College New Friends

By Paul Relhub

Published on Jul 11, 2010


Disclaimer: This story contains details of a sexual encounter between consenting adults. If you find this material offensive, or are legally barred from viewing it in your area, please leave now.

Nick and Darren slowly got dressed and left the coach's house as Jon was fucking the coach. He was driving in an out and using the coach's ass like a battering ram.

Darren nudged Nick and said,

"See twenty years from now we'll still be fucking each other".

Nick replied, "I hope so, I'll never have enough of that cock of yours."

The wandered out to Darren's truck and climbed in and headed home.

"Hey what are you doing next week during spring break?" asked Nick.

"Not much, you?"

"I was thinking I would like to spend the week camping and you know what, what do you think?" said Nick.

"Just you and me and our cocks, sounds like fun!" exclaimed Darren.

Darren dropped Nick at home and headed home to do some homework. As he drove up he noticed that his older brother's car was in the drive. Now what, he thought as his brother only came home when he needed something. Turns out that Austin, his older brother, was getting his apartment remodeled and was going to spend sometime at home, sharing a room with Darren. Oh well, it wouldn't be so bad, Darren and Austin got along pretty well and since Darren was going to go camping for a week, things should work out pretty well.

Darren headed up to his room and started on his homework although he had trouble concentrating as he was recalling the activities of the night. He loved to fuck guys and be fucked and he had stumbled on to a whole new source of sex. He finished up his essay that was due for the next day and stripped down and got into bed and dozed off. About a half an hour later Austin came in and stripped, causing Darren to wake up. He saw that Austin was still working out and that his cock definitely followed the family tradition, long and heavy.

With that thought Darren drifted off to sleep and woke to his alarm clock the next morning. He rolled over with his morning wood sticking straight up and forgetting that he was sharing a room with his brother; he wandered into the bathroom and ran head on into his brother who was just stepping out of the shower.

"Wow!" was his brother's response, "I thought I was gifted, what happened to you, steroids or something?"

Darren blushing and responded "You perv!"

Austin exited the bathroom and Darren pissed and then took his shower and wandered back into the room where his brother was still sitting nude on his bed.

Darren dried off and got dressed watching Austin and noticed that Austin was watching him closely.

"That's weird" thought Darren but said no more.

Later that night as he was getting ready for bed, Austin came in and stripped down. As they were undressing Austin asked,

"How was the deputy?"

"How should I know? retorted Darren.

"From what I hear you stretched his ass pretty good," said Austin.

"Who told you that?" inquired Darren.

"I got it straight from the horse's mouth." replied Austin.

"I've fucked Jon for years, ever since his junior year." "He liked the size of my cock, but said that yours really stretched him and he's dying for more of it."

Darren stood there slack jawed and tried to assimilate the information he had just received. His straight-laced brother was gay or at least bi and was aware of his sexual activities and he had fucked the same ass as his brother. Wow that was a load of information in just one minute. Austin laughed and started to stroke his cock and lay down on the bed.

"How big are you anyway?" asked Austin.

"About 11.5" responded Darren, you?

"Only 10.5" responded Austin.

They both jacked off and went to sleep. The next day Darren ran into Nick and told him the whole story.

Wow! was the only response.

Darren looked at Nick and said

" I've got to fuck you tonight, I'm going to explode if I don't!"

"You want to come to my house, my parents are out of town until next week, we have the whole place to ourselves." asked Nick.

Let's go now! growled Darren.

They got to Nick's house and before they got to the bedroom they were both naked and erect. Darren grabbed Nick and kissed him and rubbed his body against Nick's hard muscled body. He pushed him on to the bed lifted his legs and dove in and rimmed Nick, slobbering and filling Nick's ass. Nick moaned and grabbed Darren's head and ground it into his ass.

Nick reached out and grabbed the lube and handed it to Darren who withdrew his mouth and slathered the lube on to his cock and Nick's ass and slid his cock up Nick's ass in one fell swoop. Nick drove back and they rutted like animals feeding off of each other's frenzy. Nick ground his ass into Darren's crotch and took all 11.5 inches up his ass. They continued like this for almost an hour until Darren filled Nick's ass and withdrew.

Nick immediately grabbed Darren's legs and shoved his cock into Darren and pumped until he came. They were lost in their lust and loved the feeling of attraction between them.

