College Visit from Cousin

By Ben Foster

Published on Apr 11, 2003



It was a time in my life when I wasn't feeling very good about myself. I was about two hundred miles away from home at college, living on my own technically, but somehow I felt even less independence than when I was at home in high school. It was my second year of college, my classes were going horribly, I'd barely met any friends, and besides going to classes and working a few hours a day in the food court, I spent most of my time in my dorm, sitting online or playing video games or reading a book.

I suppose I had my own antisocial ways to blame for my solitude, but still I blamed everyone else I could think of instead of myself. I mean, I was easy going guy, funny, good looking, why hadn't I founded any real friendship yet? It didn't make sense to me. Perhaps I made the wrong choice in coming to the biggest party school in the state of Illinois where I was surrounded mainly by ex-high school jocks and mindless kids who flocked into sororities and fraternities.

So, at the time, I was feeling very sorry for myself, sulking around my dorm most nights, eliciting wild responses from the guys on my floor: "What the hell are you doing in on a Friday night??" or "Dude, you need to go out and get laid!" Of course, they failed to invite me out after their wild exclamations.

And that was another problem as well. I was gay and had so far only run into the most straight guys I'd ever met in my life. Not that I couldn't be friends with a straight guy, but I would have liked to have met someone I had more in common with. And not that being gay and living in a guys dorm doesn't have its perks.

First off, there's the fact that the bathroom and showers are located at the end of the hallway, two doors down from me. So nearly every guy on my floor has to walk right past my door to take a piss or a shower. Needless to say most days and nights I left my door slightly ajar, just enough to maintain a perfect view of every guy that walked past. No one really walked around naked, much to my disappointment. But most guys when going to take a shower would walk there covered only in a skimpy towel or in a pair of boxers, allowing me to gaze longingly for those brief moments at their naked chests and stomachs, their bare legs and arms, hoping for a glimpse of their underarm air as they swung their arms, fantasizing about what was beneath their towels or boxers.

It was even better on their way back because most of the time they didn't bother drying off completely and so their nearly nude bodies were glistening with water as the strode across the hallway, right in front of my door. I spent many nights alternating between looking at porn on my computer, and then swiveling my chair toward my door when I heard someone coming down the hall, squeezing my cock through my pants or all out jerking off as guy after guy walking by my door, revealing their smooth, bare skin to me.

Okay, so I never did anything about it. I never approached a guy. I was still 19 and scared out of my mind at the idea of coming on to a guy and realizing after a few awkward moments that he wasn't gay. I wasn't quite at that stage yet.

Not that I didn't think about it often, and not that I wasn't attractive enough to pick up some guys either. I admit, I'm a bit conceited. I don't mind saying that. I mean, I was proud of my body and my good looks. Why shouldn't I be? I was about six feet tall, pretty average, and weighed around 150 pounds. I wasn't very muscular, but I was toned in all the right places, and made sure I stayed that way. My muscles weren't big or anything, but you could tell by the looks of them that I worked out a little. Besides and abundance of armpit hair (which I have a big fetish for!) and the hair around my cock and leading up to my navel, I am pretty much hairless. I also have a slight dusting of hair around my ass, but its barely noticeable.

I was 19 years old, so of course my best friend was my dick. I'm sure that's the same for most guys at that age.or any age really. I'd measured my dick quite often from the time I discovered jacking off when I was still completely hairless and just entering puberty. I watched it grow, and eventually stop at just over seven inches. It's a pretty good size, and I loved stoking all seven inches of it every night, and sometimes in the morning too while I was in the showers.

You see, I found the showers in my dorm very erotic. They weren't communal in the sense of being completely open, thank god because I'm sure the second I stepped in there my dick would have instantly sprung up. No, instead, there were six shower cubicles in a small room, each complete with a curtain, so basically there was complete privacy. I, however, having never showered near another guy before, found them completely arousing.

Walking in most mornings, a towel wrapped around my waist, I usually found at least one guy undressing himself, or stepping in or out of the shower. What a great thing to wake up to! A freshly showered, fully naked guy, cock dripping wet, flesh covered in water. God, how I wanted to drop to my knees and start sucking those beautiful dicks the second I saw them. Of course, I couldn't do that, instead I simply nodded to whoever was in there, which was proper bathroom conduct it seemed, and stepped into my cubicle and immediately begin jerking off until I blasted spurt after spurt of my hot cum against the side of the cubicle wall.

