Come Back to Me

By Ryan White

Published on Jul 9, 2018


Yo guys!! What up??'s the deal. I was asked by a friend who read my stories to write a teenage love story. I took up the challenge. Nervous as hell hahaha.

Hope you guys enjoy! And please lemme know what you think?? Im always up for a chat :)

Love always, Ryan


"What are we gonna do, man?"

"We're gonna take a deep breath, and go to school and we're gonna act like we do when we're alone."

"Kylian...that's not a good idea. Dude, I wish things could be different. But this is Brackenfell, brother! The guys at school ain't gonna like this. Not one bit!"

Kylian Sheridan turned towards his best friend and grabbed his shoulder.

"You were also the one who said it wasn't a good idea when we started all this! I was the one who came out to you. I was the guy who said, I like you, Ryan, but our friendship means the world to me and I didn't wanna lose that. It turned out in time, you felt the same about me. Now you say you love me. And I know I love you. So why should we hide this?"

Ryan stood up, took a sip of water and wiped the sweat off his forehead. His chest was heaving up and down. His arms were muscled and tense. He shook his head. His faced turned an angry red colour as he took the water bottle and TOSSED it furiously onto the ground. It spilled open due to the sheer velocity of the action. Kylian crossed his arms and stood up.

"Ryan, this isn't gonna work. You can't just `love' me when we're alone. That's just not on."

"What do you expect me to do? My parents hate homo's. My friends hate homo's. I was raised to stay away from homo's. And now..."

"And now you're a homo yourself. Don't deny it, because I can still taste your cum in my mouth," Kylian finished his best friend's sentence.

"Kylian, please. We've kept this a secret for two years now. Why do things have to change?" Ryan pleaded with him.

"Because I'm leaving school, Ryan. I can't be there any more. I'd rather leave and try and get a job than hear one more homophobic ass remark. Seeing your army of bullies pick on Liam and Henry every fucking day. And not being able to stand up for them, because I'd be putting a target in MY back. Which I'm FINE with, but since YOU are my best friend, people are gonna assume you're gay aswell. Ry, I've heard all this before. I'm leaving. You said you loved me. Yeah. It was just words, right? You only said it because your dick was in my ass?"

"You know that's not true," Ryan said, whispering, looking at the ground. Sinking to his knees, he grabbed a hand full of sand and allowed it to siff threw his fingers. Kylian knelt next to him and put his hand around Ryan's neck.

"Then what is stopping us?" He whispered.

Ryan wiped his hands off his trousers and took Kylian's hand into his own.

"I love you, bro," he said and squeezed Kylian's hand. He saw tears rolling down his best friend's cheek. It meant so much to Kylian to hear Ryan say it and mean it.

"So tomorrow...? What about school? Because if you agree that we can come out, then I'm prepared to finish the year. Because I'd have you with me. Because we would we doing it together. Do you trust me?"

Ryan nodded. He needed Kylian to believe him. Now more than ever.

"This is nuts. But okay. Let's do it. We got six months left of school and then we can ditch this town. We can live with that, can't we?"

Kylian looked around the park they were at. There was an outside toilet that just could be spotted from where he was standing.

"Come on," he ordered Ryan and signed with his eyes to follow him. The two seventeen year old boys quickly walked over to the toilet and once more, Kylian looked around to see if there was anyone, or even, anything watching them, or someone who could see them. The park and the parking lot infront of it was deserted. The foul stench of stale piss and shit could be smelled as soon as they entered but neither boy really cared. Together they looked at each other, as if sizing the other up.

"You sure about this?" Kylian asked.

"More than ever, bro. I meant it. If everone has their person, then you're mine. I don't wanna be scared anymore," Ryan replied.


"Yeah man...sooo...."

"Haha shut up."

"Make me."

"I know of one way I can keep you quiet."

"Rather not. Don't wanna be infront of my house with a boner."

Kylian laughed and stared back lovingly at Ryan. Was it possible, actually possible to be this happy? Was this really what love felt like? Just as he thought they were about to say goodbye, Ryan looked over his shoulder and signaled quietly for Kylian to follow him. This time it was Ryan who took the initiative, and who was thinking with his dick. He led Kylian to the back of the house, near the basement, where no one inside the house could see them. He leaned into his best friend and once again, two lips became one once more. Ryan felt Kylian's arms go around his shoulders and he desperately gripped the latter's hands with his own. Together the two life long friends showed their love and compassion until they eventually had to come up for some air. Kylian smiled and pressed his forehead against Ryan's.

