College Will Be Fun

By Rim Bear

Published on Aug 10, 2005


Disclaimer: If you are not yet 18 years of age or if it is illegal to read materials of this kind where you live, then please stop now. This story contains descriptions of sexual activity between teenage boys. And is for adult eyes only! The acts are consensual and are a result of their love or lust for one another. This story is completely true, all descriptions, and names have been changed to protect people's identities and privacy. I would love to hear from you, so write me about your experiences.

To give a bit of background, I realized I was gay at a fairly early age (10 - 11 yrs old) the age at which I went into puberty. I'm a 5' 9", teddy bear, dark blonde hair, fairly hairy, 6" cut, low-hangers with blue-gray eyes, and mid-forties now. I have many stories to relate about my early years of sexual experimentation but this story relates to my years at college.

Well Sunday rolled around and my brother was playing some intramural basketball between the frats. I was watching the action when Jay suddenly appeared next to me and sat down. He had a dazzling smile and I felt a flush feeling overtake my body. He laughed lightly and said I looked cute when I blushed. He mentioned he had missed me on Saturday night at the parties and asked if I was enjoying my stay. I said I was having a great time and that I was leaning very heavily at coming to college here, but still had a couple of campuses to visit. He said he had spoken to my brother about my coming to school here, but that my brother mentioned I was very independent and he had little sway with me. Very true I replied. Well after about a half hour he asked me to join him for some lunch with some of the basketball players. I let my brother know where I was headed and off we went.

Well it turned out that Jay's family lived in town and his father was a lawyer. We headed to his family's house for a while where I met his younger brother and sister as well as his parents. Then we headed to a local pizza restaurant and met up with five other basketball players. I knew the names from college programs and hearing my brother speak of them and was pleased to meet them in person. There was Tom, a forward on the team about 6' 3", nice build and truly the clown of the group, always ready with a joke or comeback he was a sophomore. Then Jeff, another sophomore who was 6' 4" or so, very broad shouldered and I noticed a nice hairy chest inside a loose fitting shirt, he was a bit quiet and reserved. Then Joe who played guard, 6' 1" or so, very Italian looking with a strong accent of NJ or NY, he was a junior like Jay and very much "Mr. Personality". Then I was introduced to Brian, a sophomore guard only about 6' and built like a runner, he had white blond hair and deep blue eyes. Everyone mentioned he was the fastest guy on the team. Lastly they introduced Tom who was 6' 8" and towered over everyone when he stood up. He was a senior, played center of course and seemed a bit aloof which Jay told me later would disappear once you know him a while. He really was a very nice guy, just a bit of a loner.

We spent over two hours at the pizzeria with a lot of the conversation directed at me and why I should come to college here. It was a major recruiting effort by everyone about the pros and cons of the school and the fun they all found at the school. Tom was really interesting as he explained he had transferred in after his freshman year at OSU. He found the size of the college the best asset, even if by 10am the next day everyone pretty much knew what you did last night. The campus was like a big family and everyone pretty much looked out for each other and was great support during the tough times, and yes everyone has tough times at college. When we broke up and left, the guys wished me well and hoped to see me again before I left.

We got back to campus and I mentioned I should check in with my brother who was actually headed to dinner with some friends. I could join them or I could grab his campus card and eat at the cafeteria, I elected the latter as Jay mentioned he would join me. Back in Jay's room I thanked him for the day and kissed him on the cheek when he wrapped his arms around me in a full kiss and suggested a quick romp before dinner. Who was I to refuse, I felt so comfortable in his arms.

We stripped and fell on the bed with me nuzzling his left breast, inhaling the day's worth of sweat and musk. We locked in a kiss and our tongues dueled for time in exploring each other's mouth. He was rubbing my ass cheeks, running a finger up and down my sweaty ass crack. At a point he zeroed in on my asshole and just played his fingertip on the outside not quite penetrating it and sending shivers up my spine. I was chewing lightly on his right tit and running my left hand through his hair. I pulled away from him and placing both hands on his shoulders I continued my ministrations to his chest, moving to his left tit and down the center of his stomach kissing and licking as I moved towards my goal. His cock, which was hard and pointed at his chin, bobbing with his every movement. When I put just the head into my mouth and sucked lightly I could the moan from deep within his chest. I began in earnest stroking his cock and giving his cock the finest blowjob I knew how to give. My left hand lightly played with his balls and I scratched at his perineum rather roughly which caused his to almost sit upright in ecstatic pain. I felt his glans flaring, readying to give up a load when I pulled off his cock.

