College Will Be Fun

By Rim Bear

Published on Sep 6, 2005


Disclaimer: If you are not yet 18 years of age or if it is illegal to read materials of this kind where you live, then please stop now. This story contains descriptions of sexual activity between teenage boys. And is for adult eyes only! The acts are consensual and are a result of their love or lust for one another. This story is completely true, all descriptions, and names have been changed to protect people's identities and privacy. I would love to hear from you, so write me about your experiences.

We arrived in Warsaw early in the evening and decided to get a light dinner. My aunt told me she had a couple of short meetings in the morning and then we would head out to do some sightseeing. That was fine with me, I told her I would probably just have some breakfast and look around the area of the hotel and be back by noon or 1pm to meet up with her. She reminded me that I couldn't just roam freely I would need an escort because of government restrictions as well as the fact that I didn't speak polish. She asked her secretary to arrange for an escort to meet me in the morning and that we would probably use him in the afternoon for our sightseeing. The hotel concierge spoke English and I asked him about some of the sights nearby, restaurants, galleries, museums and the like. He gave me good information and said he would arrange for a couple of private tours of governmental buildings. In the morning everything would set.

My aunt woke early and headed to her meetings while I slept late. Around 9am the concierge called and said my escort was ready to take me on my tour. I took a quick shower, dressed and down front in 20 minutes. My escort was a man about 30 years old and very handsome in a cute way. He had a big smile and shook my hand welcoming me to Poland and introducing himself as Stefan. At about 6' 2" he was tall and very well built with broad shoulders accentuated by the coat he was wearing. His hair was dark blonde and he had deep green eyes. I was going to enjoy being with the man I could tell. He asked what I wanted to do first and I said breakfast would be good.

He mentioned a small bistro type restaurant a block away and off we went. The restaurant was small and the lady who served us was the owner's wife. We enjoyed a breakfast of sausage, potatoes and an omelet which he insisted on paying for. I argued that wasn't necessary but he wouldn't accept no. As we left we started talking about our lives in our respective countries and I learned he had just gotten out of the military about a year earlier and taken a job with the government as an interpreter and attach^Â for consulate use. He was 27 although he looked much older was married and had two daughters. He was surprised to learn I was only 18, he told me I looked 25 or older. (Been told this countless times) He wished he could attend university like I was going to but he didn't have the grades or the proper government connections to do that.

At one museum he removed his coat as it was hot inside. At this point I couldn't help but notice his butt! It pushed out from his lower back and squared off on the bottom sides, full and plush looking like throw pillows. I couldn't help staring at that butt a couple of times while we toured the galleries; it was a real man's butt if you know what that means. I was just salivating looking at it. I told him I needed to go to the bathroom and he showed me where it was. Inside the bathroom was a long trough urinal, two toilets separated only by a partition, no doors, and two sinks. I stepped up and pulled out my cock to piss when he came in and said he had to piss also. He stood next to me and pulled out his cock, pulling back the foreskin to piss. I couldn't help but look it was a long (maybe 5") thick tube with nice walnut sized balls hanging underneath surrounded by a thick lush pubic bush. He finished peeing and didn't put it away right away; rather he moved the foreskin up and down on his cock head. I glanced up and saw him looking at me with a big smile. He softly said that he knew most Americans were fascinated with foreskin as most were cut. I smiled and mentioned I sometimes wished I wasn't cut.

He frowned, shook his head saying it was a pain to keep clean, especially when he went on military exercises in the field. Also women didn't like it, always making comment about it being clean or not. He asked what I thought and when I looked down again realized his cock was now hard and about 7«" with a bit of foreskin still able to come up on his cock head. I told him I liked a cock either way just wondered what the difference was during sex and other things. He reached over and took a hold of my cock which was hard and stroked it a couple of times motioning for me to try his! I grabbed a hold and stroked his working his foreskin back and forth. Suddenly he did something totally unexpected; he dropped to his knees and turned me to face him. He moved in close to my cock as if inspecting it and commented on how I smelled. I inquired what did he mean and he said I smelled of sweat and musk but not like other men he knew. He stood up and told me to smell his cock and see if there was a difference. I kneeled and sniffed around his crotch and did discover there was a difference, something I hadn't noticed before with uncut men. He pushed his cock at my mouth and I let his cock penetrate my lips.

