Coming Out of My Shell

By David Achterhof

Published on May 1, 2017


Copyright to this story remain strictly that of the author. No other publication or use of this story is allowed with the consent of the author. This story contains male on male sexual content both implied and explicit. If this offends you please do not continue. All characters and implied situations are strictly those of the author and are not based on any real life events or characters. If you are under 18 years of age please exit this story now


"Merry Christmas, babe!" I heard Marcus say from behind me and then feeling his soft lips on the back of my neck. I stirred and turned towards him receiving a kiss on the lips. "Merry Christmas to you also, my love." We lay in bed for a few more minutes before we got up. I had a lot to do before our families came to open presents this morning. I went downstairs and found Kenny in the kitchen drinking coffee. "Merry Christmas, buddy!"

"Merry Christmas, Davis." He said smiling but I could tell there was something hidden behind that smile which carried too much sadness and fear within him. I didn't want to talk about it now but I will help him. I care for Kenny very much, he is such a sweetheart that I hate to see him hurting. I got started on making my world-famous breakfast pockets, of course I don't think they are world famous but Marcus likes to call them that because he loves them so much. I scrambled a dozen eggs while I had the sausage cooking chopping onions and bell peppers I had Kenny make the peppered gravy. That is another reason I like having Kenny around he loves to be in the kitchen and loves to learn. William joined us and I had him set the table. I then put Marcus to work rolling out the biscuit dough. While I made hash browns everybody was working great then my brothers came down and thought it was funny that I was running the kitchen like a drill sergeant so I made sure to include them "Tommy, Mario, since you think it is so funny how about you to do the dishes for me." They both started to pout. Believe me, I know my brothers, they hate doing the dishes. Both tried their best to butter me up and get out of it, including getting a hot steamy kiss from Mario, but it didn't work at all. Just as we had finished most of everything the doorbell rings and it's our parents. I welcomed them with hugs and kisses. We all walked into the dining room for breakfast. "Davis, this looks fantastic! You must have been slaving all morning." Papa Jacob commented.

"Oh, yeah, it was a lot of work, dad. I didn't get much help, just a lot of complaining and whining. You know how these guys are." I replied sarcastically. "HEY!!" I heard from my guys and laughed, getting pulled into a side hug from papa Jacob with a kiss on my head. Marcus was trying to stay mad at me all through Breakfast but he couldn't resist me, especially since I was rubbing his inner thigh, he loves it when I do that. Any way, we ate and got the kitchen cleaned up and William and I started doing things for dinner. I already had the ham prepped, so all I had to do was put it in the oven, which I did. I had William get the rolls ready for me so they could proof all afternoon. I had all the desert done and my "moms" brought things to so I didn't have to cook everything. Marcus was also very giddy, he is going to be meeting his new future uncle. Jason said that he wanted to introduce Billy to the rest of the family. When Jason talked to Marcus about it he was so happy for his uncle he couldn't wait for Christmas to get here so he could meet him.


"Good morning, officer." Jason said in Bill's ear. Bill stretched out and turned his head giving Jason a kiss, "Good morning to you too, babe. I feel somebody else is up this morning." Billy said, pushing his ass against Jason's raging dick. "What can I say, love? He can't help himself when he is around you." Jason said planting a big kiss on Billy's mouth. Jason loved kissing him so much he felt love in every kiss, like he is Billy's life-line and neither one of them want to let go. "And so, my love, are you ready to meet the rest of my family today?" Jason asked.

"I'm a little nervous, but if they are as great as your brother and sister-in-law are, then I'm totally looking forward to this. Besides, it will give me a chance to see your hot nephew and see what you looked like when you were that age." Billy said with a mischievous grin on his face.

"Oh, really! You, perving on my nephew. Huh! Well, I must fix that now, won't I?" Jason replied and latched on to Billy's neck like a vampire after his prey while also slipping two fingers into Billy still moist hole from last night's fuck-a-thon. Jason got in between Billy's legs teasing Bill's whole with his very hard cock Jason started to decent into Billy's ass god he loves sliding his cock into him it was so warm and tight god it felt so fucking good. That joy only continued as the shaft pushed into him, spreading his insides as it went, and the pleasure did nothing but grow and grow! He started to pull out and push back in going at a steady rhythm. "Fuck me, baby, breed my ass. Claim your property." Bill said in a lustful tone that sent Jason over the edge. He kicked it into high gear pounding Billy's ass like a jack hammer. Billy was throwing his head left and right, moaning in complete orgasmic pleasure. "Oh, fuck baby I'm going to cum, fuck, its coming!" Jason yelled as he felt his balls tighten and felt his load blast deep into his lover still slowly humping Billy's as his cock is still shooting its load into his lover. He lay on top of Billy, exhausted.

