College Will Be Fun

By Rim Bear

Published on Aug 12, 2005


Disclaimer: If you are not yet 18 years of age or if it is illegal to read materials of this kind where you live, then please stop now. This story contains descriptions of sexual activity between teenage boys. And is for adult eyes only! The acts are consensual and are a result of their love or lust for one another. This story is completely true, all descriptions, and names have been changed to protect people's identities and privacy. I would love to hear from you, so write me about your experiences.

To give a bit of background, I realized I was gay at a fairly early age (10 - 11 yrs old) the age at which I went into puberty. I'm a 5' 9", teddy bear, dark blonde hair, fairly hairy, 6" cut, low-hangers with blue-gray eyes, and mid-forties now. I have many stories to relate about my early years of sexual experimentation but this story relates to my years at college.

After a long day of touring buildings, meeting various professors and administrative staff and checking out activity areas we were whipped. It was about 4pm and I said I was headed back to the dorm to relax and watch some TV. Kevin said that was fine as he had some things to take care of at his fraternity.

I met some more of the guys in the dorm while watching TV and joined a couple of them in playing some pool. I've always had a knack at the pool table and the guys complemented me on my ability. After a few games most of them were headed to eat and asked me to join them. I told them I thought I might wait for Kevin when one guy said he'd leave him a message about where I was headed and with who so he could catch up later.

Well we ate and the guys took me over to the student union where there was pub to grab a beer and some snacks. They introduced me to so many people I wouldn't remember a single name even with a gun to my head. I had a lot of fun and a couple of hours into the fun and games I had to piss or bust my gut. Chris pointed out where the restrooms were there were a couple of them on different levels. I chose the upper one for not apparent reason and excused myself.

The restroom had two sinks on one wall with 3 urinals just down from them set apart by partitions and you stepped around a wall with a couple of mirrors into a room with 3 stalls with toilets. I took the far stall which was dimly lit, dropped my shorts and sat down. Imagine my surprise when on my left is a beautifully cut out glory hole! About 5" in diameter with a bit of an oblong shape from top to bottom and the edges were smooth and covered in duct tape in an almost professional application. There was no one in the restroom at that moment and I finished pissing and decided to sit a few minutes and see what happens. Then I heard the door opening, there was slight scuff on the door jamb and then a quick squeak. About 30 seconds went by when someone entered the stall next to me. The next stall was a bit brighter and cautiously looking through the hole I noticed a nicely built man wearing sweat pants and polo shirt. He dropped the sweat pants while facing the toilet; I thought to just take a piss. Some guys are pee shy and I figured that was the case with this guy. I looked and again and he was wearing a Bike Jockstrap that was pretty ripe showing some yellowing and a bit of fraying around the waist.

As I sat there he turned his back to me revealing a pale ass covered in a fine dusting of blond hair that thickened as it neared his ass crack and between his legs. He turned back around and his balls were hanging out of the bottom of the pouch and his cock was pointing northward still pressed against his tummy by the elastic pouch. Next he approached the hole and he leaned close to it and whispered would I like to clean his jock sweat off of his nuts. He had been working out for the past 2 hours and needed a break as well as a shower. He figured he could find a sweat sniffing cocksucker here to clean him up! I noticed an eye looking at me and he asked if that was what I was looking for. I nodded and suddenly his bull sack of nuts was dropped through the hole. His sweat and musk was now penetrating the air and I was becoming thoroughly aroused. I leaned down and took a swipe at his nuts and was rewarded with the salty taste of sweat and the aroma of a clean yet musky man. I sucked one ball into mouth and nursed on it listening to his moans of appreciation. I moved to the other ball and did the same before pinching off a bit of the bottom of his sack and pulling it upward before leaning in and taking a big deep inhale of the back of his ball sack, one of the areas where a man's smell is richest. Then a stuffed his ball sack into my mouth and just let them rest while I savored their flavor, salty yet sweet, musky yet clean and tender yet masculine.

