College Will Be Fun

By Rim Bear

Published on Aug 22, 2005


Disclaimer: If you are not yet 18 years of age or if it is illegal to read materials of this kind where you live, then please stop now. This story contains descriptions of sexual activity between teenage boys. And is for adult eyes only! The acts are consensual and are a result of their love or lust for one another. This story is completely true, all descriptions and names have been changed to protect people's identities and privacy. I would love to hear from you, so write me about your experiences.

Well I returned from visit checking out another college and was quickly off for a couple of days at another college in Michigan. This was a very small college and nothing real exciting happened, probably due to the fact that they had assigned a senior coed to conduct my campus tour. Although I did notice some nice looking men on campus and she introduced me to a couple who were very easy on the eyes.

On my flight back home I knew I had made my decision and made a note to cancel my last trip as it wouldn't change my mind. Once at home I told my parent's of my decision and my mom said that was great as one of my aunts, who worked for the UN and lived in Rome wanted me to fly over to Europe for a couple of weeks and join her on a trek into Czechoslovakia and other points in Eastern Europe! This excited me tremendously as I loved traveling with her no matter where it was. I called Jay right away, I had so much to tell him and I knew he would be thrilled.

When he answered the phone I could hear the smile in his voice when he heard it was me. We talked a bit about nothing in particular before I told him I had news. I told him of my decision to attend college at his school and he told me he was so happy and when did I plan on a return visit. He really wanted to see me and spend time with me, and I replied the same was true for me. I told him I would probably be back around the first of the year when my brother would head back after Holiday Break. Then I told him I had some other news and told him about my aunt and that I would be flying out in a few days for a couple of weeks in Europe. He told me he was jealous, the biggest trip he had ever taken so far was to Washington D.C. with his senior class in high school. We talked for another 20 minutes or so when he brought up sex.

Our conversation got quite serious as we discussed extra- curricular activities that we might become part of. I told him about my college visit and though he didn't get angry I could tell he was a bit disappointed. I told him that I had made a commitment to not engage in anal intercourse except for with a true lover, but that I had a very strong sex drive and liked the exploration with other guys. He said he understood, but was concerned that I would get hurt if I wasn't careful. He related a story of a high school friend who he thought was closer to him than he really was. They developed a relationship that he thought was 2-way but was actually quite 1-way. They screwed around a lot, literally and figuratively. His friend was deep into the gay scene in their city and he didn't realize until well into the relationship that he (Jay) was being used as the "ticket" into a lot of parties (orgies) actually.

At one party Jay took a hard look at the other guests and realized that many of them were bisexual or married "straight" men in their 40's and up. He also found that in a couple of the rooms the wives were having their own sex orgies, swapping with other husbands, fucking young guys and more. When he walked into one room he found his supposed "lover" fucking a woman of about 45 who was good friends with his mother! She wanted him next and he was appalled! He got dressed to leave and when his lover tried to stop him he found out that there wasn't any love between them. Rather his "lover" was bisexual, at least to sucking cock and used Jay so they could go as a couple. Many parties were couples only for entrance. Jay was devastated as he had developed feelings for this man.

It was at this point that he went to a psychiatrist for some therapy and learned about whom he was and what he wanted. These sessions reaffirmed his homosexuality and helped him to develop the maturity that I found so attractive at first meeting. He pointed out to me that his almost years time "screwing" around had calmed his need for spontaneous sex for the most part. I inquired what the last part meant and he told me enjoyed going to the adult bookstores in town once in awhile to partake of the glory holes. I said I had the same predilection, as they could be a tremendous turn- on! I told him I understood his concern and I would work on curbing my sex drive, except for towards him. He laughed and told me that was why he wanted me close to him. We said our goodbyes and I told him I would send him some cards from Europe.

Well 3 days later and I was on my way to Berlin where I was to meet my aunt and a colleague of hers who was going to be driving us into and around Czechoslovakia before heading up to Poland and Estonia. She was glad to see me, it had been since last Thanksgiving, and as we rode into Czechoslovakia she explained that she was going to look up some distant relatives of ours we had never met to learn about our family history and also had some official business to attend to a couple of days in Bratislava and then in Poland. I was free to explore those days and meet back at the hotel late for dinner. I asked why we were headed into Estonia and she said some friends had been there and loved it so with our love of history we could enjoy the sites there.

