Comic Book Kid

By RClayton / Randy Wiggins

Published on Oct 5, 2023


This is a fictional story/ series and is explicit in nature so if you don't like reading about men and boys get lost. Then again if you didn't like this stuff you wouldn't be here at all would you? Either way, enjoy and let me know what you think.

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Jesse came to first. He was pinned at an angle by the seatbelt. He could feel weight against his side but it was hard, not soft like Adam. He tried to open his eyes. He could see that the car was on it's side. It was the mangled door he was leaning against. The top of the car was dented inward, leaving only a small space for his head. He tried to remember what had happened, then he realized he couldn't hear or see Adam.

"Adam! Babe, where are you?" He tried to twist around in the seat, looking for his missing lover. He went at the seatbelt latch with both hands trying to free himself so he could get a better view. His paralyzed legs didn't even enter his mind. "Come on!" He said. The lock gave and he fell against the door. He felt a sharp pain and burning as he landed on a piece of torn metal or broken glass. He could hear voices but none were Adam or Josh's. He focused his eyes to the driver's seat where Josh remained pinned by his seatbelt. The man didn't move.

Jesse twisted around and was able to look over the back seat. His eyes grew large as they saw Adam lying on the grey and black pavement behind the car. The wheelchair was also out there along with the destroyed rear door. He pushed up with his hands and began to pull himself over the seat and along the interior of the sideways wreck. "Adam!"

A face came into view at the rear of the vehicle. "Stay still, son. Your friend is okay. The EMT's got him out before you because he was conscious." The big man had on a yellow coat covering a blue uniform.

"Why isn't he moving?" Jesse asked. He got to the rear of the Volvo before realizing he had hand walked through a sheet of broken glass, a good bit of which had stuck into his palm and fingers, leaving cuts. He got to his knees and the fireman assisted him out of the totaled station wagon.

It was at that moment that Jesse realized that he was standing, or more accurately, leaning against the fireman. He had used his knees to get up. He felt pain! There was actual pain in his legs for the first time in months. "I'm standing." Jesse said. He was amazed.

"Yeah, you are. Is that unusual?" The fireman asked.

"I got paralyzed in a bad fall a few months ago. I haven't felt anything in my legs ever since." He felt like crying. "Oh, God! Adam!" He moved away from the fireman but had trouble balancing himself. The pain was getting worse and he knew he was losing some blood from the various cuts.

"Sit down here, quick." The man said. His voice was different.

"What?" Jesse said. He felt himself begin to fall but was caught by another fireman and lowered to the ground.

"You have a nasty wound in your side son. Just relax." The man said. This fireman was black and wore a white shirt and black tie rather than the blue of the other man.

"I got to get to Adam." He said. His head got fuzzy and he wanted to sleep but he had to see about Adam first. He tried to move himself over to his prone lover.

"I got you. Hold on." The first fireman said. He helped Jesse get as close to Adam as possible.

Jesse touched Adam's face. He could feel the warmth of his partner's skin; the feel of muscles moving under the skin. Adam was alive. Jesse laid his head beside Adam's a closed his eyes after finding Adam's hand with his own.

"What's that about?" A police officer said as he walked over. "They queer or something?"

"Yeah, they are." A large black man said. "I'm Sergeant Grant. I was involved in a case not long ago where they were both witnesses." The man said.

He had not expected to see either boy again so soon. When he had, he hoped it would be their bodies needing to be identified.

"What about the other one? The driver?" Abraham Grant said. He nodded toward the Volvo.

"Dead." The Fire Captain said. "Probably on impact."

Grant made notes in a pad and closed it, replacing it in his shirt pocket. " Know who he is?"

"Haven't gotten him out to check the wallet." The white fireman said. " He looks so young. Can't be over twenty or so."

"Any idea who's fault this was?" Grant asked.

"Yeah, the semi ran a red. Those two are damn lucky to be alive. I just hope they don't have serious internal injuries." Fireman number one said.

"We can hope." Sergeant Grant said. He secretly hoped that neither boy would make it through the night. He didn't know how much they knew about his involvement with Ames and the kiddie porn organization and he didn't want to find out. He had been planning a way to eliminate the two teens but had yet to put the plans into action.

"Captain! We got a woman over here saying that this is her car." A young woman in police blue uniform said. She approached quickly. "She wants to know where the passengers are."

The Captain of the Fire Station unit present turned to the woman. He looked to Grant for a lead as to what to do.