"Babe, we need to get cleaned up and head out. We don't want to be late." Jason rolled off the top of him as they got up and walked toward the bathroom. "Damn, that is a great ass," Billy said to himself as he eyed his lover's butt. They got dressed, grabbed their gifts, and left to go to the guy's house. Bill had to admit that he was a little nervous about meeting everybody for the first time. He knows nothing bad will happen, even realizing it is just the usual nerves of meeting that everybody gets.

Marcus' POV

Ye gods! Davis is so sexy when he cooks! Just the way he moves in the kitchen, watching his cute tight ass bend over when he looks in the oven, the way his hair touches his shoulders and sways as he makes his masterpiece. Damn, I'm gonna need to change my pants if I stand here watching.

I went upstairs to freshen up and but take care of a little business when I was walking passed Kenny's door I heard crying. I leaned against the door and listened more but all I heard was crying. I gently opened the door and he was face down crying into his pillow. I walked over to the side of his bed and sat down, putting my hand gently on the small of his back. It caused him to jump but he relaxed as I started rubbing my hand up and down in a soothing motion. "What's wrong buddy?" I asked.

"Nothing, I don't want to talk about it! and" Kenny said he wouldn't look at me. So, I laid down next to him and snuggled up to him. I could feel Kenny relaxing into me and felt him calm down to a normal breath. We laid there for a while until I heard Kenny sleeping. I gently got out of the bed and went down stairs. Just as I hit the bottom stair there was a knock at the door. I hollered, "I got it!" and answered it. My uncle Jason and his fiance Billy had arrived. I invited them in, giving them both hugs and kisses, ushering them into the living room where everybody else was talking. Uncle Jason showed off his fiance like he was a prized peacock. It was endearing, seeing my uncle Jason so happy. Hell, he should be strutting around like a prize peacock, uncle Billy is hot! Damn, he looks like Ryan Kelley from "Teen Wolf". As time went on, I noticed that Kenny hadn't come down stairs yet, so I went upstairs to find him. I lightly knocked on his door but there was no answer so I opened his door and screamed "Kenny!!!"

I'm scared but I must do what I can to help him. I checked for his pulse and found it faint. I then grabbed his sheet and wrapped both wrist in it and held them to try to slow down the bleeding. My dad came flying through the door with papa Seth hot on his heels. Both immediately went into doctor mode and took over. My dad told me to keep doing what I was doing while he called 911. Papa Seth ripped part of my shirt with a knife and made two tourniquets he tied them above Kenny's wrist to try to slow the bleeding. When the paramedics arrived, I was told to get out of the way so the EMT could do their job. I stepped back my hands were covered in blood so was my chest since I had to lean over him to grab both wrist I pulled my shirt off and tried wiping some of the blood off my hands before I went to my room I had to get out of these clothes and into a shower. I needed to get clean and I felt like I was going to be sick. I haven't felt this way since Davis was attacked. Do I really care this much about Kenny? I mean I knew I liked him lot and he has become a great friend, but I never realized until now how much he means to me. As I sit here in the shower, the hot water pouring over my body, I began to cry. I leaned back and slid down the wall, sitting in the shower crying like a little baby. How can I be a doctor if I can't see the signs of someone in need of dire help? How did I miss it?

I must have sat in the shower for at least an hour I got out of the shower, put on sweats and went to lie down for a while. I just wanted to be alone. I don't remember falling asleep but when I woke up, it was dark outside. I can't believe I have been asleep this long. I got up and went down stairs I found Davis, Mario, Tommy, Carl and William sitting at the table, all with big mugs of hot chocolate and a plate of cookies in the middle. I went over to Davis and gave him a kiss.

"Hey babe, would you like a cup of hot cocoa?" he asked.

"Yeah, that would be great. Thanks, hon." I replied he went off and got me a cup. Sitting down next to where he was sitting, I looked around the room at the guys and they all had somber looks on their faces. Davis came back with my mug. I took a sip and grabbed a couple of cookies. I can't resist his cooking. I swear I need to go to the gym four times a day to keep up. Anyway, back to reality. "So, how is Kenny?" I finally asked after scarfing down four cookies.

"Well, he lost a lot of blood but he will be okay physically. Mentally he has a long way to go." Carl answered. I looked around the room and I could tell that they were keeping something from me.

"Okay guys, what is it y'all are hiding? Something, I know it."

Davis took a deep breath. "It's about Kenny. He apparently got ahold of a needle and reopened his sutures trying to kill himself again. He is on 24-hour watch and is in arm restraint." I looked down at the table and started to cry. "How could I have not seen this? How? How? How?" I pleaded before breaking down completely.

Kenny's POV

"I'm glad that you are awake Kenny, how are you feeling" Seth asked.

I looked around the room we were alone I then tried to move my arms but I couldn't, I looked down and I had restraints which wasn't surprising after what I did. I flopped back down. "Okay. I guess wish I wasn't in here."

