Collegiate Rest-Room Suck

By dicksucker

Published on Aug 27, 1997



It was during the beginning my second year of college that I found myself in the periodicals room of the library. It was my custom to come here to study and catch up on some magazine reading or plunder into what ever caught my fancy. It was located in the basement of the library where hundreds of patrons visited every day. As I recall on this particular occasion I was working on one of those complex accounting problems. The kind of problem that took two days just to get the background information on. It was very late at night, and it did not take long on this occasion to became board with the subject and, I decided it was time for a break so I adjourned to the men's room.

Upon entering the lavatory I noticed a prevailing scent of urine combined with cleaning solution. The fragrance of those bowl deodorizers lingered in the air as if it were a permanent fixture to these quarters. That profuse odor is a hallmark of this room and a blindfolded man would know this room as soon as he opened the door.

The first stall was occupied so I trotted down to the one on the end, opened the door with a creek, and steeped inside. I inspected the stool to see if it were clean and decided, as I was sitting down, that it was. While siting I became interested in the graffiti that littered the walls. They were covered from tip to tow with all kinds of stuff. Things like "For a good time call...", "alphas are gay", and "don't knock dick sucking until you try it". Some talented artist had converted some of the wall into a tapestry of expression with many eye catching works of art. One of the representations was of an erect cock. The three dimensional detail was striking. The head had a pronounced eye and the sides were rendered with a heavy venation texture. There were also bits of cum dripping from the nip onto a tongue positioned just poised under the head of the phallus. I recall that the penis had a distinct but very slight upward arch to it.

After reading and admiring the art work I decided to add a smattering or two of my own. Grasping a fat black marker from my backpack I scribbled the words "TAP FOOT FOR BLOW-JOB". I situated the words on the bottom of the front wall that ran all the way to the floor so that the person in the adjacent stall could see them. As I etched the letters a toxic smell was released by the marker that filled the stall. Soon after that, I was getting ready to go and about to step out when suddenly a guy walked into the rest room. At that point I decided to let him do his thing and go before I would make my exit. I thought he would go to a urinal, but he went into the stall next to mine. He sat in the stall and did not make very much noise save a few grunts here and there, and I decided that he must be admiring the walls like I was. I could see his foot which must have been size 14. I moved my foot, as if to point, an inch or two closer to the sign I had written a few moments ago. It was as if a game of chess were being played, for after I moved my foot he moved his a little closer to mine. Then suddenly a new patron entered the lavatory. This guy went to a urinal did his business and left. As he opened door to make his exit the my neighbor gave my foot and ever so light glance with his gargantuan 14 and quickly pulled it out of sight. I moved my foot a few more inches toward his stall and, just as if on a hunt, weighted. Soon after that I heard him bend over toward the front of his stall, then simultaneously I saw a pencil pointing at my sign and felt two firm taps on my foot. It was clear that this stud wanted his dick sucked.

When I realized that this was no longer a game a sharp chill pierced the entire length of my body. Thoughts began to go through my mind like get up and leave now, and he is going to be trouble. After a few moments of hesitation, I mustered the courage to unlatch my stall door. The clanking of the bolt filled the room. Soon after that the guy next to me stood up opened his door and exited. He moved to the front of my stall and pushed the door open not very fast and not very slow either. The most chilling sensation I have ever felt rushed from my toes to my head and settled in my gut. He stepped inside and bolted the door behind himself. The stallion looked down at me and moved in closer.

This guy had on black knee highs and a sporty looking athletic shirt. I could see a pronounced bulge in the prow of his shorts. A bulge that he positioned about six inches in front of my face. With my eyes firmly trained on his jock, he muttered in a low voice "are you going to just look at it or are you going to go down on it"? With that I timidly put my hands on the cheeks of his ass and pulled him closer. I buried my face into his shorts at the spot where my eyes had been focused. His cock was simi hard next to my kisser. There was a faint mushy smell emitting from his basket. After a few moments of rubbing my face in his lap, I pulled his jet black shorts down to his ankles. He had on crisp white underwear that firmly fitted to his ass. The only spot was a yellow stain centered in the front of his lap. I could feel that the cloth was stretched across the crack in his butt. The stiffening sausage, now just inches from my hungry watering mouth, was obscured by only one thin layer of clothing. The shaft and head of the cock could easily be discerned sticking toward the left. I stuck my tong up against the cloth that covered the head. Loosing some of my inhibitions at that point, I started to vigorously suck at the fabric hiding the ever hardening dick. The material had a faint salty taste.