I could taste some cock cheese and noted this was the smell difference. Once that taste was gone I took up a steady fucking motion on his cock sucking it in and licking at the head while pulling out. I loved how his foreskin would pull up on the head and I ran my tongue up into it. I pulled off his cock and mentioned the cock cheese and he pulled me up and said he would check on my finding. He went down on me and sucked like a Hoover vacuum. I thought if he kept that up he could suck my balls up through my cock. I pushed him off of my cock and told him to slow down a bit to which he responded he hadn't sucked a cock since the military where some of his friends helped each other out from time to time. He leaned back in and began licking at my nuts, laving them with an incredible amount of saliva. I asked him about someone coming in when he told me he put a repair sign on the door outside and had locked the door when he came in!

He began removing his shirt and it was an incredible sight. When he pulled his t-shirt off, I saw his armpits, full of long dark blonde fur and glistening with beads of sweat. I began to smell his musk and was becoming so turned on I couldn't stand it. He was again sucking my cock like there was no tomorrow. Pulling off to give it long licks before attending to only the head, lightly nibbling on the corona of my cock head. I finally managed to pull him off and get him to stand up. I tried to move to kiss him but he turned his head and gave me a stern "NO"! I was hurt when he turned and said that would betray his wife. I moved down to his chest which was covered in hair and hard as a rock with bulging pectorals. I found his nipples, one with my mouth and the other with my left hand and set to working on them. Twisting, licking, chewing and sucking on them while I felt his moans through his exhales! I moved my mouth towards his left armpit and inhaled his sweat and musk, it was too much.

I dropped to my knees and buried my face in his crotch inhaling a man's smell that made poppers seem like child's play! His pants and underwear had fallen to the floor and he kicked them off, leaving him just in wool socks and military ankle boots. As I rooted around in his thick pubic bush I licked behind his nuts tasting a richer, tangier musk. The smell of sweat and male funk was fully developed and driving me wild. He had squeezed his legs together more firmly as if to keep me from my exploration! I pressed my tongue into the pocket created by his thighs and buttocks. After the third attempt I finally hit his button and he grabbed my hair and pulled me away from his crotch. I looked up at him with an air of lust when he looked at me and called me a "nasty boy". He turned and began to move towards the toilet stalls giving me a full view of his hairy ass. It was covered in a swirling pattern of light brown hair leading to a deep crevice in the middle that was brimming with even more hair. The globes of his ass were firm, full and large! I was in a trance just watching them walk away, shifting up and down with just the slightest jiggle conveying a flirtation to follow.

He sat down on one of the toilets and laid back pushing his butt to the front edge of the toilet and raising his hairy legs up and bracing them against the partitions. I could see his cock had lost its erection but was still laying up against his stomach. His nuts were relaxed and hanging down in his ass crack almost covering his hole, nestled in the hair of his ass crack. He looked over at me and said, "come on nasty boy, you want it, here it is". "Get over here and lick my hole!" "Smell what a real man smells like!" He went on about how he hadn't had an ass licker since his 3rd year in the military when he was 20, and that women don't do things like this. What was I waiting for, get over here and work my ass.

I got over to his ass and dropped my face into his crack. It was wonderful; the smell of man sweat, musk and funk was and is my ultimate turn on! I went to work on that ass, chewing on the edges of his butt cheeks, licking the sweat out of his crack and zeroing in on his butt hole. All the while he was talking dirty to me, telling me to sniff his butt hole, clean his ass, and lick up that sweat and finally I heard him say "drill your tongue up my hole!" Well I did just that. I moved to his hole and placed my mouth right over it and gave it a serious sucking while drilling my coiled tongue up into it. He was stroking his cock rapidly by now and telling me he was going to cum. On one of my tongue fucks I felt his hole clamping down on my tongue and knew he was ready to shoot! I pulled off his ass hole and drove my right middle finger up his ass and proceeded to rub his prostate as he shot off. He shot his first spurt onto his face and left a trail down his chest and stomach as his cum tapered off. Luckily he was able to contain his moans as he shot. He reached down to my cock and on the first jack I shot off hitting the side of the toilet and floor.

