College Slaveboy

By Shaun

Published on Feb 28, 2009



"I will do whatever you say for twenty-four hours," I said dutifully.

"Be at my room at exactly 8:45 tomorrow morning. Your twenty-four hours starts then." Ryan smiled again. "We'll see how you enjoy being MY slaveboy."

With that, he left. My roommate showed up soon after and we went down to dinner in the cafeteria. But I spent the rest of the night wondering what I had gotten myself into.


I was nervous as I got dressed the next morning. My roommate Dan was still in bed but I know he was wondering where I was going. He knew I only had one afternoon class that day. I didn't say anything; I just grabbed my backpack and walked down the hall to Ryan's room.

I waited until exactly 8:45 am and knocked on Ryan's door. He opened it, saying "Hey Shaun, you're right on time. Oh, what classes do you have today?"

"Just Poli Sci. It starts at 12:30."

Ryan nodded. "Okay, you can carry my backpack. Let's go."

I grabbed Ryan's backpack and followed him out the door.

We set off toward Ryan's first class. It was a little awkward carrying both his and my backpacks but I managed. I am sure I looked funny struggling to keep up with his long strides. He saw somebody he knew along the way and stopped to chat. I stopped behind him, still carrying the two backpacks, and got an odd look. Then he continued on to his first class. He took his backpack and told me to wait for him outside until class was over.

I sat on a bench doing some homework while I waited. When his class ended, he walked over to my bench, silently handed me his backpack and we set off for his next class. We went through the same drill there but when it was over Ryan said it was time for lunch and led the way to the cafeteria in the student union.

When we got there, Ryan told me what he wanted and instructed me to bring it over to where he was sitting. Juggling both backpacks as well as a tray, I bought lunch for him and me and found him seated at a table. I unloaded the food from the tray and sat down with him to eat.

Surprisingly, lunch wasn't awkward at all. We had a nice conversation, talking about school, sports, movies, etc. Ryan is smart with interesting opinions; it was fun getting to know him better. And he seemed genuinely interested in what I had to say. When we were through, Ryan looked at his watch and then handed me his room key.

"I know you have class now," he said. "I have to do some research in the library and then I am meeting some friends. But I have some chores for you. After your class, go back to my room and clean it thoroughly. Wash my sheets and my dirty laundry which you will find in a hamper in my closet. Keep the door unlocked at all times. I will be back at 5 pm. You will have finished your chores and be waiting for me in position for inspection - which is completely naked, kneeling on the floor, with your hands behind your back. Got it, Shaun?"

I nodded. "Then say it back to me," said Ryan.

"I will clean your room and do your laundry. When you return, I will be waiting in inspection position which is completely naked, kneeling and with my hands behind my back."

Ryan gave me a quick smile and reached across the table to good-naturedly ruffle my hair. He then grabbed his backpack and took off. I went on to my lecture.

As I walked back to the dorm after class, I didn't feel too bad about the day so far. Lunch had been fun and otherwise it just seemed as if Ryan was getting back at me for that slaveboy comment I had stupidly made.

I let myself into Ryan's room with his key, leaving it on his desk, and set about the cleaning and the laundry. I worked fast but made sure I did a thorough job, making the bed nicely and folding and putting away his clean clothes. Ryan's roommate had dropped out a few weeks earlier so the room was half empty anyway. I finished a little after 4:30.

I considered what to do. Ryan said he'd be back at 5:00 pm but what if he was early? I was pretty sure that I better be naked and in position when he arrived. But he had told me to leave the door unlocked. If anyone opened the door while I was waiting, they would find me butt naked in Ryan's room. I didn't relish explaining that. But with the door unlocked I wouldn't have any warning before Ryan arrived either. I decided I better be ready for him.

I removed my shoes and socks (I wasn't making that mistake again). I stripped off my shirt and then stepped out of my jeans and boxers. I looked at the untidy pile of my clothes on the floor and immediately knew better. I picked them up, folded them neatly and placed them on Ryan's desk.

I knelt in the center of the floor facing the door. I put my hands behind my back and waited patiently for Ryan. I heard some voices pass Ryan's door but no one came in.

