which is how most guys see me" I smiled at him "yea man I know and that is why I admire you and would have know problem with you dating my cousin"

Marcus and I just talked and goofed off until Davis got back. He came back with a big smile on his face "so I take it you had fun today?" "yea it as great I cant wait to be here in the fall, so where is Marcus I though he was coming over?" Davis asked "oh he's in the bathroom" carl said with a sinister grin. Thank god Marcus came out of the bathroom because, I knew carl was going to say something to make me blush. "hey Marcus how's it going?" I asked "pretty good what about you have a good day" he asked with that smile that made me go weak at the knees "yeah I was telling carl how I couldn't wait to go here in the fall". This brought an even bigger smile to his face, which made me smile. I wanted to kiss him so bad, but I didn't want to seem to eager but god it was so hard not to. Then I hear "so are you to done screwing each other with your eyes?" I heard carl ask. Marcus and I just glared at him "ass" I called him. We all just laughed "so what are we going to do today" I asked. Marcus just shrugged his shoulders and we both looked at carl " well I was thinking we could drive into Dallas do some shopping, eat and go to a club how does that sound" "yeah that sounds great carl" I said "carl im not going to walk around Dallas in my club clothes all afternoon" "well I thought about that we could get a room and spend the night" "yeah that sounds cool" I said but on the inside I was nervous, I really wanted to get to know Marcus better I just hope I don't embarrass myself tonight.

Next: Chapter 4

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