Coming Out of My Shell

By David Achterhof

Published on Oct 31, 2016


Copyright to this story remain strictly that of the author. No other publication or use of this story is allowed with the consent of the author. This story contains male on male sexual content both implied and explicit. If this offends you, please do not continue. All characters and implied situations are strictly those of the author and are not based on any real life events or characters. If you are under 18 years of age please exit this story now

Chapter 15


What Is going on here? I am having the night of my life: I became engaged to the man I love. Now we are involved in a brawl with a bunch of rednecks. I'm not a fighter. Yes, after what happen to me confronting my parents, Carl had me sign up for karate classes so I would know how to defend myself. I just choose not to fight. But, as I saw Tommy knock this guy out I knew I was going to have to fight. I stayed back when the fight started but then one of the guys advanced on me. I blocked every shot except a lucky one he got on my jaw, which knocked me back making me a little disoriented. He knocked me down with another punch to my face. The he jumped on top of me "You look scared faggot! Are you scared of me, you little bitch?" he snarled at me. I wasn't going to give him the satisfaction of saying a word, but I noticed the guy made one mistake. He just sat on my chest and not my waist. While grabbing his hands, I swung my legs up around his torso. The next thing he knew, I was slamming him into the ground and pulling his arms towards my chin. I had him pinned, so he wasn't going anywhere. I looked around and saw my friends still fighting and they were lookin' bloody. The police arrived there along with the sheriff breaking it up. Two officers came over and broke us up they put us both in handcuffs and brought us both over to the others. I sat down next to Carl up against our car with Tommy and Mario.

"I'm sorry guys, I just couldn't handle that ass-wipe talking about you like that. I love you all so much; for him to say those things to you was just unforgivable," Tommy said with a tear rolling down his cheek. "Hey buddy, don't be down for defending us. We all are so proud of you for what you did. We are glad that you aren't afraid to stand up against hate, especially defending your family and we love you for that Tommy."

The sheriff came over, "Tommy, what were you thinking?" "I'm sorry, uncle Shawn, he just kept calling them fags and I lost it. I'm tired of people saying horrible things about my friends and family because they are gay and I'm not going to stand for it anymore!" Tommy said with anger in his voice. "Tommy, I commend you for standing up for your family but you technically started this fight. I will try to protect you as much as I can but I don't know how much help I will be" "I'm sorry uncle Shawn" Tommy said starting to realize that this could get worse.

"Sheriff, we need you over here for a minute please." A deputy called to the sheriff and he started walking towards the deputy.

"Tommy, the sheriff is your uncle?" William asked. "Yeah, he's my mom's brother, but he doesn't come around much because he's not welcome." "Why?" William questioned. "Because his son is gay and he fully supports his son and loves him to death, and that's doesn't sit well with my father and mother, so he doesn't like to come around."

"Oh, I'm sorry, he seems like he is a great man." William replied.

"He is a wonderful person and I love him to death. And my cousin who has a great boyfriend, they both go to the University of Houston, when he found out about my brother and what happened he called me, then called Davis, and told him that he still loved him no matter what, but the odd part is that Marcus hasn't met him yet."

The Sheriff returned, "Okay guys, we aren't going to take you in. We are going to let all y'all off with a warning. Now Tommy, I have called your brother and Carl I called your mother, and they are on their way here now."

"Uncle Shawn, how much trouble am I in?" Tommy asked.

"Well as of right now, none. He isn't pressing charges against you yet." sheriff Shawn said. Tommy breathed a sigh of relief until he heard, "Tommy what in the hell did you think you were doing?" Tommy froze looking up seeing his brother, with his aunt on his heels, coming up to the car. "I am soo dead!" Tommy was thinking to himself.

Davis reached the others, "Hey, uncle Shawn, I'm glad it was you and not somebody else." Davis said while giving him a hug. Then turning his attention to his brother Tommy tensed up seeing the look in Davis eyes Marcus saw Tommy looking scared and put a hand on Davis shoulder "Hey, calm down, okay?"