But, despite these perks, I still felt pretty lonely, and was often pondering whether I should move back home at the end of the term or not. All I needed was one person, one redeeming factor, something to convince me to stay.

And so, one afternoon during second semester, when the weather was just starting to take a turn for the better, the cold leaving and the warm spring air returning -- one afternoon I received a phone call from one of my mom's good friends. Actually, we called her Aunt Katie, even though we weren't at all related to her, she was just one of my mom's old high school friends. Anyway, she wanted to let me know that she and her son Nick would be coming to visit my school on their round of college visits the following week and wondered if I wanted to meet up with them.

Naturally I agreed, for two reasons really. One, being a poor college student, my ears immediately perked up when I thought a free meal might be involved. My Aunt would undoubtedly take us out for dinner or at least lunch. Hey, you understand if you've ever gone away to college: money is always scarce. The second reason was because of my 'cousin' Nick. He was a couple years younger than me, probably a senior in high school and had been one of the cutest boys I'd ever met.

The moment I heard my Aunt's voice on the phone and her mention of Nick, my mind immediately flashed back eight years earlier:

I was either ten or eleven and Nick was either eight or nine. I was spending a few nights at my Aunt's huge house. Of course, at that age, I didn't think about other boys or sex at all, but one night, my Aunt asked if me and Nick wanted to take a Jacuzzi. They had this huge whirl tub Jacuzzi in their bathroom, and one of the perks of staying the night there was you always got to relax in the tub. Me and Nick naturally agreed and were excited about it.

So, as we were undressing in the bathroom, waiting for the tub to fill, I couldn't help but look at his penis. I'm sure it was a natural, curious thing that all kids do, and of course I didn't feel it was wrong or anything, being so young. Even at that age, though, I knew that I liked looking at his little boy dick and knew that I wanted to feel it and compare it to mine. Nick too seemed to be curious about my slightly larger penis, but soon the tub was full and we stepped in.

I can't remember whose idea it was, but we began playing 'hide the toy' with one of the toys that adorned the edge of the tub. I hid it first, underneath my leg and Nick innocently searched around me until he found it. My mind had other ideas though. When Nick hid it, I let my hands glide up and down his legs under the water, innocently searching for the toy. As my hands neared his penis, I allowed myself to fondle his balls and penis quickly, as if I was only searching for the toy. Nick just smiled and shuddered slightly as my hands left his genitals and I quickly found the toy on his right side.

How great it felt to play with his little penis and his tight little balls for only a brief moment! And I wanted him to do the same to me. So I hid the toy right under my ball sac, hoping beyond hope that he would reciprocate. Glad was I when his hands immediately shot to my dick and he didn't seem to want to quickly squeeze and release like I had. Instead he rubbed my little dick in his hands for a moment, then moved to my balls and rolled them around in his fingers. My mind was racing and the waves of pleasure that shot through my body felt more intense than anything I'd felt before.

After a few more times of 'hiding the toy' we completely abandoned the idea and sat and fondled each other's dicks and balls. Both of our penises were extremely hard and pointing straight up toward our bodies. One of my hands was squeezing his two inch boner while the other rubbed his balls and the area underneath leading toward his ass. At the same time, his hands were alternately squeezing and stroking my three inch boner, sending waves of pleasure throughout my body.

We continued this for what seemed a long time until my Aunt called that we should get out and dry off. Saddened, we both stepped out of the tub, our little boners sticking out in front of us, and we toweled off and dressed in our pajamas. Unfortunately we didn't even think that that was something we should do outside the tub, so the incident was never repeated, much to the dismay of my young mind.

Over the years that followed, I always remember that incident every time I saw Nick, and always hoped we would somehow repeat it, but unfortunately, we never did.

Naturally, I was a bit anxious and excited about seeing him again, and when my Aunt Katie suggested that Nick stay with me in my dorm to see what it was like, I enthusiastically agreed.

The week passed by slowly. My mood was drastically changed from angsty and depressed to jubilant and happy. Each night as I was falling asleep, I couldn't help but fantasize about what I hoped might happen between me and Nick while he was staying the night. I'll be completely unabashed here and say that I craved to have a guy's dick in my mouth. I wanted to suck someone's cock until he shot load after load of cum into my mouth. I'd never had sex before and I craved for it to happen. Not since my childish exploits with Nick and a couple other boys had I even had my dick touched by someone else. It may sound crude, but I wanted to feel a guy's hot dick crammed up my ass, and have him fuck me until I could feel his cum inside of me.