Darren and Nick got into the sixty-nine position and slobbered on each other's cocks and satiated their primal urges as they explored each other's bodies. Within a week they had gone from relative strangers to fucking friends. Wow how life can change.

At about ten Darren got dressed and headed home ready for a good night's sleep. As he got to his room he heard moaning and thought his brother was jacking off again. He thought about giving him privacy but figured they weren't many secrets between them. He opened the door and saw that Austin wasn't alone and almost closed the door; but he knew that butt, it was Jon getting his ass driven by Austin.

Darren stripped and lay on his bed to stroke off watching his older brother and Jon fuck. They had obviously done this often, as there was no awkwardness in their lovemaking. Their bodies melded and they explored each other's bodies with passion. Austin's cock filled Jon's hole and stretched it out. Jon's own cock was sticking straight up and Austin was stroking it as Jon was sitting on his cock. They were in no hurry to finish and were not perturbed in the least that Darren was in the room.

Austin looked over to Darren and motioned him over so that Jon could suck his cock. As Darren reached them Jon leaned forward and slid his mouth over Darren's cock. Meanwhile Austin reached up and slid his hand between Darren's legs and slid his middle finger up Darren's waiting hole.

Darren couldn't believe that here he was in another threesome when just a week ago he just wished someone would at least give him a blow job. Austin continued to slide his finger in and out of Darren's ass and Jon deep throated him, gagging at the size. As Jon pulled off to catch his breath Austin raised his head and drew Darren's cock into his mouth. Jon continued to bounce up and down on Austin cock and was driving himself hard to get all 10.5 inches up his ass.

As Austin drew Darren's cock into his mouth he couldn't believe how big his little brother had become. Last time he has seen Darren nude was about five years earlier, and now Darren was taller than him and definitely out sized him in the cock contest. Darren's cock was rigid and filling his brother's mouth and throat which Austin loved. It was a little weird having sex with your own brother but this was too hot to turn down.

Jon reached down and pinched both of Austin's nipples and drove a shocking sensation through his body. Austin heaved and began pumping his cum up Jon's ass and sucked Darren's cock most of the way in and slid another finger up his ass and pumped his fingers in and out. Jon reached over and covered his mouth with his and ran his hands over Darren's body. They combined sensations drove Darren over the edge and he began to pull out of his brother's mouth and shoot cum all over Jon and Austin.

Jon, knowing that Darren has great recovery time, slid off of Austin's cock and lowered Darren down on the bed and mounted his half hard cock, which lengthened and fill his ass to capacity. The lengthening cock in his ass created an unbelievable feeling and drew a guttural moan out of the deputy. Austin couldn't believe his eyes when he saw that Darren was at full length again and ready for more action.

"You truly are a sex god like Jon said you were."

"I didn't believe him but he set this action up tonight knowing that you wouldn't turn down a good fuck."

"Now ram that deputy's ass and stretch him all the way."

Darren drove his cock up Jon's ass and pumped furiously. This being the fifth time he had come today, he was going to last. The deputy would be walking funny tomorrow. He pulled Jon up and fucked him doggy style to get the best angle to drive his full length into Jon's waiting ass. Austin went to Jon's waiting mouth and slide his semi-erect cock in and leaned over and drew Darren into a kiss. The sensation of kissing his brother brought shivers down his spine but he was past caring about any social mores and he gave himself fully to the threesome. The three muscled and heaving bodies were enraptured in their lovemaking and drove each other to the edge of sensation. Finally Jon stroking his own cock came and started an domino effect causing all three to shoot their cum over Austin's bed.

"Where are Mom and Dad anyway?" asked Darren.

"Out for the week, didn't you hear they went to see Uncle Ben and Aunt May for the week so we have a lot of time to fuck each other silly." replied Austin

Exhausted they went to sleep entangled in each other's arm. The next morning Darren called Nick and told him there was a change of plans and that they would stay home, but that they had the house to themselves and would get to fuck Austin and Jon anytime they wanted. Nick jumped at the idea and told him that he would be right over. Screw the weekend; they would start now.

Nick showed up about a half hour later and Darren introduced him to Austin and watched as Austin scanned over Nick's body and licked his lips. Austin reached for Nick's crotch and pulled him forward and ground their crotches together. This is going to be some week cock, cock and more cock! It didn't take more than ten minutes before everyone was nude and pre-cum was dripping from eager cocks.