He pulled the sack back through the hole and slipped off his jock, stuffing it through the hole telling me it was my souvenir! I pressed it to my face and inhaled deeply. Better than poppers! I could hear a chuckle and looked at the hole to see him watching my actions. Next he said I looked good with a jock on my face. Then he stood and slipped his cock through the hole. Oh my! It was at least 9" and a good thickness with hair growing up the shaft partway. I knew straight away he was uncut as the head had a strong smell of smegna and piss. I began licking the shaft like a lollipop when he gruffly said he wanted a blow job. I got on the head and cleaned him up before butterfly licking that special area where the piss slit meets the foreskin connection. He went wild and asked what the hell was I doing, he was gonna cum if I kept that up. I dove down and took as much as I could, wetting the shaft and preparing my throat for the dive! Once, twice and on the third time I met his pubes. He gave a grunt and tried to fuck my throat but I pulled off and jerked his cock a few times. He pulled his cock back and leaned down to the hole telling me he was ready to shoot anytime, but I told him I wanted something else. He asked what that was and I replied I wanted to eat his ass. He was stunned and remarked why. I told him not to worry, I didn't want to fuck him, just back his asshole up to the hole and let me at it. He said no one had done this before and he wasn't sure about it. I told him if he didn't like it he could pull away and stop it. He gave in, turned around, bent over and backed that hole up to the glory hole.

It was beautiful and smelled clean, but had a strong male musk to it. I leaned down and just sniffed sending my head into a spin. His hole was pink with a nest of hair around it that glistened with sweat. The smell was so intoxicating, a combination of sweat, musk and that special male funk that had my cock hard as a rock. I stroked my cock slowly while I began first just kissing everything presented by that hole except his asshole. Then I zeroed in planted a huge kiss on his hole before licking all the ass trench I could get to. I began licking and alternating it with a suck on his hole from time to time. Just as I was really getting into it he pulled his ass away and turned around. He leaned down and asked if he could come into my stall. With a little reluctance I agreed and he stepped into my stall. He was tall, around 6' 2" and looked Italian or Greek with dark hair, mustache and a large build from working out.

He told me the sensation from me eating his ass was incredible and he wanted more! He turned around grabbed the top of the stall door, stretched his legs back and arched his back pushing his ass into my face telling me to get to work. His moans and groans were only interrupted by his remark to "suck on that hole" "kiss it" "eat my ass". Then he began working his ass on my face wiping it up and down on my tongue, pushing back on my tongue moaning for me to "stick your tongue in my ass" "tongue me" and to "chew on those cheeks". As this continued I grabbed his cock from between his legs and pulled it back rapidly jerking it off. I felt his asshole begin to spasm while his cock began to thicken and harden even more. Suddenly he spun around and shot his load while I dove to get his cock in my mouth.

He stood recovering a moment before he leaned down and told me I was coming back to his room. He needed to have me eat his ass some more and maybe even do his roommate if he was around. They were both football players and liked to have guys worship their bodies. I told him I was there with some friends and needed to check in with them as I had been gone for over 30 minutes. He said he knew who I was with and already told them that Kevin had sent him to get me and bring me over to their frat house. I smiled and asked if that is why he came into the rest room and he chuckled and said yes, Kevin and he were tight and Kevin had told him about our encounter the day before. Although he didn't fill in the details, especially about me actually kissing an ass which he thought was just one of those remarks made in jest.

On the walk to their frat he told me his name was Antonio but to call him Tony and he thought he was gay but was careful about it because of the football team and all. I asked about his roommate and he told me they were high school friends who fooled around in High School and once in a while now but he felt he was probably straight in truth. I asked about the fraternity and he told me that several of the guys jerked off together but he didn't think much else happened, he even thought that Kevin and I only jacked off until our encounter in the restroom. He took a chance when he saw I was in the cocksucker stall. I asked about why the college left the glory hole and he said the rumor was that one of the deans was gay and paid a maintenance guy to take care of it. As a matter of fact there was another one in the basement restroom of the library!

