College Mates

By The Haydster

Published on Dec 23, 2006


G'day. Sorry about taking so long to put up this chapter, but I've had writer's block and caught a nasty bug. College Mates will wrap up in the next few chapters and I will start my next story, Network Notes, which I've had ideas for. THANKS goes to Roger who has read all my chapters and found my mistakes. I'd really like to hear from everyone. Please email me at


Chapter 12

Bob started off by saying "It was about 9 o'clock and my martial arts class had just ended and I was on my way back to college. I took the short cut between the science and chemistry buildings and then heard something to my left. I was curious so I looked over the railing (the campus is on a terraced hill side) and saw Alex and Ryan being attacked by six guys all in black, even black balaclavas. I saw a flash of metal, and knew there was at least one knife about.

Pretty much I let out a yell and hit the nearest call point, which was luckily only a few metres away, and jumped down to the lower terrace. The bastards that attacked them had run off, but not before stabbing Ryan in the chest and both Ryan and Alex in the side. I called campus security's emergency line and they got an ambulance on the way. You know the rest."

We sat there, shocked by the belief that people could be so cruel to Ryan and Alex. It made no sense. "There is more", Bob said, "but I can't tell you about it yet" I noticed that Tim had wrapped his arms around me while Bob was talking. Evidently Bob noticed too, as he asked "So you two are..?" "Yep, we're together too" said Tim. "I see" Bob replied thoughtfully as Officer Andersen exited Alex's room.

"Mr. and Mrs. Tanner, you may visit him now, but please do not discuss the crime with him and I must ask you to restrict your visit to ten minutes. I'm sorry, but I can only allow immediate family to visit until tomorrow." Dr. Webb said after Officer Andersen gave him a nod. Officer Andersen gave Tim and I an appraising look and asked us for a private word. We followed him into a small room and once the three of us were seated he began.

"Gentlemen, I apologise for this rather personal line of questioning, but I overheard the conversation between yourself and Mr. Creek and I believe that you may be able to assist in the apprehension of the culprits of the attack on your two friends." "Go on" I urged him Directing his question at me, he asked "Are you and Mr. Carter boyfriends?" Tim gave me a nod, so I replied in the affirmative. "I see, are you two not `out'?" "No, not yet at least" Tim replied. "Ah" Officer Andersen said. "Gentlemen, I am willing to lay my cards on the table here, but I must swear you to secrecy. Do I have your solemn word that none of the information I reveal will go beyond this room, except in court of law?" "You have my solemn word" Tim replied. "I swear" I said. Officer Andersen took a deep breath and began to speak. "Mr. Carter, Mr. O'Toole, the situation is far more complex than a simple assault, even with the hate crime factor. Mr. Mathers tore a badge off one of his attackers, and was still holding it when Mr. Creek alerted campus security. Showing remarkable presence of mind, he hid the badge and gave it to me when he was questioned. Here it is" He placed a small plastic bag on the table

The badge inside was a simple iron-on badge, there was nothing unusual about that. The shocking aspect was the insignia on the badge. It was the insignia of campus security. Both our jaws dropped at this new revelation. "We are unable to confirm that one of the attackers was from campus security until Mr. Mathers wakes up, as Mr. Tanner was unsure as to this fact. However, if this is the case, and we believe that it is, I will have to call in the tactical response team and organize a sting operation." "And you intend to use us as bait" Tim interjected, going white. "I completely understand if you want nothing to do with this" Officer Andersen told us, in a soothing voice. "I know that it would involve you `coming out' and put you in danger" "I'm all right, but I couldn't stand anything happening to Danny" Tim replied. "I'm all for it, Tim, we owe it to Ryan and Alex" I told him. Turning to Officer Andersen I said "We agree to help in this if it is necessary to catch the bastards who tried to kill Ryan and Alex."

The next second the PA system crackled to life with the announcement "Code Black, Intensive Care Unit. Code Black, Intensive Care Unit" Officer Andersen was out of the door before the announcement was finished. We rushed after him. Tim asked me what was going on and I told him what a Code Black was. A Code Black meant a personal threat, like someone pulling a knife or gun or attacking someone.