Nick ran his tongue over Austin's hairy chest and suckled on his pecs. He was eager to fuck the older brother's ass and fulfill another fantasy. In his fantasies about Jon he had always pictured Jon filling Austin's ass and driving Austin to frenzy. Now he would try to drive Austin to frenzy.

Nick rubbed his muscled body against Austin and crunched their crotches together. He quickly felt that Austin was almost the same size as Darren. Wow what a family, just two boys and almost two feet of cock. He wouldn't be able to walk straight at the end of this week.

Nick slid down Austin's body and filled his mouth with Austin's cock and slid it down his throat. Austin gurgled with pleasure and held Nick's head and fucked his mouth. As he fucked Nick's mouth, Nick drove his fingers up Austin's hole and readied him to fuck him. Nick pulled off of Austin's cock and slid between his legs and slurped his waiting ass hole. He rimmed Austin, driving Austin nuts. When Nick saw that Austin was thrashing around the bed, he stood up and pulled Austin to his waiting cock and drove all nine thick inches in, and impaled Austin on to his cock. Austin's eyes rolled backward as the pleasure hit him and spewed cum over his body. Nick used his hands and scooped up the cum and fed it to Austin while he continued to drive his cock in and out of Austin's ass. Austin loved the feel of the thick cock up his ass and leaned into the fucking and pulled Nick down to him and kissed him as they fucked.

Darren was watching Nick impale his brother with his hard dick and smiled. As he was watching Jon came up behind him and slid his hands over his eight pack and through his pubic hair and down to his waiting expanding cock. Jon began stroking Darren's cock and ran his hands over his balls pulling him back onto his hefty cock. I want to fuck you as you brother is being fucked, bend over and let me slide up your ass. Darren willing complied and handed Jon some lube and stretched his ass to accommodate the intruder. Darren felt Jon slip a lubed finger up his ass and moments later he felt the head of Jon's cock as it entered his ass. Jon gently slid up Darren's ass and reached around and stroked his cock. Jon picked up speed and drove his cock into Darren and played with his balls and cock at the same time. Darren closed his eyes and floated into the moment and let the rhythm take over. As he opened his eyes he saw Nick spewing his cum on Austin's stomach and watched as they came together and smeared the cum over their bodies. Jon continued to stroke in and out in a leisurely manner, keeping Darren right on the edge of cumming but holding it back. The intensity was growing and Darren was moaning louder and louder. Nick came over and slid his cum cover cock into Darren's mouth and pumped away. As this was happening Austin came over and replaced Jon's hand and started to stroke his brother. With all three men stimulating Darren he came with intensity he had not felt before.

It was just the beginning of the week and already every one was already dripping with cum and sweat. This was going to be a week to remember. They decided to break for lunch and after lunch they began to plan the week. They knew their cocks would be raw if they just fucked all day and so they planned events between their fucking sessions although they began to see that the events became shorter and shorter and the fuck sessions were taking over the week. No position was left out and every kind of partnering was tried. By the end of the week they knew each other's bodies as well as their own. Now they just had to see who they could add to their group to add new sexual energy. Disclaimer: This story contains details of a sexual encounter between consenting adults. If you find this material offensive, or are legally barred from viewing it in your area, please leave now.

Nick and Darren slowly got dressed and left the coach's house as Jon was fucking the coach. He was driving in an out and using the coach's ass like a battering ram.

Darren nudged Nick and said,

"See twenty years from now we'll still be fucking each other".

Nick replied, "I hope so, I'll never have enough of that cock of yours."

The wandered out to Darren's truck and climbed in and headed home.

"Hey what are you doing next week during spring break?" asked Nick.

"Not much, you?"

"I was thinking I would like to spend the week camping and you know what, what do you think?" said Nick.

"Just you and me and our cocks, sounds like fun!" exclaimed Darren.

Darren dropped Nick at home and headed home to do some homework. As he drove up he noticed that his older brother's car was in the drive. Now what, he thought as his brother only came home when he needed something. Turns out that Austin, his older brother, was getting his apartment remodeled and was going to spend sometime at home, sharing a room with Darren. Oh well, it wouldn't be so bad, Darren and Austin got along pretty well and since Darren was going to go camping for a week, things should work out pretty well.

Darren headed up to his room and started on his homework although he had trouble concentrating as he was recalling the activities of the night. He loved to fuck guys and be fucked and he had stumbled on to a whole new source of sex. He finished up his essay that was due for the next day and stripped down and got into bed and dozed off. About a half an hour later Austin came in and stripped, causing Darren to wake up. He saw that Austin was still working out and that his cock definitely followed the family tradition, long and heavy.