We got to the frat house and sitting outside was Kevin and a couple of guys he introduced me to Mike and Bill both frat brothers. Mike was a nice looking guy but in general non- descript while Bill was almost a twin of Michael J. Fox the actor. I remarked on this trait and he smiled saying a lot of people told him that. We all sat down and talked awhile when another big guy walked up who Tony introduced as his roommate Peter. He was ruggedly handsome with sandy blond hair, a huge neck and the broadest shoulders I think I had ever seen! He was the center for the football team and I could see why. What was funny was when he spoke, I expected a deep manly voice but instead it was fairly high pitched almost more like a women's voice. It just didn't fit cause he was definitely all-man!

Kevin said he had to clean up the office and put some papers back in the files and then we could head back to his room. In the meantime the other guys could show me the house. After a quick tour of the house Tony got me alone and asked if I wanted to spend the night with him and Peter but I begged off that I was tired and needed to get some rest. In the morning I was to meet with a department to discuss a couple of possible majors I was considering and what that would entail should I opt to attend school here. He said he understood and wasn't sure what Pete's reaction would be anyway. Kevin and I headed back to his room and he asked what Tony wanted. I just told him the offer of me staying at the frat house for the night. He said something I couldn't quite hear and when I asked him to repeat it he waved it off.

Back in his room we slipped into bed and this time he just wrapped an arm around me and pulled me next to him. He said he really like having someone to hold when he slept and hopefully I didn't mind. I said no that I too also like the feeling. We talked a bit before falling asleep about what I had done for the evening and I told him that some of the guys and I played pool before dinner and then headed to the pub in the student union where he sent Tony to get me. He said that Chris had called him to let him know where we were and that was how he knew to send Tony to the pub. I then offered up what had happened in the restroom with Tony and he quickly replied that Tony was a slut and apologized. I said that was fine as Tony was a hot guy and I didn't mind the encounter. He then mentioned that he and Tony were dating undercover for a few months trying to figure out if they were gay or not. I mentioned that Tony told me he thought he was gay and that he and his roommate fooled around together once in awhile. He said he knew all that, but that he didn't think he could return Tony's feelings for him. Kevin dated girls and enjoyed sleeping with them, but only wanted to have a man "on the side" so to speak. He really wanted the family, kids and white picket fence life. Tony wanted a relationship where his lover was faithful to him, but Tony could seek out partners either for just himself or to share with his partner. Kevin said he didn't think he could be in that relationship. Even now when he dates a girl Tony gets intensely jealous and will go out and have several anonymous encounters in an attempt to "get back" at Kevin.

I said I wasn't psychiatrist but that I felt this was part of growing up and maturing and that the two of them were at different points along that scale of maturity. If he had any feelings for Tony they needed to sit down and talk about the troubles. I asked how they hooked up and he related that they both walked into a meeting of the campus Gay/Lesbian/Bisexual/Transgender group and ended up spending the night talking to each other about their feelings and about testing the waters. He cared for Tony but it wasn't love, however Tony had become very attached from the start. I told him that possibly he was the first guy Tony had truly had sex with, beyond jacking off, and he had a case of puppy love. I told him they needed to talk about this. He kissed me on the neck and thanked me for talking about this with him and we fell asleep.

In the morning he asked if I was in a relationship and I told him I was at the beginning of one. He asked how we were dealing with the same issue and I told him about Jay and how things transpired. I related how we had already had a discussion about sex inside and outside of our relationship. I also related about how I always felt more comfortable with intimate feelings with an older person, not fatherly but someone who had achieved a level of maturity. I had resolved and settled my personal issues and feelings of being gay several years ago in Junior High and from that point it became easier to accept the differences that gay relationships contain versus straight relationships. I also am not a very jealous person, I accept things as the happen and deal with it directly. I felt he really needed to resolve his personal issue of whether he is gay/straight or bisexual and that would solve a lot of problems. Then you can move forward regarding an open or closed relationship and what works for you. I told him it appeared that Tony was trying to do this in his life by telling me he thought he was gay, but he might not have experienced enough in relationships, gay or straight to make a sound decision. I also told Kevin that the fact they were secretly dating for several months leads me to believe that there are more feelings than just caring between them but some facet of his life was not letting him admit it to himself.