"Calm down Marcus? He's the one that started in with a bunch of rednecks!" Davis shot back. "I know, but he was defending our friends and family so you need to chill out right now." Marcus replied while squeezing the back of Davis' neck a bit more firmly.

Tommy was still looking down at the ground feeling like crap for causing all of this. "I'm sorry, Davis." Tommy said at a whisper. Davis turned to his brother on the brink of tears now, he felt like crap, he grabbed his brother and pulled him into a tight bear hug "I'm sorry Tommy. I didn't mean to come off like I did. I was worried about you. You know how I love you and would like not seeing you get hurt. to see you get hurt," he whispered in his ear. "I know, yet I love you guys too, and I just couldn't take hearing them say those awful about them, and I snapped." Tommy said with tears rolling down his cheeks. "Shh, it's okay baby brother. I'm not angry, just scared is all." Davis said trying to calm his little brother down. "I'm just glad that you are alright." he said kissing his brother's cheek before they separated

"Uncle Shawn, thanks again for being here," Davis said as he turned to give him a hug. "No problem, nephew. By the way, aren't you forgetting something?" he asked. Davis looked confused then he saw his uncle's eyes move to the left and he saw Marcus standing there. He immediately blushed.

"Oh! I'm sorry. Where are my manners? Uncle Shawn, this is my fiance and the love of my life, Marcus Pedallow." Shawn stuck his hand out and shook Marcus but then pulled him into a hug, "It's a pleasure to finally meet you, young man. Whenever Davis and I talk he is always gushing about how, in his words, "hot and manly you are". But I will warn you, I treat Davis like a son, especially after what his father and mother did to him so you better not hurt him or cross me since you will have a big problem, you understand me?"

"Yes... yes sir, but you don't have to worry about me hurting him. I love him with every fiber of my body. So, trust me If I ever hurt him, I will personally come to your house and take a beating sir." Marcus replied. "Davis I like him; you definitely choose a good man. I'm very proud of you."

The rest of the weekend was enjoyable no more drama that was until the next Tuesday when uncle Shawn showed up at Carl's parents. Seth answered the door and invited him in, Tommy got nervous immediately "Tommy I'm sorry but the guy is suing you for assault." Tommy dropped his head he felt like his life was over. He ran out the back door; he needed air, he couldn't breathe; Mario went after him. "What are we going to do, dad? Tommy can't go to jail for defending us?"

"I'm sorry I had to do this, but I figured it would be better coming from me than a stranger." Shawn said he was feeling guilty he had to do it; his nephew was standing up for what is right. "Son we are going to handle this were going to call Jacob and have them come over and sort this out." A few minutes later Davis came flying through the door with Marcus close behind. "Where is he?" he asked. "He is out back with Mario." Carl replied. Davis took off like a shot running towards the back door. "What are the charges exactly?" Marie asked. "Well, he is being charged with assault and they want him to pay all medical bills plus suffering for his trauma totaling seventy-five thousand."

"How in the hell do they think a college student could afford that?" Marie asked

"I don't know Marie but we can charge him with a hate crime since he was using gay slurs he was baiting them so he wanted to fight. So, to me, he started this whole situation." Shawn replied

As the adults were talking, Davis was trying to calm Tommy down. "Davis, what am I going to do? Why am I being punished for defending what's right?"

Hugging his crying brother "I don't know Tommy, but we will fight this no matter what. You have the support of everybody here, even uncle Shawn. That definitely has to go for something."

Time seemed stagnant and passed in slow-motion. Finally, the dawn of the court date was upon them. Tommy had been a nervous wreck these past two months. Davis held Tommy's hand, "Look, little bro, we are all here for you plus aunt Marie is going to eat these guys for lunch!" Davis said, which brought a smile to Tommy's face. As they entered the court room, the jerk was sitting in the front of the room with his lawyer, he turned around and looked oh-so smug at us. I wanted to go over there and knock him out myself. Aunt Marie and Tommy took their seats at the front I sat right behind Tommy, the bailiff came in and spoke loudly, "All rise! The Honorable Judge Richard Barns presiding!" Then the judge entered from his chambers and took his seat.