Basically, I wanted to do EVERYTHING with a guy, and each night before Nick came, I thought about doing EVERYTHING with him. I knew I shouldn't get my hopes up, but I just couldn't help it. I couldn't help laying in bed and pulling my shorts down around my ankles as I remembered fondling Nick's boy dick in the tub and feeling his hands around mine. I couldn't help stroking my dick to its full seven inches as I imagined what his dick must look like now and thought how it would feel engulfing it in my mouth or taking it up my ass. And as I shot spurt after spurt of cum onto my smooth, hairless chest, I imagine it was Nick's cum, splattering against me.

Let's just say it was a very tense week.

But finally, Saturday arrived, and with it, Nick and Aunt Katie. What struck me was how much he'd grown since the last time I saw him a couple years back. His still had the face of a boy, smooth, fresh, clean. But the rest of him looked so much older. His blond-tipped hair was cut short and spiked in the front, like virtually every other guy at the time. He was wearing a tight t-shirt, revealing what appeared to be a very flat stomach and chest, and arms that were muscled similar to mine. A pair of shorts let me see the bottom half of his hairy legs, and the cup of the shorts was definitely filled in, by what, to my imagination, must have been one perfect cock.

He was still the quiet, shy boy I remembered though, as I found out while walking around the campus. I took them on a tour of everything, and then waited outside Old Main as they talked to a counselor. I hadn't jacked off that day, or the day before, so I was incredibly horny walking around all day with him. There seemed to be some feeling exchanged between us, some silent nod to the fact that we both remember what we'd done when we were little, and what we both wanted to do. And so I made little effort to hide the fact that I repeatedly let my eyes wander to his ass, and often glanced down to his crotch which seemed to be slightly more filled in than earlier.

I noticed that he too often looked up and down my body, over the tight tank-top I was wearing and the skimpy sports shorts I had on.

The day passed slowly. We toured, then went to dinner (free meal!) at which my Aunt insisted on sitting and talking for more than two hours. Ugh! Until finally she dropped us off at my dorm and drove away to her hotel.

Upon entering my room, Nick proceeded to examine everything in it: my books, DVD's, cd's and so forth, still the curious little boy from my childhood. I felt kind of bad not taking him out or anything. It was only ten on a Saturday night and I felt a little uncomfortable, not knowing what to do.

"I usually stay in Saturday nights," I told him, hoping to imply that I went out every Friday but liked to stay in Saturdays. As if I didn't spend every night in my room. "Unless you wanted to go out and do something.?"

He turned from my stack of books and smiled, "What would we do? Go to the bars?" he asked teasingly. "I'd rather stay in. It was a long drive and a long day. I'm pretty tired anyway," he said, turning towards my computer.

I agreed, though was somewhat disappointed by this. I hoped he wouldn't want to go to bed right away or anything. Somehow, I was sure something would happen between us, though I had no idea how or if I should do anything about it.

"Can I take a shower though? I feel really sweaty and gross, after walking around for so long." he asked me as he browsed the downloaded Simpsons episodes and music videos on my computer.

God, I'd lick the sweat straight off your skin! Wait, couldn't say that. "Erm, yeah, sure. I might as well take one now too then," I said, pulling two towels from my closet. "Uh, you'll have to change in here though. There's no place to put your clothes in the bathroom," I told him, seeing that he wasn't making a move to do anything.

Grabbing his towel, he moved towards the other end of the room and turned his back to me. Damn! I pulled my tank-top over my head and dropped both my shorts and boxer-briefs to the floor. I looked up and saw Nick bent over, pulling his shorts and underwear down. His naked ass was pointed right at me, and I noticed he seemed to have a good deal of dark hair in the crevice. My dick began swelling so I immediately wrapped my towel tightly around my waist to avoid any embarrassment.

As he stood up, all the while with his back towards me, he pulled his shirt over his head, and from the angle I was at, I could just barely make out the tufts of dark hair under his arms. He was younger than me, but it seemed overall he had more hair on his body. As long as his back and chest wasn't covered by it, it was fine by me. Still without turning, he wrapped his towel around his waist, and then finally turned to face me, and found me staring at him completely. By the looks of his expression, he knew I'd been watching him, and seemed to enjoy that fact, judging by the slight smirk on his face.

Our showers passed uneventfully. At one point, I could have sworn I heard that unmistakable sound of jerking off coming from his cubicle, but didn't say anything about it. Back in my room, he once again turned his back as he stripped his towel off. Again, my eyes were glued to his nude flesh. However, he didn't make a move to get dressed again. Instead, he began drying his hair and the rest of this body with his towel, even though he seemed quite dry.

