College Street

Published on Oct 5, 2005


428 College St By Bacteriaburger

Chapter 16

We didn't know it at the time, but the spring semester of our junior year was the last time we would ever live together. Our time at 428 College Street would be coming to an end before July. Maybe if we'd known that, we would have been able to appreciate it more. I don't know. Maybe you can never fully appreciate anything until after it's over.

We were messing around everyday, in every sense of the word, rarely studying or going to class. While we fucked and sucked away, the wolves gathered outside the door.

We got our grade reports that May. I'd managed to squeak by, and Darrin had of course sailed right through. Randy, though, had failed, and his parents were making him move back home. We told him he should stay with us and assert his independence, but in retrospect it wouldn't have made sense. None of us had jobs, and when it came down to it we were under our parents' thumbs - Randy more so than any of us.

Our lease was up in August and we spent the first part of the summer in blissful denial. The sex was hot and heavy. We got really good at it. We could ride each other all night, getting off three or four times a piece. It was heavenly.

We didn't have any hang-ups as to who did what to whom. Sometimes we rolled the dice to see who would be taking it that evening, but in the end it didn't matter. We all enjoyed ourselves no matter if we were taking it in the ass or giving it. Everyone got their rocks off in the end.

Randy and I liked to take turns sitting on Darrin's dick. Darrin, the lucky little bastard, would just sit back, drinking his beer or smoking a doob while we used him as a human dildo. We'd have contests to see who was the better fuck, with Darrin doing the judging (and fucking). Randy usually won. He had the best ass, and was the most enthusiastic. Darrin had the best cock. My role was a little less defined. Darrin once told me I was the glue that held it all together, and I wondered what he meant by that.

Then one evening, an evening just like any other, I heard a knock at the door. This startled me, because we rarely had any visitors to our little refuge, except for those unfortunate times when the landlord stopped by.

"It's McConnell," Randy yelled from the kitchen. "I called him." I hadn't seen McConnell in ages. Apparently he was back, and back in business.

"Well, hello Nathaniel," he said when I opened the door. He looked tan and muscular, and he was carrying a case of beer.

"Thanks for picking up that case, man," Randy said, handing him a wad of cash. McConnell set the beer on the floor.

"No problemo, man. Here's the trees." He dug a fat plastic baggie out of his tight jeans pocket.

"Excellent," Randy said, turning to me and holding up the bag. "Instant party."

"Hells yes," McConnell said, digging into the case and bringing out three beers. He handed one to Randy and one to me, then sat beside me on the couch.

McConnell told us about how he'd had to lay low in his hometown of Groom, Texas for a while. "It was all good, though," he said. "I met a nice young filly from my hometown; she was in the sixth grade when I graduated, but lookin damn fine nowadays. She kept me pretty busy while I was hiding out."

"Well it's good to have you back," I said.

"It's good to be back, son," he said, and rubbed my thigh. My pulse quickened, my throat constricted. I don't know why I was so nervous, considering I'd never really been nervous around McConnell before. But there was something different about tonight. There was a charge to the air.

"Back and better than ever," McConnell continued. "Only sans girlfriend. But there's always remedies for that situation, right Nathaniel?" He grinned at me. I'm sure I went three shades of red, but Randy didn't seem to notice. "In fact, I'm feelin kind of horny right now." He cupped the bulge in his jeans.

"Talk to Randy," I said, "he might be willing to help you out."

"Is that right?" McConnell said, looking over at Randy. Randy shrugged. Just then Darrin came downstairs from a nap. He seemed just as surprised as I was to see McConnell sitting in our living room. We passed him a beer so he could get caught up.

Two joints and three quarters of a case of beer later, we were all feeling painless. As we shot the shit, I couldn't take my eyes off McConnell, whose hand kept going to his crotch. He was really casual about it, just kind of cupping it absently as he spoke. Though I couldn't be sure, I could swear that it was growing.

"Fuck, boys, I am horny," McConnell said finally. He unabashedly grabbed hold of his bulge. "Sometimes it sucks, havin a big dick like mine."

"Why would that suck?" Darrin said.

"Cause I can't always find somebody who can eat it good. Chicks never know how to suck a dick, and they especially have a hard time with a big piece of meat like mine."

"Darrin, do you find that to be the case as well?" Randy joked. Darrin got embarrassed but McConnell just smiled and wrapped his arm around his shoulders.

"Yeah, you'd think us big dicked boys'd be lucky, eh Darrin? But the only ones who could ever take my meat as it should be taken were guys." There it was - the taboo had been broken, it was all on the table. Darrin was visibly surprised by this information, but Randy didn't even flinch.

"I mean, check this out," McConnell continued. He unbuckled his belt, and stood up to unbutton his pants. All of our eyes were on him as he unzipped his fly and pulled out a thick, tanned horse-dick which looked even larger than I remembered. He stood there, his hands on the waistband of his jeans, letting us admire his half-hard piece.

"Holy shit," Randy said, "it's fucking huge."

"Bigger than Darrin's," I said.

"You think?" Randy said.

"I don't know."

"Probably," Darrin said.

"Take it out, Darrin," Randy said. Darrin stood up and pulled his pants down. His thick dick hung from its hairy nest over his balls. The two of them stood there, facing each other, as Randy and I appraised their dicks.

"It looks like Darrin's dick might be thicker," I said.

"You have to get them hard before we can really tell," Randy suggested.

"Yeah get em hard," I said. McConnell smiled. I think he knew the game we were playing better than we did. He put his hands on his hips and bounced his dick a couple times, the flared pink head darting into the air and falling back again. It started to swell. He watched it as it got bigger, almost like he was willing it up. The head rose up into the air and didn't fall back, the shaft filling out, fattening, until it was a big, hard pole that reached up and beyond his belly button. It was enormous.

When I looked back at Darrin, he already had a hard on. Unlike McConnell's dick, the sheer girth that Darrin was packing meant his dick just hung pendulously over his big nuts.

"Put em against each other," Randy said. Darrin stepped closer. He grasped the head of his cock with his fingers, and raised his cock up off his balls. Then he and McConnell brought their cocks together, so the undersides of their dicks were pressed together. They pulsed and oozed.

Darrin's cock was maybe a bit thicker, but really there was no contest. McConnell just had a huge, honkin dick. It must have been eleven fucking inches long.

"Dude, you win," Darrin said, and we all laughed.

"Don't discount that piece you got there, though," McConnell said. "That's a nice slab of meat."


"Well, you guys are all getting a show, I think it's only fair that Darrin and I here should get something from you," McConnell said. He sat back down on the couch and stroked the length of his dick.

"What do you think Darrin? Don't you think these boys should show us some attention, us being the biggest-dicked guys in the room?" Darrin sat back and smiled.

"Yeah," he said. "Sounds good to me."

To Be Continued

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Next: Chapter 17

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