With that thought Darren drifted off to sleep and woke to his alarm clock the next morning. He rolled over with his morning wood sticking straight up and forgetting that he was sharing a room with his brother; he wandered into the bathroom and ran head on into his brother who was just stepping out of the shower.

"Wow!" was his brother's response, "I thought I was gifted, what happened to you, steroids or something?"

Darren blushing and responded "You perv!"

Austin exited the bathroom and Darren pissed and then took his shower and wandered back into the room where his brother was still sitting nude on his bed.

Darren dried off and got dressed watching Austin and noticed that Austin was watching him closely.

"That's weird" thought Darren but said no more.

Later that night as he was getting ready for bed, Austin came in and stripped down. As they were undressing Austin asked,

"How was the deputy?"

"How should I know? retorted Darren.

"From what I hear you stretched his ass pretty good," said Austin.

"Who told you that?" inquired Darren.

"I got it straight from the horse's mouth." replied Austin.

"I've fucked Jon for years, ever since his junior year." "He liked the size of my cock, but said that yours really stretched him and he's dying for more of it."

Darren stood there slack jawed and tried to assimilate the information he had just received. His straight-laced brother was gay or at least bi and was aware of his sexual activities and he had fucked the same ass as his brother. Wow that was a load of information in just one minute. Austin laughed and started to stroke his cock and lay down on the bed.

"How big are you anyway?" asked Austin.

"About 11.5" responded Darren, you?

"Only 10.5" responded Austin.

They both jacked off and went to sleep. The next day Darren ran into Nick and told him the whole story.

Wow! was the only response.

Darren looked at Nick and said

" I've got to fuck you tonight, I'm going to explode if I don't!"

"You want to come to my house, my parents are out of town until next week, we have the whole place to ourselves." asked Nick.

Let's go now! growled Darren.

They got to Nick's house and before they got to the bedroom they were both naked and erect. Darren grabbed Nick and kissed him and rubbed his body against Nick's hard muscled body. He pushed him on to the bed lifted his legs and dove in and rimmed Nick, slobbering and filling Nick's ass. Nick moaned and grabbed Darren's head and ground it into his ass.

Nick reached out and grabbed the lube and handed it to Darren who withdrew his mouth and slathered the lube on to his cock and Nick's ass and slid his cock up Nick's ass in one fell swoop. Nick drove back and they rutted like animals feeding off of each other's frenzy. Nick ground his ass into Darren's crotch and took all 11.5 inches up his ass. They continued like this for almost an hour until Darren filled Nick's ass and withdrew.

Nick immediately grabbed Darren's legs and shoved his cock into Darren and pumped until he came. They were lost in their lust and loved the feeling of attraction between them.

Darren and Nick got into the sixty-nine position and slobbered on each other's cocks and satiated their primal urges as they explored each other's bodies. Within a week they had gone from relative strangers to fucking friends. Wow how life can change.

At about ten Darren got dressed and headed home ready for a good night's sleep. As he got to his room he heard moaning and thought his brother was jacking off again. He thought about giving him privacy but figured they weren't many secrets between them. He opened the door and saw that Austin wasn't alone and almost closed the door; but he knew that butt, it was Jon getting his ass driven by Austin.

Darren stripped and lay on his bed to stroke off watching his older brother and Jon fuck. They had obviously done this often, as there was no awkwardness in their lovemaking. Their bodies melded and they explored each other's bodies with passion. Austin's cock filled Jon's hole and stretched it out. Jon's own cock was sticking straight up and Austin was stroking it as Jon was sitting on his cock. They were in no hurry to finish and were not perturbed in the least that Darren was in the room.

Austin looked over to Darren and motioned him over so that Jon could suck his cock. As Darren reached them Jon leaned forward and slid his mouth over Darren's cock. Meanwhile Austin reached up and slid his hand between Darren's legs and slid his middle finger up Darren's waiting hole.

Darren couldn't believe that here he was in another threesome when just a week ago he just wished someone would at least give him a blow job. Austin continued to slide his finger in and out of Darren's ass and Jon deep throated him, gagging at the size. As Jon pulled off to catch his breath Austin raised his head and drew Darren's cock into his mouth. Jon continued to bounce up and down on Austin cock and was driving himself hard to get all 10.5 inches up his ass.

