College Roommate Comes to Town

By Writer Guy

Published on Dec 11, 2020


College Roommate Comes to Town

When my old roommate Chris contacted me out of the blue, I was very surprised. We had been roommates my first year in college and he had moved off campus the next year to live with his girlfriend. We had kept in touch off and on via social media but hadn't seen one another in over 15 years. Then one day in early summer, he sent me a message on Facebook.

Chris: Hey man! How are you? Sorry it's been so long since we talked. I'm going to be in Atlanta for a conference and wanted to see if you wanted to meet up for dinner? Bring your boyfriend if you want. It would be great to see you.

When we were roommates, I had been out and he never had an issue with it. In fact, he had used me as his wingman a few times when we went out. He would point out a girl he wanted to talk to and I would strike up a conversation with her first. I'd quickly let her know I was gay and after some chit chat, Chris would make his way over and I'd introduce my "sweet, but extremely straight" roommate. I would leave them be and usually make my way back to the dorms alone to beat one out thinking about Chris hooking up.

I wouldn't say I was in love with him, but infatuated for sure. At 18, he was already a man. He was well over 6ft tall and probably about 220lbs, most of it muscle. He had been a wrestler in high school and had the hard body to prove it. He had large biceps and a wide chest. His thighs were thick and resting above them was a true bubble butt. His ass was round and firm it was usually barely contained in the pants or shorts he wore. He had light brown hair that was unruly and even at 18 he had a perpetual 5 o'clock shadow. Like I said, all man.

After taking a quick look at his recent photos on Facebook, I saw that he looked pretty much the same. He had gotten a few tattoos over the years and he still had the same goofy grin that he used to disarm a gaggle of females during our college years. Meeting up with him again could be fun. I shot him a message back.

Dan: Chris! Long time no talk! I'm glad you reached out. When will you be in town? If Ryan isn't working, I'm sure we can meet up for dinner. Let me know the details and we can set it up. Talk soon!

Later that evening, I let Ryan know that Chris had reached out and wanted to have dinner when he was in town. As long as he was off work, he would be able to join us. Hopefully, once Chris gave me the details about his visit, we could set something up.

A few days later, Chris contacted me again and let me know he would be in town for 3 days and to ask a favor. It seemed that the company he was with had booked him in a room with another associate, someone he didn't know well. He wanted to know if it would be imposition to crash with us while he was in town. I was fine with it, but sent Ryan a text to make sure he was as well. Once he confirmed it was ok, I let Chris know. We decided that he would come from the airport to the house and we would meet Ryan out at a pizza joint we enjoyed and grab a late dinner.

When he arrived a few days later, it was like no time had passed since college. He was still jovial and goofy. Time had done nothing to the body I remembered well. In fact, he looked better than ever. Since it would be a while before we had to leave for dinner, we chatted and caught up. I learned he was single, having recently ended a long-term relationship. He wasn't really looking for anything new at the moment, instead, he wanted to focus on work. I noticed that he yawned a few times and suggested he lay down for a nap before we had to leave. He agreed that a little doze would be great, so off he went to get some rest.

I played around online for a while and went to wake him about an hour later. I knocked on the guest room door quietly and noticed that it wasn't closed all the way. I pushed it open slightly and peeked in. Chris was laying on his back in the middle of the bed, with one arm thrown over his eyes. He was snorting lightly and I saw that he had undressed down to his boxer briefs. He also had the biggest erection I've ever seen. His underwear was stretched the absolute breaking point it. I'm not sure how they didn't rip with the massive dick inside them, pushing them up in a tent. I could see a wet spot where his dick head rubbed against the fabric. My breathing had gotten heavy and I backed out of the room. I didn't want to embarrass him by waking him up in such a compromising position. I pulled the door closed all the way and knocked really loudly until I heard him speak.

"I'm up!", he called. "I'll be down in a few minutes!"

`You certainly are up', I thought. I let him know that I would also be downstairs soon and went into my bedroom, my own raging boner leading the way. Even after living together for a year, I had never seen Chris's cock. I never knew how big it was and my dick throbbed at the thought of it. I had to get myself under control. I quickly showered and got dressed and headed downstairs to find Chris ready to head out.