Being Friday I attended my meetings and got the information I was seeking and headed back to the room. Kevin was there watching TV and asked if we could talk. I said sure and he opened up about his feelings for Kevin and his reasons for caution. He said I was right about his having more feelings for Tony, but that he couldn't deal with the fact that Tony wanted to come out. He didn't think that was necessary, especially at this time. At almost 20 years old Kevin didn't know in his own mind if he was gay or not, and further whether he could live life as a gay man. He had been told the stories about homosexuals by his parents and at church. He didn't want to live in that kind of world. I said that those were stories and that all gays were not like that. You make life what is and determine your own design. Also he thought Tony was too blas^Â about having sex with other guys. Tony loved to go to the bookstore in town and pick up guys for sex, play through glory holes and other things without a care of how Kevin felt! I asked if he talked to him about this and expressed his feelings to which he replied no. Well there is a start! I also mentioned that maybe Tony was trying to make up for lost time; maybe he hadn't had that many sexual encounters and was testing the waters so to speak. How about you being an ambassador and sleeping with a bunch of guys, like me and what Tony felt about this. Kevin replied that I was only the second guy he had done that with, there was an empty room at the end of the hall I was to stay in. I said I doubted Tony knew this and assumes that you are sleeping with a bunch of guys. I told it was useless to keep talking about this. They had to sit down and discuss their feelings and develop an intimacy between them.

We went to dinner and then headed for his frat house as they were having a party that evening. A few of the guys who had met me took me around and introduced myself to the other members and their friends. I noticed Kevin talking to Tony in a corner in what appeared to be a pretty intense conversation. Suddenly Kevin stepped away and appeared to wipe a tear away from his left eye and walked upstairs. Tony just stood there and stared into space. I walked over and asked if everything was okay, he said Kevin told him we had talked and he thought it was time to break off their relationship. I looked Tony in the eyes and told him I said Kevin and he needed to talk about the relationship and sort it out. Where is Kevin now? Upstairs Tony replied and I told him to take me there. I was angry at Kevin and told Tony this will get straightened out now. We found Kevin in Tony and Chris's room sitting on Tony's bed crying.

Tony looked at me and said, I didn't cause this why is he crying. I said ask him yourself, by god talk to each other! He reached out and pulled Kevin up off the bed and embraced him while asking him what the problem was. Kevin didn't reply right away and Tony's response was pretty harsh, telling Kevin to stop acting like a girl and act like a man. Kevin pushed him away and told Tony he loved him but that he didn't think Tony loved him. Why did he act like a slut and sleep all over the town all the time. What was with having sex with me and then trying to get me to stay the night all about? Kevin was just spewing everything at Tony and I watched Tony deflate and sink onto his bed. Kevin kept at him and nobody could get word in edgewise. Peter stepped into the room and was ready to ask me what was going on when he blurted out it was about time the two of them aired their linen! I looked at Peter with an expression of questioning and he stepped up and whispered to me that these two loved each other and needed to get this out in the open. The whole house knew, as well as most of the football team and coaching staff! Everyone has been wondering when it would blow. I asked him about him and Tony and he laughed. I haven't jerked off with Tony since 8th grade, which was just growing up. I'm straight and quite happy being so. I roomed with Tony in an effort to help protect him, mainly from himself!

