Coming Out of My Shell

By David Achterhof

Published on Sep 20, 2023


Copyright to this story remain strictly that of the author. No other publication or use of this story is allowed with the consent of the author. This story contains male on male sexual content both implied and explicit. If this offends you please do not continue. All characters and implied situations are strictly those of the author and are not based on any real life events or characters. If you are under 18 years of age please exit this story now



"Daddy" I heard a little one behind me. I turned over and saw my little man standing beside the bed with tears in his eyes. "What's wrong sweetheart?" I asked. "I had a nightmare; I thought the evil man who hurt my mommy was going to get me. I woke up scared, and I figured I was all alone, and I got terrified!" Colton said before he started to cry again. I lifted the blanket and gestured for him to come in bed he climbed up and snuggled into me calming down as I wrapped my arms around him. "Baby, you never have to worry about that anymore. Marcus and I are your foster parents now." Colton looked up at me, "Does that mean that Y'all are going to be my daddies forever?" "Do you want us to be?" Marcus asked as he turned over and laid his head on my shoulder. "Yes, please," Colton said in a whisper. "Well, yesterday when we met with the judge, we told him that we would be your foster parents only if we are given the opportunity to adopt you," Marcus said. "So, buddy, it looks like you are stuck with us," I told him. He smiled his cute little boy smile at me and said, "I would like that." We all went to sleep. Colton decides he wanted to be in between Marcus and me.

I woke up the next morning with Colton draped over me Marcus was gone "he must be downstairs" I thought I smelled the coffee. I got up to go to the bathroom, just as I was finishing a sleepy-eyed little boy came in "morning champ" I said, "morning daddy" he replied. Man does it sound good to be called daddy by a child I never knew how good it could feel until Colton started calling me daddy. He finished his business washed his hands; he lifted his arms up indicating that he wanted to be picked up. I smiled at him and picked him up and went downstairs. As we got to the kitchen the smell of bacon washed over us making my stomach growl instantly, Marcus turned around and smiled "there are my two favorite guys." Marcus has been busy this morning I saw a mountain of eggs a huge plate of bacon a bowl of cheesy grits and a big pile of biscuits and tater tots, we love tater tots in this house have them all the time. Marcus came over and kissed me and tickled Colton who squealed with delight wanting to go over to his other daddy. I love watching them together it's like they were meant to be father and son, I don't know what would happen if Colton was taken away from us which I hope never comes. "Colton will you go wake up your uncles and tell them breakfast is ready," I asked him. He nodded yes and scampered up the stairs, When he arrived at Kenny's room, he knocked on the door. "Come in." He heard, opened the door and went up to Kenny's bed. "Uncle Kenny, dad said breakfast is ready," Colton said. Kenny turned over and smiled at Colton. "Well aren't you the cutest little alarm clock. " Colton laughed and jumped in bed with Kenny and gave Kenny a hug and kiss on the cheek. "Come on bud let's go to breakfast." Colton got down and went running to Carl and Williams' room, not even stopping to knock, just burst through the door, doing a flying leap landing in between "Time for breakfast uncle Carl and uncle William." "So, I guess sleeping in is out from now on," Carl said, then attack Colton who squealed "watching Carl play with Colton show me how good he is with kids and how much he will make a great father someday I look forward to raising our children together. The guys went downstairs and ate like pigs, but how could you not with that kind of spread? I mean honestly, we are all young fit men who need a lot of food, of course, it will mean extra time in the gym, but that's the price you pay I guess after everyone finished they help clean the kitchen and do the dishes.


"Papa is these people going to like me," Colton asked as I was bathing him, "of course they will baby these are my parents, your future grandparents after Davis and I adopt you. There will also be your new uncles and Davis' brother and his boyfriend Mario. The moment they see you, they will fall in love with you just like Davis, and I have!" I said leaning over giving him a hug and kiss on the top of his head. "Okay papa, I love you" Colton replied I picked him up out of the tub and dried him and swatted his little behind to get going down to his room, he scampered off down the hall naked "oh little boys and their lack of not caring about clothes," I said to myself. I went to my room and started getting ready. Our guest was going to be here soon; I can't wait for my parents to meet Colton they will spoil him rotten of course my uncle Jason is going to do the same thing. When I was born he showed up to the hospital with enough stuffed animals for the entire nursery I think he bought out toys r us. Maybe this time he will rent a U-Haul I swear if he does I'm going to put the reins on him I don't want him to spoil Colton too much too quickly. Of course, no one will be worse than my mom when Davis and I told them I swear I could hear a list of things she was going to buy him.


