Coming Out of My Shell

By David Achterhof

Published on Aug 4, 2016


Morning arrived too soon. Each one slowly appeared, scratching their heads and other parts, making the usual groans and noises of a still sleepy group. "Marcus, can you order up room service?" I mumbled. "I need a big cup of coffee this morning." Room service arrived and I dove on the coffee and grabbed a bagel sandwich. Inside I still felt bad about last night and I wanted to say something about it. "Hey guys, I just wanted to apologize for last night. I didn't mean for things to go that far. I guess drama follows me every time I go out" I said looking down at my coffee. "Do I need to come over there and slap some sense into that thick head of yours" I heard Tommy say. I looked up at my brother and Tommy is giving me an annoyed look.

"Bro, last night was not your fault! It was that slutty bitch who couldn't take a hint and you did what you always do: protect your little brother. Hell, I was scared for the bastard. I know how you are when you are protecting me" Tommy said. "I know that I just wish that every time I went to a gay club that I wouldn't get involved in a drama. I'm just glad this time didn't turn into a major brawl like the last time" I related.

"What do you mean last time, Davis?" I heard Tommy ask and at that moment I realized I never told them the story of what happened in Dallas when I went down for a showcase weekend.

"Okay, remember when I came home from my showcase Saturday, my arm was injured and I said I cut it really bad when I tripped and fell?" Tommy and Mario both shook their heads yes. "Well, I didn't fall. We were in Dallas at a club and a guy wouldn't leave Marcus alone so I claimed Marcus as mine right in front of him, and apparently this pissed him off because he and his friends followed us as we went outside. A fight started and the bitchy leader came after me. He pulled a knife while we were scuffling. I pulled my baton as he came at me. I misjudged what he was going to do and he swung his knife and caught my arm."

"So wait a minute. You tell me you had a great time but neglected this. Why Davis?" Tommy asked

"Ummm???? bro, if you remember, I wasn't out of the closet yet so I couldn't tell you what happened." I glanced down, again feeling ashamed that I never told Tommy this. (Marcus' phone rang so he left to answer it.)

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner Tommy. I had just put the event out of my mind."

"Hey, it's okay. I'm not mad and I understand why you didn't tell me" he said and hugged me. Marcus walked back into the room. "Who's on the phone babe?"

"Oh, it was just my parents wondering how our trip is goin'. So what do we want to do today?" Marcus asked

"Well I want to go to Epcot and look at the exhibits" I said grabbing Marcus hand. "Yeah I like that strolling hand in hand with my sweetie" he replied.

"I think we are going to go to the Disney Hollywood studios we don't want to be gagging all day watching you to be all cutesy with each other" Carl said the other to shaking their heads in agreement.

"We aren't that bad! All y'all are just jealous" I shot back.

We dressed casual and left for the various parks. I am really looking forward to spending the day with Marcus. Don't get me wrong, I love the guys, I really do, but it's nice to get to spend some alone time with Marcus.

We were standing in The Epicenter of Epcot. The big dome is not much but it is beautiful in its own way. Marcus and I are taking pictures in front of the orb. "Y'know Marcus, one day I would love to go to some of these place we have looked at today."

"I do too, baby and I want to be able to give you whatever you want."

"Marcus, you don't have to do that babe. I have what I want." I replied

"But I want to, Davis, you make me happy when you smile", Marcus said, "and I want to keep that beautiful smile on that face as long as I can."

With that said, he went down on one knee, opened a small box, drew a deep breath and said, "Davis will you do me the honor of marrying me and making me the happiest man in the world?" I was shocked. I did not expect him to propose. "YES! Marcus, oh yes! I will marry you!" I said. He slipped the ring on my finger, grabbed me and pulled me into a kiss. I didn't care. I wanted to kiss him! He is going to be my husband and I will be his! As we broke apart, there was clapping around us from people congratulating us. Of course, there were a couple stares but I didn't care.

I have every right to kiss my gorgeous fianc? in public. I am so happy right now. I know Marcus is the only man I want to be with for the rest of my life and I had tears running down my face. They are happy tears. I never thought I would find the man of my dreams this young in my life but I did. Marcus is everything I have ever wanted. "Marcus, I'm so happy right now but I do wish the guys were here to see this!" Marcus just had his signature million-dollar smile on his face "Who said they're not?"

I turned around and there were the guys standing and watching. Tommy broke into a sprint and wrapped me into a hug. "Bro, I'm so happy for you. I couldn't think of a better man for you to marry" he said taking a breath. Turning towards Marcus, "Now you better take good care of my brother or it's me and you!" Tommy said sternly while poking Marcus in his ribs. Marcus just laughed and pulled Tommy into a hug. "Don't worry little bro. I will take very good care of him." The guys came up and congratulated us each on our engagement. I'm so happy right now!! I have the man of my dreams with me we are engaged to be married.

