Coming Out of My Shell

By David Achterhof

Published on Sep 13, 2016


Copyright to this story remain strictly that of the author. No other publication or use of this story is allowed with the consent of the author. This story contains male on male sexual content both implied and explicit. If this offends you please do not continue. All characters and implied situations are strictly those of the author and are not based on any real life events or characters. If you are under 18 years of age please exit this story now

Chapter 13

"So Carl, when are you going to tell Davis?" William asked.

"Tell Davis what?"

"You know damn well what!" William replied sternly.

"I will, I promise, when the time is right. He is going through a lot right now." Carl stopped and took another breath. "William, you know I love you. I have for almost three years now. I know it's been hard on you to keep this relationship a secret all this time because I wasn't ready to tell anybody about us. But please believe me I do love you and I will tell Davis very soon. Then I will tell everyone; all of our friends and my parents." Carl said leaning forward for a kiss.

"Okay Carl. I know you love me, and I very much understand Davis' situation; that's how we fell in love. After I told my parents, they beat me and threw me out of the house. You were there for me as more than a friend and we developed strong feelings for each other that grew into love for each other." Carl smiled at this last part. "I will tell him and Marcus tonight, do you want to be there with me?" Carl asked. "If you want me to be." William replied.

"I do want you there. You are my family. I love you and I want to make it official with the rest of my family." Carl said making William cry. "Okay, I will be there. I love you Carl, so very much."

"I know baby; I love you too." Carl leaned in for another kiss.

Carl left Williams' apartment a little bit later. William remained sitting on the couch, thinking about everything that Carl had just said. Are we finally going to be able to tell everyone? Is he really ready for this? I hope I didn't push him into this. Then he started to reminisce how they fell for each other. William always thought Carl was hot, really hot, but he knew he was straight so he kept his feeling in check which was so hard especially the first time they met.

William had just completed his first week of his freshman year at Stephen F. Austin State University. He decided to go to the gym because he wanted to tone up. He wasn't flabby or anything, just skinny. He wanted to gain muscle tone on his body. He didn't know what quite exactly what to do. Maybe he should have done more research before getting started. "Oh well," he thought to himself. "I will learn as I go." he said to himself.

Carl's POV

I have been hitting the gym for the first couple of weeks of school, just doing light workouts and stuff when I noticed a guy who didn't really know what he was doing. So I decide to go over and help him.

"Hey buddy, could you use a little help?" I asked

"Umm??. Yeah, that would be great. I don't really know what I'm doing." William replied.

So, over the next few weeks', Carl helped William learn what to do. They were becoming close friends with each other. Carl found out that William is a computer science major and is from Houston like himself. William also told him that he is gay. Carl didn't have a problem with it at all. His parents always raised him to love everybody and they are as god made them.

The semester went on and it was time for Christmas break and Carl offered William a ride home. William accepted and was very grateful to Carl. "Carl, one thing, please don't let it slip about me in front of my parents when you meet them." William almost pleaded.

"Hey buddy, I got your back. You aren't the first friend I have that is gay and helped hide his secret from his parents. I did the same with Davis until he was ready." Carl said, patting William on the shoulder. Carl parked in the driveway of Will's house. It's a nice neighborhood, all the houses look the same. But that's the suburbs for you. Anyway, I helped William with his bags. The inside of the house is so cozy and warm feeling. "Mom! Dad! I'm home!" William shouted. "In the living room son" his dad called out. Carl followed William to the living room his father stood first, he is a handsome man in his mid-forties, he gave William a hug and then his mom gave him a hug. "Mom, dad, this is my friend Carl. Carl these are my parents." I extended my hand "it's nice to meet you sir." His dad shook my hand. "It's nice to meet you, young man." he replied. His mom came over and I shook her hand as well. They asked me to sit. I sat down next to William.

"Carl, William tells us that you are pre-med."

"Yes sir, my father is a doctor and I have always liked helping people. So I hope to become a pediatrician. I love working with kids"

"Very impressive, son. Is your father in the same field you are interested in?" his Dad asked.

