College Roommates

By moc.oohay@namyrotsyag

Published on May 6, 2016


I hung up the landline. My stomach was churning, my mind was spinning and my cock was hard and dripping precum. At 42 years old, I had just attended my 20th college reunion. The highlight had been catching up with my junior and senior year roommate. The school I attended was in the southeast in a medium sized city. With just over 10,000 students, the university was composed of about half men and women. My name is Ed, and I graduated from their in 1996 at age 22 and later attended law school. At the time I was there, the "don't ask don't tell rule" applied to both the military and to southern life. As a history major, I wanted to fit in and blend. I dated a few girls, and went out with some for a semester or so before breaking up. I tended to find girls who were saving themselves for marriage and thought I was a great guy for respecting their limits. When things heated up and the "ring" became a topic of conversation, I'd find a way to end the relationship a few weeks later, and start the scenario all over again.

Not really knowing anyone when I applied, the school chose my roommate my freshman year. The school did a pretty good job of pairing as we lasted as roommates until the end of our sophomore year at which time he decided to transfer to another school. The gods must have smiled favorably on me, as one of the Big Men on Campus found himself in the same boat. I was flabbergasted when he approached me about rooming together our junior year. At 6 foot 4, 250 lb., dark blonde hair, blue eyes that sparkled when he smiled I could not imagine why he was asking me, a 5 foot 7, 170 lb., black hair and blue eyes, to room with him. I knew I needed to tone up and lose some weight, but it never seemed to happen. I was relatively shy and only felt at ease after I knew someone, at which point, I could carry on a great conversation, while Joey never met a stranger. I was always in awe with the way he could walk into a room of 100 strangers and could exit with at least 75 new friends. We really gotten to know each other our sophomore year in history 201. Joey was a business major, asked my help in the course, which I readily agreed to. He became my coach in accounting. Each of us could explain the course to the other better than the professors, and we helped each other ace the courses.

We made great roommates, and I always was scarce anytime Joey needed the room for extracurricular activities. The third weekend of our Junior year, Joey knew I was going to be on campus and in the room, but he got lucky, and quietly opened the door one Friday night about two in the morning. The lights in the room were out and I pretended to be asleep. Within a few minutes I could hear them making out and then the distinct sounds of fucking began. Joey seemed to be a gentle and considerate lover from the sounds they made. She was a moaner, and got louder Joey fucked her for at least a half hour. A street lamp illuminated his bed, while mine was in darkness. I quietly shifted position so I could see his bed and got a great view of his ass as he pounded her. His butt clinched and relaxed as his speed picked up. They were in the missionary position, her legs spread wide, welcoming the assault on her pussy. Believe it or not, I had never seen Joey's ass before and it was the most beautiful ass I had ever seen. With a thirty eight inch waist, according to his jeans, Joey's ass was firm but plentiful. As he fucked, he would pull his cock almost out allowing his cheeks to spread before clinching his ass and ramming back into her. My breathing became shallow as my cock got harder and harder. Knowing I had to keep quiet, I allowed my finger to play only with the tip of my uncut cock, sticking my finger into the hood and rotating it around as I watched the private porn show. His ass and cock became a machine as Joey picked up speed making his butt the center of attention in the light. I could almost swear that the noise level escalated on purpose to wake me up, making me wonder if he was trying to attract my attention. After Cumming in her twice, they exited the room and I went to sleep. When I awoke, Joey was asleep, nude on the top of his sheets allowing me to see this 7 inch thick, cut cock sporting morning wood. God, I wanted to suck a load of cum out of him, but instead went and showered and went to the library as finals were around the corner. Majoring in pre-law, adopted the habit of studying Friday nights, and was usually in bed in the dark by the time Joey got in. Many a Friday night he would enter, make sure I was asleep and bring a girl to bed. After the first session, he always cut on his desk lamp which would illuminate his bed, as if to give my bed a front row seat to the fuck show which followed. The women would quietly strip and get in the bed, while Joey seemed to give both us up a strip tease as he slowly removed his clothes. Many Saturday mornings he was asleep nude on top of the sheets sporting a woodie. Neither of us commented on the Friday nights or Saturday mornings, and I figured Joey had little modesty.

After graduation, we went our separate ways, I to law school and Joey to the northern west coast to work for a nursery that specialized in roses. My parents ran a nursery in the Carolinas that specialized in native plants, especially camellias. Joey and I kept in touch first by telephone and then as the internet blossomed by email. He let me know he was dating the daughter of the owner of the nursery and asked me to be his best man. By now, I was well into my senior year of law school, and when he mentioned dates in the summer, I told him that because of the bar review and bar exam, I would be out of commission the entire month of July. I agreed to be his best man, and he called distressed that his bride had set the date during the week of the bar exam. I wished him well and called him the morning of the wedding. Our phone calls and emails were regular for a while, but with the entire continent of North America separating us, finally correspondence dwindled to Christmas cards and the occasional phone call or email.

We connected through Facebook six years ago and photos and other daily events could be viewed easily. He messaged me that he didn't see a steady girl in the photos and my excuse was I was still playing the field. As our 20th college reunion approached we both decided to attend. Both of us had kept up with some of the college crowd and looked forward to reconnecting. He and I made reservations at our hotel where special rates had been arranged for our class, even to the point of having us on one floor. Joey's wife was supposed to attend, when I got there, found he was by himself. The hotel had given us adjoining connecting rooms. Joey seemed quite casual in his manner of dress in the room wearing a towel, or shorts only most of the time. I quickly followed suit, but nothing happened sexually.

The phone call I had gotten was from Joey. His wife had caught him naked, kissing and had thrown him out. As he worked for the family business, his job had been terminated and until the divorce court finished, he was unwelcomed. My parents had died, and I had assumed the jobs of keeping the nursery and a small town law practice afloat. There weren't enough hours in the day, and I was elated to here Joey ask for work and hired him over the telephone to be the manager of the nursery. My only qualms was he had asked to move in with me until his finances were settled and he could afford a place of his own. To keep my sanity, I purchased a small condo about an hour from home, and would sometimes go out of town to meet with other gay men for the weekend. The only men I knew were gay where I lived didn't interest me, and because of the culture, I was still, "don't ask don't tell."

I drove to the airport and met him. His flight had been delayed and he finally deplaned and got his luggage about 1 am on a hot Saturday in July. My condo was only about twenty minutes from the airport, and I suggested we crash there for the evening. I told Joey he could have the king sized bed and I could take the oversized sofa. After a couple of beers, I told him to shower and I would do so as soon as he finished. The bath was an en suite and I was surprised to find Joey sprawled naked on the bed when I entered to shower. Joey looked better than ever and I tried to avert my eyes. He was everything I wanted and as far as I knew straight as hell. My Gaydar never registered around Joey. I showered and came out of the bathroom with a towel around my waist. Joey was on the bed, head on two pillows looking straight at the bathroom door, his legs spread, and cock hard as a rock as he fondled it.

"I forgot to tell you one thing, the person she caught me kissing was a man. He looked just like you Ed. He told me he was gay. I've wanted you for twenty two years. Hell, I knew you were awake and I made sure you saw my ass and cock as much as I could. I hoped that when you saw how one of the girls would finger my ass as I fucked her, you would get the idea. The college reunion put me over the top, seeing you again and not being able to connect with you. While I came to get undressed in here, I opened the drawer in your nightstand and found all I needed to know with a couple of gay books, lube, condoms and DVDs. I am so ready for you."

End of Chapter 1

Next: Chapter 2

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