Kevin grabbed Tony by his shoulders and shook him asking him for an answer. Tony teared up and told Kevin he loved him but think he had enough experience to maintain a relationship. Kevin seemed so much more experienced at everything. Tony announced he had never had sex with a girl let alone touched a pussy, men turned him on! Chris asked me if I was gonna stay and referee and I said yes. He said I'll bunk up with someone else; they need to get through this one way or another, good luck. Chris left and I heard his key in the lock, locking the door so we would not be disturbed. Tony related how Kevin slept with girls and word was on campus that he was a good lover. The same was related by a couple of guys who said they had sex with Kevin. Before college Tony had never done anything but jerk off with himself and a couple of guys, I didn't even know guys licked each others asses until my encounter with Jeff in the restroom at the student union! I decided to step in and see if they needed my help any more or could they work this out themselves. When Tony looked up at me he asked Kevin if maybe all three of us could sleep together and would I teach them what I knew. Well that hit me square between the eyes!

Kevin reached out and pulled me into an embrace thanking me for bringing them to this point, and then he began unbuttoning my shirt kissing me behind my left ear. As he slipped my shirt off I countered about were they sure about what was happening. They both nodded and Tony stepped out of his khakis and moved around behind me kissing my neck and rubbing my pecs. He flicked my right tit causing it to harden up and stick out from my chest. Kevin leaned down and made love to that teat! Tony unbuttoned my pants and they fell to the floor. He wondered why I was commando and I said I went commando in 9th grade, loved to feel my balls swinging free. He whispered he was going to try something new and wanted me to guide him. He dropped to his knees and kissed my left ass cheek, then my right ass cheek. Next I felt a tongue licking my ass cheeks in long broad strokes. Then he began kneading my cheeks and pulling them open and closed while sniffing at my ass crack. Kevin had moved onto my right armpit, laving it in spit and relishing the smell of my sweat.

I was in ecstasy without a care in my mind when I felt my ass cheeks pulled open wide and a cool breeze blown against my ass hole. Suddenly a felt a long lick move up through my sweaty ass trench to the small of my back. Kevin moved to my left armpit when I heard Tony ask how that had felt. I replied absolutely wonderful and he said he couldn't believe what a turn on it was licking my ass! He dove back in and just snuggled his face in my ass crack kissing my asshole. I let out a moan and my mouth fell open at this feeling when Kevin placed his mouth on mine and drove his tongue down my throat! My knees went weak and Tony sensed this and grabbed my waist and guided me onto my back on his bed. He went at my crotch, licking my ball sack and the area right behind it. He placed his hands on the backside of my knees and pushed my legs up and towards to my chest. At the same time Kevin stripped off the remainder of his clothes and stepped up onto the bed and lowered his ass onto my face. I dove into his sweaty ass trench and zeroed in on his asshole, driving my tongue up into his hole.

Tony had moved back down onto my asshole and was laving it in spit circling the outside of my hole over and over. Then I felt the tenderest kisses right on my hole accompanied by the sound of those kisses. Kevin had leaned forward and was now sucking my cock while I continued my rimjob on his tasty ass! Every now and then Kevin and Tony would kiss each other before returning to sucking cock and rimming my ass. I decided to give Tony a real sight and pushed my hole out and winked it at him a couple of times. His response was a vocal, "OH Yeah! Do that again, I'm going to eat this ass inside out!" Then I felt his spear his tongue up into my hole pushing hard to get it deep. When he pulled away he responded that I tasted great. Then he punched that tongue back in and set up a tongue fucking rhythm moving in and out several times.

Kevin lifted up off my mouth for a moment and then directed his cock into my mouth and down my throat. In this position he could easily fuck my face and when I felt his glans begin to swell I knew he was readying to shoot his load. Suddenly he pulled out and with a loud moan shot a thick load all over my face. He moved back on the bed, bent down and began licking his load off my face and neck. He told me watching Tony eat my ass made him so horny he had to shoot off a load. Tony had now switched to sucking my hole while spearing it with his tongue and I was writhing in ecstasy. I whispered to Kevin to go eat Tony's ass and he shook his head no! I said I think this time it will be different, give it a try. Reluctantly he stepped off the bed and moved behind Tony.