He quickly flipped around in the bed and rolled me onto my stomach. Before I had a chance to react he grasped my ass cheeks in both hands and roughly pulled them apart as far as he could and dove into my ass trench. I felt his wet tongue make contact with my lightly hairy hole and press hard in an effort to gain entrance. I buried my face in a pillow to scream as he penetrated my hole and proceeded to tongue fuck me for almost five minutes. Then I felt him use his fingers to pull my hole open to his oral attack for several moments before moving up my body and asking me if he could fuck me. I nodded yes a bit reluctantly with my face still in the pillow. I hadn't been fucked that many times at this time and was afraid, as he reached for some lube he somehow sensed my trepidation and whispered to me to tell him if it hurt and he would pull out.

I felt the head of his cock at my hole and I would be lying if I said it didn't hurt when head entered me. I didn't cry out or even break a tear but I did tense up and he didn't move except to tell me to wait a moment and let the pain of the initial entry pass. After a few moments he pressed a bit more into me and the pain was less severe. The next movement from him I felt his pubic bush against my asscheeks and his hairy chest against my back. He whispered in my left ear that he was all the way in and how did it feel. By the time the pain had eased and the sensation of him in me was almost numbing. He began a slow in and out, maybe only two inches of cock moving each time and the sensation became warming. This went on for several minutes before he pulled out completely and prodded me to roll over onto my back. Once in position lifted my legs in a vee position and told me to place a pillow under my ass.

This opened my ass to him again and he placed the head of his cock back at my asshole and pressed in, rather quickly and all the way in at the same time. I didn't feel any pain and he set up a moderate fucking motion, moving out to his cock head before pushing back in. I had tears in my eyes and I saw a look of concern on his face. He stopped fucking me and leaned down as if to kiss me, but instead licked the tears from my cheeks and asked with concern in his voice if he was hurting me? I replied no, the tears were actually of joy not pain and that he needn't worry. He went back to fucking me for another minute or two before pulling out and shooting his load on my cock, balls and pubic hair. He lay down on top of me and began to cry very lightly. I asked him what was wrong and he said the tears were like mine, but also because he knew he was falling in love with me and was afraid I was going away. I too expressed feelings of love and said I had never felt this way before. He looked at me and with a pure and innocent look to his face told me he loved me and what ever my decision was we would work it out together, he didn't want to loose me.

Well we cleaned up and headed to dinner talking about every aspect of our lives and matching up what we could. As we sat eating he told me that the trip to his parents was so they could meet me. His parents knew he was gay and were very accepting of it. He told me his mother liked me very much, she had pulled him aside before we left and told him she could see the look in both of our eyes. All she wanted was his happiness. The team gang-up as he referred to it at lunch was the teammates doing. Tim had mentioned meeting me and as it turns out was always trying to play matchmaker for him when they could. They all had girlfriends and felt he was lonely, only a couple of the players had some difficulty with his being gay, but had become more accepting the longer they knew him. A couple of the players knew my brother well and wondered how to handle that interaction, but he told them to be cool about it.

As we sat eating and talking I learned Jay was advanced in his maturity much like I was. We found many people our age immature and childish, and much preferred people older than us. He had traveled extensively with his parents and an aunt and uncle while growing up. He knew he was "different" at an early age and it was his grandmother who he was close to that told him in confidence when he was 16 that she knew he wasn't interested in girls and that he had to follow his heart if he would ever find happiness. Yes we were young and sex was the easy part, but there was more to all this than having sex. We went back to his room after dinner and just lay in each other's arms watching TV with a couple of the other ball players talking about school and life in general. I think I knew my decision on a college, but would follow through with my visits. Over the next couple of days before I left to head home we spent more time together and the bond of love became even stronger. We set up times we would talk on the phone and exchanged addresses to write to each other. We didn't make a decision about staying monogamous or celibate; we left that open to each individual circumstance. The only agreement was that we would tell each other if we had an encounter and what it meant.

The airplane flight home was a lonely one. I truly missed this man and I counted the hours until I called him. Strangely his mom would write me once in a while to get my thoughts on things, a birthday present, or a mood Jay might in. Jay will continue to pop up in stories until I officially go to college.

Next: Chapter 4

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