He stood up and proceeded to wipe himself clean with toilet paper. I sat on the toilet and gave his crotch and cock a tongue bath, savoring the salty yet sweet taste of his cum. He smiled that big smile and thanked me as he hadn't had sex in months! I looked at him with a question and he remarked that once you marry and have a couple of kids the wife controls the sex. I laughed and remarked that this seemed to be the same around the world. After we got dressed we headed back to the hotel to meet up with my aunt and we talked about various things. I did ask him about having sex with me or other men and his wife. His wife had only fucked 2 men, a prior boyfriend and him as far as he knew. She was a good fuck, but didn't suck cock or anything else. He had been fooling around with guys since he was 13 and looked at it just from that standpoint, it was just fooling around. No intimacy and no commitment as men are capable of just having sex with no attachment. He asked about me and I told him I knew years ago that I liked men. He looked at me and said be careful, "Men can be pigs (not exact, he had a Polish term), no caring, no intimacy and no feelings. A hard cock has no conscience, just wants to get off! It is a rare man who has true and open feelings!"

We arrived at the hotel and my aunt was ready to get on our tour and off we went. We saw many sights related to WWII and toured a couple of the government buildings. We stopped for dinner at a quaint restaurant and made plans for the next day. We had a wonderful stay in Warsaw and Stefan made it even more pleasant for me, but we were now off to Estonia to spend a couple of days before heading into Finland where I was flying back to the states and my aunt was returning to Rome.

The next day was a sightseeing delight but it ended quickly and we caught a flight the day after to Tallinn the capital of Estonia. Estonia is a neat little country with connection to Finland as it is just across the Gulf of Finland from that country. A lot of the history from as far back as the 14th and 15th Centuries is preserved and there is a lot to see. We checked into our hotel, which a typical small European type hotel with maybe 60 rooms. My aunt's secretary had arranged for a interpreter to meet us and set up our plans for touring sights. The interpreter was a man about my age whose name was Joren. He was about 5' 5", slight build with almost platinum blonde hair and blue eyes. After dinner the first night he inquired if I wanted to go to a club that evening. I checked with my aunt and she saw no problem so off we went.

Once at the club I saw it was composed of a crowd mostly around 18 or 20 and was playing music right out a of disco in NY. He explained that they didn't serve alcohol, but coffee and other beverages and served plates of hors d'ouevres. A good number of people at the club knew Joren and he introduced me to many of them. Most of them spoke some level of English and asked a lot of questions about America. He introduced to a lot of the girls in the club who were pleasant and interesting to talk to, but he soon noticed my lack of interest. He pulled me to the side and politely asked if I was more into guys. I responded that the girls were nice but that I was attracted to men. He let me know he was 100% straight but had a few friends who were like me. He would take me to another nightspot more to my liking, but first he was going to call his girlfriend to meet up with us. He didn't like going to the men's clubs alone as many men hit on him and he was uncomfortable with it. His girlfriend arrived in about 15 minutes and she was delightful. Her name was Ursula and she had auburn hair with brown eyes. She spoke perfect English as she had attended private school in England. We spoke for a while before heading to the other club. She mentioned that she loved this club as the men never bothered her and she could have great conversations about various topics. It was down in the basement of a large building housing various shops. Once in the club I noticed how it reminded of a couple of coffee shops we had back home that catered to the college students.

