College New Friends

By Paul Relhub

Published on Jun 23, 2010


Disclaimer: This story contains details of a sexual encounter between consenting adults. If you find this material offensive, or are legally barred from viewing it in your area, please leave now.

I decided to take a little detour before we get to Coach Summer's house, hope you enjoy it.

Both boys agreed to show up on Wednesday, looking forward to another hot fuck. As they left the school and walked across the schoolyard Nick reached over and clutched Darren's bulge in the dark and said,

" I won't last till Wednesday, I've got to have that cock again, it's addictive; my ass is still twitching from the double fuck you gave me."

"How about tomorrow," replied Darren, "My parents have a cabin up north of town they never use except for summer vacation."

"Since we both have tomorrow off, I pick you up early and we can spend the entire day fucking each other."

"I'm in" shouted Nick, "A whole day of that dick is a dream come true."

True to his word Darren was at Nick's house at 7:30 am to pick up an eager and waiting Nick at curbside. Nick slid in to seat and immediately reached for Darren's crotch and squeezed tightly, feeling the already engorged cock through Darren's basketball shorts. As they drove off he slipped his hand to the edge of the short, slid up inside and felt the head of Darren's cock leaking copious amounts of fluid. As he touched Darren's cock it twitched and grew even longer, filling Nick's hand.

"Ready to go, aren't you, cooed Nick.

"Of course, I want to fill that ass again and I want you to plow your dick up my ass too," answered Darren

"By the way I noticed that Steven really liked your show last night, what's up with that" asked Darren

"Steve's my fuck toy" replied Nick, "He's a total bottom and would love your cock."

"Let's invite him up and then we can double fuck him when our asses are sore." exclaimed Darren!

"Works for me, I'll call him right now and we can swing by and pick him up"

Nick picked up his phone dialed the number and when Steve answered Nick only used two words,

"Wanna fuck?"

The answer was immediate and affirmative and so they took a slight detour and picked up Steve who was waiting at the intersection near his house. Steve slipped into the car and saw Darren and looked puzzled and blurted,

"What's he doing here?"

Nick simply replied by pulling up Darren's pant leg on his shorts and showed Steve Darren's monster cock. Steve began to drool and reached forward to touch the prize.

"Wow where have you been hiding?" asked Steve",

" I want some of that cock."

They arrived at the cabin about a half hour later by which time Nick had slipped into the back seat and Steve was leaned over and slurping up Nick's dripping cock as he rubbed his own eight inches. The truck was beginning to smell like a locker room with all the pre-cum and sweat permeating each body. As they were up in the woods Nick and Steve didn't even bother to get dressed and their cock and balls bounced in the spring air. Darren slid his key into the lock and swung open the door and all three rushed in and started to strip immediately. Steve threw himself on the nearest bed and grabbed Darren's cock and enveloped it. He was whimpering with pleasure as the cock filled his mouth. Nick went back to Steve's ass, pulled him to the edge of the bed and plunged his cock up Steve's ass as soon as he had slathered lotion on to the waiting hole. Steve pushed back and was filled with 20" of cock with both ends filled. This was heaven for a bottom. Nick was rough and began to drive his cock up Steve's ass with power and reached under and pinched Steve's nipples and pulled down. Steve moaned and heaved his body to accept the onslaught with pleasure.

"See I told you he was a complete bottom."

"He loves to be filled with cock."

"Want to slide that monster up his ass?"

"He'll love it"

Darren slipped out of Steve's mouth and met Nick at Steve's ass and as Nick slipped out Darren slid over and shoved all 11.5" up Steve's waiting ass. Steve wailed with pleasure and began to pump up and down Darren's pole. Steve closed his eyes and pumped like a man possessed.

Meanwhile Nick slipped behind Darren and began to play with his ass. He got down on his knees and began to rim Darren's waiting hole. He shoved his tongue into the warm orifice and lathered up his ass. He loved the curve of Darren's butt and caressed each bun and stretched them apart and dived in with his tongue. Steve's pumping made it easy, all he had to do was stick out his tongue and Steve drove Darren's ass right on to it. Each pump opened Darren's hole and Nick's tongue filled the space. Steve couldn't get enough of the monster cock and slid all the way down and ground his ass into Darren's hair and held tight and flexed his ass muscles and massaged Darren's base. Steve wanted this pleasure to last and began to rock back and forth slowly and pulled himself almost off Darren's cock before he slowing filled his hole again with Darren's turgid cock.