"Oh my God, I love you..." he whispered, his breath wheezing.

"Ditto, bro. We can do this. I can't wait for tomorrow."

"Are you sure you're okay being outted? Ryan, I don't wanna hear you blame me afterwards, saying I was pressuring you."

Ryan placed his hand on Kylian's chest. He could feel the latter boy's heart beating.

"I'm terrified. But it has to be done. Yeah?" He replied, holding Kylian's gaze.

"Yeah. I'm sick of living a lie, dude" Kylian said, taking his arms from Ryan's neck and putting his hands inside the pockets of his jeans.

"People are gonna be vicious. Stronger together, right?" Ryan said and kissed Kylian's cheek. He nervously looked back at the house windows.

"Go on. Get going. Your old man will blow if you're not home in time for dinner. Sometimes I wonder if he knows your age?"

"Okay, I'm going. See ya tomorrow, yeah?" Kylian said before walking away from Ryan. When he got to the gate, he turned around. Sure enough, Ryan was still looking at him.

"I love you, Ry," Kylian mouthed.

"I love you more," came the silent reply.

Kylian was a couple of streets from home when he recieved a text message. He stopped walking and took out his phone. What are the odds it was his dad scolding him on being late for dinner...

But no. No, these words couldn't possibly be from his own was an unknown number.


Cold shivers ran through Kylian as his eyes glanced over those horrible, horrible words. What the fuck? No one. No one knew that he was gay or that he was in love with Ryan. Or that him and Ryan had sexual relations these past two years. No one. Only Ryan.

Oh my God...what if someone saw them in the park this afternoon? Or had followed them back to Ryan's house and somehow saw them kissing? He had to get home and fast. It was already dark out. He lost track of time when he was with Ryan. He made a mental note to ask Ryan if perhaps he had gotten the same threatening message. But first, home.

About four houses from his own, another text came through. It was from the same unknown number. Fuck...


Holy shit. Enough was enough. He looked around furiously, ready to defend himself if need be. But it was dark, he couldn't see properly. Another text...


Kylian immediately started to jog the rest of the way. He had to get home. He tripped in his haste and fell down, scraping his knees. His phone spun out of his hands and landed a few inches before him. The screen was cracked...but he saw another message had been received...


Kylian got up as fast as he could but before he could run, he was attacked. He didn't even feel it. He swung around and saw...NO!! IT COULDN'T BE...

The cricket bat that was swung with such intense brutality and hate at his head capiluated with his skull and his body fell onto the ground. Once more, again and again, the bat targeted his bruised and damaged body. Over and over until the attacker decided they had enough. Kylian was lying in the street with a pool of blood seeping from behind his head. Whoever attacked him smiled...took Kylian's phone and jogged away.

The Brackenfell community was shocked and insenced at the seemlessly brutal and unnecessary attack on the seventeen year old Kylian Sheridan. He was still alive, barely, in the ICU of Tygerberg Hospital. His parents were told that it was a waiting game. His brain was severely damaged in the attack, and he had to be placed on a ventilator. Everyone who heard the news asked themselves...why? Why would anyone wanna hurt Kylian? Star student, friend to everyone, and such a gentle soul.

Back in school, Ryan had to be restrained by two teachers when he was informed what had happened. He fell on his knees, beating the ground in anger. His fists was bloody at the end. His eyes were red and puffy. He didn't quite know where he was. All he knew was that Kylian was barely alive, lucky at all to have survived. When he was eventually calmed down, his parents came to fetch him and took him to the hospital. Ryan wanted to speak out. He wanted to tell the truth. He wanted to let everyone know how much he loved Kylian. But he couldn't. Wow. What a coward he was, he thought.

Not even when his boyfriend was on death's door, was he prepared to devulge that he was in love with him. Words simply sounded so meaningless. When he saw how the commumity was behind Kylian and vowed to make who ever was responsible for the attack pay. How was he supposed to tell them Kylian was gay? He knew all those people who was sooo incredibly worried about Kylian would turn their backs on him if they knew the truth. They would probably even say he deserved it. Mother fuckers. All of them.