We headed from the park and went back to the hotel for the night. That evening, we called our relatives who were very excited for us. Marcus' dad made me promise to start calling him dad. I also found out that Carl and the others had already booked a table in the hotel's restaurant. We dressed smartly and were all having a great time. When the management found out about our engagement, they sent over a bottle of champagne, with their compliments. I was on cloud nine!

I decided that tonight I was going to give myself to Marcus. I want this night to be special and I can't think of anything more special than losing one's virginity to the guy you are going to marry on the night he proposed.

So, as we were sitting at dinner celebrating Marcus' and my engagement, having a GREAT time I might add, I knew I had to sneak away from the guys so I could get ready for Marcus. "Hey guys, I'm feeling a little tired so I'm going to go up and get a shower and unwind a bit."

"Are you okay babe? You want me to come with you?" Marcus asked.

"No, I'm fine. Y'all sit and finish having a good time. It's just been a very long day for me, that's all."

"Okay, if you are sure." Marcus said. But I knew he wasn't sure. I love Marcus but there are times he can be a real worrywart.

I went upstairs to our room and went to a bag that I brought but had not opened. In it was a black jockstrap, a bottle of lube and a cleaning kit. I took off my clothes and was extra thorough in the shower. I cleaned myself out and washed myself with extra care. I even shaved again. I wanted to be showroom clean for Marcus. I splashed on a little cologne, went into our room and put on the jock. I remembered I forgot something in the bag. I dug in the bag and found my black sarong I tied it around my waist and looked in the mirror. I was really happy with how my body looked. Marcus and Carl had thrown my ass in the gym the first week of school. I am starting to get abs and definition in my pecks, I lost all my extra weight and Marcus is so proud of the work I have done to my body. He loved me the way I looked before but he is so proud with how hard I have worked to make myself look better. I am starting to see what he sees. I am average looking but I like how I look right now. I heard the hotel room door open so I turned around and stood there waiting for my future husband to come through that door.

I am nervous for my first time, who wouldn't be? Yet I know that I am ready and want to make love to Marcus. As I climbed out of my thoughts, Marcus came through the door. "Hey stud" I rumbled in a low sexy voice. I almost laughed at his response. His jaw hit the floor while his eyes bugged out. That was the reaction I was hoping for. I slowly went over to him, took both his hands and put them around me while kissing him passionately, pushing my tongue in as far as I could. He was rubbing his big strong hands up and down my back steadily getting lower until he got to my ass where he proceeded to knead it like dough, squeezing and rubbing it. Damn! It felt incredible. He knew how to play me. He started to kiss my neck gently biting it making me moan into his ear which always turns him on.

As he picked me up, I wrapped my legs around his strong firm torso, wrapping my arms around his neck while leaning in for another kiss. He walked up to the bed; I could feel his bulge rubbing against my ass. Hmmm, my baby is horny tonight. Good, I want him horny!

He laid me on the bed, pulled his shirt off and proceeded to lay on top of me, putting most of his weight onto me. He felt so strong and warm against my bare skin. His kisses are wonderfully passionate, like fire. I know this man loves me just by how he touches me but when he kisses me it feels so much exhilarating. I feel connected with him as he is laying on top of me kissing my neck. I rub my hands across his strong muscular back, feeling each muscle flex as he moves. He broke the kiss and looked at me with his deep dark eyes and had a tear in his eye. "Baby, what's wrong?" I asked stroking his cheek.

"I'm just so happy right now. I'm engaged to the man of my dreams and I honestly didn't think it would happen for a long time but here I found you in a year and you are everything I want in a man. You are smart, adorable, loveable, funny and a great kisser with the cutest butt on earth."

"Marcus baby, I could say the same about you. If you would have told me a year ago that I would be lying in bed with a hot muscle god I would have slapped you silly. Fantasies happen and I am in bed with him" I said, leaning forward for another kiss, pulling him to me and rolling us so that I straddled on his waist. I sat up and his hands were all over my body while I slowly ground my hips into his crotch making him hard. His hands were on my chest, pinching my nipples, making me moan. I leaned forward again and kissed him then I started to travel down his hot sculpted body kissing and licking every inch of his hard stomach. I reached in between his legs undoing his belt and unbuttoning his tight jeans. His extremely hard cock was happy to break free from its bonds. "Looks like somebody is happy to see me."

"Oh yeah baby, he has been at attention since he saw you in that outfit" he said with his sexy ass smile. "Good! Then I'm doing my job" I smiled.