"What do we have today?" the Judge asked. "We have Simon Baker vs Tommy Argent. Mr. Baker is suing Mr. Argent for damages after a fight which they had on July 4th of this year."

"Why couldn't you have settled this with each other, instead of coming to court?" the Judge asked.

Aunt Marie decided to say something. "Your honor, this case is completely ludicrous. My client did nothing wrong, but defending his family from intolerance." Marie said sitting down. Simon's lawyer stood "My client was assaulted for using his First Amendment right of free speech."

"Mr. Arlington. I have read the report of the incident and your client was not exercising his right to free speech." the judge replied. The lawyer sat down in defeat. "Now that this is out of the way, are you both ready to proceed?" the judge asked. Both lawyers nodded yes in agreement. Over the next hour witnesses were called for the plaintiff and aunt Marie chewed them up and spit them out. Simon's lawyer tried objecting several times but nothing worked. It was time for Tommy to take the stand he looked back at me I gave his hand a squeeze as he walked past me. The Bailiff came up to him and did the oath. "Tommy," Marie began, "please, do give us your side of the story."

"Yes Ma'am. My best friend Mario, cousin Carl, his fiance William and I were walking back to our car after the fireworks display. We needed to walk a bit farther in the parking lot since we arrived a little late and had to park farther out from the stadium. I was walking next to Mario; Carl and William were slightly behind us holding hands when this guy and his companions came up and started harassing us. We ignored them and when they started calling us `Fags', I got pissed. I got in the dude's face. I don't put up with strangers calling the people I love derogatory names, especially when they don't even know them. Did it go too far? Yes, I didn't want a fight to break out. I'm sorry for what happened, but I will not stand by and let people speak about my family because they are gay!".

"No further questions, your honor." Marie said and sat down.

Simon's lawyer arose, "I commend you for standing up for family. That is what family does for one another, but you assaulted my client for speaking his mind." "He was not speaking his mind. He was spewing vitriol because they are gay. Well, guess what they shouldn't have to put up with is a bigot who thinks he knows what god would say about gay people and be awful towards them because they are doing the same things a straight couple does. Tell me, where is the fairness in that?" Tommy shot back. He then looked at us and we all gave him a thumbs-up. The lawyer sat back down and Tommy was excused from the witness stand "We will now have a brief recess. I will think this over and give you my decision." the judge said.

Those few minutes were killing Tommy. He just wanted this to be over and done with and move on with his life. He regretted hitting the guy for sure, especially since he is in court, but he did not regret defending his family and he would do it again in a heartbeat. The judge finally came back as the bailiff called the court room to order. "You may be seated," the judge said before continuing. "I have thought hard about this case and even though, yes, Mr. Argent was wrong in assaulting you," I looked over at Simon and he had a smug look on his face "But, Mr. Baker if you had not gone over to where these young men were walking, minding their own business, you would not have been hit. You wanted a fight to start, and now you are standing behind free speech. But, because for some reason you have misunderstood and do not understand the way to use the First Amendment... I am dismissing your case, Mr. Argent, you are free to go," the judge said while hitting his gavel on the desk. Tommy jumped up and grabbed me crying tears of relief. "On behalf of my client, I thank you for your time, your honor." Aunt Marie said. The judge smiled at Marie and got up and left the court room. I was still holding my brother, telling him it was okay and that everything is good. Now we can put this behind us and that he never should think about it again.

We walked out of the courthouse, only to be met by somebody I didn't want to see ever again, my parents! I knew this was not going to be good. Tommy stepped forward, "Mom, dad, what are you doing here?"

"We heard about what happened and wanted to see how it turned out. Now do you realize what hanging out with these people gets you?" my father said while casting a disgusted looking at me.

