College Lifestyle (College & Adult/youth

By James Rogers

Published on Sep 18, 2011



This story is complete fiction. Noone in this story is alive, dead just a figment of my imagination.

So to start off, my names Aaron I just turned 18 and now i was headed to college. I was actual scared to go there because all the "rednecks". I never got into the whole country Lifestyle Ya know, Even though I was born and raised in georgia. I was an average sized guy having green eyes and and light brown cut hair. For the most part Ive never been fucked and actually was glad my hole was tight. I was a top and anytime I could get a boy in bed he always had to be fucked even if he was bigger than me, well not in the dick department because my dick is atleast 7 inches hard and thicker than most. My body was smooth since i got waxed twice a month and shaved stubble off of me. Most would think I was a bottom because how i acted but I never wanted to be fucked.

It was the first day of college and An administrator showed me to my room. We walked into the decent two bed room.

"So son, You want to come to my dorm later tonight" The administrator said holding onto his crotch

"Dude Im A top, So unless you want to be fucked you can leave" I know..I know A little harsh to speak to an Administrator like that.

"Well Well, I guess looks can be deceiving, well your room mate should be here soon. I should get back to helping the other Freshmen" He winked at me and I noticed his cock bulging in the front of his left leg.

"Damn I need to work out, I cant keep letting people think im a bottom." Every one in my family looked young and innocent for some reason. I even thought My dad was my brother when i was like 8.

I laid in my bed thinking where all my posters were going to go until i heard a knock on the door.

"ITS OPEN!!!!" i yelled

In came in the cutest nerd Ive ever wanted to fuck. He had brownish blondish hair, glasses, but he didnt have pale skin...Odd. He came in trying to carry his bags but wasnt able to pick them up so he slid them on the ground.

"Need some help" I said getting up

"Please" he said laughing

"You look kinda young to be in college" I said wanting to just fuck him now. "Everyone says that" he laughed " Hey did some guy want to fuck you?" he asked

"Yeah" I said laughing

"What did you say" He asked looking at me deeply

"No, im a top" I said

"Oh thats cool, so are you gay" he asked

"Depends" I said

"On What"

"Well If i see a girl at a party, but if i see a guy cuter than he is first, So you must want my dick"

" well Im straight"

I thought thats a shocker

"You a virgin?"

"O-Of course not"

I laughed, and I knew he was lieing about being straight and not being a virgin, well we will see later.

"Oh My names Aaron" I said sticking out my hand

"Mines Luke" and his hand a was soft. I was 100% positive he was a virgin now.

So we talked and We got to know each other as we walked around campus. I seen some cute girls, and I bet They are DTF, ill see when theres a party.

"So you joining a faternity" Luke asked

"I dont know yet, Im just gonna che-"

"Watch Dumbass"

"Who you calling dumbass you ran into me" I said getting back up

"Aaron Calm down" luke said

"Naw this beef head thinks he's the shit, Ill beat your ass" I said as the Jock walked to me

"What you said Bitch" he said getting in my face

Luke got between us and tried laughing off some of the tention.

"You know what, Your not even worth the time beating up" He walked off and I still wanted to fight, but calmed down later.

"I see you can have a temper in that little body of yours" Luke said laughing

"well i try to keep it cool at times, im not a mean person whose always looking for a fight" I said smiling

"I can tell, but Do you know who that was" Luke looking shocked

"Uh some angry guy, who probably has a small dick" I said laughing

"No thats A junior Jock for the Foot ball team"


"And he has a ginormous Posse, That could flatten Both of us" luke said

"Oh I guess Ill have to be more careful then Huh?" I said sounding sarcastic

We kept walking and talking. Luke was a cool guy, but still a nerd though HaHa.

That night I slept very comfortable knowing I was going to fuck my new friend. I woke up this morning to luke bending over in his red and white breifs. His butt was stretching and i could see the outline of his creamy butt perfectly. He turned around and i could see he had a boner. He strocked it and pulled it unaware i was enjoying all of this. His face started turned and he started bucking his leg a little than he Let go A Deep Exhale. As his head rolled back and his underwear beginning to dampen.

I pretended to stirr and he jumped into his bed and took off his underwear. He threw his underwear at his dirty clothes bin and missed.

"Shit" He whispered

5 Minutes later I acted as though I just woke up. He was still red and his hair damp with sweat looking nervous.

I Let out a yawn

"Yo Dude"

"Gu-Good morning Man" He sounded nervous

I smiled and walked to his clothes ben.

"Had Fun" I said picking up his dirty underwear

"Uh..." He smiled nervously and tried to catch his composure.

"Sooooo.....Your jacken off already and you didnt even do it in bed"


"And I bet your naked under there huh?" I said walking over to his bed

"Woah- HaHa- Wait dont"

I pulled the sheets and revieled his 5 inchs of hard nerd meat. He was blushing red and his dick would pulse with his heart as he breathed-in quickly.


"Dude you were getting hard from me busting you about jacking off........I Knew It" I said smiling

I pulled my dick out and rubbed it in his face. He tried to lick it, but i pulled back and let out a stream of piss in his face.

"Wha-what are you doing" he said still taking my piss to his face

I just peed on his face and rubbed the head on his lips.

"Come On man Its time for class" I said playfully throwing his underwear in his face.

We got dressed and walked to class and he was kind of silent.