As Austin drew Darren's cock into his mouth he couldn't believe how big his little brother had become. Last time he has seen Darren nude was about five years earlier, and now Darren was taller than him and definitely out sized him in the cock contest. Darren's cock was rigid and filling his brother's mouth and throat which Austin loved. It was a little weird having sex with your own brother but this was too hot to turn down.

Jon reached down and pinched both of Austin's nipples and drove a shocking sensation through his body. Austin heaved and began pumping his cum up Jon's ass and sucked Darren's cock most of the way in and slid another finger up his ass and pumped his fingers in and out. Jon reached over and covered his mouth with his and ran his hands over Darren's body. They combined sensations drove Darren over the edge and he began to pull out of his brother's mouth and shoot cum all over Jon and Austin.

Jon, knowing that Darren has great recovery time, slid off of Austin's cock and lowered Darren down on the bed and mounted his half hard cock, which lengthened and fill his ass to capacity. The lengthening cock in his ass created an unbelievable feeling and drew a guttural moan out of the deputy. Austin couldn't believe his eyes when he saw that Darren was at full length again and ready for more action.

"You truly are a sex god like Jon said you were."

"I didn't believe him but he set this action up tonight knowing that you wouldn't turn down a good fuck."

"Now ram that deputy's ass and stretch him all the way."

Darren drove his cock up Jon's ass and pumped furiously. This being the fifth time he had come today, he was going to last. The deputy would be walking funny tomorrow. He pulled Jon up and fucked him doggy style to get the best angle to drive his full length into Jon's waiting ass. Austin went to Jon's waiting mouth and slide his semi-erect cock in and leaned over and drew Darren into a kiss. The sensation of kissing his brother brought shivers down his spine but he was past caring about any social mores and he gave himself fully to the threesome. The three muscled and heaving bodies were enraptured in their lovemaking and drove each other to the edge of sensation. Finally Jon stroking his own cock came and started an domino effect causing all three to shoot their cum over Austin's bed.

"Where are Mom and Dad anyway?" asked Darren.

"Out for the week, didn't you hear they went to see Uncle Ben and Aunt May for the week so we have a lot of time to fuck each other silly." replied Austin

Exhausted they went to sleep entangled in each other's arm. The next morning Darren called Nick and told him there was a change of plans and that they would stay home, but that they had the house to themselves and would get to fuck Austin and Jon anytime they wanted. Nick jumped at the idea and told him that he would be right over. Screw the weekend; they would start now.

Nick showed up about a half hour later and Darren introduced him to Austin and watched as Austin scanned over Nick's body and licked his lips. Austin reached for Nick's crotch and pulled him forward and ground their crotches together. This is going to be some week cock, cock and more cock! It didn't take more than ten minutes before everyone was nude and pre-cum was dripping from eager cocks.

Nick ran his tongue over Austin's hairy chest and suckled on his pecs. He was eager to fuck the older brother's ass and fulfill another fantasy. In his fantasies about Jon he had always pictured Jon filling Austin's ass and driving Austin to frenzy. Now he would try to drive Austin to frenzy.

Nick rubbed his muscled body against Austin and crunched their crotches together. He quickly felt that Austin was almost the same size as Darren. Wow what a family, just two boys and almost two feet of cock. He wouldn't be able to walk straight at the end of this week.

Nick slid down Austin's body and filled his mouth with Austin's cock and slid it down his throat. Austin gurgled with pleasure and held Nick's head and fucked his mouth. As he fucked Nick's mouth, Nick drove his fingers up Austin's hole and readied him to fuck him. Nick pulled off of Austin's cock and slid between his legs and slurped his waiting ass hole. He rimmed Austin, driving Austin nuts. When Nick saw that Austin was thrashing around the bed, he stood up and pulled Austin to his waiting cock and drove all nine thick inches in, and impaled Austin on to his cock. Austin's eyes rolled backward as the pleasure hit him and spewed cum over his body. Nick used his hands and scooped up the cum and fed it to Austin while he continued to drive his cock in and out of Austin's ass. Austin loved the feel of the thick cock up his ass and leaned into the fucking and pulled Nick down to him and kissed him as they fucked.