"Let her through." Grant said.

"Yes sir, sergeant." The officer replied. She walked back to the woman who stood behind a yellow tape, police line a dozen feet away. She spoke to the woman then lifted the tape so that she could pass under it.

"This is Francine Conner." The police woman said.

"Mrs. Conner, you say this is your car?"

"Yes. Where is my son and his lover or the driver?" Fran stood wearing a pair of faded jeans and a green blouse. She had gotten out of the tub, dressed and into Harry's old Mustang as quickly as she could. It was by pure chance that she came upon the accident on her way to the hospital.

"The EMT's are working on the two boys over there." Grant said.

Fran looked around frantically to see several people in white down on knees or bending over two still forms. She walked that way quickly. She prayed that the boys were okay. This was just too much to have to deal with. So much danger they had been in only to have their lives threatened by a damned car accident.

"Stand back ma'am," A man said. He approached from the side. "They are going to be okay, just let the paramedics do their job."

Fran wrapped her arms around herself as she stood watching. "Oh God."

"Are you the mother of one of the boys?" The man asked. He was dressed in white as the others were but he had a blue jacket on over his uniform. The tag on his coat read Lieutenant Erickson.

"Adam Conner. The blond." She replied.

"He looks like a strong young man. I'm sure he will be okay." The man said. "Who is the other boy?"

"His name is Jesse Janes. I'm his legal guardian." Fran answered.

"I understand he's been paralyzed for some months?"

"That's right." Fran said. Worry filled her that something far worse had happened in the wreck that would finish his chances of walking again.

"He got himself out of that wreck and walked to your son from what I've been told. I guess the shock jump started him because he was sure determined to get to the other boy."

"They are lovers." Francine said.

"Yeah, we got that from the Sarge over there."

Fran looked in the direction of the large black man who stood talking with the fire department Captain. Her eyes locked on him as he turned to face her.

It was the man from the funeral earlier that day. He had been watching them. "Who is he?"

"Sergeant Abraham Grant. Talk about a fast rise in the department. He was a street cop until he helped bust that porn ring back last year."

"Oh my God," Francine said. She knew the color had drained from her face.

"Are you okay?" Erickson asked.

"He's been following us for months. I didn't place him until just now."

"Why would he be doing that?"

"The boys were witnesses in that case."

"Oh, maybe he just liked to make sure they were okay."

"Yeah, maybe," She replied. She seriously doubted that concern over their well being had anything to do with his watching them. She looked to the wrecked station wagon and saw two firemen and a paramedic remove a covered body from the driver's seat. "Oh, no."

The lieutenant looked in the direction she had turned. "Yeah, the driver was killed instantly. You know him?"

"He was the care taker for my son's lover. They went to dinner after a funeral this afternoon. I stayed home because I wasn't feeling well."

"What is his name?" Grant said. He had approached unnoticed until he spoke.

"Joshua Aaron Lambert." Francine replied.

"Have you known Mr. Lambert for long?"

"A few months. I don't know much about him other than he was doing a terrific job with Jesse." Fran replied.

"Do you have contact information for his family?"

"No. I'm sure the hospital will though. He worked there before I hired him."

"Okay, I'll check with them, then." Grant said. He moved off. He didn't like the way the woman was looking at him. He knew he had been made watching her and the boys. Now he would have to hire someone to take care of this problem pretty damn quick. He was going to have to have her taken out as well now. He didn't know what she knew and had a feeling she wouldn't let it go from what he had read of her. Damn Ames and his faggot son anyway.

Francine Conner stood looking back and forth between where the boys were being moved to separate ambulances and where Abraham Grant stood by an unmarked Ford sedan. There was something there. When all of this gets taken care of and their lives were settles again she would have to do some serious checking and questioning about that man.


Adam was released from the hospital the following day with minor cuts and bruises and a broken wrist. He also had a nasty concussion which is why he had to spend the night in the hospital. It had taken a lot of effort on Francine 's part to have the boys in the same room.

Jesse would be in the hospital for a few more days for tests. His miraculous recovery was being studied to try and find the cause of both the paralysis and the recovery from it. The doctors were worried that he would relapse but as of that morning he was still moving his legs and feeling the injuries he' s sustained in the accident.

