College Will Be Fun

By Rim Bear

Published on Aug 9, 2005


Disclaimer: If you are not yet 18 years of age or if it is illegal to read materials of this kind where you live, then please stop now. This story contains descriptions of sexual activity between teenage boys. And is for adult eyes only! The acts are consensual and are a result of their love or lust for one another. This story is completely true, all descriptions, and names have been changed to protect people's identities and privacy. I would love to hear from you, so write me about your experiences.

To give a bit of background, I realized I was gay at a fairly early age (10 - 11 yrs old) the age at which I went into puberty. I'm a 5' 9", teddy bear, dark blonde hair, fairly hairy, 6" cut, low-hangers with blue-gray eyes, and mid-forties now. I have many stories to relate about my early years of sexual experimentation but this story relates to my years at college.

As mentioned in Part 1 there was going to be a party on Friday night at my brother's fraternity. My brother also said that there would be parties at 3 other frats and 3 sororities that night. He would probably be venturing between all the parties as he was on the baseball team and was friends with a lot of the other people. This college was small enough in size that you knew most everyone on campus to some extent, there were only a bit more than 2000 on campus. This was good and bad depending on what was happening to you. News could spread across campus in a couple of hours and even professors knew the scoop on what was going on most of the time.

Well Friday rolled around and Mike and I ventured down to the party room in the basement and grabbed a beer. With the drinking age being 18 at this time everyone on campus was at one party or bar or another. Since I had been on campus several times before I knew a good chunk of people, especially upper classmen and introduced Mike to some of them. A couple of these guys who knew me and my brother well suggested we head to one of the other frats for a while with them. We agreed and headed out. Now one of these guys was a fellow baseball player of my brother and the other played on the soccer team, I had known them about 2 years. Tim the baseball player was a likeable guy, a bit thick upstairs but a heart in the right place. Rich, the other guy was a big partier as my brother had explained and warned me long ago to keep a keen eye out as he did some drugs and I didn't want to get caught up in that.

When we got to the next frat Tim and I went to get another beer for everyone and say hi to a couple of the guys at the bar we both knew, fellow baseball players. We took beers back to Mike and Rich and we began to mingle. I knew a lot of the people at this house, a lot of baseball players and golfers (a sport my brother and I play). Well in the mingle Mike went off with Rich for a while and Tim and I sat down to talk with some friends. About 5 minutes into our conversation a guy walked up and spoke to Mike who in turn introduced him to me as Jay, one the stars of the basketball team. I reached out to shake his hand and when I looked in his eyes we locked in a stare. I don't know how long but this young athlete who was very handsome and looked much older than 20 or 21 years old finally broke the hand shake and sat down next to me. I looked at the vee formed by his polo shirt at his neck and saw hair spilling out, his face had a heavy 5 o'clock shadow and his arms were heavily covered in hair as well and my tongue was tied. He finally spoke and mentioned I must have too much to drink already to which everyone chuckled. The guys that knew me from former visits knew I was a pretty hard partier and could hold my own. I finally recovered and made a comment that Jay looked a lot like a friend of mine back home, enough to be doubles. (untrue, but I tried to cover my admiration)

Well Jay joined Tim and I as we moved on to one of the sororities. Matter of fact my brother's girlfriend's sorority so I knew most of the members. We ended up in her room singing to a Steely Dan album while she made us mixed drinks instead of beer - most welcome by me. I always had connected with Laura like a big sister and I always felt she really knew I was gay. This night confirmed it when she pulled me aside for a moment and whispered to me that she could feel a spark between Jay and me! I looked at her when she said her brother was gay and very much like me and that she was a great matchmaker. I mentioned to her that Jay was on the basketball team and that a couple asked about his girlfriend Carol. She chuckled and said Carol was a good friend of hers from prep school and was a lesbian. Jay and Carol "dated" to cover up their real sexuality. Her next words have stayed with me for years - "Now get your ass over there and claim your man! I can tell be how he is looking at you it is love not just lust." I replied, "What about my brother?" She replied that she would take care of that, you only get one or two chances at love like this.

As I crossed her room full of people I could feel Jay's eyes on me all the way. Tim had sat on one of the beds and was talking with Laura's roommate when I mentioned Jay and I were leaving to go to another party. He said fine, maybe he'd see us later. On the way out we saw Rich and Mike with a smattering of people out on the patio, Jay mentioned they looked stoned and I concurred. I started heading for the next frat when Jay mentioned he would like to take a walk and just talk a bit. He stopped at a soda machine bought two and we walked off towards the town. Part way there and in the middle of a conversation about what I was thinking of studying he stopped and very cautiously leaned down to give me a kiss. As we broke the connection I looked at him with a bit of a daze and asked him if he was afraid someone might see us. His answer was direct, he didn't care what someone else saw or thought. Ever since I had walked into the party we met at he said I intrigued him. He asked Kristen (Laura's roommate) who I was and where was I from. She told him and warned him about being too forward with comments about my brother and so forth. He said he almost left to go home and not meet me when Laura came by and said she noticed him staring at me. She asked him if his intentions were honorable or was he just being slut for the night when he told her there was something more to what he was feeling.