"Well son you are going to be in here for a few more days. Do you want to tell me what happened?"

I thought for a few minutes. "I don't know, exactly. I mean, I just started to feel really depressed to the point where I felt like I couldn't breathe. I had to get way from the guys so they wouldn't see me. I went to my room and cried. I then started getting these feeling of how I don't matter and how I will never amount to anything, and who is going to want to marry my ass I'm nothing but a cheap worn out whore. I should just kill myself and I will be doing everybody a big favor if I'm gone." I stopped speaking because I started to cry. I felt a hand grab mine. I looked up and it is Seth or "Papa" Seth as he likes us to call him.

"Listen to me, son. You are loved! You have my boys that love you. My wife loves you, Jacob loves you his wife as well. You are surrounded by so much love that you never should feel like you are not. Suicide is never the answer, Kenny. You are too smart of a man to do that and I know you know that. Right now, you don't need to worry about being in a relationship. Do not worry about finding your mister right now. You need to concentrate on you, buddy. You are a handsome man and you will find your prince." Seth leaned over, giving him a big hug. I felt so safe and loved the warmth that I felt coming from this man. Of course, Davis and Carl have told me that papa Seth has this special way of making them feel that way when he hugs them and now I knew what that felt like as well.

"I'm just so scared. Even while I was cutting myself, I was scared but for some reason, I just couldn't stop." Papa Seth and I talked for the rest of the time of visiting hours until he said he need to get back to the hotel. When I was alone, I keep saying to myself that "I wasn't alone anymore and that I had friends who are family, that love me for who I am and are there for me to lift me up when I get down about my past. They will fight to protect me if I need them to."

Davis' POV

Well, this has been an interesting holiday! My brother is dating his best friend. Our new friend and roommate tried to kill himself. I really hope he is okay, but I'm also worried about Marcus. He hasn't been himself since it happened. He feels like a failure for letting this happen for not seeing the signs that Kenny was expressing. No matter what I do, I can't talk him out of his feelings. My fear is that he will quit his dream of being a doctor. I hope that when Kenny decides he is ready to see us, he can talk some sense into Marcus. I don't know, maybe I'm just being a worry wort but I can't help it. I love him too much to let him quit what he loves to do.

Kenny's POV

So here I am again. I'm staring up at the ceiling in my hospital room, feeling still a little embarrassed by my actions, but I feel better than I did a couple of days ago. I think much of it has to do with Michael. I feel like speaking with him is so natural and easy to do. He is a really cool guy and a very good looking man. He is six foot three, Asian American and very well built. Imagine Daniel Dae Kim from Hawaii Five-O and you have him. Only, Michael is half Chinese and not Korean; he is absolutely the epitome of gorgeous. Papa Seth told me that I would be meeting a friend of his, but he did not tell me it was this Asian god.

"Kenny, I would like you to meet my very good friend, Michael Chang. He is a psychiatric nurse practitioner on staff here at the hospital. Michael, this handsome devil is my new adopted son Kenny." Michael smiled at me and extended his hand, I put mine out there and he grasped it with a firm but tender handshake. It felt so good having his hand holding mine.

"Hello, Kenny, it is nice to meet you." he said in a deep sexy voice. A smile crept and the air grew thick with a tenderness that couldn't help but make me breathe slower, deeper, happier.

"It's nice to meet you, as well." I was able to croak out. While Michael was talking to both myself and Seth, I couldn't stop drooling over this man. I mean he must be the hottest man I have ever seen in my life! I don't remember feeling this way with any other man. Perhaps this is what it's like when people say they feel fireworks going off. Then it hit me! I am in trouble with him being around. Then the scent of his cologne drifts in through my nostrils, a scent I'm quickly becoming addicted to. I'm strongly attracted to this man and I don't even know if he is gay or not. Plus, if he is gay, he won't want anything to do with me once he finds out about what happened to me.

Anyway, Michael told me a little about himself. He is thirty-seven, was born and raised in Houston. His dad met his mom when his dad was in the army stationed at Camp Irwin, California. His mom was a nurse and dad is a therapist. So, he decided to sort of go into both fields since both of his parents inspired him so much. He told me that he received both of his degrees from the University of Houston. He worked at Texas Children's Hospital, which is where Michael and Seth met and became instant friends. After Michael received his Masters of Science in Nursing, he took the job here at Methodist Hospital. Then he hit me with the big question.

"So, Kenny, are you ready to talk about what happened?" I looked out the window. Papa Seth had left so that we could talk privately.