Both boys were upset and worried about each other. They were also sorry for Josh's death. It had all happened so quickly. They were making out then the hit and the car rolled a couple times. Neither boy remembered much after the hit itself. It was agreed that Josh was probably better off because his body had sustained the breaking of both legs an arm and one rib which pierced a lung. His neck was broken and broken metal from the window frame had sliced his throat open.

Francine sat in the small room that original been set up for Tommy but turned over to Josh. She'd sorted through his belongings until she found an address book. She called several numbers but had yet to find the boy's mother's name. He hadn't said much about his past and that bothered Fran more now than ever.

She could still feel the cold certainty that disaster had struck while she lay in a bubble bath. She didn't know what happened or how bad but she knew there was something. The situation with the stalking cop had to be dealt with as well and they would take a good bit more digging than finding Josh's mom.

The police hadn't said so, but she suspected they knew where to find her and had notified of the young man's death.

"Mom," Adam called.

"In here hon." Fran replied.

Adam walked into the room wearing shorts and a T-shirt with no shoes. His cuts were covered in bandages and his left wrist was in a short cast. He had a black eye and a cracked tooth to deal with too.

Fran smiled at her son and made a mental note to get an appointment with the dentist to get the tooth fixed. "How are you feeling?"

"Sore and tired. When are we going to see Jesse?" Adam said. He leaned against the door frame.

"I guess we can go on. You need some help dressing?"

"No thanks. I can manage. All I really need is another shirt and my sandals anyway."

"Go ahead then. I'll go fix my face and put some shoes on myself and we'll head out."

"I'm sorry about the Volvo."

"It wasn't your fault and it wasn't Josh's either. It was just one of those things. The truck driver was arrested and fired from his job and the company's insurance is covering everything. All I have to do is pick out a new car. I just don't know what I want and don't have the time to go look around right now." Fran replied. She loved her son dearly and hated it when he took on the worries and false guilt that he tended to saddle himself with.

"Maybe we can go this weekend when Josh gets home." Adam said.

"Maybe. We need to know if he is going to be okay or if we still need a station wagon or something that we can get him in and out of easily."

"Yeah, I know. It sure looks like he'll be okay. God, I hope so. I love him so much, mom."

"I know you do baby. I'm sure things will work out for both of you...for all of us." She said. She smiled at him as she stood up from the floor where she had been sorting through Josh's papers.

"What do we do with all Josh's stuff?" Adam asked.

"I guess we can give it to his family, if we can ever find any." Fran replied.

"Mom, you think Josh was really dad's son?"

"I don't know. I have an idea of how we can find out though. Come on." Fran said. She led the way down the hall to the stairs that went up to the cramped attic. "If we can find some clothes of your father's that have a hair or something of his we can ask the morgue to do a DNA test."

"Excellent." Adam replied.

Two hours later and in need of showers the Conner family came down from the attic with several hair samples, and entire brush worth for that matter as well as a razor with a dab of dried blood on the blade.

"Showers and fresh clothes first." Fran said.

They went their separate ways to get cleaned up and ready to return to the hospital.


"Hey babes," Adam said. He moved from the door of the room to the bed quickly.

"Hey there sexy," Jesse replied. "You doing okay?"

"Yeah. I'm better now that I'm here with you though." Adam answered.

"Well, I have good news for you. The doc said I can go home today. They' ve done all the tests they wanted to do and set me up with a therapist to do physical therapy on my legs. I'm still kind of wobbly but I can make short steps by myself. Longer walks, like to the bathroom, I have to use a walker."

"That's great!" Adam said. "I know somebody that is going to get so lucky tonight." He added.

"Oh?" Jesse said. The boys laughed together and made sweet talk until Francine Conner entered several minutes later.

"I here that you are free man now" Fran said.

"Yep, and ready too. Three days in this place is three days too many!" Jesse replied.

"The nurse said she would have the paper work ready in a few minutes." Fran said. "The problem is that we didn't bring you any clean cloths to wear home. I was planning on bringing them up tomorrow."

"We'll manage. My others are in the closet." Jesse said.

Fran walked over and opened the door. She noticed that the pants were torn in several places and there was a good deal of dried blood. "This will never do. I'm going to run across the street and get you some clothes at Wal-Mart. That's closer than going all the way home and back." Fran said. She returned to the chair where her purse sat and picked it up. "I'll be back in about twenty minutes. Can you two stay out of trouble that long?" She asked.

"I think we can manage that, mom." Adam said.

"Okay, back quick as I can." Fran said. She left the room and the door eased closed on its own.