So my brother's girlfriend played matchmaker while being protective of me at the same time. We went to his room, in the athletes dorm (he was not a member of a frat) and talked for almost 3 hours confessing our deepest thoughts, fantasies and desires. It was the easiest conversation I had ever had. At some point we were naked and in the tightest embrace rolling around on his bed. He had the typical basketball player build but was slim yet muscular, 6' 4", dark complexion, black hair and hairy from head to toe - front and back! His ass was like two hairy bowling balls and his cock a beautiful 6 «" with low hangers much like mine. We were laying in each others arms when he began asking what I liked to do in bed and I mentioned rimming a hairy ass was one of my most favorite activities, he chuckled and replied it was the same for him!

He slid down in the bed and bypassed my cock but gave a quick lick of my balls before lifting and pushing back my legs and diving into my ass trench. He was flutter licking my hole when there was a light knock at the door which scared the shit out of me. He calmly asked who it was and it was another basketball player who wanted to talk to him about some problem or something. I had pulled the covers up over me, trying to cover my face, when he got in next to me and asked the guy to come in. I was in shock! In walked a young man about 6' 6", cute (very cute, he looked about 15) and only wearing a jockstrap, his name was Tim. He didn't see me at first, then quickly apologized for interrupting and tried to leave. Jay stopped him, introduced us to each other and Tim sat down in a chair directly across the room hanging a long leg off one arm of the chair. What a view! Jockstrap covered cock and balls and perfect look at his lightly haired asshole. He quickly explained that he was bisexual and knew about Jay (as did the whole Basketball team), he was having trouble with his girlfriend and Jay was like a big brother to everyone on the team.

During the conversation that ensued I learned that the basketball all lived on this floor. Only 2 of them were in fraternities and that the team was fairly relaxed when it came to sexual matters. Huh??!! What had I gotten myself into? They wrapped up their conversation and Jay got up to leave, but just before opening the door he bent over at the end of the bed and showed off his ass for both of us. It was pale white, not a hair except a light smattering around the hole and looked like two small cantaloupes. He winked at me and said next time I would get the whole show. After he left Jay explained that Tim could suck his own cock as it was about 9", on the thin side like Tim and he was limber enough to curl up in a ball and truly suck it. It was quite a sight to see.

We resumed our lovemaking after Jay wrapped a tie around his doorknob - a signal to not disturb. We sucked each other's cock for 10 or 15 minutes before moving into an ass-sucking 69 that lasted over an hour with brief breaks to nibble on balls or slip a cock down a throat once in awhile. I felt so comfortable with this man he could have done anything he asked to me. We fell asleep in each other's arms and didn't stir until Tim knocked on the door that we would miss brunch. Luckily my brother didn't notice I didn't come home that night. Mike did though and wondered what bitch I had scored with. I never said different to him and let him believe it was one of the sorority sisters from Sigma Nu.

It was a tough day the rest of Saturday, I wanted to see Jay and was confused by the feelings I was experiencing towards him. My brother and some of his friends and I went out to dinner. When we got back my brother told me about one of the parties that night - a "punch" party and that I was smart not to drink the concoction. If I wanted to drink to get with one of the brothers of the house, he was friends with many and tell them who I was and they would get me regular drinks.

Mike and I ventured out that evening and I told Mike about the party and what my brother had said. He stuck close until I introduced him to one of the brothers I knew from meeting last year. They hooked us up with a couple of rum&cokes and told us where to get more. Around 2 o'clock Mike said he was getting tired and wanted to head home. I went with him and once we were in the room alone he grabbed me and layed a huge kiss on me while pulling off clothes, both his and mine! He said he was horny as hell from a girl who worked him up the night before but only let him touch her tits, as well as the fact that once Rich got stoned he got Mike in an empty bedroom and put the make on him. They only ended up jacking off, but he really wanted to suck his cock and get fucked.

Once again I rimmed his hairy ass trench like the champ I was. It smelled of sweat, musk and cum. I asked him a second time if Rich had fucked him and he said no, Rich dry fucked his ass crack and shot it on his hole. He hadn't showered that well this morning. It was a pleasant addition to the funky smells coming off Mike. This time to enjoy it even more I had him lay on his stomach with a pillow under his pelvis to raise that ass up a bit and pull his cheeks open for the tongue fucking I was going to give him. When he shot off from my rimming he surprised me by saying he wanted me to sit on his face. He had never done much rimming but wanted to learn more. I spent at least 30 minutes riding that face and found he really loved to lick and suck on balls when they were dropped on his face. The funny thing was that during all this sex I kept thinking back to Jay.

More to come about Jay and our relationship.

Next: Chapter 3

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