"Yes sir. he is a prominent doctor at Texas children hospital child abuse pediatrics division." Carl replied with pride

"Impressive, and what about your mother?" William's mom asked.

"She is the Assistant District Attorney of Harris County."

"You come from a good family and a very impressive one at that." William's father replied.

"Thank you sir. I need to get to my parents' house." I said standing. "It was very nice meeting you." extending my hand to Will's parents.

"It was very nice meeting you as well. I'm glad that William has a good friend in you and hope to see you around while you are in town." William's mother said.

"Oh, you will." I said leaving. Will walked with me to the door gave me a hug and said goodbye.

For some reason as I was leaving, I felt a chill run down my spine like something is going to happen. I should have turned around and gone back in, but I didn't. That was a decision I would soon regret. At about two in the morning, my phone rang. I didn't recognize the number but answered it anyway. "Hello?" I said sleepily. "Is this Carl?" I heard a woman's voice. "Yes ma'am it is. Who is this?"

"I'm a nurse at Houston Methodist hospital. There is a patient by the name of William Anderson. He told us to call you he said you are a really good friend of his." the nurse replied.

"Is he okay? Please tell me he is okay." I was now worried to no end that my best friend could be badly hurt.

"He is stable right now. He was beaten by his parents. Can you come down? He has been asking for you."

"I will be there as soon as I can!" hanging up the phone.

I jumped out of the bed with my mind racing, going a thousand miles a minute. I'm so worried about William. I was in such a rush that I didn't leave a note for my mom and dad to tell them where I went.

As I drove over to the hospital I kept beating myself up for not telling William about the feeling I had. "Dear God, please don't let it be too bad." I arrived at the hospital and went to the front desk in the ER. "Yes, may I help?" the nurse asked

"Yes, I received a phone call that my friend William is here."

"Oh, you must be Carl. Please follow me." the nurse replied.

Carl was following the nurse to were William was. "How bad is he?"

"Well, his face is swollen as he received several blows there. His ribs are slightly bruised. Apparently his father kicked him in his ribs when he fell down from the severe beating to his face." Carl felt tears start to form in his eyes. How could somebody do this to someone who is as sweet and innocent as William? Carl was able to get himself under control and went inside, pulling the curtain closed behind him.

William looked horrible! It didn't even look like him. His left eye was swollen shut. His whole face was black and blue, while his arm is in a sling and his ribs were taped up. Carl had to turn around and look away from William. He couldn't look at him, he just didn't understand how people could react that way to their own son. Carl was able to compose himself and went over to Williams' bed gently held his hand. After a short while, William woke up and started to cry.

"It's going to be okay buddy. I'm here and nobody is ever again going to hurt my best friend. That I promise." Carl said

"They beat me Carl! They tried to beat the gay out of me! I don't have family anymore. . . I don't know what I'm going to do." William franticly said.

"Hey, you are not alone. You have me, Marcus and my family. Trust me, you are not alone. We all love you. Believe that." Carl said in a calm soothing tone.

William was released from the hospital a couple of days later. Carl never left his side. He was acting like a protective boyfriend. William enjoyed the feeling of protection and Carl's company because he was feeling so alone. Even though he knew he wasn't alone he still felt it.

Carl brought William to his own home and in his room and told him to take a nap. Carl left him to sleep and went to talk to his parents. "I put him in my room for now and he's asleep." He stopped and tried to gain his composure but he couldn't, and lost it.

"I just don't understand!" he sobbed. "I don't understand how somebody could do that to their child, their own flesh and blood." He collapsed into his dad's arms with his mom on the other side trying to calm him down. Carl was able to finally calm down. His mom and dad talked to him some more. He just let everything out that he was feeling. He didn't have time to let this stuff out before because he was trying to be strong for William. His friend he needed it. He needed for Carl to be strong and Carl knew that. But now that he was here, Carl could finally let everything out.