On the drive to dinner, I kept replaying the scene I had witnessed in my head. I regretted that I didn't think to take a quick picture. That would have been great jerk off material! Oh well, at least I had my memory.

Ryan was waiting when we arrived and I introduced the two of them while we waited for a table. They immediately took to one another, with both of them having worked in the restaurant industry. After the food arrived, I excused myself to the bathroom. Walking back to the table, I noticed something somewhat odd. They couldn't see me from where they were but when I exited the bathroom, I saw what looked like Chris's hand on Ryan's knee under the table. It was a weird angle and I couldn't be sure and about that time, Chris saw me and leaned back in his chair. Hmm', I thought. What was going on here?'

We finished dinner and headed back to the house. On the way back, I made no indication that I had seen, or thought I had seen, anything weird. Chris wasn't acting strange, so maybe it was all in my head. I could have sworn though...

Back at the house, it was already getting late. I usually go to bed pretty early and I was tired from the long day. I figured that Chris would be going to bed soon as well. Ryan usually stayed up late into the night playing his games or surfing online. As I was getting ready to head to bed, Ryan asked Chris if he wanted a drink and Chris accepted. I was happy they were getting along and any other night, I might have stayed up later to hang out but I was exhausted. I told them good night and reminded Chris that he had to get up early to head downtown for his conference and headed to bed.

I woke up several hours later and glanced at the clock. It was just after 3am. Looking over, I didn't see Ryan in the bed. I don't know why, but I had a funny feeling. I laid in bed for a few minutes then crept out of bed. I quietly made my way to the door and slowly opened it, listening for any sounds. I couldn't really hear anything at all. I glanced down the hall and saw that the guest room door was open so it seemed that Chris wasn't in bed yet either. I walked to the stairs and looked down and saw that there were lights on but I couldn't hear the tv. I did hear something faint but couldn't tell what it was. I walked down the stairs, doing so as quietly as I could. I'm not even sure why I was being so sneaky. I was in my own house. I just had a feeling, I guess. Once I reached the bottom of the stairs, the sound I had heard was louder. It sounded like a low moaning mixed with...slurping? Peeking into the living room, I got quite a shock!

Chris was on the couch, completely naked. His arms were over the back of the couch and he was hunched down with his legs spread wide apart. The ottoman that is usually in front of the couch was moved out of the way and Ryan was on the floor, slurping Chris's cock. I couldn't believe what I was seeing at first. Ryan was on his knees, one hand wrapped around Chris's big cock, slowly milking it up and down while sucking on the head. His other hand was on his own cock, jerking himself while he sucked. Unlike Chris, he wasn't naked; he had his shirt on and had taken his pants off. His ass was clenching and swaying as he sucked on Chris and jerked himself.

I didn't know what to do. My first thought was to bust into the room. But then I realized that I was turned on like never before. My dick was so hard it hurt. I decided to keep watching and see what happened. Chris was the first one I heard speak.

"Mmmm, suck that fat cock, man. It feels so good!", he whispered.

Ryan made an "mmmm" sound and continued sucking. I got a good look at Chris's cock for the first time. It was about 7 and half to eight inches and curved slightly up. It was also fat. About as fat as a red bull can, but longer. It had a big mushroom head and was cut. I watched Ryan trying his best to suck it but he could only get about half of it in his mouth. Chris's balls hung down low and rested on the couch. They were also big, like the size of limes. They were shaved smooth and he had a little hair above his cock.

Ryan continued trying to suck it and kept choking. Every time he gagged, Chris would moan. I stepped back a little bit and pulled my own dick out. It didn't even compare to Chris's. Hearing some whispering, I peeked around the corner again.

"Are you ready to get fucked?", Chris said. "I want in that fat ass." He was talking in a low voice and had reached down and began milking his own cock. Ryan had sat up on his knees and was playing with Chris's balls.

"We have to be quiet. Your dick is fucking huge man, I don't know if I can take it."

Chris smirked. "Come on. I bet you will love it once I get it in."

Ryan's eyes appeared glazed over and he kept staring at the dick in front of him. "Ok, we can try, but you have to go slow. I haven't been fucked by a big dick in a long time."

