College Mates

By The Haydster

Published on Jul 28, 2006


ATTENTION: Everone, I have written chapter 7, and it will be posted soon. PLEASE write to me at

DISCLAIMER: This story contains stories of homosexual love between young men. If this content is illegal, or you are not of legal age to read it, do not continue. If this material is offensive to you, do not continue.

THANKS: Thanks to everyone who has written in. Sorry I can't list names, as my email went down and I lost all my emails except for the last few days. An extra special thanks to Sam, who has inspired me to keep writing and is being a great friend in general. Thanks also to Evan for his comments about Love On Campus (now finally completed). I can't express my thanks enough to EVERYONE who has written in.

COPYRIGHT TheHaydster, 2006. This material may be displayed by, and may be downloaded for personal reading. All other rights are reserved.

Chapter 6 -- What do we do?

I stiffened with shock at first, but then started kissing him back. When we broke the kiss, his eyes clouded, and he ran. I ran after him, and saw that he was running towards the river. I was scared of what he might do to himself, but I knew that I couldn't catch up to him. Then he slipped on the steps down to the college pontoon and fell heavily, hitting his head. I caught up to him, he wasn't moving. I checked his breathing and pulse; it looked like he was just unconscious. I had my mobile, and called an ambulance. Another guy turned up, and I shouted for him to get the duty res. There are a few senior students at college, and they are "on call" at different times for accidents. The duty res, Ryan, turned up in about 30 seconds flat, with a first aid kit. He took one look at Tim and asked if I'd called an ambulance yet. I told him I had, and that Tim was breathing normally.

We didn't move him, and there wasn't really much either of us could do, so I went up to the front of college, just as the ambulance arrived. They carried a stretcher down to the pontoon, and carefully loaded Tim onto it. As they took him to hospital, everything sunk in, and I started crying.

I couldn't help it, Tim was in hospital. Ryan took me to the hospital, where we found out that his injury was a severe concussion, but that he should wake up before morning. I sat down by his bed, and waited. Ryan had to go back to college, and I told him I'd stay. Once Ryan and the nurse were out of the room, I grasped his hand and said quietly, "Tim, please wake up, please be all right, oh please, please wake up."

I sat there for hours, and had lost track of time. As the sun started to rise, I grasped his hand once more, and said "Tim, I love you, please wake up", with that I kissed him on the forehead. As I sat back down, I saw his beautiful eyes open. I hit the nurse call button, and gave Tim a hug.

"You're awake at last!"

"Where am I?" Tim said groggily

"In the hospital"

"How did I get here?"

"You slipped and fell"

The nurse arrived and checked that Tim was ok. She said that he should be able to go back to college by noon. Once she left, Tim turned to me, with a confused expression.

"Where's Kate? I had a dream that she left me."

"Well..." Ok, how am I supposed to tell him this one?

"Ok Dan, what happened? Last thing I remember was an argument with Kate."

"Well, you ran off, and Kate & I found you hiding amongst some shrubs, crying."

"And then?"


"Has Kate really left me?"

"Err... Sort of"

"Hell! She told you, didn't she?"

There was a very awkward pause then.

"Tim, she said that you loved me, and that is why she left you."

"Did I do what I think I did?"

"You broke down, and kissed me on the lips"

"Oh no" He closed his eyes, and took several deep breaths.

"Well, Dan, I guess the truth is out now, I love you. I don't know what to do, though. I'm afraid of how everyone will react. I bet Kate will tell everyone now."

"Tim, the truth may be out, but you're not. Kate cares too much about you for that."

"Does anyone else know?"

"Well, everyone at college knows that you were carted off to hospital, that I'm here waiting for you to wake up, and that you argued with Kate, but no one except Kate & I know why this happened."

"That's a bit of relief, but what are we going to do?"

"Well, I suggest that we start by getting you discharged, and look at getting you some breakfast" I said, grinning impishly.

"Dan, you know what I mean."

"Do I?"

"What are we going to do about us?" Tim tried to look angry, but failed miserably.

We had a quick chat about it, and decided that we'd have to keep it secret, and we would just do what we could about any rumours. Eventually, we got Tim discharged. Hell, hospital paperwork takes forever! Once we had escaped, it was about 2pm, so we called a taxi (I can't drive, and Tim was in no condition to do so) and got back to college. I called Ryan on the way, and he met us when we arrived. Once Tim had assured him that he was all right we had some lunch, and then we both went to Tim's room. He sat down on the bed, and I locked both the doors (the hallway and balcony doors). Once I had drawn the curtains to the French door on the balcony, I sat down next to him.

Tim pulled me to him, and kissed me passionately on the lips. When we eventually broke apart, he got a serious look on his face, and told me that we needed to talk about everything. I agreed.

"Dan, we are pretty inseparable, but if we spend more time together, and we don't appear to hunt for girlfriends, rumours will start."

"They may start babe, but they won't get far."

"They don't need proof"

"Yes, but proof against rumours has a very good way of quashing them."

"Who can prove against it, we are in love!"

"Tim, remember Susan?"


"She is pretty much `rumour officer' at St. Marks (the girl's college)."

Tim looked at me as if I was insane

"Dan, you think she will stop rumours? If she is the rumour queen, she will start them!"

"Tim, I have known her since we were babies. She won't start any rumours, and she will quash any that may start."

"I don't know Dan, can we risk telling her?"

"She already knows." As Tim's face went red, I realised that he had misunderstood me.

"Dan, you bastard! I'm having enough trouble coping with this myself, why don't you just post it on the college noticeboard! How could you tell her?" With that, he broke down and started crying. It broke my heart. He shoved me away when I tried to put my arm around his shoulders, and his rejection hurt more than anything.

"Tim, please listen to me, please, I said it wrong."

"No, you said it right, don't lie to me. You told the rumour queen that we were in love."

"That's not what I told you, I said that she already knows."

"So am I to assume the aliens told her?" He said sarcastically, looking at me with eyes that accused me of betraying him. I nearly broke down there and then.

"Tim, she knows about me, and she felt sure that we would end up as boyfriends. As a matter of fact, she was a lot surer than I was of the fact. She will have heard of a quarrel between you and Kate, heard that I went with you to the hospital. She will have guessed it, I'm pretty sure of that."

Eventually we decided to tell her that we were together, and try to enlist her help

, "I can't, but I can't stop myself." Then he grabbed my face, and kissed my hard on the lips.

PLEASE write to me at Flames will be ignored.

Next: Chapter 7

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