I hesitated for a few seconds. "Well it all started a few years ago, when I met Derek. He was handsome, intelligent and successful. I thought I had hit the jackpot with him but everything changed once we were engaged. I quickly realized how stupid and wrong I was. Soon after we were engaged and moved in with each other, he changed drastically. He would get angry for no reason and hit me. But after he hit me, he would apologize, saying he would never do it again. I still don't know why I believed him. . . but after hitting wasn't enough anymore, he started raping me like I was just some piece of ass. I felt like a whore every time it happened. Then he started to give me out to his friends and they would do horrible things to me. One night, they were going to do a gang bang on me. I was so scared that I tried to run. I went to the bank, tried to withdraw all my money and run but I couldn't. Somehow, without my knowing, he got his name on my account and had it were I had to have his permission to withdraw money. When I got home, I didn't know what to do. B-b-but Derek got home soon after I did and was pissed. Apparently, the bank had called him to tell him what I tried. We got into an argument where he punched me in the face giving me a black eye he stood over me and yelled, "YOU are my property!! To do with as I please!! Now, go get ready! My friends will be here soon for the party." Flashbacks started and I had to stop because I was starting to feel sick and scared that it was going to happen again. I never told the guys how I escaped. Michael is the first person I have told what happened. "That night, Derek tied me down to the bed like a slave and his friends came in one at a time or two at a time and brutally fucked me. By the time they were all done, I wanted to throw up. I felt so disgusting. After it was finished Derek was still mad at me, so he decided to punish me in the harshest way possible." I had to stop again because I started to shake.

"Kenny, we can stop. We don't have to talk anymore today." Michael softly said. But, for some reason I knew that if I didn't do it now, that I never would.

"Derek came into the room and said, `well look at my little whore. I hope you enjoyed your fuckings because now it is time for your punishment for trying to run away from your master.' I don't know why I said what I said, but I knew this had to end and that whatever he was going to do to me would be the last time he would ever touch me."

"I'm not your whore! I am a human being which you haven't treated me like since we got engaged. You are nothing but an ego driven sociopathic, nut case." That earned me a slap across the face. He then grabbed me and brought me to the front room and threw me on the floor. His friends grabbed me and held me down. I saw what my punishment was." I stopped again and cried. I threw the covers off the top of me and spread my legs to show him the brand marks on my inner thighs. "He branded me like an animal!! That's all he saw was an animal!!" I sobbed out. "I don't know how I fell for it but I did and now I will always have these ugly scares to remember him, and I can never be with another man again. I mean what man would want to be with a whore like me? That's all I'm good for, apparently!" Then, my flood gates opened with no restraint to my emotions. I never had lost complete control before even that time with Davis. I still held some back but I let everything go; all the pain he caused me. I didn't even feel Michael's hands on mine or hear him talking trying to calm me down.

"Kenny! Listen to me! Kenny, you are not alone. You will find someone, trust me. You are a very good looking man and will find that man that can be everything you deserve." I looked up at him and I don't know what came over me but I lunged at him and kissed him his lips were soft but firm, he pulled away immediately. "Kenny I'm your nurse. We can't do that."

I looked down "I'm sorry, Michael. I don't know what came over me. I just felt so safe and you were being so kind to me that I did it. Please forgive me. I hope that I didn't freak you out."

"It's okay, Kenny, you didn't make me freak. I'm gay also but I'm also in charge of you while you are here and I can't fraternize with the patients that way. Okay?" I shook my head in agreement we spoke for a few more hours. He told me more about himself; his coming out to his parents who are both very accepting of him and some of his past relationships. I told him I didn't have parents there were both killed in a car crash four years ago, they didn't know that I was gay. Anyway, he left a few hours later. I went to sleep because I was exhausted but I did have a great dream of Michael lying on the beach next to me in nothing but a speedo his skin glistening in the hot sun. I woke up just as I lean in to kiss him. "Boy, am I in trouble." I said to myself and went back to sleep.

It's now New Year's Eve and I'm being released from the hospital today at noon. I am a little scared because it will be the first time I will see the guys when they come and get me. I have seen Seth and Jacob and their wives all week but I just couldn't face the guys yet. I think a part of me didn't want to face them because of the fear of rejection. Jason and Billy stopped by yesterday to see me before they left and brought me two bears one had a police man's uniform the other a fireman's uniform. They went with the doctor one Seth and Jacob gave me. I also got gifts from the guys. They all know how I love Japanese anime, so they sent me plush figures of the characters from one of my favorite shows, "Fairytail", so I had quite a few stuffed animals on the window sill in my room.

"Well, good morning, Kenny."

"Good morning, Michael. It's good to see you this morning as well."

"I brought you something; sort of a late Christmas present." He brought his hand from behind his back and it was a stuffed bear in a nurse outfit. "I know it's a little juvenile but it was so cute that I loved it so much."

"Thank you, Michael. I love it! Plus, it goes with the others."

"Yeah, I know it's kind of corny but I thought a matching set would be great. I'm glad that you like it."

"I do, I really do! Now I will have something to remember you by, since I'm not going to get to see you as much anymore." For some reason, a tear went down my face.

