College Mates

By The Haydster

Published on Mar 16, 2006


Disclaimer: This story contains love between two teenage males. If it is illegal to read this in your community, or if you are below the legal age, leave now. No responsibility is accepted by the author for any effects of this story , directly or indirectly. By continuing to read this, you accept that you are accessing this of your own free will, and indemnify the author against all cases.

College Mates by theHaydster Copyright 2006, theHaydster. All rights reserved Please email me at I have had severe writers block with this story, give me ideas please. Note: This story will NOT include sex in the near future, and will not include graphic sex at any time. This story is a love story.

Chapter 1

Hi. My name's Daniel O'Toole. I'm not sure how I came to get my last name, as there is absolutely no Irish in my family at all. Anyway, after school had finished, I had a great break. I could really get used to the three months that we get. Lounging around, snoozing, playing the computer, cycling, you know.

The problem with all good things is that they have to come to an end. This one came to a rude end with an e-mail from the uni, telling me that I need to enroll in my subjects, or they'll open up my spot to someone else. Within the next 2 days, I had enrolled in all my courses for the first semester, and signed on for all the tutorials and stuff. Once I looked at the book list, I immediately regretted choosing a science degree. The books looked like postgrad stuff, and were big as hell.

My family live a fair way out of town (i.e. 2 hours) so my parents decided that I should go to college and live on campus. To clarify this for any non-Australians, the university is where you study, the college is like a dorm, and it's where you live. There were a few colleges to go to, but they chose St. Peter's College. It's an all male college, but they had heard it was better then any of the co-ed ones. It made little difference to me, after going to an all-boys school. I guess they thought I wouldn't be distracted by all the girls around.

Now sounds like a good time to let you know something about me. I'm gay. Yeah, that's right. As you probably guessed, my parent's didn't know this when they sent me to the college, obviously. It's not something I'd have wished for, but I just try to cope with the hand I was dealt in life. At that time I was very much in the closet, and was worried about how people would react. Only one person knew, and that was Susan Anderson. Susan was my best friend, and the person I trusted the most. She also acted as my girlfriend sometimes, to avert suspicion from me being gay.

Well, I packed up my computer, my books (which were still shrink-wrapped), some other novels, my clothes and a few odds and ends. I figured that there wasn't really much more that I needed. We drove down to St. Peters College the weekend before O-Week (Orientation Week) with me crammed in the back amongst all my stuff. I reckon it ranks among the top 10 in most uncomfortable trips, including when we stuffed 5 people into the back seat built for 3. At least this time I didn't have to worry about getting hard, as I did that time.

Eventually, after what seemed about 20 hours driving, rather then 2, we arrived. We parked on the grass out the front (nowhere else to park), and went into the office. After signing some stuff, I got my key and I was lent an academic gown for the semester. I'm so glad that I don't need to wash that thing, it has more creases than a paper plane, and more pleats then the world's biggest skirt. My room turned out to be on the top level, opening onto a common balcony that I shared with everyone on my side of the building.

I guess I'd better explain the layout of college. They call their groups of about of 14 rooms "flats". Firstly there's the admin block, and 4 flats in line with it, parallel to the road, creatively named flats A, B, C and D. Flats A, B and C have upper and lower parts with 7 rooms on the bottom and 7 above them. Flat D has upper, middle and lower parts. The weird thing is that the college is built on a hill, so middle D is on the same general level as lower A, B and C. Directly behind D, there are flats E and J. Branching off from the middle of E (away from A flat), there are flats F, G and H. There is a separate house which is known as flat I (it has been converted into a flat with about 7 rooms in total). Finally there is K flat, which is underneath the dining hall. It also has only about 7 rooms.

My room turned out to be in Upper J flat, so we hauled my stuff up and in to my room. I had to share a bathroom with all the other people in Upper J, but it had two toilets and two showers, so I thought that it wouldn't be too bad. I wasn't looking forward to hauling my clothes 4 floors down and back up weekly though. The laundry is built down one level further down under J flat. It also opened out onto the ground, due to the slope.

Eventually, with the help of Mum & Dad, I was installed in my new room (a bed and desk were in the room, along with a built in cupboard and chest of drawers). The colleges have a network connection to the uni, which has super-fast net, which the colleges get to use. I found that to be really cool, it's faster than ADSL. Pity we only have so much download per month (unless we want to buy more).

Eventually my parents had to head off around 5, and I said goodbye to them. They wished me well, and told me to call anytime. I hate to admit it, but I started to feel homesick as soon as they left. Once I had waved goodbye I went into the dining hall and got some dinner. They have a sort of buffet arrangement, and you can just get what you like. The food turned out to be OK, not like some horror stories I've heard about college food, but not as good as home cooked stuff.

After eating dinner (I was starving), I came back to my room to find some people moving in next door. The guy's parents were moving some stuff in; I guessed he was getting some more stuff from their car. I got into my room and lay down on my bed for a while, after offering my help, which they politely declined.

I dozed off eventually; it had been a fairly big day. I woke up at around 7 and felt wide awake. I played around on my computer for a while; I've got some pretty cool shootout & strategy games on my machine. It helped pass the time, as there really wasn't much to do. I had just finished a game when there was a knock on my door. I replied "Come in".

In walked one of the hottest guys I have ever seen! He was about the same height as me, with the most gorgeous chestnut hair. His eyes twinkled like stars in the sky. He was super hot! I was struck speechless for a minute or two. "Hi. I'm Tim Carter", this vision of loveliness said to me, in the cutest voice. "H, h, hi" I managed to stammer out, "I'm Daniel O'Toole" I added, trying not to look thunderstruck. "I've just moved in next door, so I thought I'd introduce myself." I replied "I'm pleased to meet you. Where are you from?"

"I live about a days drive from here, on a property, you?"

"I'm only about 2 hours from here."

"Not too far then"


"Well, see you round"

"See you"

After Tim had left I sat down, feeling stunned. He was just incredible, and lived in the next room! I knew that he couldn't be gay, but I can dream, can't I? I went to bed soon after that, thinking about him.

The next morning Tim & I sat together for breakfast & chatted. We were doing the same degree, so we were in the same courses for this semester. We both weren't into sport all that much, and were intent on getting good marks. It turned out that there was an introductory lecture for all 1st year science students at noon, so we met up again and headed off for the lecture. We were in the middle of the campus, when we suddenly realized that we had no idea where the building was. Eventually we found someone who knew where it was, and pointed us in the right direction. We weren't the last people to arrive, and we didn't miss anything.

I managed to concentrate during the lecture, and took it all in, surprisingly. I'm surprised that I could concentrate with Tim sitting next to me. After the lecture finished, we head back to college for lunch.

"That lecture was boring, don't you think so Dan?"

"Yeah, I'm not entirely sure why we're supposed to go"

"I guess there's some weird reason."

For the rest of O-Week, Tim & I stuck together through all the O-Week stuff that the college put on (fun stuff). We're not really sure why, but we seemed to just keep gravitating toward each other without even meaning to. I think I'm getting a crush on him. If I do, I'll need to keep it hidden, as he'll explode if he finds out.

Please email me with comments and ideas. Flames will be ignored.

Next: Chapter 2

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