I stuck my hand down his open jeans and felt a big wet spot I looked up at him and gave him a knowing evil grin as I pulled his jeans off and threw them across the room "My, my, my! And you said I was the horny one" Marcus said, and I giggled at him. I licked the wet spot in his briefs. Damn, does his juice taste good!

I slowly pulled down his briefs letting his cock spring free and slap against his hard abs. I licked his big balls, then slowly got to the top of his hard cock and took the big mushroom head into my mouth, swirling my tongue around it. Marcus started to moan as I started to go lower and lower on his cock. Each time a little more went in my mouth and down my throat. I finally got all nine thick inches down my throat and nestled my nose into his pubes breathing in his scent.

"Oh god baby, your mouth is so talented I love it when you suck my dick. Fuck help! He said as he arched his back placing a hand on my head, "baby you got to stop or ahhhhhhhhh, I'm going to blow." but I didn't stop.

I continued taking him down my throat as far as I could. "Oh god baby, it's coming, Ohhh fuuuuuhhhccckkkk!" he shouted thrusting his hips into me. his dick going down my throat. He swelled up and shot seven huge shots down my throat. I stayed there until I had milked him dry. I pulled off of him laid on top of him with my head just under his chin. "Damn baby, that was so fucking hot" he said still trying to catch his breath. "I'm glad you liked it but we aren't done for the night," I said.

"I know I still have to service my baby," he said, kissing the top of my head.

"Not tonight, hon. Tonight you are going to make love to me" I said. He froze and I looked at him. He slid me off of him and looked at me "are you sure, baby?"

"Yes Marcus, I want to make love to the man I love and am going to spend the rest of my life with". He looked deep into my eyes and knew I was telling him the truth. He kissed me and untied the sarong letting it fall to my side. I spread my legs a little taking his hand and putting it on my ass. Taking a little lube, he massaged down my taint and slowly circled my hole. Gently, ever so gently he started applying a little pressure around my rosebud, helping me to relax. He picked up a little of my pre-cum and used it as a lubricant on his finger as he slowly pressed into me. He figured my moaning would be too loud with the others in the next room, so he placed his mouth on mine and started to kiss me in a way I didn't think possible. I was being made love to at both end and my body was reacting with twitches and shocks I never felt before. I felt as if I were drugged. My hole started to squeeze his finger with each entrance. He added a second finger, slowly stretching my love chute with his large fingers. I thought I had gone to heaven, and then he hit that spot inside.

Electricity shot through my entire being. Moaning is the least of what I was doing now. Oh god did I love it, he put another one inside of me, this time rotating his fingers to stretch my hole for his large thick pole. He was kissing the side of my neck and nibbling at my earlobe, as his fingers kept massaging me. My own cock was ridged and pressed against my stomach as my own lubricant kept coming out. "Oh baby make love to me. I want it now, I need you, I can't take any more, please!!" I begged him.

He kissed me and then applied more lube to my cherry and put extra on his pulsing hard cock. "You ready baby?" he asked. "Yes I am, my love. Come and claim your husband" I said. "Anything you desire, baby." I felt the pressure of his head press against my entrance. I let out a small gasp as his thick mushroom head popped inside my ring. He waited a little and the pain subsided. He watched my face intently, not wanting to hurt me. Then he pressed in a little farther. Now the pain was changing to a more enjoyable sensation. As he passed that special spot, I thought I was going to shoot right then. He smiled and continued until he was full in. He waited a moment and then slowly started to pump himself in me.

"I'm all the way inside of you baby and does it ever feel amazing. You are soo tight and it feels like a thousand vibrations are massaging my pole. I love it"

He slowly pulled almost all the way out of me then pushed back in, and he did this for a few minutes before he got his rhythm and started to speed up and then he would slow down. "Oh god baby, this feels so fucking good I love having your cock inside of me" I was moaning louder and starting to sweat, my head was swaying back in forth as Marcus is giving me a pleasure overload. Then he made sure to hit my prostate. I started to spray my load between us. Some reached the wall behind my head, some flew onto his chest. "Ahh fuck Marcus! Breed me make me yours! Damn, you feel so good inside of me" I shouted. "Oh baby, this ass is all mine, nobody else, my territory alone" he said claiming me. That makes me hot; he is so primal and it is such a turn on. We are both so hot right now his sweat is dripping on me with every thrust my back is arched so far I look like a bridge. My ring was still clenching around Marcus' monster. "I've never seen someone shoot without touching themselves," Marcus started saying. This was followed quickly by "here it comes baby. . . Ahh ggrrr. . .ahh. . .ffuuuhhccckkkk!" he shouted as he dumped his second load into my ass. I could feel his member pulsing inside of me as each volley was sent. I started shooting a second time and my ass ring clapped down tightly on his cock making it even more hot. Marcus collapsed on top of me completely exhausted but with a most wondrous smile on his face. He kissed me gently as he remained inside of me. Then as he softened, he withdrew with a pop.