While I was sucking on this fellows drawers he slid his thumbs under the elastic band and slowly began to pull down. The first thing to come into view was the top of his shaft, then his nuts, and then the complete pole. Seeing the stem, I began to lick it. Shortly there after the stud gave his draws another tug downward and I found myself looking down the barrel of a fully engorged eight inch long almost 1 3/4 inch wide love log. At the base were two nuts which were snugly drawn up against the bottom of the cock. The trunk was thick and had venation texture and slight curvature like the picture drawn on the wall. The head on the shaft was very fleshy looking. Inspecting the prominent eye, I could see the glisten of pre-ejaculatory fluid starting to accumulate. It was obvious that this love mussel had a load begging for release, and it was even more apparent that this stallion expected my to service his desires.

Upon completion of my inspection, I closed my eyes, opened my salivating mouth, placed my hands on the stallions buttocks and pulled him in. As the underside of the head touched my tong, I could taste the bitter sweet sparkling ooze that had been congregation at the tip. With a salty tang relishing taste in my mouth I began to massage the underside of the head with the tip of my tong. The salty sensation emitting from the fully erect dick continued to fill my mouth.

The fellow I was servicing was really getting into my lick teasing action and he started to lean forward driving his dong into my mouth. He was now supporting his body with his hands on the wall behind me. I was leaning back as far as I could go, and began to gag on the fleshy tool now buried about six inches in my mouth. Reaching up with both of my hands and with a grunt pushed him away from me. His cock exited my mouth as the jock took a step back. Upon gaining his orientation the stud brought his prick back to my lips. Not willing to get boned to death, I grabbed his pud at the base with my right hand and inserted the remainder back into my unsatisfied orifice. Then the stud started to plunge his rod in and out of my fist and mouth. As his head reciprocated in and out of my entrance, I gave it strong relishing sucks. We were the only two in the room, so I filled the chamber with blow-job sucking sounds. My tong was also doing a dance on the underside of the head with each powerful trust.

After about two minutes of stroking and sucking, I could feel the stallions buttocks tighten. Then suddenly a rush flew past my right hand and into my mouth. The taste was much stronger this time. Up until now I had been swallowing all of the pre-cum jisim, but this load was much bigger than I had anticipated so I allowed it to accumulate in the back of my mouth. After the initial ejaculation the stud kept up is hip action to get all of the cum from his spent pud into my mouth. Upon completion of his reciprocating action he propped his right arm on the wall above me and leaned forward on the wall. I did not allow him to remove his dick from my mouth as I decided that this load was going down.

Contemplating a quick swallow, I opted for only a little at the time. Down went the first bit. It made a trail of slime down the back of my mouth that seemed to stretch from the pool of spunk all the way to my stomach. With a second attempt, down went a little more. By the third try it was all gone, but the bitter salty taste lingered on. I gave his now simi-flaccid pud a few final sucks which yielded only a few more drops of cum, and down it went.

With all the cum gone I removed my hand from his beef stick and let the head slide out of my mouth. Looking up at the thoroughbred who had just pumped my face, I opened my orifice up to him so he could see that his concoction of semen had found it's way down my throat. From the expression on his face, he acknowledged that it was a clean blow-job complete with 100% swallow.

After resting against the wall for about a minute he stood up and stepped back. Bending over to grab his shorts he said "best blow-job I have ever had". With that I plunged my hand into my book bag and retrieved a pen and sliver of paper. Jotting down my phone number, I noticed the stud adjusting his basket getting ready for his exit. I handed him the sliver of paper which he hurriedly grasped, creased, and shoved into his front pocket. With all business completed the stud turned and exited the stall. He went to a urinal drained his now deflated cock, did not flush, then made for the exit. A few seconds later he was gone. All that remained was the fading salty taste of cum in my mouth. Noticing the time, I decide it was time for me to get back to the dorm and finish studying that nasty accounting problem.

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