As I waited, a horrifying thought struck me. Ryan had said he was meeting some friends; what if he brought them back with him? Was it Ryan's plan to show off his naked slaveboy to his buddies? My heart started beating faster.

At about five minutes to 5:00 the door opened without warning. To my relief, it was Ryan and he was alone. He looked around, taking in the room and me kneeling naked. I could see him nod approvingly as he saw the folded pile of my clothes on his desk. He didn't say a word as he took his cell phone out and took a couple of photos of me. Then he began an inspection of the room. The worst thing was that he left the door open! Anyone walking by could see me kneeling there totally nude.

He finished his inspection pretty quickly and shut the door. I sighed with relief. No one had walked past while the door was open.

"Nice job, Shaun," said Ryan. "Everything looks good."

For some reason, I was quite pleased to hear Ryan's praise.

"As a reward, I am going to take you out to dinner," he said. "You can stand up now."

I got up slowly, a little stiff from my kneeling. I headed toward my clothes.

"Whoa, what do you think you're doing?" laughed Ryan. "I didn't say you could get dressed. In fact, we're going to go down to your room and pick out what you're going to wear."

I could hear people out in the hall. "Come on Ryan," I pleaded. "There are people out there. I can't walk bare assed naked all the way down to my room!"

Ryan seemed to consider it. "Okay," he said. "You can wear your boxers. But carry everything else."

It wasn't that unusual for guys to walk around the dorm in their boxers. But I knew that anyone who saw me would wonder why I was carrying the rest of my clothes. But I knew better than to protest. I slipped on my boxers and picked up everything else.

I followed Ryan out the door. Sure enough, there was a big group chatting in the hallway. We all said hi as we passed and I noticed a number of quizzical stares as I walked past them carrying most of my clothes.

When we got to my room, I was pleased that my roommate Dan was out. Ryan proceeded to go through my closet to decide what I would wear to dinner. After a couple of minutes, he showed me what he had picked out -- sneakers, socks, a tight muscle t-shirt, a jockstrap and an old pair of threadbare running shorts.

I opened my mouth but then quickly shut it when I saw the expression on Ryan's face. Sighing, I peeled off the boxers and put on the jockstrap. I was not surprised when he took some more photos with the cell phone camera. I got the rest of the outfit on and caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror. With those revealing clothes, not much of my body was left to the imagination.

Ryan looked at me appraisingly. "You have a great body, Shaun. You should show it off more. Oh, leave your wallet and cell phone here. You won't need them. And I'll carry your room key."

I handed Ryan my key. I didn't have any pockets anyway. Then Ryan fished my gym bag out of the closet and handed it to me. "Here, carry this," he said as he walked out the door.

The same group was still in the hall as we left but I realized that dressed as I was and carrying the gym bag, it just looked like I was heading off to the gym. I felt grateful to Ryan.

Ryan asked if I felt like Mexican food. I love Mexican food so I quickly agreed. We walked over to a really good, really cheap restaurant near campus. It was not too busy when we got there and Ryan asked for a booth in the corner.

The waiter had just taken our order when Ryan turned to me and said quietly, "Take your gym bag to the men's room. Take off your jockstrap, shoes and socks and put them in the gym bag. Then come back to the table."

I looked suspiciously at Ryan but knew better than to say anything. I grabbed the gym bag and went into the men's room. It was empty. I went into a stall, stepped out of my shorts and quickly got off my jockstrap, shoes and socks. After tucking them into the gym bag and getting my shorts back on, I headed to the table. As I sat down, Ryan took the gym bag from me and put it on the floor. "Okay, now take off your shorts and hand them to me," he whispered.

Now I was horrified. Ryan wanted me to be naked from the waist down in the middle of the restaurant! I looked around. The good thing about the corner booth was that no one who wasn't down on the floor could have a sight line to see below the table. I made sure no one was looking our way and shifted up my hips. I surreptitiously slid off my running shorts and handed them to Ryan underneath the table. He tucked them into the gym bag with my shoes, socks and jockstrap.