Darren was watching Nick impale his brother with his hard dick and smiled. As he was watching Jon came up behind him and slid his hands over his eight pack and through his pubic hair and down to his waiting expanding cock. Jon began stroking Darren's cock and ran his hands over his balls pulling him back onto his hefty cock. I want to fuck you as you brother is being fucked, bend over and let me slide up your ass. Darren willing complied and handed Jon some lube and stretched his ass to accommodate the intruder. Darren felt Jon slip a lubed finger up his ass and moments later he felt the head of Jon's cock as it entered his ass. Jon gently slid up Darren's ass and reached around and stroked his cock. Jon picked up speed and drove his cock into Darren and played with his balls and cock at the same time. Darren closed his eyes and floated into the moment and let the rhythm take over. As he opened his eyes he saw Nick spewing his cum on Austin's stomach and watched as they came together and smeared the cum over their bodies. Jon continued to stroke in and out in a leisurely manner, keeping Darren right on the edge of cumming but holding it back. The intensity was growing and Darren was moaning louder and louder. Nick came over and slid his cum cover cock into Darren's mouth and pumped away. As this was happening Austin came over and replaced Jon's hand and started to stroke his brother. With all three men stimulating Darren he came with intensity he had not felt before.

It was just the beginning of the week and already every one was already dripping with cum and sweat. This was going to be a week to remember. They decided to break for lunch and after lunch they began to plan the week. They knew their cocks would be raw if they just fucked all day and so they planned events between their fucking sessions although they began to see that the events became shorter and shorter and the fuck sessions were taking over the week. No position was left out and every kind of partnering was tried. By the end of the week they knew each other's bodies as well as their own. Now they just had to see who they could add to their group to add new sexual energy. Disclaimer: This story contains details of a sexual encounter between consenting adults. If you find this material offensive, or are legally barred from viewing it in your area, please leave now.

Nick and Darren slowly got dressed and left the coach's house as Jon was fucking the coach. He was driving in an out and using the coach's ass like a battering ram.

Darren nudged Nick and said,

"See twenty years from now we'll still be fucking each other".

Nick replied, "I hope so, I'll never have enough of that cock of yours."

The wandered out to Darren's truck and climbed in and headed home.

"Hey what are you doing next week during spring break?" asked Nick.

"Not much, you?"

"I was thinking I would like to spend the week camping and you know what, what do you think?" said Nick.

"Just you and me and our cocks, sounds like fun!" exclaimed Darren.

Darren dropped Nick at home and headed home to do some homework. As he drove up he noticed that his older brother's car was in the drive. Now what, he thought as his brother only came home when he needed something. Turns out that Austin, his older brother, was getting his apartment remodeled and was going to spend sometime at home, sharing a room with Darren. Oh well, it wouldn't be so bad, Darren and Austin got along pretty well and since Darren was going to go camping for a week, things should work out pretty well.

Darren headed up to his room and started on his homework although he had trouble concentrating as he was recalling the activities of the night. He loved to fuck guys and be fucked and he had stumbled on to a whole new source of sex. He finished up his essay that was due for the next day and stripped down and got into bed and dozed off. About a half an hour later Austin came in and stripped, causing Darren to wake up. He saw that Austin was still working out and that his cock definitely followed the family tradition, long and heavy.

With that thought Darren drifted off to sleep and woke to his alarm clock the next morning. He rolled over with his morning wood sticking straight up and forgetting that he was sharing a room with his brother; he wandered into the bathroom and ran head on into his brother who was just stepping out of the shower.

"Wow!" was his brother's response, "I thought I was gifted, what happened to you, steroids or something?"

Darren blushing and responded "You perv!"

Austin exited the bathroom and Darren pissed and then took his shower and wandered back into the room where his brother was still sitting nude on his bed.

Darren dried off and got dressed watching Austin and noticed that Austin was watching him closely.

"That's weird" thought Darren but said no more.

Later that night as he was getting ready for bed, Austin came in and stripped down. As they were undressing Austin asked,

"How was the deputy?"

"How should I know? retorted Darren.

"From what I hear you stretched his ass pretty good," said Austin.

"Who told you that?" inquired Darren.

"I got it straight from the horse's mouth." replied Austin.

"I've fucked Jon for years, ever since his junior year." "He liked the size of my cock, but said that yours really stretched him and he's dying for more of it."

Darren stood there slack jawed and tried to assimilate the information he had just received. His straight-laced brother was gay or at least bi and was aware of his sexual activities and he had fucked the same ass as his brother. Wow that was a load of information in just one minute. Austin laughed and started to stroke his cock and lay down on the bed.

"How big are you anyway?" asked Austin.