"I can't wait to get home." Jesse said.

"Then let's not," Adam said. He moved downward, slipped the sheet aside and lifted the hospital gown. In seconds he swallowed Jesse's growing cock. He felt the head rubbing the back of his throat and he sank lower so that the knob was solidly in his throat. He pulled back and kept a steady pace until Jesse grunted and he could taste the hot, smooth semen that flooded his mouth.

"Oh, man you are so good, babes!" Jesse said. He relaxed as he reached a quick release.

The door began to swing open.

"Fuck. Get out from there, quick." Jesse said.

"What's wrong?" Adam said. He sat up and pulled the gown and sheet back into place. He looked over to the big woman who had entered the room.

The woman looked at them strangely. She knew what they had been up to because she could smell the cum Jesse had shot even though Adam swallowed most of it. "I have your papers here."

"Great." Jesse said. He felt slightly guilty for getting caught like that but it was sure worth it!

Fran returned shortly afterward and signed the release papers. Because Jesse was a minor and in her custody, she had to be the one to sign him out.

"Sorry it took so long." She said. She placed two bags on the end of the bed. "I'll go outside with the nurse and sign off while you get dressed."

Within an hour they were home. The big Suburban sat in the drive way. The tag read HARRIS 1. The doors opened and four males got out of the big SUV.

"Dude!" Tommy said when he got to the Mustang. "You two can't keep out of shit at all."

"Looks that way," Jesse replied.

"I'm sorry about Josh, man. He seemed pretty cool." Tommy said. He stepped back as Adam helped Jesse out of the front passenger seat. He had the walker opened out and ready.

"Sorry we didn't get to visit ya at the hospital, man. We just got back into town this morning and heard the messages on the machine." Tommy said. He, Greg and the Little brothers had gone to Florida for a week's vacation.

"No biggie. Have a good trip?" Jesse asked.

"Not bad at all. Greg took us to a nude beach. Wicked cool man," Tommy replied.

"How are you doing?" Greg asked Francine. The two stood in front of the `67 Mustang watching the boys as they talked and moved along to the house.

"Tired. I'm just glad the boys are home." Fran said.

"I bet you are. Lord, things have been happening fast around here this past year." Greg said. He thought about how much his own life had changed in the year since he met Ryan at the local branch of the library.

"I'll have to get another car. The Mustang is just too small for us. I hated taking it out but there was no choice. Harry wanted the car kept for Adam because it was their project. They never did finish everything before..." Fran said. She felt a lump in her throat.

"I understand." Greg said.

Everyone went in the house and Greg called Papa John's for pizza delivery. When four large pizzas with various toppings for various tastes arrived, Greg paid up and they all dug in.

"So, I guess you can fuck again right?" Ryan asked Jesse."

"I could before, just not very well. Adam and I plan to test out the equipment tonight, in our bed." Jesse replied.

"Cool." Ryan Little said. He had a crush on Jesse but was very happy with Tommy. In the months they had been together he had completely stopped picking up guys here and there for quickies. He realized he actually loved Tommy and felt sure the feelings were returned equally.

"You and Tommy sure seem happy together." Adam said.

"We are." Tommy replied. "I actually found a guy my age who likes sex as much as me!"

"More!" Ryan said.

All the boys laughed.

Harry Little didn't have much to say. He just wanted to get home so he could see his own boyfriend. The week apart had been like forever for him. His relationship with Shaun was growing steadily and he really loved the older boy.

The boys continued their sex chat while Greg and Fran sat in the kitchen having a quiet, private discussion of their own.


Greg, Tommy and the Little brothers left around eleven. Francine went to the kitchen to clean up while Adam helped Jesse up the stairs to their bedroom for the first time in over two months.

"How you doing?" Adam asked. They had reached the second floor and Jesse was sweating and shaking slightly.

"Tired. Maybe I should have slept down stairs again until I get use to all of this." Jesse said. He saw the look of disappointment on Adam's face. " But not tonight. Tonight I'm already up here and we are going to sleep in our bed and, with luck and a bit of rest, make love the way we are supposed to."

Adam smiled and tightened his grip around Jesse's waist. They walked slowly down the hall and into the bedroom that had seen only loneliness for so long. "I've missed you at night so bad."

"I've missed you too babe. I want to be here for you forever. I love you so much, man." Jesse said. Adam had gotten him to the bed and helped his stretch out.

