College Love

By moc.oohay@0002mleeramthgin

Published on Nov 16, 2007


This is my first time writing a story. I have so many stories to tell, and there all true. I will only write true stories as I find them to be the most interesting. This story is about my true love, and the events that made us what we are today. This will not be quick fuck story if that's what you were looking for. Names have been changed to protect the identity of the individuals involved. I hope you enjoy comments are welcomed at

I had been out of my first relationship for 4 months now. It was now January 19, 2007 and I was 20 years old ( I am now 21). I was heading back to my dorm on the west side of campus, returning from the gym, I was wearing a white t-shirt and some black basketball shorts. While I'm walking back my cell phone rings, it was one of my friends who works at the dorm I live in, she ask me If I would like to go to Wal-Mart with her. I say sure why not and that I will be there in 10 minutes. She then informs me that she has a friend in the office with her.

Oh great I think to myself, she always got to have some stupid friend with her. I almost called her back and declined the invitation, but I really needed to go to Wal-Mart, and I don't have a car to make things worse. I make my way to the front door of my dorm and brace myself before I enter the office my friend works in. I walk into the office...

"Hi Samantha" I say, to my friend who works their

" Hey James" she replies, " I would like you to meet my friend Bryan".

I turn my head slowly to the corner of the room where Bryan was sitting. My god, I think to myself. He was gorgeous. He looked to be about 6'1 and maybe 150 lbs. His skin was a light brown color and his hair was braided back (like Omarion or Bow wow) He had on a red polo and a pair of black jeans. I was very impressed to say the least.

"Hello James" he said to me, with a smirk on his face. I Guess he noticed me staring at his thin yet sexy body.

"Hi" I said, clearing my throat. I then noticed him looking over my body. I'm about 5'9 also have light brown skin, black hair, brown eyes, I weigh about 170 (all Lean Muscle). I consider myself very handsome, as many people have also told me this. On this day I had on a sleeveless t-shirt and some small running shorts on, being that I just came from the gym. I noticed his eyes gazed upon my soft penis. My shorts were so thin that you could see it poking, I kind of turn to my side so he would not get a good view of it. The room falls silent in awkwardness. Samantha knows I'm gay, I told her because she wanted to have sex with me. Everything's been cool with us since, we just never speak about my situation.

Samantha breaks the silence, "So James how was your run at the Gym"

"It was fine," I reply, not really wanting to talk to her, but thinking of something to say to Bryan .

"So, how long have you been in Tallahassee ( Florida )" I ask him. "Not long" he replies, "Only about 2 weeks, I just transferred up here".

"So where are you living" I ask anxiously, hoping he lives in this building.

"I live in this building" he replies "I'm on the second Floor".

I almost do a back flip I was so happy, finally someone who I thought was extremely attractive lived in the same building as me.

"Oh ok cool" I say to him, "I'm on the first floor if you ever need anything".

"James are you ready to go" Samantha ask me. I nod my head and we are out the door. I hear the door shut again, and it's Bryan. He asks Samantha if he can come along, she says sure. On the ride to Wal-Mart, were all talking, and I begin to hear a strange twang to Bryan's voice or way of speaking. Hmmm I think, he sounds kind of gay. My dick begins to throb with the prospect of him even being remotely gay. I shuffle in the seat so that Samantha does not see my 7 in long, 4.5 in thick dick (uncut by the way). We finally make it to Wal-Mart, get our groceries and head back home. Bryan and I talk the entire way back, which is like a 20 min ride back to the campus. When we finally get back to campus we all say our good byes and head to our respective rooms for the night.

The next morning I am awoken by a phone call from Bryan. He asks if he can come over and play my Nintendo Wii. I oblige instantly, but I am still confused as to how he got my number; I am to exited to really care about that right now. 10 minutes later there is a knock at my door, it's Bryan. I let him in. We head to my room, sit down on the bed and begin to play video games. Then something strange happens.

If you would like to hear the rest of this story email me comments at thanks for your time in advance. Hope you enjoyed the story so far.

Next: Chapter 2

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