"About 11.5" responded Darren, you?

"Only 10.5" responded Austin.

They both jacked off and went to sleep. The next day Darren ran into Nick and told him the whole story.

Wow! was the only response.

Darren looked at Nick and said

" I've got to fuck you tonight, I'm going to explode if I don't!"

"You want to come to my house, my parents are out of town until next week, we have the whole place to ourselves." asked Nick.

Let's go now! growled Darren.

They got to Nick's house and before they got to the bedroom they were both naked and erect. Darren grabbed Nick and kissed him and rubbed his body against Nick's hard muscled body. He pushed him on to the bed lifted his legs and dove in and rimmed Nick, slobbering and filling Nick's ass. Nick moaned and grabbed Darren's head and ground it into his ass.

Nick reached out and grabbed the lube and handed it to Darren who withdrew his mouth and slathered the lube on to his cock and Nick's ass and slid his cock up Nick's ass in one fell swoop. Nick drove back and they rutted like animals feeding off of each other's frenzy. Nick ground his ass into Darren's crotch and took all 11.5 inches up his ass. They continued like this for almost an hour until Darren filled Nick's ass and withdrew.

Nick immediately grabbed Darren's legs and shoved his cock into Darren and pumped until he came. They were lost in their lust and loved the feeling of attraction between them.

Darren and Nick got into the sixty-nine position and slobbered on each other's cocks and satiated their primal urges as they explored each other's bodies. Within a week they had gone from relative strangers to fucking friends. Wow how life can change.

At about ten Darren got dressed and headed home ready for a good night's sleep. As he got to his room he heard moaning and thought his brother was jacking off again. He thought about giving him privacy but figured they weren't many secrets between them. He opened the door and saw that Austin wasn't alone and almost closed the door; but he knew that butt, it was Jon getting his ass driven by Austin.

Darren stripped and lay on his bed to stroke off watching his older brother and Jon fuck. They had obviously done this often, as there was no awkwardness in their lovemaking. Their bodies melded and they explored each other's bodies with passion. Austin's cock filled Jon's hole and stretched it out. Jon's own cock was sticking straight up and Austin was stroking it as Jon was sitting on his cock. They were in no hurry to finish and were not perturbed in the least that Darren was in the room.

Austin looked over to Darren and motioned him over so that Jon could suck his cock. As Darren reached them Jon leaned forward and slid his mouth over Darren's cock. Meanwhile Austin reached up and slid his hand between Darren's legs and slid his middle finger up Darren's waiting hole.

Darren couldn't believe that here he was in another threesome when just a week ago he just wished someone would at least give him a blow job. Austin continued to slide his finger in and out of Darren's ass and Jon deep throated him, gagging at the size. As Jon pulled off to catch his breath Austin raised his head and drew Darren's cock into his mouth. Jon continued to bounce up and down on Austin cock and was driving himself hard to get all 10.5 inches up his ass.

As Austin drew Darren's cock into his mouth he couldn't believe how big his little brother had become. Last time he has seen Darren nude was about five years earlier, and now Darren was taller than him and definitely out sized him in the cock contest. Darren's cock was rigid and filling his brother's mouth and throat which Austin loved. It was a little weird having sex with your own brother but this was too hot to turn down.

Jon reached down and pinched both of Austin's nipples and drove a shocking sensation through his body. Austin heaved and began pumping his cum up Jon's ass and sucked Darren's cock most of the way in and slid another finger up his ass and pumped his fingers in and out. Jon reached over and covered his mouth with his and ran his hands over Darren's body. They combined sensations drove Darren over the edge and he began to pull out of his brother's mouth and shoot cum all over Jon and Austin.

Jon, knowing that Darren has great recovery time, slid off of Austin's cock and lowered Darren down on the bed and mounted his half hard cock, which lengthened and fill his ass to capacity. The lengthening cock in his ass created an unbelievable feeling and drew a guttural moan out of the deputy. Austin couldn't believe his eyes when he saw that Darren was at full length again and ready for more action.

"You truly are a sex god like Jon said you were."

"I didn't believe him but he set this action up tonight knowing that you wouldn't turn down a good fuck."

"Now ram that deputy's ass and stretch him all the way."