Day 3 and I am on my own exploring Bratislava, an absolutely beautiful city that captures the essence of old Europe. When I stopped to grab a bite to eat around noon it became very interesting. I knew about 6 words in Czech, spoke some French (yeah for High School) and resorted to pointing at some foods to convey what I wanted. Luckily a young man about 25 or a little older stepped up and spoke a moderate amount of English. We began chatting when he ordered a coffee and asked why I was in Bratislava and alone. I explained my visit and he said great, he would show me around if I wanted. He was an artist and had attended school in London for a year, hence his English. I told him that would be great and that I would pay him for his time. He told me no, that wasn't necessary and I told him to at least let me buy him lunch. When he realized I only had American money at that point he laughed. We could eat for a week on a $10 bill once the owner knew!

As we sat enjoying a wonderful sausage soup and pork sandwiches on rye I took a good look at my new friend, Mikal. He had coarse dark brown hair that he combed from the left side and bright blue eyes. His sideburns grew down even with his ear lobes and he had a very light mustache. His eyebrows were thick and almost met in the middle and his smile was sincere and bright. He was wearing a button sweater shirt open except for one button and had a thick thatch of brown hair popping out from it. I smiled and noticed him looking at me intently also. He asked if I thought he was attractive and having been in Europe before realized this didn't have to be sexual in any way. Men are less uptight about another man complimenting them than in America. I told him I thought he was very attractive and knew being upfront would be admired by him let him know I was attracted to him. He smiled broadly and placed his hand on my thigh rubbing lightly.

He remarked that I could fit in easily with the locals, my look, my build and my demeanor. When I told him my grandfather's name he chuckled and said he had a friend with the same name, it was fairly common in the area. Sort of like Smith in the US. He asked if I wanted to explore with him and I just nodded allowing him to negotiate the bill and lead me through the city. I was surprised when he held my hand as we walked and a couple of times wrapped his arm around my waist. When I inquired he said not to worry we were in the artist sector and it was very acceptable. We came up to a gallery and I noticed his name in the window. He told me it was his and to come in and enjoy. A lot of his paintings were of old buildings in the city and street scenes. He said those sold well outside of Czechoslovakia and made him a fair living, but that the state took half his earnings so he worked some art through the black market.

He led me upstairs, while I noticed a young man watching us all the time. I told him that and he smiled telling me it was his little brother and not to worry. We went in what turned out to be his bedroom and he proceeded to strip right away. I was a bit taken a back at first and when he noticed me standing still he walked over and removed my shirt and began unbuckling my belt. I grabbed him and placed my lips on his and gave him a long hard kiss. His smile continued and he dropped to his knees while pulling down my pants. Then I felt a warm wet mouth taking my cock and sucking lightly. I quickly hardened and began a slow thrusting into his mouth. He was hungry and produced copious amounts of saliva that I felt dripping onto my balls and down my inside thighs. He still had his pants on and I tried to pull him up, but instead he released my cock and motioned for me to join him on the floor.

I dropped to my knees and we fell into a bear hug kissing hard and dueling for entry with our tongues. After a couple of more kisses I dropped my mouth into the crease of his neck and chest. His pectorals were covered with long thick brown fur and I had to hunt for his tits. I found the right one and began chewing on it only to hear him groan and press harder on the back of my head literally mashing my mouth into his teat and chest. I leaned back a little and growled that I had to have his cock! There was no reaction from his and I shoved my hands to his waistband to get his pants off. He stood up immediately and sat on his bed staring out the window. I didn't know what to think when he suddenly spoke and told me he wasn't very big and of course uncircumcised. He would get me off and then he would take me around the rest of city.

I laughed and asked if that was all that was bothering him and he nodded yes. I smiled and told him I couldn't care what size his cock was, if it gets hard and shoots then we can have a lot of fun together. He was reluctant in loosening his belt and told me if I didn't want him that was okay. I told him if he didn't get the pants off soon I was going to rip them from his body. He stood and let them fall revealing the hairiest crotch and legs I think I had ever seen. His hair down here was a bit darker and sticking out of the pubic nest between his legs was a cock about 3 of 4 inches long, hard as steel but probably 4 inches in diameter! It was the proverbial "fire plug" some refer to. I asked him to turn around for me and when he did I had to catch my breath. He had the most beautiful ass in the world. It was athletic, protruding out and rounded cheeks, squared off at the bottom and formidable. You could serve dinner on this ass! He had a dusting of hair on his shoulder blades and a thick tuft at the base of his spine and lower back. The cheeks were covered in long swirls of brown hair that thickened into his ass crack and looked even thicker where his legs met at the crack.