"I love you Marcus thank you for being patient with me. I'm sorry I made you wait this long but now I'm glad it is more special."

"Babe, I didn't mind the waiting. I love you, and I would have waited as long as you wanted me to. Tonight was absolutely fantastic! You completely drained me. You are a wonderful lover, sweetie, and I look forward to making love to you for the rest of our lives." he said to me. and kissed me. He rolled to the side and after a few moments he dozed off.

Here I am, lying naked in bed with the man I love, my future husband who just made love to me. I never realized how I would feel so differently after making love with someone that truly loves you. I feel so much more connected with Marcus now that we have had sex, I feel like I have a part of him in me and he a part of me. I look forward to what the next stage of our lives will have for us. I know we will get married before he starts medical school and then we will have children after he is graduated and has a good job. Hopefully, I will already be a working in cybercrimes by then. I want to be successful and so does Marcus. However, we will not do that and sacrifice time with our children no matter what. I drifted off with my arm draped over Marcus' chest. I awoke slightly during the night when Marcus got up to go to the bathroom. He finished and came back to bed cuddling up to me and went back to sleep.

The next morning, I woke up and had to piss like a race horse. I was walking a little bowlegged this morning. My ass was a little sore but I loved everything that happened last night. I rinsed off the dried cum and sprayed a little cologne in the air. It definitely had a man-sex smell in our room.

Finally making love to Marcus was everything I had hoped for. I hear most people don't have a fantastic first time. But I think that is why I waited. I wanted my first time to be special not some random fuck from a guy I had no feelings for but somebody I truly loved. I went back to bed and snuggled with Marcus who woke up as I climbed into bed.

"Good morning baby" he said in my ear kissing my cheek. "And how is my stud muffin this morning?"

"I'm fantastic I made love with the man of my dreams in the most magical place on earth" I said to him playing with my engagement ring.

Marcus started to rub my ass, "And how is my play area this morning?"

"It's a little sore but it's fine. I did have a fence post shoved up it, y'know!" I said laughing while turning my head to meet his lips. We showered, dressed and left our room. The minute we walked out, our dipshit friends broke into a round of applause, at which of course I turned as red as freaking apple. But leave it to my fianc? to come up with a counter-jab, "Look what we have Davis. a group of jealous horn dogs" he shot at them with a wicked glance "the next time y'all can come and watch. Trust me, it's quite the show!"

I noticed Mario adjusting himself and even my brother and Carl did a little adjusting there. "Like we really want to see that!" Tommy, my smart mouth brother, shot back. So I decide it was my turn to play. I took Marcus by the hand, sat him in a chair I pulled my shorts off knowing I had only a jock on and straddled Marcus' legs and kissed him forcing my tongue down his throat grinding my ass into his crotch really putting on a show for are audience. I broke the kiss and smiled at my baby. I looked out of the corner of my eye and all three were staring at us and I notice tents in all three of their shorts. "Well, well, well! Look who never turned away." They all blushed. I looked at Marcus, he nodded knowing what I was going to do next. I went over and sat on Mario's lap. "Aww, is all of that for me? Why aren't you a sweetheart" I leaned in and kissed him. I broke the kiss and got up and sat between my brother and Carl I stuck my hands down both of their shorts. "Now what do we have here? Looks like two straight boys got turned on by the show." I went back and sat on Marcus lap. Our work was done! Those three were so red you could have grilled a steak on their faces. I thought it was so funny seeing them like this, Marcus and I just broke out laughing. I didn't expect for Carl and Tommy to get excited at all. Maybe they have a gay side that we don't know about but I'm not going to push them on it. They will tell me in their own time.

We all dressed and headed to Universal Studios. We are spending the last two days of our vacation there. I'm really looking forward to it since they have the Harry Potter theme parks here and I'm a huge Harry Potter nerd.

I have had such a great time on this vacation. I got engaged and made love to the best guy in the world. I spent a week of fun with my best friends that I will never forget. Of course I don't want this vacation to end but things can't go on forever. I loved being able to hold Marcus' hand without caring and I shouldn't care what people think of me and my relationship. I guess I still have some walls I need to break though before I'm 100 percent but I'm not going to hide my feelings for Marcus in public. If he wants to hold my hand, I'm not going to flinch. If he wants to steal a kiss, I'm not going to freeze up. That part of me is done. I don't care if there are bigots who despise us. I love Marcus and that is never going to change.

So Marcus and Davis finally made sweet love I hope you all like this I really enjoyed writing this chapter.

I want to think everyone who reads my story I really appreciate it

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