"Oh! I almost forgot! I have something else for you." He reached into his pocket and pulled out a journal. "I want you to write in this every day until you come see me again in two weeks. Also, on the front page is my contact info, if you ever need me." He gave me a hug and said goodbye as he left. I was feeling alone again as if my future just walked out of my life. I clung to his bear like a life line. A few minutes later, my friends showed up. I was happy to see them.

"Hey, guys, thanks for the gifts. I really loved them." They all hugged me and gave me kisses. I noticed Marcus standing against the wall. "Well, are you going to give me a hug too?"

He walked over slowly towards me. "Kenny, I'm sorry I failed you. I shouldn't have left you. If I hadn't, maybe I could have stopped you. I don't want to lose you, Kenny. You have become a special person in my heart and I don't want that to go away." he said, giving me a hug.

"Marcus, I'm sorry I didn't know I had such an effect on you guys but I'm much better now and I will continue to get better every day as long as I have you and keep going to therapy and seeing Michael, I should be okay."

"Wait, are you talking about Michael Lang?" Carl asked.

"Yeah, I am. Do you know him?"

"Of course, I do! He is one of dad's best friends. When I was a little kid, I would call him uncle Michael, and man is he hot!"

William punched Carl in the arm. "Should I be worried?" William asked teasingly.

"Now, you know that you don't babe but I can still look like you do and don't tell me you weren't drooling over uncle Jason and Billy." Carl shot back at him which made William turn red instantly all the guys ribbed him for it, too. The guys helped me get all my stuff together.

"Hey, Kenny, I'm glad I caught you before you left!" Michael said coming into my room.

"Guys, I would like you to meet Michael. He is my psychiatric nurse practitioner and has been helping me this past week. Michael, these are my friends. That is Davis and Marcus. . ." He shook both their hands. "And this is William and. . ."

"Carl, is that you?" Michael asked.

"Hey, uncle Michael, it's so good to see you." Carl said giving Michael a big hug. "Dad told me you got a job in san Antonio but he didn't tell me where. I'm glad that I got to see you and that you have been taking great care of our friend here. Oh, and I would like you to meet my fiance, William Harden." Carl said while pushing William forward.

"It's nice to finally meet you, William. I was so happy when your dad called and told me that not only were you gay but also engaged. I really felt like a proud uncle at that moment, and I must say you picked quite a handsome man." Michael replied. We all chatted and got me ready to go. Seeing Michael interact with my friends? I loved it!! I know I'm in trouble for saying this but I think I've fallen for him. This game of desire is intoxicating.


Things soon got back to normal. We helped Kenny as much as we could; he still had problems but he is getting better. He calls Michael or his therapist. Carl is enjoying being reunited with his uncle Michael again. Everything was starting to settle down and we would be starting school again, which I'm looking forward to doing. But here lately, there has been this weird part of me that has been gnawing at me asking me if going into computers is the right thing to do. Especially since the incident with Kenny, I have been wondering if I'm meant to help people rather than look at a computer screen for the rest of my life. I have been thinking about speaking with Marcus about it but I haven't gotten the courage to do so. You see, I have always had a secret love and that was nursing. I used to dream of getting my nursing degree and then eventually getting my master's degree and becoming a nurse practitioner like Michael. However, I never told anyone about the dream. I have always liked helping people and ever since I met Marcus and fell in love with him, I've realized how much he likes to help people and how passionate he wants to become a doctor, and lately it has been making me want to pursue my secret dream of nursing. Who knows? Maybe I could. "Marcus and Nurse", there could be a lot of sexy fantasies we could live out. Why does everything remind me of sex with Marcus? I guess it's not a bad thing he is fantastic in that department and has a fantastic body that I love to touch and taste, running my tongue over his hard-sculpted abs, running my hands up and down that strong broad-shouldered back. Feeling his strong thighs wrap around me and pinning me to the bed as our tongues wrestle. On second thought, we might not be able to work together if I had to look at that all day and have a wet spot in my scrubs, not to mention a raging hard on.

Marcus' POV

I'm glad that Kenny is okay and back home. I hope that he can heal and move past what that jerk did to him. I can't understand any way somebody would do that and think it is okay. The more I think about what that man did to Kenny the more I want to go down to that jail and have five minutes alone with him in a closed room and beat the crap out of him, making him feel the same way he made Kenny feel. Make him feel like nothing, make him feel like he is a nobody, make him feel like he is weak and frail. As I sit here in studying, I realize that I couldn't have stopped Kenny from doing what he did, as much as I wish I could have. I must realize I'm not superman. As much as I try to be, I can't. I just need to come to terms with that. Davis always tells me I will always be his superman. I love hearing him say that to me. He always knows what to say to lift my spirits. I can't wait to marry that man and raise children with him. He will be a great father someday. Heck, if a child fell into our laps now, I think we would both adopt him. Just now, I felt a tap on my leg and looked over and saw a pair of little eyes looking at me. There, standing next to me, was the cutest little boy in the world.

