College Love

By moc.oohay@0002mleeramthgin

Published on Nov 27, 2007


I have so many stories to tell, and there all true. I will only write true stories as I find them to be the most interesting. This story is about my true love, and the events that made us what we are today. This will not be quick fuck story if that's what you were looking for. Names have been changed to protect the identity of the individuals involved. I hope you enjoy comments are welcomed at

"James" Bryan says with a soft voice, " I am bored of the Wii, can we do something else?" I am dumbfounded by his question, never has someone gotten so quickly bored of the wii.

"Okay" I say, wondering what he means by something else. "what do you want to do?" I ask anxiously.

"Do you want to go to the Leech center(that's the name of the on campus gym) and take a swim in the pool" he ask very nervously.

"Sure" I reply, "well let me put on my swimming trunks and we can head on out"

"NO!" he exclaims " I mean no" he says softer, " how about we take our clothes in a bag and change at the leech center locker rooms".

"Okay" I say, kind of confused by his exclamation. Bryan heads out of my room and goes to his to get his bag ready. As he walks out, we give each other one more glance, and in that moment I know he is all I've ever dreamed for.

Once Bryan is gone I begin stuffing one of my book bags with a towel, bathing suit, a fresh pair of boxers, and soap just in case we decide to shower after we get out of the pool. I zip up my bag and rush off to Bryan ' room. Before I can exit from my room there's a knock, its Bryan and he's wearing shorts. This was my first time seeing him in shorts; my penis hardens instantly. His legs were pretty muscled, at least more so than I thought they would be for someone who looked like they weight only 150lbs while standing at 6'1. I tried to find his penis print on the shorts, nothing. Oh no, I think to myself, could it be that small; naw, it can't be and regardless I don't want nothing to big anyway.

"Are you ready?" I ask.

"Ready as I'll ever be" he says. We exit out of the dorm and begin our walk to the gym. I am nervous and anxious and praying that he doesn't notice either. I keep playing the scene in my head; will go into locker room and begin to undress; he will strip before me and let his penis dangle in the air, I will take my shirt off revealing my muscular chest and drop to my knees and give Bryan a sucking like nothing he's ever had before. Of course this is reality and nothing turns out quite how you want it. We reach the gym and head to the locker room.

"I never been in the locker room" Bryan states

"Oh yeah, me either" I stated back. That was a lie; I had been in the locker room many times to ogle the other young men who were showering. But, there was no need for Bryan to know this. Once inside the locker room, I begin to stare hard at Bryan and wait for him to undress, but of course with my luck he was wearing his trunks under his swim suit. DAMMIT!!!! I cry in my head. Oh well, at least I'll get to see him shirtless, but this, this was not to be either. He took of his South Pole shirt only to reveal a skin tight swimming kind of shirt. I could still see the outline of his chest, but was to disappointed to look hard or long enough to care.

"Well, okay" I say, "Let me go change to" I head into a stall and begin to get undress. I refused to let him see me naked if I didn't get to see anything. So we go to the pool, we swim and have good time, but I am anxiously waiting until its time to shower off.

"Okay Bryan , I'm ready to head back to the dorm" I say

"Okay that's cool" he replies.

We head out but instead of going to the showers we just dry off and head back to the dorms. What a was I think to myself, but I did enjoy myself I begin to think it wasn't a complete waste.

"so what do you want to do now" Bryan ask. I am kind of confused by the question we had already been hanging out for 5 hours.

"Umm, I guess we can't get something to eat; do you like ice cream?" I ask.

"Yeah I love it" he answers

"Okay cool, we'll got to Cold Stone since its right across the street from the dorm. Lets head back to the room and get change first thought" I tell him. He complies and we head our separate ways to our respective rooms. Once dressed and ready we head to the ice cream shop.

"Crap" I say

"What's wrong?" Bryan ask

"I forgot my wallet in the room" I say

"That's fine I'll pay for it" Bryan says. Wow, I was shocked, in my previous relationship I had to pay for everything, even the rent once. Never had another man paid for anything for me, I almost started to cry.

Once we got our ice cream we decided to eat it in my room. So we sat down and ate our ice cream while watching sponge bob, which turns out to be both of our favorite shows. We begin talking and I decide its time I ask him the big question.

"So do you have a girlfriend" I ask knowing he's gay but trying to beat around the bush to play as if I don't know.

"Naw, I don't have a girlfriend. How about yourself?" he ask, probably not knowing I'm gay as I'm very straight acting.

"No" I reply. The room falls into silence. My heart begins to race, throbbing against my chest, the tension is building so much so that it hurts my insides. Finally I gain the strength to ask the question

"Soooo" I say nervously. "don't get mad or offended when I ask you this, but are you gay?" I finally manage to muster out. He stares at me blankly, than he smiles very cutely and then looks down into his ice cream and says...

Sorry it took so long but I was busy with projects and class this week. Let me know how you like this part and that'll determine how fast part 3 comes up. Also, I don't know if you guys noticed, but I try to respond to all comments I receive, so don't be surprised if you get a response from me when you send in your comments. Once again my email is and comments or anything else are very welcomed.

Next: Chapter 3

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