College Times

By moc.loa@32yobiD

Published on Dec 1, 2003



Hey guys!!!! Thanks for the responce to my first story Library Action... I didn't realize just how many guys had experience the same thing as me. This installment is just going to be some little, and I do mean little short stories about some of my experiences. I have a few fiction/ fantasy piece I can't wait to write and share with you. Anyway would love to hear about somemore of y'alls experiences. Maybe if were close enought we can meet up and experience them again. Just drop me an email

Well.. before I ever had my first experience with another guy, I remember this day I was at the mall in the bookstore when this guy came up behind me and said something. At first I just ignored him, but he made another pass and when he said it this time I caught what he had said. He was telling me that he thought I was really cute. Was kinna flattering, but also at the same time you have a guy just walk up to you and tell you you are cute and see how you react. Anyway he asked me to walk outside and talk to him. I thought what the hell. We're in a public place nothing going to happen to me. SO we walked outside and chatted for a few minutes. He wanted me to come over and have some fun. I told him sure, but inside I was thinking to myself there is no way im going to this guys apartment. So he told me where he lived and I almost freaked out, he live a block from my apartment so I didnt know if he had seen me walking to campus, cause I only lived like half a mile from school and it was a straigh shot to the buildings where my classes were. Anyway I made my way to my apartment and got my stuff together and was heading out when I noticed him standing on the corner waiting on me. I drove around for a while and realized he was following me, which was weird.

Anyway jumping ahead after I had my first experience, I really wanted to experience some more action. So I found myself going to the internet. Let me tell you, you can find just about anything on here, or anyone that will do anything, which at the time I didnt know that. So I posted an ad on yahoo(hope I dont get in trouble more mentioning that) and got alot of responses to my ad. We I finally meet a guy throught my ad, we meet up and I had him follow me back to my apartment. We sat there for a little bit and got undressed and he sucked me off. I was so nervous that I couldnt bring myself to suck him. But it was hot no matter.

Well like I said I was wanting to experience new things and I had heard about cruising so one night I was driving around campus when I saw this hot guy walking around and it was obvious I was lookin at him, I drove past him like half a dozen times, and I pulled over and offered him a ride. Now remember I was still new to all this and I didnt care I just wanted to have some fun. So we drove around for a few and we ended up at my apartment. Next thing I know were on the floor im giving him a massage and we start sucking on each other. Then we just ended up jacking each other off till we came and the he left.

Now we are going to jump way ahead to a few years. I hadnt meet anyone in a while so now I was on alot in the evenings looking for someone to meet and have fun with. I was chatting with this guy one night after I had been working in one of the labs at school, I was waiting on some stuff to was, and I came across this guy that was looking to meet. So we meet up on campus, road around and went to eat. Its always nice to go somewhere public just incase the person is a total psycho. Anyway after we ate we went and parked in the parking lot of the gym on campus and were talking and feeling each other up. Now Im not one for public nudity but here we were naked in my jeep sucking on each other and me fingering him. In the end we both got off and totally enjoyed the experience. Its weird how having sex in a public place like a bathroom or in your car on a college campus just turns you on more than normal. We keep in touch and a few weeks later we meet up again except this time at my house. We were making out and next thing I knew... I was slipping my dick up his ass, and if my memory serves me right he was a virgin, we not anymore.

Well anyway thats enought for now.. let me know what you think and let me know if this attempt at writting was a total bust. Most of my experience for a couple years were just little quickes nothing really worth writting about. Hope to hear from you. More to come later.

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