Coming Apart Far Blast

Published on Jul 4, 1997



Coming Apart: Far-blast

by Cleo Kraft

Waves pounded against the dark shadow of the coastline and a galleon sailed on through the gray mist.

A lone fire burned brightly within a sea cave beneath the cliffs of the island. Inside the musty cavern were assembled three young women, standing around a black cauldron and whispering words of ancient tongue and evil ways.

A blood red liquid bubbled away in the iron pot and the women took turns stirring the foul fluid. The women were wearing black dresses, and dusty black boots. There was a redhead, a blonde, and a brunette. While they were not exactly ugly, as most witches usually were, these women fared little better than average for looks.

"Okay, you two have cast your conditional curses," the redhead said."And now it's my turn to ensure that my husband remains faithful to me."

"Okay Gretch," the blonde said stepping back from the fire. "I think it's ready."

Gretch, the redhead, took out a leather pouch and undid the string on it. Then she emptied the contents, which looked remarkably like fingernails, into the cauldron.

"Fire, fire, curses from hell, accept this gift and bind my spell," Gretch said as the flames rose and then subsided.

Gretch pulled a long sticky cloth from another bag and dropped it into the bubbling red brew.

"Belshar, Reema, Etchon, Rath, take this mans seed into your bath," all the women chanted together.

Gretch paused for a moment and put her finger to her chin as she pondered what to say next.

"The hair," whispered the blonde.

"Oh, thanks," Gretch said with a shrug as she bend down and took out a lock of brown hair and tossed it into the vat.

"Curses, curses, stir and whirl, the soul of him with another girl. If the seed, and all its need, be in her body, face, in deed, then let this curse make them plead," Gretch said and had to stop to take a swig out of a bottle of wine before continuing.

"The rest, say the rest!" the blonde urged.

Gretch wiped her face with her sleeve and continued,"Let them plead for the fluid in this pot, to each to have and to have not. Else keep them in each others place, the curse, the curse, for their disgrace."

A large black cloud emerged from the cauldron and a wicked peal of thunder sounded across the bay.

Gretch fell to her knees, exhausted from this evenings spellcasting.

"It's done," the women said together.

Out on the deck of the Scurvy Sod, Captain Bluebeard winced in a moment of pain that filled his body as if he had been struck by the plague.

"What is it captain?" one of the mates asked.

Bluebeard regained his senses and drew out his sword.

"Thar's not gonna be no excuses. Hoist yer arse outa me sights an' return ta below deck! An' don't tell a soul yer seen me like this, neither, er you'll be fish food," Bluebeard said angrily. It wasn't good for any of his crew to see him at a disadvantage. Not for a moment.

When the deck was clear again, the captain muttered,"I'll not be gettin' the sea death by the black plague. Tis' me honor to kill again, then I die by the sword. Far-blast! It's me supper. I'll kill the cook!"

With that, the captain strode off to below deck with his sword still in hand.


(One week later....)

The harbor of Freysville seldom was visited by pirate ships but today was a special occasion. A certain captain was back for his treasure and there wasn't a soul on earth that could stop him.

By the time the first rowboats hit the beach, the word had already gotten out in the village.

People scattered from their homes for fear of their lives. A small band of brave men gathered some swords and stood at the head of town in wait for the intruders.

Bluebeard led his routy band of thugs up the worn path through a bit of jungle.

"Kill the men, rape the women, save the loot fer desert!" Bluebeard ordered and his small army charged forward.

Swords clashed when the pirates met the townsmen who bravely stood guard but the small garrison was no match for the more experienced swordsplay of Bluebeards crew.

"Taste yer own blood yer scurvy trout!" Bluebeard said twisting his sword out of his victims belly and thrusting the blade through the dying mans mouth.

Within minutes the garrison was defeated and not a single pirate had suffered more than a scratch.

The town was scoured. The rest of the men were killed and most of the women were raped (the pirates didn't take kindly to old women).

Bluebeard walked through the town as the raping continued and the sounds of many girlish screams wailed out into the cobblestone street. Bluebeard grabbed a knife out of a dead mans chest and walked over to a fallen cart. Then he used the bloody knife to slice a piece of bread that was on the ground.

From his kneeling position he could see the white ruffled material of a dress. Upon closer look there was a young red headed woman hiding behind some barrels. Her white dress did little to hide her beauty.

"Ah," Bluebeard said standing up and discarding the piece of bread he was about to eat. He was gazing at her glistening red shoes. "Sorry, me lady, if me men got blood on yer little white shoes."

The girl stood up and took a few steps backward toward an open doorway. Then she turned and ran inside the wooden house.