This new slow movement gave Nick the opportunity to slide his cock along Darren's hole and apply pressure to break the seal. As his head slipped in, Darren arched back and slid Nick's cock up his ass. The sandwich with Darren in the middle got in sync and slowing moved back and forth, feeling the extreme pleasure of male-to-male sex. Darren could feel Nick's six- pack pulsate against his back and could feel the sweat lather him up. The feel of skin against skin was intoxicating and Darren sank deeper into Steve and blew his first load of the day. Steven felt the cum fill his ass and ooze out his stretched hole. Darren didn't withdraw as he knew that he would recover in just a short while, especially as Nick was slowly massaging his back and plowing into his ass. Nick's pumping pushed Darren's cock back and forth and as Darren knew his cock came right back and filled Steve's ass. When Steve realized what was happening he picked up his motions again and worked to draw a second load out of Darren.

Nick picked up speed and used all 9" to fill Darren's ass. He was past delirium; he was in another dimension. The muscles in his body throbbed and he felt the cum building in his ball sac as he released his load up Darren's ass. As he came, he withdrew and fed his still heavy cock to Steve, who eagerly slurped in his cock and filled his mouth with it. Steve was filled at both ends again, in bottom heaven. Nick grabbed Steve's head and began to pump his cock into the waiting throat. He done this lots of times with Steve and knew how Steve like his entire mouth filled with cock. As Steve's mouth was filled, he picked up speed as he pumped his ass down on Darren's engorged cock. Steve began to rock back and forth and between the cock in his mouth and the cock in his ass and loved the feeling of being filled with large swollen appendages of flesh. This was turning out to be the best fuck he had ever had. Darren grasped Steve's hips and began to pump with force driving his cock deep into Steve's ass.

Like the coach the night before, Steve began to beg them to finish but Nick and Darren were in the zone and ignored the pleas as their cock ruled their actions. Nick leaned over and began to kiss Darren and as their tongues met they both started to pump cum into Steve. As they slipped out of both caverns Steve laid back and began to doze off.

Darren looked at Nick and smiled, reached over and began to tweak his nipples and pulled him into an embrace, feeling Nick's hot body next to his. They looked into each other's eyes and drew each other into a lingering kiss. Their two bodies crushed together and their muscles melded. Their six-foot frames enveloped each other and they found the nearest bed to explore each other's bodies. Darren reached down to cup Nick's ball sac and ran his middle finger back to Nick's twitching hole.

"You have the hottest ass, just looking at it makes me hard."

"It has for years; I just didn't have the nerve to try anything."

"Feeling it now is fantastic, your ass is perfect!"

"I could fuck you all day and stay hard."

Nick ran his hands along Darren's washboard stomach and down to his now flaccid cock and wrapped his hands around it. Even flaccid, it was impressive, a good six inches and still thick.

"You could make a bottom out of me with that thing, it feels so good sliding into my ass and filling me to the top."

"I want that cock."

Both boys knew that they had all day and so they continued to explore each other's bodies. Darren rolled over and sat on Nick's stomach so Nick's cock just touched his ass. He began massaging Nick and tweaking his nipples and felt Nick's cock harden and slide under his ass. This caused his own cock to rise and Nick reached out and began stroking it and pulled Darren into his waiting mouth. Nick sucked on the growing monster and slid his hands around and slid his finger up Darren's ass. The intensity continued as both of them felt the lust they felt take over.

"Take me again" begged Nick

"I need that cock up my ass, but I want you to fuck me till I beg you to stop"

Darren slipped off of Nick and lifted up his legs and plunged into the waiting hole. He drove in and watched Nick's face glow. Darren drove in and out of Nick and having come twice already was in no rush to get off. Sweat was pouring off of both of them and melding together. Nick pulled Darren down and kissed him deeply as his ass was being pummeled.

With all the groaning and moaning Steve was roused from his sleep and watched as Darren punished Nick's hole. He started to stroke his cock as he watched the show. He'd never seen Nick fucked before and was surprised how much Nick loved it. In his time he had seen Nick fuck most of the football team but now Nick was welcoming Darren's cock into his waiting hole, what a change.

Of course Steve would do the same any day. He'd love to have both of them fucking him all day long. Meanwhile Darren continued to fill Nick's ass with his cock. He was surprised at this turn of events as he's never even thought of approaching one of the football players although he had fucked his band director and a few of the other band members. He'd have to see who Nick would introduce him to from the football team.

"I'm cumming." moaned Nick as cum shot across his stomach.

"Steve get over her and clean me up." he called.

Steve needed no second invitation and bounded over and licked the cum off of Nick's hard stomach and slipped Nick's cock in his mouth. He watched as Darren's huge cock continued to fill Nick; they'd been at this for almost an hour and Darren was still hard. Steve reached between Nick's legs and stroked Darren's cock as it pulled out and pushed in. This extra stimulation was just enough to put Darren over the edge and he pulled out and shot his load over both Steve and Nick. They all fell into a steaming glowing mass of legs, arms, cocks and asses, exhausted from all the activity.

Darren looked over at the clock and saw that it was just 1 o'clock and smiled knowing that they still had all day to do what they wanted to do. As he lay there he wondered who coach Summers would have over the next night.

Next: Chapter 4

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