"Excuse me, mister. Can you help me?" the little boy asked.

"Sure. What's wrong, little buddy?" He looked down at the ground and started to cry. I got out of my chair and squatted down in front of him and put my hands on his shoulder. "Hey, little guy, it's okay. What's wrong?"

"I Scared" he replied.

"What are you scared of?"

"The bad man," he said.

"The bad man. Who is the bad man?"

"He hurt my mommy. She doesn't move anymore." It hit me then, this sweet child saw someone kill his mother. Of course, what kind of life has this child had to be in this situation? I had to think fast. I know I need to go to the police now and report this I must protect this child as well and the police station is the best place for that at least right now.

"Okay, buddy, I'm going to get you help. What is your name son?"

"Colton" he replied in a quiet voice.

"Okay, Colton, why don't you sit right here and have something to eat while I make a phone call." He smiled at me and I handed him a cookie.

I called the police station and told them of my situation and they told me they would send an officer to my location. I hung up the phone and sat across from this little boy who just melts my heart. I would love to take him home with me and make him mine and Davis' son. Plus, I know some uncles that would spoil him rotten, not to mention two sets of grandparents. I was taken out of my thoughts by his little voice.

"Mister Marcus?"

"Yeah, buddy, what's up?"

"Can I have some more cookies?"

"How can I say no to such a cutie like you?" I got the waitress' attention and order four more cookies. Just as they came, the officer pulled up.

"Are you Marcus Pedallow?"

"Yes, sir, I am."

"Can you tell me more about the situation?"

"I don't know much but from what I gather, he witnessed a man murder his mother. He told me that his mother doesn't move and more so I put two and two together, meaning she died. I didn't have the heart to ask him more."

"I wouldn't have either. You have done a great job with him. Did he tell you his name?" "Colton" I replied. "Colton, I'm officer James. Can you talk to me for a second?"

"Yes, sir, you're a police man. I know police man are good guys." the officer smiled at Colton.

"Yes, Colton, we are the good guys. How long have you been alone on the streets?"

"Two days," he replied. When he said this, I wanted to cry. That this little boy could survive without anyone for two days in this city.

"Okay, son, do you remember where you were when the bad man was with your mommy?" He looked down at the table and started to cry. I went over to him picked him up and put him in my lap. I didn't care if he was dirty, this child needed me and I'm going to be there for him. I whispered into his ear trying to calm him down. It took a minute but I was able to do it. I could tell officer James didn't want to keep asking these questions but he had to unfortunately.

"I'm sorry, Colton. I didn't mean to make you cry."

"It's okay, mister police man, and yes, I member the place." Officer James talked to Colton for a few more minutes. He had to call child protective services. That is routine but I hope that I can get temporary guardianship of him while this is sorted out. I held Colton until the social worker arrived. He sat playfully on my lap talking with officer James. I found out that he had two little boys of his own and that he has been married for five years. He couldn't resist Colton's charms. It took thirty minutes for the social worker to arrive. When he did, Colton clung to me like a life line, he was very nervous.

"Hello, I'm Paul Lustrum, child services." Both officer James and I shook his hand. Colton had his face buried in my neck. Officer James filled Paul in on the situation with Colton.

"Okay, Colton, you are going to have to come with me little guy." Colton tensed up, pulling even tighter around my neck.

"Can't I stay with Marcus, please?" he asked innocently.

"I'm sorry, but I don't think that is possible."

"Excuse me, Mr. Lustrum. I will do anything I need to, to bring Colton home with me. In such a short time, I have bonded with this little guy and I want to help him. Anything you want to know about me or the people I live with I can give you. If you need to know stuff about my family, I can tell you. Whatever you need, I will try to give you but I want to take this little boy home with me. He has my heart and if I must, I will raise him as my son. So please give me this chance, please." Paul nodded his head in agreement.

"Okay, I can grant you temporary custody until the hearing, which will probably be tomorrow, but first I want to take him to the hospital and get him checked out."

"Thank you, Paul, I really appreciate that, so let's get the ball rolling. Okay, officer Paul, can you escort us to Methodist hospital please?"

"Hey, little buddy, would you like to ride in a real police car?" officer James asked. "Can we have the noise maker?" Officer James smiled at the boy and picked him up buckled him into the car and off to the hospital they went.

While Colton was being examined by the doctor, Paul was asking Marcus questions about his personal life and family.

"So, Mr. Pedallow tell me about yourself."

"Well, I'm a med student at the University of Texas San Antonio. I live with my boyfriend, who is a student at UTSA as well; he is a junior in computer science. Our other roommates being my best friend Carl, who is in med school here as well along with his boyfriend who is in his first year of graduate school for computer science, and our other friend, Kenny, who is majoring in computer science".

"So, you are a homosexual then?"