Our food arrived right after that. The waiter looked puzzled and I realized that he must have seen my bare feet under the table. The restaurant was by no means fancy but it did have one of those "No Shoes - No Shirt - No Service" signs. However, the waiter, a young latino guy, didn't say anything.

As the waiter put down the plates, Ryan "accidentally" knocked a fork off the table. The waiter bent down to pick it up and rose with a surprised look on his face. He had clearly seen me nude under the table! I was mortified but the waiter just smiled and said "What is this? A frat thing? Anyway, you better keep that shirt on or I will HAVE to refuse you service." Ryan snickered as the waiter walked away.

The rest of dinner went fine. The food was good and Ryan and I talked about all sorts of things. We both opened up a lot - talking about ourselves, our families, what we wanted to do with our lives, etc. The time just flew by. If I hadn't been sitting there naked from the waist down, I would have thoroughly enjoyed myself.

As we finished eating, Ryan shocked me by reaching under the table and putting his hand in my crotch. He gently felt me up as I began to get aroused. He started to slowly stroke my dick. Soon I had a major hardon and was oozing precum. I moaned involuntarily.

Ryan abruptly stopped as the waiter arrived with the bill. Ryan pulled out some money and dropped it on the table. He stood up, grabbed the gym bag and said "let's go" as he headed toward the door.

I was frozen. Did Ryan expect me to follow him half naked through the restaurant? With an erection! I couldn't even run back to the dorm since he had my room key.

I saw Ryan stop to talk to our waiter on his way out. The waiter walked straight over to my table. He was grinning and had my running shorts in his hand.

"Your buddy says you have thirty seconds to meet him out front," he said. He then held up my shorts just out of reach. I had to jump up and partially expose myself to grab the shorts. The waiter was laughing as I stuffed myself into the shorts and rushed out of the restaurant. I was blushing bright red; the thin running shorts hardly holding in my boner.

Ryan was grinning as he stood outside the front door of the restaurant. "You just made it," he said. "Oh, you better put on your shoes and socks," he said as he handed me the gym bag.

So right there on the busy street, I awkwardly shifted from leg to leg, wearing those tight running shorts, with a full erection, pulling on my socks and shoes. Of course, Ryan took a couple more photos with his cell phone.

It was getting cool as we walked back to the dorm. Fortunately my hardon had subsided by the time we got there. There was a stain from precum on the front of my shorts but I could hold the gym bag in front of me.

As we walked in, Ryan saw that a movie was about to be shown in the student lounge. He announced that we were going to watch so we went in and sat down. As the lights went down, I waited nervously for instructions from Ryan. I wondered what further humiliation he might have in store for me. I pictured him ordering me to strip and maybe give him a blow job there in the dark. I was surprised that I was both horrified and aroused by the thought. But I guess Ryan just wanted to see the movie since we watched uneventfully. I was a little disappointed.

After the movie, we went up to his room. When we got inside, he turned to me and said, "You have thirty minutes to shower and brush your teeth and be back here wearing only a pair of clean white briefs." He looked at me expectantly.

"I have thirty minutes to shower and brush my teeth and be back here wearing only a pair of clean white briefs," I repeated. Ryan gave me a quick smile and handed me the gym bag and my room key.

When I got back to my room, my roommate Dan was in there studying. He looked me up and down when I walked in. He looked surprised as he took in my outfit, including the stained shorts, but he didn't say anything. Hopefully, he just thought I was back from the gym. I said hi, quickly got my clothes off, grabbed a towel and headed for the shower.

When I returned to my room, I slipped on some tighty whities as instructed and picked up my room key. Dan was ignoring me but I realized that Ryan might keep me all night so I thought I better say something.

"Umm, Dan. I may not be back until morning. I have a late night study session."

Dan looked up and in a deadpan voice said, "In your underwear?"

I blushed bright red again and retreated out the door. As I walked down the hallway, I wondered what Ryan had in store for me tonight.


If you're enjoying my story, please let me know at Thanks for all the awesome feedback!

Love, Shaun

Next: Chapter 3

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