"Whats wrong man" I said as we walked under a Tunnel/Hallway

"Oh Its nothing" He said smiling and laughing

We walked to class and we sat next to each other. He would look at me in the corner of his eye and he looked so adorable with his glasses, red lips and blue eyes. It was funny how he was so paranoid and he had not made eye contact with me since this morning. I still remembered the look of shock on his face when I pulled the cover from his naked body.

"You know eventually your going to have to stop being paranoid" I put my arm around his shoulder

He loosened up by the time class stopped and we were off to wander the grounds.

This is a beautiful college the trees are trembling and the students were floatimg around campus talking to each other.

We just chilled in the cafe and he was still alittle fidgety.

"Hey Theres a party at frathouse..You wanna Come?" I asked

"Naw, I gotta hit the books for my calculus exam monday." He was still unsure of what happened

"Alright Man, theres gonna be alot of cute girls in skimpy skirts showing there Goods to anyone and everyone"

"Im okay" Luke said

"Okay" I said playfully pushing him

He laughed a bit and looked into my eyes with his mezmorizing blue eyes.



The party was a certfied college Frat Party. Liqour, pussy, and even some cute boys that sucked me up (mostly freshman like me)

I was One Word "WASTED" and i wanted to fuck bad as I was walking back to my dorm when An administrator pulled up to me in his car.

"Hey Kiddo"

I Thought Uh Oh this is the same guy from before.

"Hey" I said with a slurr

"Son are you intoxicated, because I do know your too young to be drinking" He said stepping out of the car.

He backed me up against a wall and kissed my neck. I was leaning against the wall on one leg and he slid his hand up my thigh. He began kissing and I got real into it as we swapped spit and got to know each others tongues.


"Shuuuuussssssh" Admin. put his finger on my lips and began unbuttoning my shorts

I was not so sure about this. I was too drunk to let a guy dominate me like this. He slid my shirt over my head...

"Look at these cute nipples, waiting to be played with and look at your cock...Oh you got a big one boy, but yours still aint big as mine." He had me in my underwear backed against the walls and his pants zipped down with his cock bulging out his boxerbriefs. He was messaging my soft dick.

"Aww your not gonna make it hard for me" He said still trying to stroke it..."Thats all right I dont want your cock anyway...THIS IS WHAT I WANT!" he said putting two fingers in my ass.

I couldnt help but gasp with pain as he twisted, pulled and stretched his fingers deep in my anal cavity.

"You werent lying about being a top, but your hole says you really want a man's cream inside you. Look at all this liquid coming out of your hungry hole." He kept licking my chest as he fingered me, he kept trying to make my dick hard by grinding his belly against it.

I was kind of nervous, I didnt want to be seen by anybody. He had me at a weak point, he was still in his business clothes while my underwear was on one foot, tanktop torn with two fingers in my ass.

"Alright Thats enough" He said pinning me to the wall with my legs on both sides of hus waist. I was no longer touching the ground just his belly on my bare hole.

He winked at me and pushed forward a little. I could feel his dick pushing against my hole, than...


"Nuh uh unnn" He whispered putting his hand over my mouth and smiling.

He began slowly adding his cock into me and it was excruciating. It felt like a Elephants trunk was trying to break into my ass.

"Long aint it boy, 10 inches of dick for a little boys hungry hole" He was trying to bottom out in me.

It felt like he was creeping up my intestine.

"Come on boy you can handle it" He said watching the tears come down my face

He kept going then I finally felt his pubic hair. He began fucking me slow having he jump off his dick than I would fall down his long shaft. As he did this the gasps became moans and I let them out uncontrolably. I put my arms around his neck he was able to palm both my cheeks and push me up each time. He fucked me and I started cumming Wildly. It flew every where on us and the wall behind us. I was spent but he kept goin. "Dangit boy you came already, welp im gonna take awhile" He was fucking me franticaly, and i couldnt take his shaft pulling and pushing my anal lips back and forth. I began moaning and yelping I tried to speak, but all you could hear was sobs. I guess he loved hearing me moan and cry because when he shot his load in me it felt like i was being filled like a water balloon. I felt his dick pulse in my hole and he slowly pulled his dick all the way out of me. It seemed like forever for him to pull his dick out of me but when he did I heard a nasty sloppy plop sound.

I was breathing heavily sitting down by the wall.

"Clean me Off boy" He said putting his dick by my lips

I refused and he continued by wiping the cum and ass juice on my hair and face. I felt vulnerable and weak after being fucked like that. My dick was still hard and i couldnt bring my self to get up or jack off.

I finally got up and he had already left. My butt felt gooey and squishy as I stumbled back to my dorm. I walked passed two other drunk students and we all looked a mess. I fumbled around with my keys and finally opened the door. I seen luke sleeping and due to my drunkness I got in bed with him. I felt his body press against my stomache and chest and I reached my hand around him. I began slidding down his underwear under his cock. I couldnt grip it very good so i used the thumb and finger method. He silently moaned and i could feel his heart pumping and breathing become faster.

"Ah Yes.. Im Gonna cum.....yes mmmm thats so nice..." I stopped and began to knead his ping pong sized balls.

"Yeah i know you want this, you ment to show me your sweet ass didnt you" I said pulling my dick out and placeing it between his ass ckeeks. I began to use his ass to jack off and I let a nother load of cum out of my dick onto his back and sheets.

I got out of the bed and went to mine and fell alseep. I dreamt about fucking that nerds sweet cherry ass and making him cum without touching his dick alot.

Comments & Roleplay @ Sorry for any errors

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