Joren and Ursula sat at a table and began to make out a bit, but I did notice that none of the men in the club were being intimate. I went up to the bar to get a drink. Once a couple of people heard me speak and realized I was American they introduced themselves and wanted to talk. I struck up a conversation with 3 or 4 of them and we talked of life here and in America. The conversation slowly came to homosexuality and I inquired about what it was like in Estonia. I was told it was very underground and actually illegal under Russian law. They had friends who had been arrested for being homosexual and spent time in prison as a result. As tough as it was in the US at this time (1977) it wasn't this bad! They were surprised at my revelations of homosexuality in the US and how unaccepted it was in most areas. Wasn't the US "free" and couldn't you do what you wanted? It is a tough discourse to explain.

Joren came over after a while and told me it was near midnight did I want to leave. I said we can stay awhile and he said fine, he would be back in while after taking Ursula home with a wink. I said I would be here waiting. After he left one of the men I had been talking with (Mikal) wanted to continue our conversation in private. He led me to a backroom in the club and into a small room which contained a couple of chairs, a bed and a radio, almost like a small apartment. He explained we could be intimate here which I didn't quite grasp right away.

I understood what he meant when he removed his shirt and t- shirt before sitting in one of the chairs. We talked a bit more about politics when he bluntly announced he wanted to have sex with me. He was good looking with black hair, brown eyes and very kissable lips. He had an average build, a bit stocky like me with a small patch of hair between his pectorals. I asked him how old he was as he didn't look to be barely 18 and also was it safe. I didn't need to be arrested in Estonia on a sex charge! This all just seemed a bit too surreal to me. His name was Josef, he was 18 and he had never had sex with anyone as he was too afraid of being caught. I asked what made me different. He replied that since I didn't live there I wasn't part of the government and wouldn't turn him in. (It was still a communist country at this time!)

He leaned over to me and kissed me on the lips lightly, and gave a sigh as he pulled away surveying my reaction. When he didn't get a rejection he kissed me again, only longer. Before he pulled away I pulled him into an embrace and felt him trembling. I asked him why and he said he was scared, not of getting caught, but of the feelings he was having. I pulled him into a big hug and reached down to squeeze his butt which was nicely plush and meaty. When I kissed him I pushed to enter his mouth with my tongue but got no entry. We pulled back and he asked me what I was doing. I told him to let things happen naturally and they would feel better. If there was something he didn't like, say so and I would stop. He nodded his okay and I French kissed him delving into his mouth with my tongue. I could feel his cock harden against my leg through his pants. It felt huge! (I am not and still not a size queen, but once in awhile a big one is nice to play with!)

I broke our embrace to slip out of my clothes and as I stripped he removed his shoes and pants leaving on his underwear, although it was stretched to exhaustion. We moved to the bed where we sat next to each other kissing. He reached for my cock and roughly handled it not sure of what to do. I pushed him back on the bed and looked down at him. He had a serious look on his face and was reaching out to stroke any part of me he could reach. I moved down his body and grasped the waistband of his briefs and tugged at them. He had the loveliest treasure trail from his belly button leading to a full pubic bush. As he didn't lift his hips I hadn't got those briefs off just yet. I reached under his butt and he got the idea and raised his hips while pulled off his briefs. Oh my God! His cock was at least 9" or 10", very thick and uncut! His balls surprisingly were only about the size of almonds and his sack was pulled up tight to the base. His black pubic hair was thinner above his cock and grew thick between his legs. He mumbled something I couldn't understand while I stared at his cock. I lay down on him pressing our cocks together. I looked into his eyes and asked him to repeat what he just said. I saw a tear in one eye as he told me his cock was a freak, too big. Guys had always made fun of it and he wished he could make it smaller!

I couldn't believe it and asked if this is why he hadn't had sex with anyone? He nodded yes and I calmed him by explaining most guys were jealous of a cock like this. He laughed a little but told me a story about how the guys pulled his pants off at a soccer game in front of a bunch of girls and they made faces and called him all kinds of horrendous names. I then asked him if this was why he thought he was gay. He couldn't answer that but felt there must be other guys with cocks this big and he needed to talk to them about it. I told him that was nonsense. We talked awhile about his situation before he hugged me and asked me to teach him how a man pleases a man.