He turned further around and told me he understood if I didn't want to have sex with him. He would suck me off and we could be on our way. I gave him a big "whoa" and said to him, "who said anything about not wanting to have sex with you!" He replied that a lot of men told him his cock was too small for any enjoyment, so he became very good at sucking cock and leaving his pants on. I pushed him onto the bed and planted a line of kisses on his hairy chest moving down his hairy treasure trail until I reached his crotch. I burrowed my nose into the space between his nut sack and thigh and inhaled. Oh yes, clean yet musky with a scent of sweat and piss. My cock began to harden again as the natural aphrodisiac effect of the smell of a man's crotch began to have its effect on me.

I pushed his legs apart and saw his balls pulled up tight against the root of his cock. I lapped out at it and was rewarded with the taste of sweat and piss! A few more licks and he cried for me to stop or he would cum! I pressed up under that nut sack and was rewarded with the richest most intense smell of man crotch I had experienced in a while. It is near indescribable, this scent. Only a man can produce this smell and there isn't a man alive who hasn't scratched his balls and/or ass crack and put that finger to his nose to smell that delectable scent! His crotch was alive with this scent and I couldn't resist licking out at the root of his cock behind his balls. I wanted to stay right where I was for a while but knew he was near exploding. I took a couple of nips of his perineum and moved up to engulf his cock.

It was so thick I had to really open wide to get that cock in my mouth, but once I had it all in my mouth I began lolling my tongue all around the head tasting a bit of cock cheese and licking the shaft as best I could with my mouth full. I felt him grab my head and push me into his crotch even further while humping my face in an automatic reaction to being sucked off. It only took about 2 minutes and I felt his cock harden further and his pulse quicken readying to shoot. When he shot his cum in my mouth I started to gag! It was thick and amount was amazing also. To this day I think that may have been the biggest cum wad I have ever seen, and I have seen plenty. His cock pumped out 8 or 9 shots before softening and oozing cum for several minutes. Mikal was smiling and breathing heavy when he thanked me for sucking him off. It was the first time in almost 2 years! I looked down at him and told him I wasn't done with him yet.

He pulled his legs back towards his chest and offered me his ass pointing to a drawer in the nightstand next to the bed. I looked at him a moment while pulling the drawer open and saw a bottle of lotion. I chuckled and shook my head no to which a look of horror came over his face and he replied he didn't get fucked dry! I shook my head no again and told him I had other plans for his ass. I was met with a quizzical look on his face. I once again answered by kissing him and trailing kisses down his chest, stomach and crotch. I loved the chest on this man! Big rounded out pectorals coated in thick hair, they were perfect!

He had let his legs move back down on the bed so I placed my hands on the backs of his thighs and pushed them up and towards his chest again while telling him to spread wide. I couldn't see his asshole for the thickness of hair surrounding it, but I knew where it was. I leaned into his ass and rested my chin on the bed. The smell was intoxicating! Again he was clean, but the smell of sweat, musk and piss was evident. It was a rich heady scent that was making my head light. I lightly licked out at his cock root again, running my tongue up and down on his perineum. I wish I spoke Czech, especially slang as his mouth was running on with words of ecstasy I didn't understand but could imagine.

I leaned back and just stared at his hairy ass trench, still smelling his musk. I planted my face in his trench feeling the wetness of sweat lingering in the hairs. Just breathing in his scent was going to make me cum. I kept my hands off my cock for fear of shooting off and loosing the moment. Moving my face up and down his trench my tongue found his hole and I ran a couple of circles around it. He had grabbed the bedding with white knuckles showing and was doing all he could to push his against my face. I leaned back and using both hands, carefully parted the hairs surrounding his asshole revealing a pink beauty; lightly crinkled skin surrounding a perfect "O", almost looking like a donut. I lightly blew air against his asshole watching it twitch and push out in search of more. I blew air against it again and Mikal pushed out hard actually opening the hole just a bit. I was going to have fun with this hole!

I wet my right hand's middle finger and rubbed it across his hole watching it stretch out and attempt to "kiss" my fingertip. I leaned in and circled his hole with my mouth and began sucking on his asshole pulling the lips out and lightly nibbling on them. He began beating his fists against the bed when I drove my tongue into him hard. Spearing his hole and licking inside his hole. I heard him cry out with another word I didn't understand. I pulled off his hole with a loud smacking kiss. Then dove back in again and set up a tongue drilling of his asshole he wouldn't forget! His hole flexed open and I tongue fucked him for over a minute. I felt like I was in a trance, smelling his musky ass sweat and just wrapping my mouth around his ass lips and drilling his hole, in and out! When I pulled off his hole this time his hole stayed open slightly waiting for more attention. I drove my middle finger in and found his prostate, giving it a massage until he cried out and shot another load. When his ass began clamping down on my finger I quickly replaced it with my tongue, feeling his asshole squeezing my tongue I shot off immediately.