"You are my world Jesse. I couldn't live without you." Adam said. He moved to Jesse's feet and untied his tennis shoes, then removed his socks. It took a small amount of help to get the new jeans off as well as the Scooby Doo boxers his mom had picked up. Her idea of a joke. It had worked at relieving tension for all three of them. It didn't hurt that Jesse was a major Scooby fan either.

Once fully naked, Jesse watched as Adam locked the bedroom door and began to strip very seductively. He watched the smooth, trim boy he loved, watched the graceful movements that were slightly hampered by bandages and a cast but still sexy as all Hell. The blond hair slipping over his eyes as he lowered his head and pulled his shirt up, over and off. Adam removed his jeans to reveal a pair of purple bikini style underwear.

"Where the devil did you get those?" Jesse asked. He was pleasantly surprised.

"Tommy slipped them to me earlier and I sneaked away long enough to change into them. You like?" Adam said. He stood with his hands at his side, his hard cock straining the silky materiel.

"Like Hell! I love them!" Jesse yelled.

Adam laughed as he pulled the single string at his right hip. The underwear fell away to reveal Adam's nice five and a half inch cock. He had trimmed his newly grown in pubes and his balls were smooth as his chest.

"Come here, sexy." Jesse said. His own cock was pushing the limits of his six plus inches of thick boy meat. His own pubes were growing back in too but not as well formed and trimmed as Adam's. He would have to ask his lover to take care of that another day.

Adam moved to the bed and climbed on, moving himself over Jesse as he got into position. He lowered himself so that their hard cocks were rubbing together between their warm bare flesh. He brought his head to Jesse's and they began to kiss. Tongues met and lips parted as two lovers renewed that love in consummation of their relationship.

"I want you so bad baby." Jesse said. He ran a hand down Adam's back, resting it on the left globe of his lover's perfect boy butt.

Adam looked into Jesse's eyes. "Oh yeah," He replied. He moved off of Jesse and got into position on his back. He pulled his legs up to his chest as he watched Jesse get the KY from the drawer of the bedside table.

Jesse greased Adam's hole with a generous serving of lube. He worked his fingers into his lover's ass with slow deliberation. He wanted to give Adam as much attention and love as he could as he made his way to his own reward. He moved his body and got to his knees for the first time in what seemed to him like forever.

Adam watched his lover's face for pain or discomfort. He wasn't sure Jesse could handle this kind of activity yet but he was more than willing to help him find out.

Jesse looked to Adam and smiled. "Ready, babe?"

"Always ready for you lover," Adam replied.

Jesse moved his cock head to the winking bud that was Adam's love spot. Adam was his and he loved him for it. He showed that love as he carefully pushed himself past the tight ring of the boy's anus. He felt himself sink slowly into the comfortable, familiar warmth of his lover's rectum. He moaned as he felt Adam's muscled tightening, conforming to the thickness of the intrusion at its center.

Adam moaned loudly as he felt Jesse hit the tip of his prostate. He continued moaning as Jesse began to build up to a smooth pace. He felt the thick organ pushing into him. He flexed his ass muscles to give Jesse added pleasure. It had been so long since Jesse had been able to truly make love to him and this was a come back to remember.

Jesse worked himself in and out to the best of his ability until his legs and hips began to throb uncomfortably. He pushed deeper into Adam's ass and sped up with several mini thrusts into his partner. He was close to the edge and wanted to reach it quickly, not only to relieve the pain stress on his lower body but to relieve his throbbing cock and full balls. "Okay babe. Here it comes." He said. A few more quick jabs and he felt the load flow through his cock into out his piss slit, filling Adam's bowels with hot sperm.

"Fuck! Yes! Oh yeah!" Adam yelled as he felt Jesse's shoot into him. His own cock erupted without ever being touched, the sex they'd had was that powerful.

Jesse lowered Adam's legs and lied down on top of his lover, spreading the cooling cum between their hot flesh. "Your mom is going to kill us one of these days for making so much noise when we do this." Jesse said. He loved Adam 's pure excitement at their love making. It was never fucking between them but true love making.

"God, I love you so." Adam said. He took several deep breaths as he came down from the high he had experienced.

"I love you too babe. More than you can ever know." Jesse replied.

The two boys connected by mouth again and enjoyed a renewed passion that didn't fade for several hours of love making.

Next: Chapter 28: Adam and Jesse 6

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