Davis is downstairs getting ready, preparing a few snacks and whatnot, I'm looking forward to today. I know that my uncle Seth and aunt Marie are excited along with my brothers and my uncle Shawn I will be happy to see him, I'm sad that my cousin mitch couldn't come maybe some other time. I had just set the coffee pot up when my boys came downstairs looking very handsome "my my my don't you look cute?" I said to Colton "thank you daddy" he replied in his sweet little shy voice, he put his arms up wanting to be picked up I pulled him up to me a kissed his cheek "are you excited to meet more people from your new family today?" I asked. "yes daddy, papa told me they are looking forward to meeting me," Colton said

"Yes, they are baby boy, your grandparents, and uncles are going to smother you with love and presents knowing my family," I said giving Colt a little tickle on his tummy making him giggle

The doorbell rang I still had Colton in my arms so I brought him along I answered the door and it was my brothers I had them come in "hey guys I'm so glad that you could come down, guys I would like you to meet your nephew, Colton. "Colton, these are your uncles. Tommy" I indicated by pointing to him,"is my younger brother and Mario is Tommy's best friend since forever, and I call him my other brother. He is also Tommy's boyfriend." Colton was very shy which I expected. "Hi, Colton, it's so great to meet you," Tommy said trying to break the ice. "Hi" Colton replied quietly. Tommy smiled at the response

"it's okay buddy they won't hurt you, besides if the did you have a very protective father who will spank them if they do" I said teasing him and tickling him. Which brought out his cute little boy laugh he almost jumped into Tommy's arms good thing my brother was ready for it. We went to the living room and talked some more the rest of the family arrived and smothered Colton with about as much love as anyone can't get, he finally passed out in papa Seth lap. I helped him get my little man into bed "Davis I can't tell you how proud I am of you and Marcus, yall took this little guy into your lives and loved him protected him yall make me so proud to call you both sons."

"dad the moment I saw him I knew without a doubt in my mind that he was meant to be mine and Marcus's son "Seth smiled and pulled me into a hug. We went back downstairs and talked to everyone. Pretty soon everybody left except my brothers who were going to stay in the den on the pullout couch.

Davis POV

"Marcus, we need to talk about something," I said,

"sure, what's up?" Marcus replied as we sat at the table drinking coffee "we need to talk about Colton" I said,

"is something wrong?" Marcus asked

"no not really, we just must figure out what we are going to do about Colton, I will be going back to school in two weeks and you start next week plus we have our jobs. I don't think we can afford daycare for him" I said Marcus nodded in agreement nodded in agreement thinking for a second "maybe we should call the guys down here or I have thought that I could take some time off from school until we can get him into school."

"we could do that but would you feel comfortable putting your education on hold."

"If it means I have Colton, yes, I know he is five and should be in school, but we don't know if he ever has been in school. My guess is no," I said, "Okay let me get the guys so we can try to figure out what to do." While Marcus was gone, I realized just how fast we rushed into this, not that I regret a minute of it. Before we have another kid, we will need to do a lot of planning, but there is a silver lining if I do take this time off I can decide what I want to do about my future. "so, Davis what's up?" Carl asked snapping me out of my thoughts. "well we need to talk about Colton."

"nothing is wrong is there?" Kenny asked

"oh no nothing like that we just need a little help deciding what to do with Colton since we are all going back to school soon, I have thought about taking the semester off and being with him until we can get him into school" we discussed many avenues coming up short every time. "I just don't know what to do everything we have come up with doesn't work maybe we aren't meant to have him," I said before I got up and left I just couldn't take it anymore.


"guys I hate to say this, but Davis might be right I mean we can't afford daycare, we all work and go to school. I am out of ideas, I know that Davis said he would take off this semester but I don't think he wants to leave. He loves school; I just don't know what to do anymore. The only thing I know is that I love that little guy and I want him to be my son" I said we talked for a little while more without a decision made. So, we all just went to sleep.

The next morning Paul got a phone call, it was from his supervisor informing him that he needs to come to his office and bring the file on Colton. Paul wondered what this meeting was about; he has never had a meeting about a case so unexpectedly. As Paul got to Mr. Martinez's office, he knew this wasn't going to be good. He saw a woman who looked to be about 40 and not very friendly looking, sitting to her right was a man in a cheap looking suit, he looked familiar, but I couldn't place him. "Good Paul, you're here did you bring Colton file," Mr. Martinez asked before Paul could answer "give me that file I want my nephew, I demand to know where he is," the woman said trying to snatch the record from Paul. Luckily Paul was close enough to Mr. Martinez that he just gave him the file. "where is my nephew I demand to know where he is" the woman yelled again "ma'am I am not legally allowed to give out that information" Mr. Martinez replied

"I don't care about the law" the woman screeched

"Ma'am, please calm down and lower your voice I will call the foster parents and have them bring Colton down here okay, but until then I will ask for you to behave in a civilized manner" Mr. Martinez order. Paul left to make the phone call that he never wanted to make, this is going to kill Davis &Marcus over the last couple of weeks Paul has come to look at these two young men like his son that he hasn't seen in years. His ex-wife was an evil woman who got some hotshot lawyer and got his son taken away from him. Ever since he met Davis & Marcus, he hoped his son would grow up like these two. Still, there was something that bothered me about those two the woman looks nothing like the aunt I mean I know that doesn't necessarily mean anything but something doesn't add up. Then there is that Lawyer he just seems like a slimy snake he makes my skin crawl.


"Hello," Marcus said answering his phone

"Hey, Marcus, its Paul Lustrum" Marcus's heart froze "is there something wrong Mr. Lustrum?" Marcus asked.