I fell back on the floor panting for breath and he scrambled out of the bed on top of me kissing me. Where did I learn to do what I just did, and what was it. He had never had anyone do that to him. Most guys just want their cock sucked and/or fuck their ass and move on. I explained rimming to him and he was fascinated. We took a bath together before heading out on the streets again and he kept asking me questions saying he had so much to learn. He was a truly wonderful man who showed me all around Bratislava including the public baths where most of the old men go, except for one a certain time of the day and the next day we sat there for 2 hours just looking at the other men. Quite a few knew him but most spoke little English. It was a wonderful 2 hours of asses and cocks, all sizes, hard, soft, in between, hairy, not so hairy and almost all uncut. I didn't see any sex, although Mikal said some takes place in the private areas, mostly cock sucking.

He took me back to the hotel and had dinner with my aunt, her colleague and me before wishing us a good journey. My aunt was glad I found someone to show me around, although she knew I could do well on my own if I had to. The next day we headed out into the country to meet the relatives she had found. They were members of the communist party and the father did work for the government so they lived quite well in comparison to others. Their house was brick and built recently, they had a large (by our standards) refrigerator and a car they used on the weekends to take a trip once in a while. We sat and talked until their children returned. Their oldest boy was 18, my age, and attending university, the other children were a girl 15 and another boy 11 and they took the time to show me around the town. The oldest boy, Stephan spoke very good English and translated things I didn't understand. When we got back to their house my aunt thought it would be great to spend the night before heading on the Poland. They had a cot for my aunt's colleague to sleep on, my aunt was going to sleep on the couch and I would stay in the oldest boy's room (I should say my cousin, 4th removed or something).

I didn't think anything of this until after dinner and bedtime came. It turns out that I would be sleeping in the same bed as my cousin. It was a bit bigger than a twin bed and in a small porch on the side of the house made into a room for him. Let me describe my cousin. He was gorgeous! Dark brown hair cut in a crew cut, brown eyes, large nose, 6' and a very natural build. He resembled Tom Cruise when he was younger, except tall. In his room his stripped off everything but some very small bikini briefs. I noticed some hair in the middle of his chest, a treasure trail from his belly button down and when he turned to pull off socks a tuft of hair on his lower back. His legs only had a moderate amount of hair on his calves. As he got into bed I stripped to, well nothing as I don't wear underwear and hadn't since I was 14. He looked at me and asked if I wanted some shorts. I said if that makes you more comfortable that would be fine. He shrugged his shoulders and replied by pulling off his briefs and tossing them on the floor by his shoes. I smiled and crawled into bed with him.

We made small talk for a few minutes until his father came by, poked his head in the door and said goodnight. He then said something to Stephan in Czech I didn't understand and closed the door. We had kept our distance laying on the edges of the bed. I asked what his father said to him and he chuckled and said his father told him if we did anything to not make noise and wake the others. I didn't think anything about that, figuring he meant talk, play a game or something. I turned on side looking away from Stephan, mumbled goodnight and tried to go to sleep. Try the key word as it was only about 9pm or a little after and I am used to being up until midnight or after before going to sleep. I knew Stephan had classes the next day and figured he needed to sleep so I didn't want to bother him, so I just lay there waiting until the Sandman came and I fell asleep.

After about 15 minutes or so I felt Stephan press up against me with his back. I didn't think anything of this as I thought he was asleep. Then I thought I noticed his ass rubbing against my ass. No, it was my imagination I said to myself. Then I felt a hand between our asses and one of his fingers was moving up and down my ass crack very slowly. The hand pulled out and next I heard a light sniffing and realized he was sniffing my ass on his finger! I also detected some movement by him, like he was jacking off. Then I felt the hand back between our asses again except I moved a hand back and grabbed his wrist. I felt him tense up and say something under his breath.

I turned to my other side still holding his wrist and brought his hand up to my face sniffing his fingers. He turned on his back and looked at me with interest. I pushed the covers down revealing a beautiful uncut cock of about 7 or 8 inches, nestled in a moderately thick pubic bush with walnut sized balls hanging down between his legs. He whispered to me that his girlfriend was away for studies in Moscow and he hadn't gotten any in over 2 months and was horny. When he jacks off he fingers his ass and sniffs his fingers, it helps to get him off. He was curious if my ass smelled the same. I asked him if my ass smelled like his and he replied yes but the excitement of doing something so nasty with another guy excited him. I asked if he had done anything with any guys and he shook his head no. I asked if that is why his father said what he did earlier at the door. He said yes, that he had a talk with his father about his feelings towards his girlfriend and his father said he needed to find a buddy to fool around with so as not to cheat on her. When his father was in the service in their unit they had a couple of guys they called "wood workers" (he used the Czech name, I don't remember it) because they would jack off or suck off the other guys when they couldn't get any.