Carl decided to go take a shower. He needed to clear his head. Seeing that William was still asleep, he stripped right there and went into the bathroom. He relived the last few days over and over in his head. Seeing William in that state he just couldn't wrap his head around it. William is a sweet, caring, honest man. He loved William he didn't care he was gay. That should never matter. It doesn't define the person! Who they are defines a person.

William's POV

I woke up, frightened for a moment, not realizing where I was. Then I remembered I was in Carl's house, in his room. His bed smelled just like him. His smell is so intoxicating; I felt safe when I smelled him. I heard the shower running. I can't believe he is in there, naked. Damn, why am I thinking about his naked body? I'm injured, I have other things to worry about other than Carl's sexy naked body all wet and glistening. Water rolling down his sexy sculpted pecs and rock hard abs that you can grate cheese on. Damn William, get your head out of the gutter. He's straight, it's never going to happen. I heard the water shut off and pretended to go back to sleep. Carl came in wearing nothing but a towel. The thoughts that went through my head. Carl was facing away from me. As he dropped the towel, my eyes shot open. Carl had a perfect bubble butt and I wanted to kiss it so badly. It took everything I had not to do that.

William acted like he was stretching and just waking up. Carl had on just his tight black briefs which showed off his bulge very nicely. "Hey buddy, how are you feeling?" Carl asked sitting down on his bed next to William. "I don't know. Honestly Carl, I still haven't fully processed what happened. I just don't know what to do right now. I'm here in your bed and I still feel like I'm alone and homeless. I have nothing, Carl, nothing, nowhere to go, no family, nothing."

Carl pulled him into a hug "Shh?. it's going to be okay. Trust me, you have me, Marcus, my parents and all of our friends. We all love you, no matter what! We love you, and as for a place to stay, you are staying here with me and my parents." Carl said

William is listening to Carl speak but also inhaling his smell. That smell of soap and shampoo and his deodorant he smelled so good and all of a sudden something came over him and he started to kiss Carl's neck, almost suckling on it. Carl pulled away from him with a slight look of shock on his face. "Oh god Carl, I'm sorry. I don't know why I did that I really don't it will never happen again"

Carl's POV

William is kissing my neck. Why does this feel good? I'm not turned off by this in the least, it's actually starting to get me hard, I need to pull away now. "Oh god Carl, I'm sorry. I don't know why I did that I really don't it will never happen again" William said to me. But thing is, I don't want to stop. I want him to do it again and I want to do it to him. I want to feel his lips on mine, feel his lips on my neck again. I want to feel his lips all over me. What is this? I have never felt like this before. Am I gay? Do I love William? Now I'm getting confused.

The rest of break went by and William continued getting better, which made Carl really happy. His personality slowly returned and he was beginning to be like his usual self. William noticed that Carl had been off a little but he didn't know what was wrong, he started to think that maybe that kissed freaked him out more than he thought either way he need to find out why.

Carl, what are you doing? Why are you avoiding William? He is going to figure it out eventually. You liked the kiss and you like William more and more every day. Hell, you're falling for him and you know it. You just have to admit it to yourself. Carl, I know it's scary but you have to acknowledge that you are in love with a man. So what? You know you have great people around you, it won't matter to any of them.

"I never thought of myself as gay, but I have dated girls and didn't like any of them. Any women I have had sex with, I didn't feel anything. William gets me hard. When he kissed my neck I felt passion. It didn't feel unnatural to me at all, it felt so normal and natural I want more. I want to taste his lips. I want to taste his neck. I want to hold him and cuddle with him. I'm in love with William. There is no denying it anymore Carl. You are in love with a man and that man is William." He said to himself sitting on his couch in his apartment.

William invited Carl over for dinner and they were talking and joking around while they ate, but William decided it was enough with the pleasantries and brought up the subject, "Hey Carl, got a question for you. Why have you been avoiding me?"

Carl was shocked by the question. "I haven't been avoiding you Will, honest. I just have been busy with school, I swear." Carl replied hoping they could move on.