I saw him lean down and sniff Tony's ass and when I didn't detect an off reaction on his face I saw him lean down then heard a kissing noise as he kissed Tony's ass cheeks. Tony stopped his actions a moment and told Kevin to lick his ass. Then he moaned from deep within his chest and went back to eating my ass. I leaned back and closed my eyes enjoying the attention my asshole was receiving when I heard a muffled "oh god you smell and taste so good" from Kevin. I smiled knowing that Kevin had now found the joy of intimacy 2 men can have rimming out an ass. Tony pulled off my hole and just spit out a string of dirty words of encouragement to Kevin to keep eating his ass, suck on hole and to drive that tongue in deep! When I looked up Tony had reached an arm back and was pushing Kevin's face into his ass moving it at free will to the most sensitive parts. Tony was still vocal, giving Kevin directions and encouragement at the fine job he was doing eating his ass.

Suddenly Tony backed off his rimjob on my ass and announced he wanted to get fucked! Kevin was a bit shocked and unsure just what he meant by that, but when he stood and grabbed a bottle of lube he used to jack-off with and handed it to Kevin, Kevin looked at me with disbelief. Tony got on his hands and knees on the floor with his head resting on his hands and offered up the hard, hairy athlete's ass to Kevin. Kevin stepped over to me and told me he had never fucked a guy or girl in the ass, what now? I told him to tell Tony not me; after all I'm not the one expecting or wanting to get fucked! He told Tony who responded that he hadn't done it either, although he had seen it in porno films. The teacher was called into action as I explained to them that it could and probably would hurt, especially the first time. If either of them felt any dire pain they needed to stop. It also was going to take a bit of time. I instructed Kevin in rimming Tony a bit more to prepare him and then in lubing up his asshole and cock. I warned Tony that the initial pain could be intense but after that it usually develops a warm sensation. Kevin aimed his cockhead at Tony's asshole and pushed while I told Tony to push his hole down onto Kevin's cock. In slipped Kevin's cock. I saw Tony tense up sharply and bite his lip, but he wouldn't admit the pain. I whispered in his ear it was okay to express some pain. With tears in his eyes he nodded and asked Kevin to wait while he got used to his cock. I told Kevin to slowly push his cock inside until he hit bottom. About a minute later Tony felt Kevin's pubes against his ass and asked if it was all the way in. I told him yes and then instructed Kevin to begin fucking his ass, slowly and only in short movements. After another minute or two of this Kevin naturally picked up speed a bit and increased the length of his strokes. He was moaning about how tight Tony's hole was, better than any pussy he had fucked and how warm it was.

Tony was now moaning and asking Kevin to give it to him harder. Kevin looked at me and I told him to respond to Tony's words. Soon you could skin slapping skin and Tony was vocal again about how it felt so good. Kevin was enjoying his fuck and announced he was ready to shoot and I told him it was better not to shoot inside of Tony. He pulled out and sprayed his load on Tony's ass before pushing back into the hole without any encouragement and shot the rest of his load into Tony's hole. He pulled out quickly and Tony gasped at the emptiness but kept moving his ass and moaning for a minute or so. Kevin looked down at Tony's ass and couldn't resist! He began licking up his load from Tony's hairy ass cheeks and from around his hairy asshole. Kevin certainly got over his reluctance to eat out an ass! Tony turned onto his back and asked Kevin if he could fuck him. Kevin responded with a yes but said he was afraid of the pain. Tony informed him the pain only lasted about the first 2 or 3 minutes and then it turned to pleasure. Kevin stood up and noticed his cock was a bit dirty and went to wash up. Tony asked me if that happened all the time and I said there were ways to limit or prevent it and I would explain it all later.