"Yes, I am. Is being that going to be a problem?"

"Not for me but people in my office might. . . you know, how people can be in this state. I will never understand what people have against gay couples having children. I see it every day all these people that shouldn't have children but it is so easy for them to get children. Then I see a charming gay couple who would be perfect parents but they must jump through a thousand hoops to get children it's just not right. Anyway, sorry for my little tangent, please continue."

"My father is a pediatrician at Texas Children's Hospital in Houston and my mother is a tenured professor at the University of Houston. My uncle is the fire chief of Houston and his partner is a lieutenant with the Harris County Sheriff's Office."

"You come from a very good family. I'm sure your parents are very proud of you."

"Yes, sir, they are and I know they will smother Colton with so much love, which is what he need right now."

"I agree completely with you Marcus. Now do you think you can get Davis up here so that I can meet him? Then I will come by tomorrow to inspect your home."

"I will tell you now that we must move things out of our other room, since we use it as a study room, but we have a pull-out couch in there if Colton wants to sleep there if not he can sleep with myself and Davis."

"That's fine for now but when I come back for my next visit I want the room situation sorted out."

"That's not a problem, Paul, we can have that done in a day or two. I know his new uncles will spoil him rotten. Trust me, he will have everything he needs."

The doctor came out and said that Colton was okay, a little dehydrated but okay. I breathed a sigh of relief and called Davis telling him to meet me at Methodist hospital. He asked me why and I told him just to meet me here and I would explain everything when he arrived.

Davis' POV

Alright, I'm scared, why does Marcus want me to meet him at the hospital? Has he been in some accident? Is he okay? What in the world is going on? I mumbled to myself as I drove to the hospital. I really hope that nothing is wrong. "Please, God, let everything be okay." I said in silent prayer as I arrived at the hospital. I went inside and found Marcus waiting for me inside. "Okay, this better be good, Marcus. What in the hell is going on?"

"Babe, calm down, I have something to talk to you about." We went to the cafeteria and grabbed a cup of coffee. "Okay, babe, here it is. I was at our favorite little coffee shop studying, when the cutest little boy came up to me and asked for some food. I gave him a couple of cookies and talked to him some more and found out that his mother is dead he saw a man kill her." Marcus stopped because he saw tears in my eyes. "Are you okay, baby?" "Yeah. . . how is the little boy, is he alright?" I asked.

"Yes, sweetie he is fine but that's why I called you down here. You see that man over there in the corner looking at us?" I turned around and saw a handsome older gentleman looking at us. "What does he want?" I asked. "He is a social worker. I want to foster Colton and eventually adopt him, babe. The minute I met him, I fell in love with him and I want us to be his fathers. I know that we talked about kids and that we wanted to wait until after we are married but honestly I really want to be a father now and I know that once you meet him he will steal your heart." As Marcus was sitting there telling me about this little guy, I was nervous. Was I really prepared to be a father at twenty-one? I mean I have always said I wanted kids but I didn't think it would happen this early, but if this little guy is as cute as Marcus said then he will steal my heart.

"Davis... Davis, are you in there?"

"Huh? . . . What? Oh, sorry. I was just thinking."

"So, what do you think?"

"To be honest, I'm a little nervous about being a parent this young. I know that we have talked about kids but that wasn't for a few years yet. But if this little guy needs us, then I am all in and it might be easier to adopt a kid now. Then, after a couple of years, we can adopt more after you finish med school."

Marcus got Paul's attention and brought him over so that I could we could be introduced. Marcus and I both signed a few forms that gave us temporary custody of Colton until the hearing where we will try to become his foster parents.

After we signed everything, Marcus took me to meet Colton. To say that I was nervous was an understatement, but I had to put that feeling deep inside. I needed to be strong for this little guy. We entered the room he was in and there he was sleeping like an angel. Marcus was right, he is adorable and he has melted my heart already; he is so precious. We sat on the couch watching him sleep, listening to his cute little snore. "You were right, Marcus." I whispered to him. "About what, babe?" he asked. "He melted my heart already and I haven't officially met him yet. I want to do this, I want him to be our son." I whispered and leaned in to kiss him. Then we heard a cute little giggle we looked over and Colton was awake.

"Hey, buddy, I'm glad your awake. Do you feel better?" Marcus asked. "I okay. I guess whose him?" Colton asked pointing to me. "This is my boyfriend Davis, Davis this is Colton."

I put a smile on my face and went over to him. "Hi, Colton, it's nice to meet you. Marcus has told me a lot about you. You are a very brave little boy and a very cute one too." I said, which made him giggle. About that time Paul came into the room with officer James.

"Hi, mister police man." Colton said with a big smile on his face. "Hello, Colton, it is so good to see such a big smile on your face." Officer James replied.

