Come Together

By D One

Published on Sep 8, 2005



"That's my favoriate song" he said. "know what i mean?"

Mark had been looking at the guy for a bit. He had taken his shirt off earlier as they sat there watching the football team practice.

"Oh sorry, was just thinking" he apologized figuring the guy had seen him staring.

"Know what I mean?" the guy moved closer at the same time he said it, then offered Mark the joint he had been smoking.

Mark took it and inhaled.

"Meet me in the girls locker room shower, nobody there this time of day" he smiled and took the joint back.

Mark looked at his defined buttocks as he moved away from the stands. He stopped at one point and looked out at the team then glanced back towards where Mark still sat, then resumed to talk towards the school building.

Mark had seen him in the hallways. He had seen him in the weight room too. Mark couldn't hide his erection whenever he saw the senior. He was athletic, pleasant and appeared a little dangerous as well.

"Hey what's your name?" he had asked Mark earlier that day. "I've seen you watching the team after school haven't I?" Mark muttered a "yes" "Yea, I like watchen them too" his smile makde Mark feel self conscious.

So when he moved to the stands next to Mark that afternoon, there was no suprise. As soon as he sat down he lit a joint and smoked it.

"Here hold this" he said to Mark who took the joint but did not smoke it. The guy stripped his shirt off and dried his armpits with it.

Mark wanted to lick the armpits, kiss his chest and nurse on the guys nipples. Instead he handed back the joint.

Mark moved from the stands and walked around it while keepign an eye on where the upperclassman went. By the time he arrived at the building, Mark's cock had hardened then softened several times. He didn't know why.

The locker room door was unlocked and Mark went in.

"Lock it" he heard from inside the room and obeyed.

He moved to the shower room and saw the man standing there totally naked. His clothing made a pile.

"strip" the man said stronly but non threateningly "and keep looking at me" Mark didnt' need to be told. The guys body was there completely for him to examine and examine he did.

He felt his fingers unbuttoning his shirt, unzipping his fly and shedding his clothing. He was naked but all he could see was the naked man watching him.

He gestured and Mark moved his bare feet bringing himself closer.

Mark gasped as the mans hands touched his erection and balls.

"Take mine" he said and Mark shivered as he touched the hard dick he had been examining as he stripped and walked.

They moved closer together and Mark felt his head be pulled into the nap of the mans neck and felt the man's head rest on his.

They squeezed and stroked until both splattered the other with their sperm. Mark coudln't move as his body recovered and it seemed the other boy coldnt' either.

"Nice" the words were almost a whisper. The kiss that followed wasn't long, deep or agressive. But it made Mark's body quiver.

"Dress now, we'll get together again" the boy moved away reaching for his clothing and walking out of sight.

Mark heard the door unlock and imagined the naked senior walking out into the hallway naked and splattered with their sperm.

He dressed and left the room hoping he's see the guy, but he was nowhere.

And he didn't see him in the hallways either.

It was months later when Mark left where the band had been seated accompanying the parade of gowned seniors, that Mark saw him again.

"uh congratulations" Mark said to him wishing he could say something else.

"Meet me at midnight" the guys smiled.

Mark didn't know where to meet the guy or why he left the house to do it. But back at the school, Mark found the door to teh girls gym open. He went inside and itnot the locker room.

Mark stripped and moved into the shower room and waited. At least he could recall that hot afternoon and jack off he figured.

Closing his eyes Mark began to stroke, he heard the deep breathing and felt the guys head against his neck. By the time he opened his eyes to the sounds he heard, the guy was there.

He moved close and they kissed, kissing the way Mark had wised they had done that afternoon. Taking Mark's hand the guy led him to where a pile of wrestling pads were piled.

They didn't speak. Without any instruction their kisses moved to mutual sucking and as Mark felt the new graduate move into him, he sighed relaxing the way he had learned to do the otjer times.

He tiptoed into the house past the kitchen. But his mother saw him and asked where he'd been.

"Uh was out early for a jog" Mark lied. He wore neither jogging shoes or shorts but she didn't say anything.

Stripping naked in his bedroom, he lay on his bed waiting. Soon he'd hear his mother driving to work. Then he'd hear the doorbell and would go downstairs and open the door so that his new lover could continue what they had started the night before....or long before that the afternoon they first came together.

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