As he did this, I stood, completely transfixed on his fully naked body, my dick pressing hard against the confines of my towel. I was astonished to hear what he said next:

"Do you remember that game we played in the Jacuzzi when we were little?" he asked carefully. It was like he didn't want to imply anything, or jump to any conclusions about me.

"Yes," I said, pausing. "Why?"

"I dunno. Just wondering I guess." It must have took a lot of courage to say, "I think about it a lot. At night sometimes. Do you ever think about it?"

He still had his back to me, and how I did what I did next I have no idea. It was as if I wasn't even in control of my body. I let my towel drop to the floor, my cock immediately growing to its full seven inches, stepped up to his back and put my hands on his waist. He didn't even flinch, but I could hear his breathing was extremely heavy and uneven. I was so close to him that my cock pressed right against his ass, and I could feel his crinkly ass hairs against the pulsing skin of my dick. His flesh under my hands seemed to be burning and my breath was hitting the side of his face. "I think about it all the time," I said, as calmly as possible, despite the fact that I was pretty much having a heart attack.

I lowered my right hand to his dick and found it to be completely hard, pointing straight up, just like it had getting out of the Jacuzzi that one day so long ago. He shuddered as my hand wrapped around his six inch, rock hard dick and I began lightly and slowly stroking its full length. He moaned as my left hand began squeezing his balls and I pushed my own dick against him hard, unable to control myself. "Turn around," I told him, my voice quavering.

He turned, his eyes wide, and with a slight smirk on his face again. "I want this dick up my ass," I told him, not caring anymore what I did or said. I continued stroking him, now faster.

"You mean you want me to fuck you?" he asked, stuttering his words.

"As hard as you can," I said, dropping to my knees. His dick was perfect. Six inches, cut, perfectly shaped, soft and hard, hotter than I could ever have imagined. My tongue leapt out and began tracing its way down his dick, over his balls, and back up to the head. At this point, I couldn't wait any longer, didn't want to wait any longer to have my yearning fulfilled. I opened my mouth, and like I knew exactly what I was doing by instinct, quickly swallowed his cock, encircling it with my tongue as my saliva covered every inch.

My head began bobbing up and down, and Nick began thrusting it into my mouth, his hands on my head, kneading my hair between his fingers. My own hand was flying up and down my dick, though, I was nearly unaware of this as the act of sucking Nick's cock brought enough pleasure on its own, so much that I could barely comprehend how I'd gone my entire life never feeling it before.

I continued sucking his dick, feeling it pulsating in my mouth, growing larger and harder, if possible. I could taste his salty precum as a few drops leaked into my mouth and I craved to feel his jets of cum even more. But then, with all the will power god gave me, I pulled my head from his dick, and Nick looked down in dismay. "C'mon, I want your cock in my ass now," I said, grabbing a jar of vasoline from a drawer.

I laid down on my bed, on my back and pulled my legs up in the air, holding them with my hands. Nick seemed to know what he was doing as he opened the vasoline and began greasing up his dick. He then, with a dollop on his fingers applied some to my hole, smearing all around, causing me to moan with pleasure. He tossed the jar aside and position his cock at my hole, putting a slight pressure against it but not pushing in. "Ready?" he asked.

I nodded, and he nodded in return. "Just push it in all the way. Real fast," I told him, and he nodded again in agreement. And he did. He pushed his dick in all the way it would go, up to his balls, his pubic bush brushing against my ass. As he did so I let out a long moan, finally experiencing what I'd desired for so long. It was like I could feel every inch of his cock, every pulse of blood that ran through its veins. The heat from his dick seemed to emanate throughout my entire body. It was heaven compared to the pleasure I got when I stuck a few fingers in. This was real. This was pleasure.

He began pulling out but then immediately pushed back in. His body must have been in control, his dick to be more specific, because he wasted no time being gentle. He thrusted in and out of my ass with his full six inches, his balls hitting my ass each time he pushed in entirely. His face was scrunched in concentration and his mouth was open, taking in each breath sharply and exhaling quickly. My mouth was open too but I was barely able to breath.

Waves of ecstasy poured through my body as he fucked me. We both began sweating and the smell of our sweat was heavy in the room. His dick continued its motions, in and out of my ass, causing me to clench around it as he entered in an effort to keep it inside me. My hand was around my own cock, slowly jerking, but I wasn't thinking about it at all. The pleasure was solely from Nick fucking me, and nothing else. From his cock in my ass and his skin against mine.