Once we reached ICU it was obvious what the problem was. Mr. Mathers was fighting with hospital security while yelling "I'll kill my faggot son for letting this happen to him!" amongst other obscenities. As soon as Officer Andersen arrived on the scene Ryan's father drew a knife and rushed at him. Officer Andersen didn't waste any time and hit him with capsicum spray. Capsicum spray is like pepper spray, but not quite as strong. Pepper spray is illegal in Australia, even for police. As soon as he hit the ground he was handcuffed and Officer Andersen arrested him for assault and battery, attempted assault of a police officer with a deadly weapon and threat to murder. He radioed for a paddy wagon and then let hospital security take care of him, giving them his capsicum spray "just in case".

We were stunned by the viciousness of Ryan's dad, as was all the ICU staff. Apparently, no guard had been placed on Ryan as the ICU doors are locked, but Officer Andersen radioed for an officer to guard Ryan and got a security guard to take guard until a police officer relieved him.

Officer Andersen suggested that we go home, but keep a close eye out, as even though we were in the closet, someone may know, and be wishing us harm too. We were also told to watch out for campus security and especially not to go out at night. Evidently this didn't apply right now, as it was about midnight now, however he said that it might be best if Bob went with us. We decided to ask him, and found him still waiting outside Alex's room.

"Bob?" I said tentatively as we approached him. "Dan, what happened in ICU? Ryan wasn't hurt, was he?" He asked in a worried tone. "No, he wasn't but his father tried to get in, saying he was going to kill Ryan." "What! The bastard! He'd better keep out of reach or I'll..." His angry shouting was cut off as Tim clamped a hand over his mouth then reminded him that shouting in a hospital is not good manners, and it is not very smart to make death threats when a police officer guarding someone who was a victim of attempted murder is within ten metres (death threats are punishable by imprisonment in Australia). With that he quietened down. "Ryan's dad didn't get in, but he was fighting hospital security and when Officer Andersen turned up he pulled a knife and ran at him." I continued. "What did he do?" "Officer Andersen got him in the face with capsicum spray, and Mr. Mathers is now on the way to prison and Ryan has a police guard." "Good on him for nailing the bastard! I hope Ryan's dad rots!" "Bob, I think I just reminded you that shouting in a hospital is not good practice." Tim said in a mock angry voice, rolling his eyes. Then all our heads snapped round as a voice called out from the nearby room "Bob, is that you out there?"

"Alex!" Bob cried out, rushing to the room door, only to find his way blocked by the policeman, who insisted that only family members were allowed. Alex spoke up and told the officer that he was over 18 (and pointing out that it was technically "tomorrow" so he was following doctors orders) we were eventually allowed in, while the officer kept a close eye on us (he wasn't too happy about letting us in).

"Hey Alex" Bob said, sitting down in a chair next to his hospital bed, "how are you doing?" "Pretty well, still sore in the side, obviously, but OK. Thanks so much for dropping in when you did; you probably saved Ryan and me." "You guy's would have done the same. Gay or not, you're still good guys." "I hope everyone else at college sees it that way", turning to Tim and I he continued with: "Hi guys. Thanks for coming along. Can you three fill me in on what's been happening? The cops around wouldn't tell me anything, and Mum and Dad didn't know anything."

After getting the nod from the cop guarding the door, Bob gave him the whole story (excluding the stuff about the badge, if he knew about it). Alex was shocked to hear about Ryan's father, but was pleased to hear that he got hauled away. His parents had told him that Ryan would live and be OK, but wasn't conscious yet.

After generally chatting about stuff the policeman eventually got us out of the room, as Alex was tiring and needed rest. Bob agreed to accompany us home, and acted like a guard dog, always keeping a very good eye on the area around and on us at the same time. He drove home ahead of us and checked the carpark at college before he would let us unlock the doors of our car and checked every corridor on the way to our rooms (and insisted on going into both our rooms first to check them too). We eventually assured him that we were fine (both of us were in my room). I was a bit worried about him standing guard all night or something. Bob also promised to talk to the sportos around college tomorrow and try to get their support. He had a task and a half ahead of him, but between him and Tim they should be able to get the majority on their side, we just needed not to be outed before we had their solid support. Tim and I slept together, needing the contact. We slept late the next day, but neither of us slept very well at all.

Write if you want to hear more. Actually, please email me anyway.

Next: Chapter 13

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