"Tis easy!" Bluebeard said following the path of blood.

The red-speckled trail led through the house and out the back door.

"Come back, me lady!" Bluebeard called out. He brushed off some blood from his hands onto his black vest and walked over to the stables.

Pushing the door open, he stepped inside to the smell of hay and manure. Flies buzzed around in the air and a few horses shuffled in their stalls.

He heard something move just around the corner.

"Tis no place fer a lady to hide," the pirate captain said with a leer on his face as he caught a glimpse of leg as the woman climbed up a ladder and into the loft.

"Yer know what?" Bluebeard said as he began to climb the rungs."I've got a fix fer yer spunk an' 'tis redheads like you what makes me life worth livin'."

The girl cried out from the corner of the hayloft.

"No, please, don't...." she begged in tears.

Her little green eyes watered and she began to tremble.

Bluebeard lifted his cloak from his back.

"Tis lucky, yer is," the pirate assured her. "I want yer only once. Me men woulda done ya ten times over b'now." He lifted his piratey skirt and pulled down his black tights.

The woman scrambled to get away but Bluebeard grabbed her arm.

"Yer jus' like me wife was," Bluebeard told her. "But me wife is an ugly wretch. gots form."

He ripped the top of her dress open, exposing her large breasts. The nipples were erect, confirming consent, according to Bluebeard, that is.

He lifted her dress and found she wasn't wearing anything on her legs and had no undergarments on either.

"Lucky fer yer ladies, we men keep yer in dresses," Bluebeard said as he leaned forward and entered her. "Makes it lots easier ta have a quick one."

Now to pirates, rape was no big deal compared to all the murders and stealing that went on. Bluebeard felt sorry, in a way, for women because they got abused like this so frequently. But, hell, Bluebeard was a pirate and he had to prove it, too.

The forced entry wasn't even exciting to him anymore but he felt it was his duty and obligation to keep up a tyrant role.

He had her arms pinned down by his own and his knees kept hers spread apart. A few minutes later he climaxed in her.....and felt something squirt inside himself in a cavity that he never knew existed before.




It felt weird to the pirate. It was sort of like a stream of water squirting in little bursts and at high velocity, but this was different and the odd splattering continued for a few moments longer within him.

Reality seemed to have changed because Bluebeard felt as though he'd spun around and was lying on his back with someone over him.

His arms were immobile. Pinned somehow.

His legs were stretched wide from side to side and also pinned in some fashion.

The body above him seemed to go lifeless and as it fell to smother poor Bluebeard, he looked up and saw his own face.

"Far-blast!" cursed Bluebeard in a muffled female voice from under the body of the man atop her.

The curse had worked. The pirate and the girl had switched bodies.

She used all her might and pushed the smelly pirate off herself. His penis slipped out of her vagina leaving a trail of semen along her leg as the sleeping man rolled over.

"Me heavens!" Bluebeard, the girl, exclaimed sitting up and grabbing at her breasts. "I'm a wench!"

No, a memory in her new mind reminded her she was Tanya Jefferson, a woman of class, NOT a wench.

"What's this now?" she asked herself. "Is me mind talking jibberish to me?"

She stood up, sore from the rape, and her knees trembled weakly as she looked down at the sleeping pirate she used to be.

There were some noises down below. And a moment later another pirate climbed up into the loft.

"Did you kill Bluebeard?" the mate asked.

"No....I...." she started to say but looked on in shock as her crewman walked over, pulled out his sword, and stabbed the body of Bluebeard in the back.

"Good, because I wanted to kill him," the mate said and took her by the arm.

"Let me go," she cried, struggling uselessly.

She felt his fist club her across the jaw.

Then she passed out.


She woke up sometime later in the cargo hold of the Scurvy Sod. There were other girls there all around her.

"Wha....?....What happened?" she asked rubbing her aching jaw. A blonde teenage girl answered,"Hi, my name is Anne. We've been taken by the pirates. They're gonna auction us off when we get to the next port."

"Me name is Bl-," Bluebeard, the girl, started and then said,"Me name is Tanya Jefferson. Did yer says AUCTION?"

"Yep," Anne said nodding. "I hope I get a good husband."

Tanya, formerly Bluebeard, looked around and saw how battered all the women were.

"Tis a miracle they're alive," Tanya said looking at her own torn dress.

"Yeah, but you know men," Anne said. "Especially pirates."

The next few weeks were pretty boring. Tanya learned she had to pee sitting down and even then it was difficult to get used to. She even had time to experience a period and was unsettled at the whole thing. Every now and then some of the crew would come down and borrow some of the women and take them away but the women always returned with more bruises than before.