He lowered his head towards mine and our lips met. Immediately our mouths were opened and our tongues were violently thrashing against each other's. His breath entered mine and mine entered his. Then he pulled away and was barely able to get out the words: "I'm gonna cum."

His fucking became more violent. He thrusted in with more force then I could imagine, shaking my entire body, pressing against me as if to get more of his cock in than was already there. He pulled out and pushed in one last time, gasping and moaning as jet after jet of hot cum left his dick and filled my ass. Each time it did, he pushed against me harder, and I could feel the heat of his boy cum entering my ass and the throbbing of his cock as he came.

Finally he pulled out and collapsed on top of me, breathing rapidly. Our bodies were slick with sweat and hot to the touch from our fucking. His softening, wet dick was on top of mine, which was harder than it ever had been, straining for release.

As he caught his breath, he stammered out, "Do it to me. I want you to do it to me."

I asked if he was sure, and when he agreed, I wasted no time in coating my dick with lubricant, but instead of greasing up his hole, I spread apart his cheeks and did something I'd always wanted to do. His ass was hairier then mine, but I loved it, and brought my head closer to it. Although we'd just showered, sweat drenched us and left no place dry, least of all his crack. And so the pungent smell of sweat and ass greeted me as I extended my tongue and began licking his hole. Nick gasped at first, but then began moaning softly as I licked every inch of his ass and eventually stuck my tongue in his hole.

However much I enjoyed rimming him though, my dick knew what it wanted, and soon it was at his entrance pushing in slowly. I went slow, because I didn't know how much experience he had, but this was excruciatingly hard to do, I wanted to just slam my dick in and begin fucking him with all the energy I had. But slowly, I made my way in, until all seven inches was inside Nick's ass, and by his moaning and panting, I knew he was enjoying it.

I knew I wasn't going to last long, so I started fucking him earnestly, pulling in and out very quickly. It felt like my dick was on fire, surrounded by his hot ass, trying to reach as far inside him as possible. As I pushed my cock in and out of his hairy ass, I leaned down and began licking his chest. Each nipple I licked until hard and then began sucking and biting.

And then I saw what I wanted. His arms were behind his head, and there before me, were two hairy, sweat armpits. I could smell his sweat emanating from there, and I stretched myself forward, and sank my nose and mouth into his underarm hair. My tongue left my mouth and began licking up the salty sweat, as I continued fucking him hard, my dick growing harder with every thrust, my balls slapping against his ass. As I pulled away from his armpit and began licking his mouth which was open in pleasure, I felt my orgasm coming on. My dick was burning and pleasure was concentrated around my dick and balls. I quickly pulled out of his ass and pulled myself forward, straddling his stomach. My hand pumped my cock a total of three times before my balls erupted and the hardest jet of cum I'd ever ejaculated left my cock and went right over Nick's head onto my bed. I'd never felt such a powerful orgasm. Each subsequent jet of my hot, creamy cum hit Nick in the face and then as it began to subside, trailed down his neck and eventually his chest, until finally my cum was leaking out over my hand.

It was my turn to collapse on top of Nick. This time not only were we smothered in sweat, but my cum was also being spread between our bodies. As I regained my breathing and my heart rate subsided slightly, I lifted myself off and licked every drop of cum off Nick's chest and face. We then kissed again, our tongues darting forth between our mouths, reveling in that sweet, pungent taste of cum.

"That was fucking great," Nick said passionately.

"I've never cum so much in my entire life," I told him, still catching my breath.

We showered again afterwards and then popped in The Lord of the Ring DVD and almost immediately fell asleep, side by side, so exhausted from what we'd done. When I woke up the next morning, his arm was around me, his chest pressed up against me back, and his morning boner poking into my ass. Unfortunately, we had no time to do anything that morning as we had woken up late and had only twenty minutes before his mom would be there to pick him up and take him home.

Before we went downstairs to meet his mom, we hugged, and for one last time, I pressed my lips against his and we kissed. It was hard parting from him, but I knew he had to go, and I hoped in my heart that I would see him again before long and that we'd be able to have a repeat of the events of last night. "I think I'll definitely be coming here next year," he said smiling.

As Nick and Aunt Katie walked to their car and I stood outside my dorm entrance, Aunt Katie called back to me, "See you at Aunt Lois's Memorial Day party! Bye Ben!" I looked at Nick and we both grinned a knowing smile at each other. ___________________________

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