"What the hell do you mean by `these' people? Do you mean my family? Or do you mean my gay brother, or his fiance, my gay best friend, or my gay cousin and his partner?" Tommy asked, steamed.

"You know exactly who I mean! Now come on, you are not going to stay with these people any longer. I want at least one of my sons to be a respectable member of society!" my dad snorted.

At this point I couldn't take anymore. "Screw you, old man! Tommy is a good man. He defended his family when somebody was being abusive towards them for no reason. If anyone here is not a respectable member of society, it is you! I'm proud of my brother and so is everyone here. So why don't you get the hell out of here before I need to defend my brother, and believe me it won't stop with one punch!" I said staring my father right in the eye. I said I was no longer scared of him and I never will be again. I felt Marcus pull me back from my father.

I turned to my mother, "Mom, I wish I knew how you felt, but you never talk when you see me. I wish you would talk to me, I still love you, mom. Please say something to me." I looked at my mother, hoping she would say something. "I'm sorry Davis, but I have to stand with my husband; he is right about you; I can't support your lifestyle." My mother just turned around and walked away with my father. Everything was hitting me again it seemed. I did not care about my father, but my mother! She gave birth to me; how can she turn her back on me?

My senses became distorted right there on the spot. This day was an emotional overload for my system. Marcus noticed and quickly had his arms around me as I was starting to get wobbly. Uncle Shawn helped Marcus with getting me into the car. I cried the whole way to the house, and then some. Marcus took me to his room where he proceeded to strip my clothes off and put me into bed. He followed suit, taking off his clothes and snuggling up to me, wrapping his arms around me, pulling me towards his strong firm chest. I fell asleep instantly.

I don't know how long I was out, but I woke up and it was barely light outside so I was guessing early in the morning. I got out of bed and went to use the bathroom. I smelled coffee went downstairs finding papa Jacob already moving about. "Hey buddy, how are you feeling?" he asked. "A little better, what time is it?"

"6 A.M., care for some coffee?" he asked. I slowly nodded my head in agreement. He went to the counter and poured me a cup. As I was sitting, he came around the island, put my mug down and pulled me into a hug. "Thanks, papa Jacob. You and Marcus know how to make me feel better with just a hug." He smiled at me and kissed the top of my forehead. "I'm glad you are feeling better son; you know how my Marcus gets when it concerns you."

"Yeah, I know dad." The moment I said `dad', Jacob got a tear in his eye. "Did I say something wrong? I won't call you dad if you don't want me to."

"No it isn't that. That is the first time you have called me dad and it felt good to hear you say it." Jacob replied. We sat and drank coffee until he had to go to work. I love my future father in law. He is one of the best guys I know.

I headed back upstairs. I heard my aunt Marie in the shower. I arrived at Marcus' room and stood at the door just looking at him. The view of him is adorable. Seeing him sleeping like a baby, and knowing that underneath this innocence is a person that becomes dangerous to any that would threaten me. It is quite scary. I swear, my boyfriend is very much like Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. But, I love my big ape and wouldn't trade him for anything in the world.

I slipped back into the bed and just as I was getting comfortable I felt Marcus reach over and pull me towards him. After he settled his cattle prod firmly in between my ass cheeks, he whispered in my ear, "Much better, thanks baby." We drifted off to sleep for a couple more hours before I felt my horn dog gently humping my love groove. It brought a wonderful smile to my face as I felt him enjoying our being together. Without opening my eyes and in the lowest, softest sexiest voice I knew I asked, "Are you trying to communicate something to me, lover boy?" I heard a snicker behind me. "Good mornin' stud muffin. And how are you today?" came his answer as he licked behind my ear.

"I am well. I'm feeling a lot better now. I was up earlier this morning and had a talk with dad. Just like you, he always makes me feel better, especially after one of his signature hugs." Marcus raised an eye brow at me. "Are you perving on my dad?" he said with a broad smile on his face. [I decided to play along]. "Well, he is an older version of you. I'm certain that he really knows how to treat a man in bed being well practiced in multiple, fun sex positions." I said with a dreamy supercilious smile that could rival the joker's.