I asked him what he wanted to do and replied he wanted to suck my cock and see if he liked that. I lay back and told him to give it a try. I also asked if his girlfriend did this to him and he said no, she thought it was dirty. I asked what he had done with his girlfriend and he said she let him play with her tits and finger her pussy and she would rub his cock. She wouldn't let him fuck her until they were married. Well his first try needed a lot of work! The teeth were everywhere. I had to stop him several times to tell him to be careful. Finally I told him to lay back and I would demonstrate. First I licked up and down his shaft. Then grabbed a hold of his shaft and stroked him lightly realizing that he had a nice loose foreskin that moved up to cover the head on each upstroke. His crotch smelled nice and clean, almost too clean from his shower. I could taste some soap as I moved down to lick his nuts and inner thighs, and his scent didn't intensify between his legs or even up under his nuts as I pressed my face into his crotch. I did notice as I was down ball washing that his ass had a moderate amount of hair and his asshole shown bright pink in the center of his hair lined ass crack.

I went back to his cock head and flutter licked right where the piss slit joins the foreskin. This sends guys out of their minds usually and I it was no exception with Stephan. I moved atop the cock head again and slipped it into my mouth taking about 3 inches before moving back up. I repeated this 3 or 4 more times before moving off and licking his nuts again. I looked up to his face and asked if he got down what to do and he nodded yes. He went down to my cock which had softened up and began licking it some. I told him since it is soft put it in your mouth and suckle on it, licking around the head. As he did this I boned right back up and he began moving his head up and down sucking my cock. Much better this time I only felt teeth a couple of times. Then he surprised me by moving down and not only licking my balls, but sucking them into his mouth one at time and rolling them around in his mouth. I motioned for him to twist around in the bed and I would suck him while he sucked mine.

Once in a 69 position I went back to sucking on his cock letting it slip into my throat a couple times to which I felt a shudder run through his body. The third time I got him in my throat and let it sit a second or two when he tried to ram my cock down his throat. He gagged and choked and sat up grabbing a pillow to cough into to keep the noise down. He didn't realize that when he did this he bucked his ass first then just sat down on my face! He was still recovering when my tongue snaked out and licked at his asshole which conveniently ended up right on my mouth! He jumped and tried to pull his ass off my face when he realized what he was doing; only I was quicker and had grabbed his hips pulling down and keeping his hairy ass on my face. As I dipped my tongue into his lightly hairy ass crack I found some of his musky scent. It sent me into overdrive. I licked that ass, I nibbled on his cheeks, I kissed his asshole, I tongue fucked him and I sucked on his hole until he told me to stop! Of course I didn't stop, I just kept up my oral assault on his ass which was leaving my face wet with my saliva as he squirmed and rode my face. All of a sudden I felt him leaning over, I thought to suck my cock, but soon realized he grabbed my hips and pulled my ass up off the bed and dove into my ass crack. He didn't do anything other than kiss my ass cheeks and run his fingers through my crack at first. Then I felt him licking my asshole. Then lightly pulling it open with his fingers and licking my asshole again. Suddenly he stuck his tongue into my asshole and I couldn't take anymore. I pulled his ass back on face and tongue fucked while I shot off. He let go of my hips and lifted off my face, turning over and proceeded to jack a load off onto my face and in my mouth.

He got a towel to wipe up with, thanked me and fell asleep with his head on my chest. We woke up the next morning smelling of sex and cum realizing we both needed showers, but first I went down and ate his ass for almost 10 minutes so I could really get a smell of his musky scent. His ass and balls smelled richly of sweat, cum and funk. I shot off in no time with him wriggling that sweet hairy ass in my face. He said he had a friend he thought would make a good "wood worker".

Well after showers, breakfast and goodbyes we were off for Poland. I write my cousin from time to time just to see how things are. It has been a hard transition from communism but they like the changes. Stephan married his girlfriend and they have 2 beautiful teenagers. He found a guy to have sex with, not the one he thought would do it, but another at the university. He hasn't had sex with a man since he married, says he has no desire although it was okay at the time. Guys have to help each other sometimes is how he views it.

I will be back with stories from Poland and Estonia. In College will be fun, Part 7.

Next: Chapter 7

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