Darren drove his cock up Jon's ass and pumped furiously. This being the fifth time he had come today, he was going to last. The deputy would be walking funny tomorrow. He pulled Jon up and fucked him doggy style to get the best angle to drive his full length into Jon's waiting ass. Austin went to Jon's waiting mouth and slide his semi-erect cock in and leaned over and drew Darren into a kiss. The sensation of kissing his brother brought shivers down his spine but he was past caring about any social mores and he gave himself fully to the threesome. The three muscled and heaving bodies were enraptured in their lovemaking and drove each other to the edge of sensation. Finally Jon stroking his own cock came and started an domino effect causing all three to shoot their cum over Austin's bed.

"Where are Mom and Dad anyway?" asked Darren.

"Out for the week, didn't you hear they went to see Uncle Ben and Aunt May for the week so we have a lot of time to fuck each other silly." replied Austin

Exhausted they went to sleep entangled in each other's arm. The next morning Darren called Nick and told him there was a change of plans and that they would stay home, but that they had the house to themselves and would get to fuck Austin and Jon anytime they wanted. Nick jumped at the idea and told him that he would be right over. Screw the weekend; they would start now.

Nick showed up about a half hour later and Darren introduced him to Austin and watched as Austin scanned over Nick's body and licked his lips. Austin reached for Nick's crotch and pulled him forward and ground their crotches together. This is going to be some week cock, cock and more cock! It didn't take more than ten minutes before everyone was nude and pre-cum was dripping from eager cocks.

Nick ran his tongue over Austin's hairy chest and suckled on his pecs. He was eager to fuck the older brother's ass and fulfill another fantasy. In his fantasies about Jon he had always pictured Jon filling Austin's ass and driving Austin to frenzy. Now he would try to drive Austin to frenzy.

Nick rubbed his muscled body against Austin and crunched their crotches together. He quickly felt that Austin was almost the same size as Darren. Wow what a family, just two boys and almost two feet of cock. He wouldn't be able to walk straight at the end of this week.

Nick slid down Austin's body and filled his mouth with Austin's cock and slid it down his throat. Austin gurgled with pleasure and held Nick's head and fucked his mouth. As he fucked Nick's mouth, Nick drove his fingers up Austin's hole and readied him to fuck him. Nick pulled off of Austin's cock and slid between his legs and slurped his waiting ass hole. He rimmed Austin, driving Austin nuts. When Nick saw that Austin was thrashing around the bed, he stood up and pulled Austin to his waiting cock and drove all nine thick inches in, and impaled Austin on to his cock. Austin's eyes rolled backward as the pleasure hit him and spewed cum over his body. Nick used his hands and scooped up the cum and fed it to Austin while he continued to drive his cock in and out of Austin's ass. Austin loved the feel of the thick cock up his ass and leaned into the fucking and pulled Nick down to him and kissed him as they fucked.

Darren was watching Nick impale his brother with his hard dick and smiled. As he was watching Jon came up behind him and slid his hands over his eight pack and through his pubic hair and down to his waiting expanding cock. Jon began stroking Darren's cock and ran his hands over his balls pulling him back onto his hefty cock. I want to fuck you as you brother is being fucked, bend over and let me slide up your ass. Darren willing complied and handed Jon some lube and stretched his ass to accommodate the intruder. Darren felt Jon slip a lubed finger up his ass and moments later he felt the head of Jon's cock as it entered his ass. Jon gently slid up Darren's ass and reached around and stroked his cock. Jon picked up speed and drove his cock into Darren and played with his balls and cock at the same time. Darren closed his eyes and floated into the moment and let the rhythm take over. As he opened his eyes he saw Nick spewing his cum on Austin's stomach and watched as they came together and smeared the cum over their bodies. Jon continued to stroke in and out in a leisurely manner, keeping Darren right on the edge of cumming but holding it back. The intensity was growing and Darren was moaning louder and louder. Nick came over and slid his cum cover cock into Darren's mouth and pumped away. As this was happening Austin came over and replaced Jon's hand and started to stroke his brother. With all three men stimulating Darren he came with intensity he had not felt before.

It was just the beginning of the week and already every one was already dripping with cum and sweat. This was going to be a week to remember. They decided to break for lunch and after lunch they began to plan the week. They knew their cocks would be raw if they just fucked all day and so they planned events between their fucking sessions although they began to see that the events became shorter and shorter and the fuck sessions were taking over the week. No position was left out and every kind of partnering was tried. By the end of the week they knew each other's bodies as well as their own. Now they just had to see who they could add to their group to add new sexual energy.

Next: Chapter 6

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