One day, Tanya was woken up by a mate.

"Get up, you little whore," the crewman said pulling her up to her feet.

He was a dirty blonde man, Tanya remembered his name.

"Matt?" she said in astonishment. "Now yer leave me 'lone, Matt."

"Ah, shucks," Matt said. "Wilson, you can have this one. She just took all the fun out of it for me by getting my name. I guess I HAVE done her before."

Wilson walked over and grabbed her and took her up to the deck.

"Where is ya takin' me?" Tanya asked as she tried to keep up. Her bare feet splashed in a puddle left behind by the ocean.

To her surprise, she was taken to her own, former captains quarters.

The room was a long familiar place for Bluebeard He'd raped many young maidens in this room over the years of his tyranny. This time was different. This time Bluebeard was the girl.

She was picked up and thrown violently onto the large bed.

She briefly crawled up to peer out the back windows of the ship.

There wasn't land in sight out there. It was all ocean.

She turned around and saw Wilson removing his clothes.

It seemed so harmless. She just watched him in a trance as he revealed his hard dick.

"No...." she said grabbing at pillows and putting them before her as some sort of barrier. "Keep away....."

He climbed up onto the bed and tossed the pillows aside.

"You're mine now," he said as his mouth went for her left breast and began to suck on her nipple. His tongue licked at her breast and he nibbled her.

There was no permission and she was helpless to do anything about it. This crewman was taking advantage of her. Just because she was weaker, this crewman was doing this. If she'd been strong somehow, she could stop this but she was powerless.

"Stop!" she cried as he went for her other breast. "I am not a girl!" He looked up at her with a grin and lifted her dress up quickly. He poked a finger up into her vagina and pulled it out.

She trembled.

"Oh no?" Wilson asked as he brought his wet finger to his mouth and licked it. "Where did this delicious stuff come from then?"

"You pig!" she said kicking her feet uselessly under his weight.

He jiggled her breasts with his hands and said,"Sure feels like a girl to me. I dunno....Let's see.....If you really aren't a girl then I couldn't do THIS!"

He thrust his penis into her vagina and smiled at her with a look of satisfaction. She felt the fullness of his flesh inside her and suddenly her eyes widened and she was dancing to a different tune.

She reached around and hugged him close to her.

"Me mate...." she said getting hot.

He began to thrust in and out of her.

Tanya felt herself getting all wet and excited down between her legs. Her nipples were hardened.

A few moments later she felt the squirting sensation within her and Wilson was finished - but she didn't climax yet.

"Far-blast," she said disappointedly.


When the ship finally docked, the women were off loaded and hauled off to the town square.

Tanya and the other girls had their arms tied behind their backs with stiff, tight rope. Crowds of men gathered around for the auction.

Tanyas dress was still torn and her breasts were exposed. Men were leering at her breasts but she couldn't cover up because her hands were tied.

"Wenches! Get'cher wenches here!" a pirate called out to the crowd."Who'll start the bidding for this one?"

"One shilling!" a man in the crowd yelled out.

The pirate doing the auctioning looked at the homely woman and said,"Done. Take her away!" It went on like that for over an hour and then finally it was Tanyas turn to be sold.

"Ah, a fine redhead," the auctioneer said. "Who'll buy this wench?"

"One piece of eight!" a man called out from the crowd.

"Two!" another called.

It stopped at two.

Tanya was sold to a man named Eli Fergerson, a common fisherman.


Eli took his new woman up to his shanty and put her in his room.

"Aren't ya gonna cut me bonds?" Tanya asked turning around so her back was to her new master.

"I guess so," Eli said and stared at her for a long moment. "I've never owned a woman before. I'm not so sure I oughta give you much freedom until I have your trust."

Tanya turned around again and faced her master and said,"Does I looks like the type ta run?"

"No," Eli said and untied her hands.

"So?" Tanya said gesturing to the bed. "Ya gonna do it er what?"

Eli blushed and said,"Oh, I didn't buy you to fuck. I bought you so you can clean my house for me, cook my meals, and entertain my guests."

"Huh?" Tanya asked.

The door opened and another fisherman stepped in the room.

Eli turned and said,"Oh, perfect. Hey Jim, this is my new slave, Tanya."

"Hi," Jim said and looked over at Eli with a jealous look in his eyes.

"Tanya," Eli said. "This is Jim, my boyfriend."

Tanyas jaw dropped.

"Okay girl, now how about you cooking us up some grub?" Eli suggested.

Tanya reluctantly headed towards the kitchen.

It was going to be a long life.

"Far-blast," she said. "Far-blast."

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