Ryan stood up and helped Chris off the couch. Once they were both standing, Chris pushed Ryan down onto the couch, on his knees, ass in the air. For the first time, I saw a bottle of lube on the ottoman. I looked for condoms but didn't see any. Chris grabbed the bottle and started lubing up his cock. Every time he let it go to add more lube, it throbbed in time with his heartbeat. Ryan was basically face down, with his head turned to the side, looking at the arm of the couch. I thought Chris would get right to fucking, but he surprised me. Instead, he got down on his knees and started eating Ryan's butt.

I heard Ryan groan as Chris's tongue made contact with his hole. "Oh, god, eat my ass", he moaned.

Chris was making slurping sounds as he ate the ass. He grabbed onto Ryan's cheeks and rocked his ass back and forth on his face, fucking his hole with his tongue. Ryan was practically squealing. After rimming him, Chris stood up and lined his cock up with Ryan's hole.

"Are you ready to get fucked?"

"Oh, fuck yes", Ryan moaned. "Put it in me."

I saw Chris's hips flexing as he applied pressure. I could tell the moment his dick went in because Ryan yelped and sighed and moaned at the same time.

"Are you ok?", Chris whispered.

"Yeaaa, just give me a minute. Fuck it's so big!"

From the angle I was looking, it was hard to tell, but it seemed that Chris had about half of his cock in. He was looking down at Ryan's ass and gently rocking back and forth. Ryan rose up a little and started pushing himself back on Chris, sliding his cock in further. I saw Chris's thighs hit Ryan's ass and I knew he was all the way in.

"Holy shit, I'm so full!" Ryan squealed. "It feels so fucking good!"

"Just let me know when you are ready for me to fuck", Chris growled. He had his hands on Ryan's ass cheeks, pulling them open and pushing them together, making them envelop his cock.

"I'm ready, oh fuck, I'm ready! Fuck me!" Ryan laid his head on the back of the couch and grabbed his dick with one hand. He started pushing himself back and forth on Chris's cock. Chris spread Ryan's ass wide open and started thrusting his hips, slamming his cock in as far as it would go.

I stood completely still, my dick so hard it ached, watching. Precum was dripping onto the floor but I was afraid to even touch myself, fearing I would shoot as soon as I did. The slapping sounds and grunting and groaning coming from them was getting louder. Ryan was muttering "oh, fuck, oh fuck" and Chris was groaning "yea yea yea" in time with his thrusts.

"I'm not going to last long", Chris moaned. "Tell me when you are going to cum so I can fill this ass up with my load!"

"Oh fuck! Cum! Cum in me! Breed my asshole, please!" Ryan was thrashing, slamming his ass back onto the cock as hard as he could. I could see his arm working overtime, trying to jerk off while Chris fucked him hard from behind.

Chris started making a wailing sound, almost like he was in pain. He pulled his cock out of Ryan's hole, and started cumming on it. The first shot landed on the hole and Chris quickly thrust his cock back inside, shooting the rest inside. He was moaning and thrusting. "Breeding that ass, fuck yea, cumming in your little asshole!"

That was all it took for me. I thought I would explode. I turned to the wall, clenched my jaws shut and grabbed my dick. It took 2 strokes and I shot all over the wall. I came so hard I thought I would pass out.

Ryan, in an attempt to not wake the neighborhood, I assumed, grabbed a blanket that was on the couch and stuffed it in his mouth and bit down on it as he shot is load and screamed. I can only imagine the amount of cum that shot out of his dick when he came. He never stopped slamming his back onto Chris.

"Your ass is milking my dick!" Chris moaned. He stood still while Ryan fucked himself on his cock.

Ryan finally slowed down and lay face down on the couch, ass still in the air. Chris pulled back and let his softening cock plop out of the well-used hole. Both of them were breathing heavy. I could smell cum and sweat in the air. I was coming down from my own orgasm and wondering how I could clean off the wall and sneak back to bed when suddenly, Chris turned in my direction.

"Dan, you can come out now. We know you are there."

Thanks for reading! If you liked this story, consider backing me on Patreon! I plan to post weekly (at least) and making a few extra bucks during this pandemic would be awesome! Feedback always welcome! Shoot me an email at

Next: Chapter 2

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