"Colton, we have spoken with both Marcus and his partner Davis and they both would like to take you home and be your foster parents pending a hearing." Paul informed Colton who looked a little confused

"What that mean?" Colton asked quietly.

"It means that for now, I and Davis will be your parents, unless you don't want to live with us." Marcus said. Colton leaped out of bed into Marcus arms and started to cry "Baby, why are you crying?"

"I'm happy. that's all." Colton said. Marcus left for a few minutes to go get car seat to put in my car and while he was gone I got to know my new son. He is a bundle of energy that is for sure but I'm looking forward to this chapter in my life. I love this little boy and I will raise him to be the best young man he can be. Marcus came back and we collected our son and took him home.

"Well dad are you ready for this?"

"You know I am!" Marcus replied. We arrived at our house and I got Colton out of his car seat and held him in my arms.

"Well, Colton, this is your new home. What do you think?" Colton looked at the size of the house. "It's so big!" We both laughed. Yes, for college students, we did have a nice house with its four bedrooms three baths and a decent back yard for a town house in the city. "Colton, are you ready to meet your new uncles?" He looked at me, "Will they like me?" "Oh, baby, they will fall in love with you just like me and Marcus have." I said giving him a little peck on the cheek. "So, if they my uncles, are you my daddy?"

"If you want me to be, yes, I will be your daddy and so will Marcus." He nodded yes and we headed inside the house. Marcus opened the door for me and we were met by are friends. Colton got really nervous being surrounded by these people he didn't know. I started to talk to him to calm him down. "It's okay baby, these are our friends and they are all really nice guys. Okay?" he nodded his head in agreement. "Colton, this is my cousin Carl and his fiance William and our friend Kenny. Guys, this is our foster son Colton. Well, we hope he becomes our foster son after the hearing." Colton was still being very shy which is understandable; meeting three new people at one time can be scary especially after the past couple of days this little guy has had. For the rest of the afternoon Colton's new uncles showered him with a lot of attention so much that Marcus and I could sneak away and do a little shopping for him.

"Marcus, do you really think that we can do this?"

"Babe, I know its soon and it's a lot of responsibility but I know that we can handle it. Look at how you instantly fell in love with Colton the moment you looked at him."

"I know Marcus and you are right, that little guy melted my heart when I first saw him and only in a few hours, I'm head over heels for him. My biggest concern is that we get some bigoted idiot that is only going to see to gay men, not to people that want to raise Colton to be a good young man. I couldn't take it if Colton could never come home with us again. Marcus, I want him for our son. I want to show him love like he deserves and erase everything that happened to him in the early years of his life. If we need to, we can move up our wedding date so that we can have him."

"I know, baby, I want him too. We just have to trust in the justice system and hopefully we will get a fair shot." Marcus said leaning over and giving me a kiss on the cheek. On our way home, we picked up some pizzas and cheese sticks this is defiantly a night for celebrating. When we got home, Colton was rolling around on the floor squealing with delight as his uncle Kenny tickled him.

"Hey! What are y'all doing to our son?" Marcus asked. "Nothing" they all said in unison, wearing innocent faces.

"Just don't sit there. Help us get this stuff put away and then we will eat. After, we have presents for a certain adorable little boy."

Colton perked up. "Is that little boy me?"

"Ummm, let me think. I don't quite remember his name; he looked like you but dang it, I am so bad at names."

"DAD" Colton said. Dad, he called me dad! I never knew how good of a feeling it is for someone to call you dad. "Are you okay, dad?" Colton asked a little worried. "Oh, I'm fine munchkin. I just didn't realize how good it would feel to be called dad, that's all." Marcus replied. Colton smiled and gave Marcus a kiss on the cheek and went about his business. The guys got everything inside and in the other room while Davis and William got dinner set out. "Colton is so adorable, Davis. I really hope things go well for you at the hearing, whenever it is."

"Me too, William. In just a day, look at the new energy he has brought to this place and did you see the new look in Kenny's eyes? Colton made him happy again I have never seen that look on his face except for when he is around Michael. Of course, who wouldn't have that look around him" Davis replied laughing. The rest of the guys came back down stairs and sat at the table; Colton sitting in Davis' lap.

"Papa what's that?" he asked pointing at the pizza.

"It's pizza, baby, have you ever had it before?"

"I don't remember having it" Colton replied.

"Here, try just the pepperoni pizza." I grabbed a piece and he took a bite and a big smile came across his face. "So, I take it you like it?" "Yum!!" was all he said. I laughed and helped him eat. Having this little boy on my lap enjoying dinner is a dream come true. I love this so much and I want many, many more nights like this one.

Hello readers sorry its been awhile so to make up for it I wrote a nice long chapter please let me know what you think I enjoy hearing from you guy you can reach me at .

Oh please let me know what you think of how the story is progressing and what you think of the new characters.

I also want to thank my editor Paul for dealing with me and being patience

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Next: Chapter 21

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