"Carl, since school started, we have only hung out once, and school has been back in session for over a month. What's up? Did that kiss bother you and you aren't telling me? Please, just tell me what's going on Carl. I want to know so that we can move past it." William pleaded with him.

Carl looked down at the table for a few seconds then said, "Your right, William, I have been avoiding you because I had to do a lot of thinking to do. When you kissed my neck I was surprised at first. It felt good to me and I didn't want to stop. I wanted to do the same to you, but I had to stop you. I started to get excited and I didn't know what was going on. I didn't want to do something so fast that I would regret later. I guess I started having these feeling that night in the hospital when I saw you all beat up. All I wanted to do was go to your house and beat your dad's ass. I wanted to protect you, and hold you, and try to take the pain away from you. Over the last month, you have been on my mind all the time. I missed being around you, having fun goofing off, touching you. I want it all but I was scared. I still am scared because I never thought I would fall in love with a man. But I love you William. There is no doubt in my mind how I feel for you. I may not be ready to be out to everybody, but if you will be patient with me, I would love to be your boyfriend."

William couldn't believe what he was hearing. "Carl says he is in love with me and that's why he's been acting distant." He thought as his mind went into overdrive.

He loves me! I never thought I would ever find somebody, especially somebody like Carl. "Carl I have been in love with you since you came over to me that first day in the gym. You looked so hot, all sweaty and muscles bulging. I knew I was in trouble because I instantly liked you I know that is clich? but it happened. Then when you were there for me, when my parents beat me and threw me out, I went head over heels even harder. When I kissed you, it was an accident. All of my emotions just hit me at once and I kissed you. You smelled so good and your natural man-smell was intoxicating to me. I thought that after I did that, you hated me by how you were acting, but now I see that I was wrong and I understand you doing what you did. I also understand you not wanting to be public. Take all the time in the world. I love you Carl and that will never change."

They kissed as they rose from the sofa. It was a most impassioned, loving kiss. The depth of their souls met and blended in a way that defies description as they held each other close, pressing their bodies together. All their pent up desire for each other was released in that kiss. All their senses were firing messages of desire. . . then they slowly pulled apart, slowly regaining their breath, with their arms still entwined. They were gazing into each other's eyes, sending messages unspoken.

"I have wanted to do that all month long." Carl whispered.

"Well you didn't disappoint, my love." William answered with a smile.

William is at Carl and Davis' place and all are having a good time talking and laughing at old exploits. Then that moment William was so nervous about arrived.

Carl drew the attention to speak directly to them. "Davis, Marcus, I have something I need to tell you???. Umm, for the last two and a half years I have been in a relationship with someone. I love this person very much and hope to get married to him someday." Carl stopped to catch his breath and train of thought. "And that person who I have been dating is William."

There was nothing but silence, it was so quiet that a pen could be heard dropped on the other side of the condo. Nobody said anything. They were just looking at each other in a state of shock. William was looking at Davis who didn't look that shocked for some reason but he could tell that Marcus was not really sitting well with this.

Carl was afraid to speak any more. He could tell Marcus was angry. He knew his best friend well, and that he would be upset for keeping this secret from him for over two years. Finally, Carl decided to talk. "So what do you think?" Everyone remained silent. "Please, will one of you say something?" Carl pleaded.

"Well I don't know exactly how to feel, Carl. I'm glad you have found someone who you are deeply in love with, but I just wish you would have told me sooner. It might have helped me this past year." Davis replied.

"I'm sorry Davis, I just was so scared. Unlike you, I'm not brave. I may put on a brave face but I haven't told anybody about my relationship with William. I just wasn't ready. But now I think it was a mistake to not tell anyone." Carl replied looking over at Marcus who was definitely struggling with his emotions. Marcus got up and abruptly left the room. Carl was hot on his heels.

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter I have had this idea for Carl from the very beginning I hope you liked it the next chapter will be interesting

As always you can reach me at I love hearing from you guys

Thank you again to my wonderful editor Paul I love you buddy you put up with my crazy ass.

Next: Chapter 14

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