Day after day, Ryan was like a zombie in school. He didn't know where he was half the time. He didn't wanna eat, drink or do anything. Every waking moment he had, he was at Kylian's bedside. Praying to God. Begging Kylian to wake up. Tears flogged his eyes when he remembered how Kylian's love changed him and what he meant to Ryan, it gave him the courage to wanna come out. To tell the world how they felt. But it very well way, way too late. He might never get the chance to tell Kylian he loved him, ever again.

It was nearing three weeks since the attack happened. And still, the police was no way near in cracking the case. It proved nearly impossible as there was absolutely no fingerprints or any clue whatsoever that could have lead to something. Even the neighbours swore they didn't see or hear anything. Everyone wanted to help, they just didn't know how to. If only Kylian would wake up. He was the only person who could possibly tell the police what truly happened and if he managed to see or recognise his attacker in any way.

That afternoon, Ryan was once again, as always, at Kylian's bedside. He was reading the soccer scores to him.

"So now there are only four teams left. France, Belgium,Croatia and England. I know, right? England in the fucking semi final of the World Cup. I know you love Germany but they are out. First round. If you open yor eyes you'll see I'm not lying, bro. Come on, I know you wanna see the Final on Sunday. Just open your eyes. Please. Kylian, come on. I'm here. Come back to me."

It was in vain. Ryan sighed, wiped a tear angrily from his eye, and continued to read to Kylian. He won't ever give up. A few minutes later, he looked up and saw his dad hovering outside the hospital room. Ryan switched off his phone and followed him outside. This didn't look good. His dad looked like a overgrown viper, ready to attack any minute.

"Son, I wanna ask you something and I want you to be clear. Is there...something going on between you and that boy...I mean...something more than friendship? Tell me, Ryan!"

Ryan's fave turned gravely into the colour of a ripe tomato.

"Answer me, Ryan. I've watched you with Kylian for weeks now. Is there something more going on here?" his father hissed through clenched teeth. Ryan looked at Kylian, and then back to his father. His blood boiled.

"Yes. I'm in love with him, Dad. You're not gonna like it. But Kylian may never wake up and I can't do this any longer. We love eachother. People who has a problem with that, well tough." he said, defiantly.

Ryan's father took a while to respond, or to show any emotion. Eventually he shook his head. Ryan was shocked. No screaming. No loud words. No abuse. What he saw was SHAME. DISGUST. DISAPPOINTMENT. That was perhaps more worse than being ridiculed for being who he was.


"Don't talk to me."

Ryan trembled. His dad walked away from him as fast as he could. He refused to be upset. He didn't choose to fall in love with Kylian. People may not believe it but it's true. He walked back into Kylian's bedroom. Everything was exactly as he left it. Except...

Kylian's eyes were open.

"Dude! Bro! You're awake! Holy shit, you're awake!" He shouted happily and ran out to the nurses station on the outside.

`He's awake!! He's awake!!!" He shouted. He was like a man possessed. Two nurses ran rowards him and into Kylian's room. To his surprise, a male nurse held him back as he wanted to join them inside.

"Not now, son. Go home. He was in a coma for three weeks. We need to do tests. You can't be here right now."

"You don't understand! That's my boyfriend in there!" Ryan shouted, unknowingly stating that fact publicly for the first time.

The nurse turned towards Ryan and held him at both shoulders.

"Look at me. I'm gay myself. I know how you feel. But there is a real possibility of brain damage with Kylian and we need to know what's going on. You have to give us time. I promise you we'll do everything we can. Go home, Ryan. It's gonna take a while."

Ryan stuttered and remained unbalanced on his feet as he saw Kylian being wheeled out of the room for God knows what.

How he had managed to keep calm and away from the hospital for the next few hours was a total mystery. He knew he couldn't go home, because by now, his dad would have told him mom and kid brother Billy, that he, Paul, was a homo and that he should be thrown out the house. Or perhaps worse. He wouldn't be surprised if he went home and found all his belongings just tossed outside on the garbage heap. Ryan clenched his fists. Things like this shouldn't happen. For fuck sake, this was 2018, not the Salem Witch trials! So why did he have to suffer being gay and being in love with Kylian? As he took a sip of his by now, fourth coffee, he saw his best friends, apart from Kylian, enter the coffee shop. Scab, Hunter and Python immediately saw him and came over.