"Oh really! Well then, maybe we should give my dad a call and tell him you think he is hot that you want his body"

I smacked him on his chest, pulled him down on top of me, kissing him with force and somewhat animalistic behavior. Just as he slipped his second finger into me, we heard "Boys! Breakfast is ready!!" "Damn!" I muttered. "Okay mom! We'll be right down!" Marcus added.

"You and I, dear-heart, will finish this later. And you better be just as hot! This time I'll be in control; so, you'll be a good boy and not use your hands, or I'll have to tie them. I'm gonna drive you crazy, then stop, then do it all over again until you beg me to stop. Even then, I won't stop. I have plans for later." Marcus said forcefully and lustily as his signature smile appeared. And, Oohhh, what a turn on that is any time I see it! "With you involved, I always am, my love." I answered as my resistance was melting. He leaned forward and kissed me. "Good! Now get that tight ass of yours dressed. Time for breakfast!" Dayum! I love it when he is like this. I am completely enthralled when he uses his `domination' voice.

We went down stairs and mom had a platter of breakfast burritos on the counter "Morning mom! This smells so awesome!" I said.

"Well, good morning to you too, son. Marcus, why can't you be this sweet in the morning?" mom teased him, and she knew all his buttons.

"I am this sweet in the morning! He is just sucking up because he has a crush on dad!" Marcus said with a bemused grin.

"Well I can't blame him on that one. He is hot!" mom chuckled and gave me a high five, "at least he has good taste." Marcus sat down in defeat. I went over and gave him a gentle kiss right on his feigned "pouty face" mouth and gently massaged his back, "You know, I still love you and only you. Right?"

"Yeah, I know, I just don't want to come home one day and find you and dad in bed together."

"Oh don't worry, you'll never catch us!" I laughed while running around the bar and got behind mom. Marcus was in hot pursuit and mom was busting a gut, laughing. "You have to admit Marcus; you have met your match in this one" she told him.

We ate Breakfast still laughing at each other. Marcus was still trying to keep his pity-party-pout, which made him look so cute. We spent the rest of that day just chilling by the pool. Carl and William and my brother and Mario all came over to chill in the pool as well since this was the last day of vacation before we went back to school. I loved hanging out with these guys they are the best friends a guy could have.

Mario's POV

Here I am at Marcus' house, swimming in his pool with these hot guys around me if I get out of the water they are going to see the major tent in my speedos. Damn, why did I wear them in the first place. I mean even Tommy is starting to turn me on. He is very attractive, always has been, but I never saw him that way until recently. Geez! What am I going to do? I need major help here. I don't want to try anything with Tommy because it could ruin our friendship and he is more than a friend to me, he is my brother. Maybe I should talk to Davis about what I'm feeling. He might be able to help..

The next morning, I realized how much trouble I was in, I'm all cuddled up to Tommy with a major hard on and I'm freaking out here, but then I noticed something, Tommy had his arm around me and was pulling me towards him and I felt something else. Something hard and long sticking me in the back. As freaked out as I am, I kind of like this, it feels right.

Tommy POV

"What am I doing?" I thought to myself when I woke up. I have Mario against me in an intimate position and I'm hard as a rock. Why am I hard? Am I attracted to him, am I gay? I need to have that talk with Davis now. I haven't felt like this since Disney World, I need to figure this out and fast, real fast. The last thing I want to do is hurt Mario I don't mind being gay that has never been a problem for me. As I lay here holding him, I'm realizing that I kind of like it feels warm and natural like it is meant to be could this be meant to be. I don't know, maybe I'm just confused about the whole situation; oh, what am I going to do?

thanks to everyone who still reads my story i love hearing from you so please contact me at

thanks to my awesome editor paul i couldnt do this with out you.

Next: Chapter 16

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