I moved down and grabbed his flaccid cock, still a hefty 7" soft and pulled back the foreskin. He was exceptionally clean. I went down on as much as I could and proceeded to suck his cock, feeling it harden, thickening and lengthening as it did. I pulled off his cock and began licking it like a Popsicle, all the while stroking the root of his massive cock. I know up to this point I had never had a cock this big and looking back in hindsight it may have been the largest I have ever sucked in my life! His crotch didn't have the sweaty smell richness of most guys I had been with, but there was that lovely sweet muskiness that I love also. He was so ready to shoot that after only about 4 or 5 minutes of working on his cock I felt it harden and begin to pump a load of cum into my mouth. He tasted sweet and creamy. His cock began to soften some when I moved between his legs and placing my hands at the back of his knees lifted and pushed his legs back towards his chest.

He looked down at me with questions on his face as I began to lick his small yet potent nuts. I told him to grab onto his ankles and hold them open wide. He began to ask why when I blew a stream of air against his balls and perineum that caused him to drop his head and moan. I began laying a trail of saliva along his perineum and blowing cooling breathes at it driving him to more moans. I then kissed his asshole 3 or 4 times with a loud smacking noise only to hear him utter several unintelligible words while pushing his ass closer to my face. I went in the second time after pulling his cheeks apart as far as I could licking his ass crack and hole with big broad licks. What a sweet ass! His ass crack was lined on both sides with black hair and his ass hole was lightly surrounded by black hair.

I began eating his ass in earnest. Nipping at his ass cheeks, giving broad licks over his hole and pulling back to watch it wink at me. One wink, two winks and then I put my mouth over his hole and began sucking on it. His body went into twisting convulsions and again I heard those same words I didn't understand. When I curled my tongue and drove it into his hole his hands released his ankles and sat up in bed grabbing the back of my head and pushing my face into his ass telling me to stop! I tried to pull back to let him calm a minute when he almost doubled over pressing his ass into my face and pressing my face into his ass! I began a frantic tongue fucking of his hairy ass hole only to feel it convulse against my tongue as he shot another load. When I felt the contractions lessen he released my head and fell back in the bed. When he caught his breath he asked me what I had just done and could he learn how to do it.

As I explained rimming to him his cock hardened again and I told him I just wanted to play with it awhile then he could try out some things on me if he wanted. I loved playing with his cock! At one point we had both our fists on it and the head still shown above our hands! He asked about fucking at one point and I regrettably told him he was too big for me as I wasn't into fucking all that much. However, I told there are guys into big ones and they would seek him out once his reputation got on the streets. He asked about women and I assured him that there are women in the same condition; he just had to be patient. I told him he was probably bisexual, but that time would tell.

He moved down look at my cock and began to suck it into his mouth. I was hard in a matter of moments and he began to perform a blowjob that was better than average. I had to remind him of teeth a couple of times but he soon got the hang of it and was sucking me to the root. After a couple of minutes I was close to shooting and warned him if he didn't want it to pull off. He stayed on it until I filled his mouth and swallowed it down. He said he had eaten his cum when he jacked off and liked the taste. I told him his cock was big enough he could suck his own in a joking way. He immediately rolled into a ball and was able to get almost half of his cock into his mouth. He looked up at me and laughed saying he had never thought of doing this. He was still rolled up with his ass hole pointed at me when I leaned over and kissed it.

He laughed, unrolled and lay down beside me. He wanted to rim me but didn't know how to start. I explained that there are any number of positions but to start I would lay on my stomach and he could get between my legs and work into it. Once on my stomach I felt him massaging my ass cheeks. Then I felt a couple of kisses on my cheeks before he placed his face tentatively up to my ass crack and took a sniff. He did this a couple of times and once he was satisfied I felt his hands pulling my cheeks apart and then I felt his tongue licking into my ass crack. My ass has a small amount of hair and my ass crack has a bit more and he was getting into it. He moved from licking up and down my ass crack skipping my hole to drilling into my ass hole trying to gain access. Eventually I stopped playing with him and relaxed my ass hole and his tongue shot in. Oh that felt good!