When Kevin came out of the bathroom he got down on his hands and knees and waited for Tony to respond. Tony turned him over and told him he wanted to see his face while they fucked and told Kevin to roll his legs back so he could get at his ass. After an intense rimjob that seemed to be quickly turning into one on Tony's favorite activities Tony lubed up Kevin and himself and moved into to fuck Kevin. I tapped on his shoulder and reminded him that he was hung better than normal and could really tear Kevin up. He had to go slow and respond to Kevin's requests. As he pushed his cock head up against Kevin's asshole it looked impossible that he would gain entry. I told Kevin to push down hard on his asshole and just let it happen. Finally it broke through and Kevin cried out with tears running down his cheeks. Tony responded so tenderly, kissing Kevin and apologizing for hurting him. He said he would pull out and they could try again later. Kevin grabbed Tony and told him no, continue but take it easy. As Tony pushed up into Kevin, Kevin began to shudder lightly and I told Tony to ease out a bit. After continuing Tony was about _ of the way in was Kevin tensed sharply and cried for Tony to stop. I told them both to relax and just lay there a moment. As they lay there like that Tony's cock actually eased into Kevin's ass until his pubes his Kevin's ass cheeks. Kevin looked up into Tony's eyes with tears of joy and announced he was all the way into him and he felt stuffed. They chuckled and Tony began to fuck Kevin lightly pulling out about half way before pushing back in. Kevin was wincing a bit but encouraged Tony to continue. Soon they were fucking in a good rhythm and Tony said he as gonna cum. Kevin told him to pull out and shoot on his face; he wanted his lover's cum. Tony pulled out quickly and Kevin was unprepared for the void left in his ass. Tony pulled him up by the back of his head while stroking out a huge load that hung on Kevin's face. Kevin leaned back and savored Tony's load while Tony sunk to his knees fascinated by Kevin's hole which was still partly opened from Tony's cock fucking him. You could see the cum and ass juices on Tony's cock, but otherwise it was clean. I suddenly saw Tony lean into Kevin's ass and drive his tongue up the open asshole tasting the inside of Kevin and moaning approval. Kevin was wracked in ecstasy and white knuckled the edge of the bed screaming for god's mercy! Tony was pigging out on Kevin's hole and I saw his cock getting hard again. Kevin's cock was hard as a rock and he now grabbed it and stroked it furiously telling Tony to "chew on my fucking asshole you ass licking pig!"

Suddenly Kevin began shooting another load of cum which Tony moved up to catch in his mouth but didn't swallow. Instead he went back to Kevin's ass and spit that cum into his ass crack. Kevin's hole was relaxed and closed but allowed Tony's tongue easy access. After about a minute of cleaning up Kevin's ass Tony stood up, leaned over and kissed Kevin deeply. Tony left to clean up and when I looked at Kevin he was crying again and when I asked what was wrong he replied it was the best sex he had ever had! He really was in love with Tony and was worried what his parent's reaction would be. I told him that Tony was here to help him with that.

Tony came out of the bathroom and sat down next to Kevin and held him in his arms. He apologized for being such a jerk before and that he hoped they could start anew and build their relationship. Kevin nodded yes and I was glad to see Tony take charge and not accept that, he waited til Kevin spoke the words "I love you Tony" then hugged and kissed him. It was almost 4am and I said I needed to get some sleep, I was driving home tomorrow. They laughed and agreed and we all fell asleep in the same bed.

About 10am Chris returned to the room, and finding all of us in bed shook his head and muttered "sluts" with a chuckle and went to take a shower. I got up and went to take a piss when Chris poked his head out of the shower and asked if things were okay. I said they settled everything and were going to work on a relationship together. He asked if that took a 3-way to accomplish and I quickly explained the evening leaving out detail and he replied thank god. I stepped in to shower while he shaved and we talked a bit about the two of them and he said a lot of the guys in the house would be glad they had worked things out as everyone knew what was up except for the two of them. I smiled and asked why didn't someone step in to which he replied that if they needed some guidance, in particular in the bedroom that out of seventy some frat brothers (all straight, maybe a couple of bi guys) were going to carry through on that? I could see the dilemma.

More stories to come about college & frat life!

Next: Chapter 6

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