"I'm afraid I have some news. Apparently, a relative of Colton's has come forward, and she wants him. But I honestly think there is something not right with her and her lawyer" Paul replied,

"So, what do we need to do?" I asked,

"Well, she is demanding to see her nephew so could Y'all bring Colton up here?" Paul asked.

"Yeah give me about 30 minutes or so, and we will be down there" I replied and hung up.

God how am I going to tell Davis this, he is going to be crushed. Deep down though we knew this might happen, man, this is going to be hard. I went into the kitchen were Davis was teaching Colton how to make cookies. I stood and watched them interact. They looked so much like a father and son, watching them interact. "Hi, papa, we're making cookies," Colton said raising his dough covered hands to me "I see that sport, why don't you go upstairs and clean up. I need to talk to da for a minute." He jumped down from his stool and came running up to me doing a flying leap. I caught him and gave him a big kiss on the cheek he then went scampering up the stairs.

"so, what's up babe?" Davis asked, "well I got a phone call from Paul today and umm well apparently a woman is claiming to be Colton's aunt, and apparently she is demanding to have him," Marcus said. Davis felt his knees give away falling to the floor Marcus was there in a flash hugging Davis "so what do we have to do?" Davis asked.

"well, I told Paul that we would be down there as soon as we can." Davis began to cry "baby I know it's going to be hard, but we have to do this no matter how bad it hurts," I said still holding Davis. We went upstairs to tell Colton damn this is going to be so freaking hard.

At the adoption agency

"how much longer are you going to make me wait" the woman demanded

"Ma'am, please be patient the foster parents are going to have a hard time, they have grown very attached to young Colton. They will get here when they can okay" Paul said to the woman "why won't you tell me who the foster parents are?" she asked again. "As I said before, I can't give you that information it's against the law now sit down and be quiet please," Paul said again. Paul walked off and went back to his desk just as he sat down he remembered who the lawyer was. He is one of the most bigoted people in San Antonio he is always at every protest of civil rights for the LGBT community protesting against the LGBT community, this was not going to be good when Marcus and Davis get here.


"But I don't want to leave" Colton cried out which was breaking my heart. I had to leave I couldn't take this. I can't see Colton cry like that; I just can't-do it.


"Colton baby, please calm down," I asked him holding him tightly against my chest as he soaked my shirt with his tears. "Why do I have to go? Don't you guys love me anymore?" he asked looking up at me with tears streaming down his little cheeks. God, I can't stand to see my little boy like this. I honestly don't know how I'm going to get through this; I know Davis is going to have a tough time. He couldn't take it anymore and left I don't blame him for leaving "oh baby, of course, we love you, but we have to take you in because if we don't, Davis and I could get in a lot of trouble."

"okay I don't want you to get into trouble" Colton whispered, I told him to go to my room and be with daddy while I packed his things. I was putting in the last pair of his Scooby Doo underwear in the suitcase when I lost control of my emotions and started to cry I sat down on the bed and sobbed into my hands. "I'm losing my son, why god why are you taking him from us, we're good people. What did we do, that was so wrong?" I said to myself I finally got control of my emotions and went to collect Colton and Davis.

The drive over was quit my little guy was still sobbing so was Davis I wanted to, but I had to be strong right now. I needed to it for both of my men; I must be their beacon of strength even though on the inside I'm crumbling to nothing. Once we got to the social work office, I picked Colton up and carried him into the building. As we go into the elevator, I kept thinking to myself "this is the last time I'm going to get to hold my little boy. Paul met us at the elevator "guys I'm sorry this happened to you. You two are one of the best foster parents we have ever had. I so hoped that Colton was going to be your permanently, are you ready?" he asked we both nodded slightly. I took Davis hand as Paul led us to the family lounge, so we would be more comfortable while he got everyone else.

Paul took a deep breath and knocked on Mr. Martinez's door "come in" he heard, Paul opened the door "yes Paul what is it?" Mr. Martinez asked, "Colton and his foster parents have arrived."

"it's about time," the woman said grabbing her purse "take me to him now," she stated in a very demanding tone. Paul gestured to the door for them to follow as the woman and lawyer walked past him he noticed that there was a bulge under the lawyer's jacket and he noticed a bulge in the woman's purse that looked like a gun as well. He knew then that he had to do something so he called his officer friend and asked him if he would come down to the office there might be a problem. The officer said okay, and Paul caught up to everybody else and opened the door and before I could say anything I heard "what is my nephew doing with these faggots."

Guys I apologize for it taking so long I have had a lot of problems over the last few months and I lost the love of writing. I even thought about just ending this story of which I love so much, but I'm back and my love for writing is back I hope to never have that much of a gap again I already have most of the next chapter written so I hope to have it out to you by the weekend. I also want to thank my editor for without him I would be nothing he has helped me improve so much in my writing. I also want to thank the people who still love my story and apologize again for it taking so long I love you all and would love to hear from you, you all mean a lot to me I love hearing from you so as always you can reach me at .

Next: Chapter 22

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