He went into a rhythm of licking and fucking my ass hole. Not only was I moaning but so was he. He moved up on knees and began stroking his cock again; my cock was straight up hard between my stomach and the sheets. Every move I made rubbed my cock, stimulating me. He was in the process of rapidly tongue fucking me when the door opened a bit. It was Joren returning from his girlfriend. Josef hadn't noticed and was still eating my ass as Joren stepped into the room. His mouth dropped open and he gasped. Josef jumped back pulling covers up over him. Joren was curious what we were doing to which I explained the situation. He wrinkled his nose and shook his head. I said don't down what you haven't tried! Josef was embarrassed which Joren and I comforted. When Josef got out of the bed Joren once again had a look of shock on his face. I pulled Joren's hand to Josef's massive member and told him to stroke it, feel it. He couldn't believe it and told Josef every girl must want him. Josef began crying and I explained the problem. Joren couldn't believe it! His girlfriend, who he loved very much has always wished he had a bigger cock than his 5".

Well it was now after 1am and I wasn't going to sit around playing psychiatrist to everyone. As we got dressed I explained my thoughts on size, using it, etc. and told them sex was more than a big cock or big tits - it was a brain activity. Have fun with it, but don't hurt people. Josef felt a bit better but still needed more help than I could give him at that point. Joren and I headed for the hotel and I asked him up to sleep in my room. He hesitated for a moment until I explained not for sex, but to save him getting home and coming back in the morning. He agreed and retired to my room.

Nothing happened that night and we were up in the morning and ready to go. My aunt took us to breakfast and off to the see the sights we went. Joren became more inquisitive as the day progressed. When we had time alone together he was asking questions about all sorts of things. He asked when we were leaving and I said the next afternoon we were flying to Finland where I was headed back to the US.

Well when evening came we ate a late dinner and I headed to get some sleep to stave off any jet lag on the return trip. At about 12:30am there was a light knock at my door. It was Joren and could he come in to talk. Once he was in the room he immediately turned the conversation to sex. He asked if he could stay and try some of things that Josef and I had done. He had talked to Josef and was intrigued by sex with another man. He kept at it until I finally gave in. He stripped in record time and was laying back on the bed while I removed my clothes.

I lay down on top of him realizing I almost enveloped him he was of such a slight build. He appeared hairless until I got closer and realized his legs and crotch were covered in platinum blonde hair. His cock was about 5" as he said but looked perfect on him. His nuts hung low in a pink sack covered with platinum blonde hairs. He was so small in build and height he was almost a play toy. I slid in the bed and sucked his cock into my mouth. I easily was able to push his balls into my mouth with his cock and just let them rest in my mouth. I pulled back and licked at his cock exploring his butt crack with my left middle finger. His ass crack was well forested with the same platinum hair of the legs. Coming up from his crotch was a sweet sweaty and musky smell that was turning me on. I ducked down behind his nuts and licked at the back of his ball bag relishing the sweaty musty taste I found. He asked me if he should move to help me and I replied yes, I wanted him to get up and sit on my face!

I turned onto my back while he stood up and stood over my head before squatting his ass down onto my face. What a sight it was! His balls hung down low swinging and I couldn't resist leaning up and catching them in my mouth sucking gently on his ball sack. My nose inched into his ass crack and I inhaled his scent. It was clean but rich with male sweat and musk and I continued to minister to his nuts. I rolled his small balls around in their sack with my tongue before letting them out of my mouth and giving him a slow broad lick from the back of his ball sack to his ass hole. He shivered and lifted up with a bit of a yip. I grabbed his hips quickly and pulled him back down on my mouth planting a big kiss on his ass hole. He groaned and I felt him relax a bit. Next I felt his hand stroking my cock slowly and could feel him bending over me. There was a brief pause in activity by him, them I felt his warm wet mouth engulf the head of my cock.