" look crap," Hunter said in his traditional, emotionless manner. Put it this way, you wouldn't invite him for a cuppa and a chat.

"Bummed about Kylian? Damn man, we all are," Scab said as they were sitting down, while Python just lighted up a cig and said nothing but a few "hello", grunts.

"Police have any idea who did this?" Hunter asked.

"Nah. He woke up this afternoon, tho. So fingers crossed he saw his attacker."

Python suddenly reacted as if he had gotten a shock to the core of his ass.

"Sorry...wasn't listening...he woke up? Kylian is awake?"

"Chill bro.. Nursers reckoned there was something wrong with his brain or crap like that, since he had been in a coma for so long. Dunno what's happening, they sent me home."

"So why aren't you there? We went looking for ya. Your dad said we should fuck off. I quote. The heck you do to him to piss him off?" Scab said, taking the cig from Python and took a drag.

"You'll find out soon enough. Guys, thanks, but I gotta get to the hospital. I hope they're done with him. I gotta see him."

"Aww, to tell him you LOOOVE him, right?"

Hunter was obviously only making a joke, but for obvious reasons, Ryan didn't find it the fuck funny.

"You wanna get fucked up or what? Fuck you, asshole!" He screamed. The entire coffee shop were looking at them. Hunter stood up and gave Ryan a death stare.

"Ooooh you really don't wanna do that.. " he whispered, opening up his jacket, just so that Ryan could see the pocket knife he always had stashed there. Ryan flipped Hunter the finger. He couldn't give a fuck. He walked out of the coffee shop with only Kylian on his mind.

As Ryan entered the fourth floor, where Kylian was, he ran into the male nurse who calmed him down earlier that afternoon. Looked like he was about to go home after a long shift.

"Hey. Remember me?" Ryan asked.

"Of course. Kylian's boyfriend. Hey, he's doing much better. We took him off the ventilation and guess what? He's breathing on his own! I actually stuck around a little to wait and give u the good news. He has a little trouble talking though. But his parents were here and everything went as well as it could. I can't give you any more info, kid.We have to keep him here for a few more weeks. Just to be on the safe side. It's a brain injury. We can't be 100% sure he's out of the woods."

"Thanks so much. And sorry for being a pain. It's just..."

The nurse smiled.

"You love him? I know. I can see it. Aahh Ryan. Gay love isn't always easy. But when there is love, it can defeat anything. See ya tomorrow, yeah? And by the way, my name is Mark."

As Mark made his way home, Ryan couldn't wait any longer. He opened the door to Kylian's room. WOW. What a difference. No more pypes pouring in and out of his boyfriend. No more machine which made the most horrible noise, breathing for him. Just Kylian. His eyes were closed and he suddenly looked like he was simply asleep. As if the last three weeks never happened.

"Bro..." Ryan whispered. He didn't really wanna wake Kylian but he HAD to speak to him. To the boy he loved with all his being. He didn't think he'd ever get the chance again, for a while.

Kylian opened his eyes. He blinked a few times and swallowed with great difficulty. Ryan reached out and poured Kylian a glass of water. He held it to Kylian's mouth and allowed a few sips to be taken. Kylian coughed and swallowed. He slowly licked his dry lips. His eyes were now fully open. He focused them on Ryan. No emotion. No words. Just...a blank stare. Ryan cleared his throat and walked closer.

"Bro! I know you can't be feeling okay you doing?"

It took a while for Kylian to respond.

"G...I mean I'm...g...good."

"That's awesome. I missed you so much. Bro, my life was empty without you. I'll never, ever take you for granted again. When you get outta here, it's just gonna be you and me. I promise you. Stronger together, remember?"

No responce. Just an empty, confused stare. Ryan had a bad feeling. Something was wrong.

" sure you're okay? You're not saying anything?"

The next few words out of Kylian's mouth turned Ryan's insides ice cold.

"Who...who are you?"


What a mess for poor Ryan! Will Kylian get his memory back? And who attacked him...? Any ideas? Hahaha lemme know. Wanna chat? I'm always here xx

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