I resumed my rimming of his hairy ass and found that every time I touched his ass hole with my tongue I got a reaction from him. I decided to really give him a jolt began sucking on his hole while frantically licking at his ass hole. When I felt his hole relax and flutter against my tongue I pushed my tongue deep into him. He cried out, muffling it somehow and sat upright pushing his ass hard onto my face. When I pulled my tongue out and removed my mouth from his hole he lifted up slightly and said he was sorry. I replied I wasn't sorry at all and really enjoyed it if he could "ride" my face. He looked down at me with a puzzled look while I explained how to ride my face, rubbing his ass crack back and forth against my tongue, lifting and lowering his ass on my tongue fucking his hole on it and also spreading his ass open and wrapping my face up in his ass.

He suddenly sat back down on my face and began bucking up and down asking me to put my tongue up his hole. Once I got back up in his sweet hole he put his all into riding my face. Moving that ass to and fro, back and forth and up and down on my pointed tongue. He was moaning and uttering things such as, "Oh my god!", "Eat my ass!", "Fuck me deeper!" When I felt his ass hole begin to spasm and clamp down on my tongue I pushed him up off my face to his disappointment. I told him to wait before cumming. He reached for my cock again and began to suck it into his mouth. He was less than graceful at a blowjob as I felt his teeth scraping the sensitive skin on my cock and even nipping at my cock head, but with too much zeal. I was sure if I didn't stop him it would draw blood! I explained my concern and showed him how to cover his teeth and make the blow job much more comfortable.

On his return to sucking my cock the technique was improved but far from perfect. We moved into a 69 and I began giving him a blow job. As I got into a rhythm of fucking my mouth I felt him tentatively move towards my ass. He began licking my ass cheeks while fingering my ass hole. Then I felt him licking my perineum and pushing his finger into my ass hole in a slow fucking motion. He mentioned he didn't think he could lick, suck and rim my ass hole directly like I had his. I told him that was fine and I went back to stroking his cock while licking his ass crack and hole. Again I felt him getting excited and stopped pumping his cock while I reached back and spread his cheeks wide open and just took in the sight of his ass! It was beautiful with two melon like cheeks split by his hair lined crack. His hole was bright pink ringed with platinum blonde hair, and I don't think he realized how his hole was winking at me. I leaned up and planted a big kiss on that hole and speared my tongue into him. Suddenly I felt his mouth on my ass hole giving it a quick kiss. Then another kiss, this time a bit longer! Then he licked at my hole and I warned him I was going to shoot any minute. He jumped up and began beating off his cock in my face shooting his load all over my mouth and cheeks. His cock remained hard as he quickly moved back down in the bed and I felt him place his cock head against my ass hole, smearing his remaining cum on the hole and trying to push into my ass. I clamped down tight and pushed him back telling him I didn't fuck anybody but my lover!

This angered him a bit as he said he thought all homosexual men wanted to fuck an ass. I explained my belief of sex versus love and why this was off limits except for the one I was in love with. He calmed down and asked how I was going to get off. I explained I would jack off and maybe it was time for him to leave. He got dressed and kept reminding me he was not homosexual and I said that was fine. I didn't force him to do anything, but was surprised why he had. He said that his girlfriend had a lot of friends who were homosexual that seemed to hit on him and he wanted to find out what it was all about. He couldn't do anything with any of them as it would get back to his girlfriend and he didn't want that. I asked him what he thought and he said he couldn't see him ever doing anything again. I told him that he should let it be known to these men that he didn't mess with men and not be so sensitive about it. By protesting about it so much and making "it clear" that he wasn't homosexual almost comes across as too apologetic and a bit too defensive. He would be viewed as a challenge by many homosexual men.

He left, I got some sleep and within 24 hours I was home again. It was a wonderful trip to Europe I hoped to repeat with my aunt again when she was taking a holiday next time.

Look for more stories about my college years as well as some new stories about my teenage years!

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